Welcome to The Saiyan's Cascade; a collaboration between Super Vegetarott and I-Am-So-Original. I-Am-So-Original was the original plot-designer for the story; Super Vegetarott was asked by Original to be a co-author for the story. He accepted, and thus, The Saiyan's Cascade was born. While we are both very busy people with a lot of external commitments, we both hope that you'll follow us for the awesome idea we have in store. The goal of this story is to incorporate all of the movies and OVA's of Dragon Ball (obviously not Evolution, mind you) and introduce them in a way that makes everything logical and able to relate to canon. As such, we will try to include reasoning for why everything happened the way it did in our fanfiction; nothing will go unexplained. We both hope you'll enjoy this story and leave your praise and criticism.

The Saiyan's Cascade

Saiyan Saga

Chapter 1 - A Timely Intervention

Cascade: (noun) A process that occurs in successive stages, each of which is dependent on the preceding one, often producing a cumulative effect.

Some lives and destinies can change with a single and simple event. In the story you all know, King Kai had entirely forgotten about the fateful day of the Saiyans' arrival, and had thus forgotten to factor the amount of time Goku would take to get back to the check-in station. However, in this alternate universe, King Kai had remembered the 'doomsday' that Raditz—Goku's brother—had predicted for Earth and her people, leading to a story where Son Goku arrived on time to the battlefield.

Planet of the North Kai, Age 762:

Son Goku landed heavily onto the ground after a strenuous set of two-finger pushups. He wiped his brow with his wristband and flipped over onto his back, gasping heavily as oxygen rushed into his lungs. He lifted himself up and hollered at King Kai, waving his right arm from side to side excitedly.

"Hey King Kai! You finally awake?" Goku yammered quickly. "Awesome! I was just getting a bit hungry; do you have any breakfast?" Suddenly, as if on cue, his stomach rumbled with a planet-shaking force.

The half-awake Kai stumbled backwards, overwhelmed by the daunting task of cooking enough food to satisfy the Saiyan. As he fell backwards, he hit the back of his head on a small pointed rock. The tip jabbed straight into the Deity's lower cranium, and he comically jumped three feet in the air, wailing as his hands covered the throbbing red bump.

As North Kai landed quickly on his feet, his face contorted in horror. No... it couldn't be possible. How could he have forgotten after all this time? This was bad; very bad. It was not that he lacked any faith in Goku's abilities... But... Could it be that the time had arrived?

Goku, immediately sensing King Kai's change in aura, jumped to his feet in concern. The rumbling in his stomach ceased and his face maintained a stony expression as he stared at his master with fear and worry.

"It's time... isn't it, King Kai?" Goku asked solemnly, his voice becoming uncharacteristically serious and deep.

The azure-colored deity nodded, swallowing a lump in his throat as he raised his head towards the sky. He stared at his pupil, whom had trained under him so arduously for so long, with concern. "I'm afraid so, Goku. The Saiyans are going to be here in a couple more days. I had almost forgotten to calculate the time it would take you to get back home on Snake—."

Goku's jaw gaped open in horror. "WHAT?! You mean I have to go the ENTIRE WAY BACK on Snake Way?! Can't you just teleport me back to the check-in station or something?"

"Don't worry about that, Goku," the master assured. "By my calculations... if you were to leave right at this moment, with your increased power, you would be able to jet back to Earth's check-in station with plenty of time to spare. Luckily, I remembered about that just in time! Who knows what would have happened if I hadn't, right?" King Kai could not help shudder at the thought of being so close to forgetting about such a crucial piece of information.

"Hahahaha... I guess that's a good thing," Goku chuckled nervously. "I'm pretty sure that I've mastered your techniques by now, so that shouldn't be a problem."

"Well, let's make sure you're certain! Before you go, let's do a last-minute final exam!" King Kai exclaimed. Inside, he knew that Goku had mastered the ancient techniques to a level far beyond his own, but, the frighteningly large power levels of these ruthless Saiyans unnerved him. Goku would have to increase his powers to unprecedented levels if he expected to defeat Prince Vegeta.

He pushed these doubts to the corners of his mind, knowing full well that if he were to reveal them, his pupil would not be able to maintain his focus and concentration on the task at hand. King Kai's mind rushed through a list of possible tests which could prove that Goku had mastered the ancient arts of the Kaioshin. The Kai's blue fingers tapped his chin repeatedly until he had finally made his decision.

"Goku, this will be the last day of your training with me. You've done well, but I'm afraid you're lacking in one area: you still can't seem to deliver a good joke when the pressure's on." North Kai snorted and turned his head towards the brown monkey at his side. As usual, no one on the small planet even cracked a smile. "Okay Bubbles, you're up..."

The cheerful monkey hooted as he approached Goku's side. The 10G gravity seemed to have no effect on his motions, fluid and precise as they were. Bubbles prepared himself for the race that was about to ensue and tensed his muscles, while Goku remained relaxed in his standing position.

"On your mark... Get set... aaaaaaaaaaaand... GO!" King Kai shouted, initiating the race with the click of a stopwatch that he seemed to have materialized out of nowhere.

Bubbles zipped forward, his legs becoming a blur as he attempted to elude the Saiyan's grasp. Unfortunately for Bubbles, however, Goku had already leapt forward and had wrapped his arms around the monkey's stomach in the span of precisely 0.5 seconds.

King Kai was awestruck by the results that were being displayed on his stopwatch. "WOW! Less than a second... A new record." He replaced the device and nodded towards the green insect at his other side.

Goku laughed cheerfully, lightly dropping Bubbles to the ground and anticipating his next challenge. The Saiyan raised on Earth looked to his left and saw King Kai ready to announce the next test.

"Next... Gregory!"

The green cricket jumped forward squealing, "All right! Haha!" in his high-pitched voice as Bubbles handed Goku a heavy blue hammer. Gregory placed two hands to his hips as he powered up for flight.

"On your mark... Get set... Go!" King Kai screamed again as Gregory manifested a blue spherical aura around him. The cricket sped towards Goku, who seemed to dematerialize in front of him. Confused, Gregory decreased his velocity momentarily. Goku reappeared behind Gregory and lightly tapped him on the head with the hammer.

King Kai clicked the stopwatch again and was astonished by the results again.

"1.2?!" he mumbled. "Uh... Astounding!"

Goku beamed, "Hey, thanks!" while Gregory vigorously rubbed his head from the pain.

"Well..." King Kai grinned. "Okay, now it's time to test the Spirit Bomb!"

Goku's eyes narrowed with determination. "I've been waiting for this..." he gripped his right fist and screamed, channeling the power from the surrounding living objects as he bent forward with effort. The flowers and trees seemed to glow with a haze as they released energy into the atmosphere. Goku raised his arms towards the sky, raising his head upwards as he gathered the genki within him. He lowered his arms and exuded an aura of pure power...

"Excellent... Now form it into a ball," coached King Kai from a healthy distance away.

Goku focused his energy flow and slowly coalesced the genki into his hands, manifesting it into a tangible form. The white aura around him flared violently as he focused the energy in his fist.

"'Kay... whenever you're ready, King Kai!" he announced, tensing his muscles. "Let 'er rip!"

King Kai nodded in acknowledgement, "Alright! Here goes!" He raised his arm, telekinetically moving a crimson brick through the air.

"Remember Goku, don't use your eyes," the master exclaimed in encouragement. "Feel it out!"

"Right!" nodded the Saiyan as King Kai waved his arm forwards. The brick flew past Goku at an astonishing speed, and followed the curvature of the planet's atmosphere as if it were a satellite.

The crimson brick reached King Kai's location once again, but this time Goku released the energy in his arm with a shout. A white fireball of energy struck the cuboidal object, shattering it into dust with a brilliant explosion. The winds that followed rocked the planet like a hurricane. The houses swayed, and a tree was uprooted by the powerful gusts. Goku released a sigh of relief as he successfully executed the Genki Dama technique.

"Ah... I... can't believe it," King Kai stuttered in awe. "Well done, Goku. To be perfectly honest, I didn't think you'd be able to handle the Spirit Bomb so skillfully!"

"It wasn't easy," Goku claimed as he wiped sweat from his brow.

"Mmm..." King Kai nodded in understanding. "Goku, you mustn't forget: the energy used to form the Spirit Bomb is gathered from all forms of life—from trees, from animals, from plants—even the particles of energy that make up the air in the atmosphere contribute a small share of energy to the bomb. Therefore, you must be very careful. You see, you have mastered the Spirit Bomb here, on this small planet. But the Spirit Bomb that you'll form on Earth, with its innumerable life forms, will have immense power compared to this small one. And if the sun happens to be up when you form the Spirit Bomb, you'll be harnessing and trying to control a power of indescribable magnitude that could easily destroy the Earth if even the slightest error is made when handling it."

"Hmm..." Goku nodded with a grim look on his face.

"If possible, I'd like you to refrain from using the Spirit Bomb, but if you must, use it only once. Understand?"

"Got it," Goku nodded once again, the confident aura returning to his posture. "I'll stick to the Kaio-ken technique. That should do it!"

"Well, I'm afraid the time has finally come for us to say our goodbyes. The Saiyans arrive for Earth soon. So it's best that I send you on your way."

"What about my friends?" Goku asked quizzically. "Don't they still need to wish me back to life?"

"It should take you quite some time to get back, and while you're dead, you'll have additional reserves of energy. If you contact them now, they should be able to revive you by the time you're halfway across Snake Way. That shouldn't be too bad, right?" King Kai seemed perfectly assured of his plan.

"Well, it's gonna take them some time to gather the dragon balls. So I think it'd be best I called them now," Goku exclaimed with glee.

"Okay, then. Before we do that..." King Kai waved his arms as a new uniform appeared, replacing Goku's tattered one. "I made this one light as a feather, and durable enough to reflect small ki attacks. I even added my own logo on the back, so that you can honor to your old master, while giving me some advertising space at the same time!" The blue deity snickered at his joke.

"Awesome! Thank you so much, King Kai!" The Saiyan shouted with enthusiasm.

The North Kai turned around and pointed his back towards Goku, signaling him to place his hand on the deity's back. "All you have to do is tell me who you wanna call, and then talk as if they were right there."

'Now... who do I know that could get this done in the shortest amount of time?' Goku wondered to himself. 'After all... I am in a rush. That last-minute exam that I just took cut my time down significantly. Oh! I know! I'll call Bulma! She'll get this whole thing done as soon as possible!'

The tall, but slender Saiyan placed his hand on King Kai's back, as instructed, and asked to call his friend Bulma. North Kai nodded and connected a telepathic signal between the two friends.

Meanwhile on Earth...

A blue-haired woman crashed onto her crimson couch after a long night of work in the lab. She rested her head on a cushion and her legs on the opposite end. Bulma Briefs yawned loudly and raised a hand to her mouth. Just as she was about to rest her eyes for some well-deserved sleep, an echoing voice cut through her mind.

"Hey, Bulma!" yelled the cheerful voice of her childhood friend, Son Goku. "It's me! I can't talk for long; King Kai says we're running out of time, so I'll make it really quick. I need you to gather the dragon balls as soon as you can and wish me back to life. The Saiyans are gonna be here in a few days. Gotta run, bye!"

The genius inventor shot straight up from her resting position and stared at the ceiling with confusion and awe.

Was that... Son-kun? How was he able to talk to her now? Wasn't he dead? The others had mentioned something about training in the afterlife, but she never expected him to be able communicate so conveniently. Hold on a second...

Bulma's eyes gaped open as she was suddenly reminded of her responsibility. 'It's gonna be a loooooooong day,' she thought to herself as she put on her trench coat and grabbed the keys to her vehicle. 'I better call Roshi and tell him to get ready...'

Back on King Kai's Planet...

"Well, King Kai..." Son Goku began. "It's been an incredible journey! Thank you so much for the training and techniques, not to mention these awesome new clothes! I hope they'll come in handy when I take on the Saiyans..."

"You've taught me as much as I've taught you, Goku," King Kai responded with a wave. "Never forget that. And besides, if anything ever happens to you, you can just come right back here... hahahaha."

Goku chuckled good-naturedly. "There are some things you just don't joke about, King Kai. I promise to put these techniques to good use." He raised two fingers in a sign of both future peace and as a farewell gesture. Well, until next time!"

The Saiyan raised on the Planet Earth leaped off the planet with a powerful grunt and landed on the marble-tiled Snake Way. He took one look back and gave a childish wave before darting off in a streak of blue energy.

Kame House, Several Hours Later:

Bulma, Master Roshi and Oolong gathered around the seven orange spheres that had changed their lives forever. Bulma could tell from Goku's rushed tone that their deadline was soon approaching, but for some reason, she could not help but think back to the day she had met Son Goku. That innocent, naive boy had grown up to become an innocent, naive young man; it made her proud to think of Goku as her little brother. She quickly shook her head, thinking her distraction was a symptom of her lack of rest.

She waved her arms above the dragon balls that she had laid upon the sand of the island, shouting, "Eternal Dragon! By your name I evoke thee! Arise, Shenron!"

The seven crystal balls flashed with an ominous yellow shine and a low hum. Stormy grey clouds covered the earth in a blanket of darkness, and bright golden sparks of lightning rained down upon the unsuspecting inhabitants of Planet Earth...

Meanwhile, at Break Wasteland...

"A-Ah a storm! I've never seen anything like it!" stammered a young Saiyan hybrid, staring at the rapidly-darkening skies in fear.

However, his master Piccolo stared intently at the clouds with a look of fierce determination; his jaw tightened as he analyzed the implications of such a phenomenon.

'That's no storm...' Piccolo thought to himself, wondering what this could possibly mean for him and his protege...

Back at Kame House...

The ominous hum grew louder in intensity and the orbs were bathed in an eerie golden light, causing Oolong to grip the folds of Bulma's dress in fear. Though, of course, there is no true way of telling if he was genuinely scared... or just looking for an opportunity to grope Bulma.

Noticing this scandalous behavior, the blue-haired woman narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She immediately pushed Oolong away, overcoming his fierce resistance with pure willpower. If stares were daggers, the pig would be nothing more than diced cubes. Bulma fixed her eyes at Oolong, silently threatening him.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning was released from the spheres into the sky, diverting Bulma's attention. This "reverse lightning bolt" curved and twisted in the air, and from it was borne an emerald green dragon. Its red eyes stared menacingly at the creatures who had dared disturb it from its slumber.

"WHO DARES DISTURB MY SLUMBER?" boomed Shenlong, the dragon of Earth, his voice echoing through the sky.

'Uh... I don't think I'll ever get used to this,' thought Oolong to himself. 'Even my nose hairs are standing up!'

"Ahem... Mr. Shenron... sir?" coughed Bulma timidly. "Hi there! Umm, I know we're all running short on time here, so... Could you please-"

"...kill the Saiyans who are coming here to Earth!" interrupted Oolong, too selfish and cowardly to care about the fate of his oldest friend.

Muten Roshi gaped open in horror as all hope seemed to drain the color from his skin. 'How could he just waste our wish so easily?! Goku's our friend! We need to bring him back to life!'


Bulma heaved a sigh of relief and glared at Oolong for nearly wasting their wish. She took a deep breath and shouted, "Then we wish for you to revive the soul of Son Goku. Please bring him back to life!"

The dragon's eyes glowed bright red as the legendary hero of Earth was brought to life once again. The gang looked around, turning their heads from side to side, expecting to see their hero standing next to them... However, Son Goku was nowhere to be found.

But somehow, Bulma knew in her heart that the wish had worked... She knew that Goku was going to return... and that he was going to save them all... It was only a matter of time...

A Few Days Later...

At precisely 11:43 AM in East City, two UFO's had landed on the Earth. Obviously, this attracted many to investigate these objects. Upon further inspection, the UFO's were identified as spaceships. As a throng of citizens gathered around the mysterious pieces of technology that had invaded their homes, a pneumatic hiss rang through the air. The two orb-like objects released steam as their doors opened, both revealing a figure. One looked bulky and powerful; the other slim and short. If they only knew the danger that these two mysterious aliens had brought along with them...

The croud murmured even louder as the two aliens revealed themselves to look like... humans! They looked exactly like humans, albeit with strange clothing, and a furry brown belt of some sort.

How was this possible? What did this new revelation mean? How would this discovery change the definition of history?

All of these questions resonated through the minds of these innocent humans... but none of them were to be answered.

For at that precise moment, the Saiyan Nappa-the giant inhabitant of one of the spaceships-promptly decimated the city by merely lifting two fingers. A giant wave of blue energy shot across the diameter of the city, reducing it to nothing more than rubble.

The sudden exertion of ki rang through the Z-Fighters' minds like nails on a chalkboard. This power was easily more than double the energy that Raditz had displayed nearly a year before. Piccolo, Gohan, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu all nodded in unison, despite having been in different locations. It was time to put their training to the test.

The Saiyans had arrived on Earth, and had claimed the first blood. It was a signal... The Battle for Earth had officially begun.

Paprika Wasteland, Several Hours Later...

With a mighty shout, Yamcha knocked back the green creature with a cupped strike to the solar plexus. However, the Saibaman simply caught itself on its hands, flipped over, and darted back into battle with a headbutt to Yamcha's chest, forcing him to stagger backwards.

It was unreal, this creature's strength. From what the Saiyans had told them, the cultivated life forms-referred to as Saibamen-had power levels that equated to that of Raditz, the Saiyan who'd attacked Earth nearly a year ago. It was mind-boggling to think that these warriors could grow their own Raditzes. If Raditz was really that weak... what could it say about these Saiyans' power levels? Yamcha dared not ask...

However, the thief-turned-hero did not allow this to discourage him. If anything, it motivated him to persevere even more so. Kami's training on the lookout had elevated his power to levels that he once thought were impossible to attain, and he had done so in the short time-span of one year! If Tien could overwhelm one of these cultivated life forms, Yamcha knew he could as well.

With renewed resolve, he rushed forward and engaged the imp with a series of blows, breaking right through the creature's defenses and delivering a series of brutal punches and blows to his opponent's abdomen.

After dealing what he thought to be enough damage, Yamcha went in for the kill; he tucked his left leg into his right and rushed forward with a kick that sent the creature into a mountain of rock.

"And that takes care of that!" Yamcha turned to his fellow fighters, puffed out his chest, and smirked. "See, it was nothing!"


Pivoting on his heel, Yamcha gasped. "W-Wha?!"

The Saibamen rushed forward and rammed its fist into Yamcha's face, causing the bandit to cover his eyes as he backed away in pain from the sucker punch. The cultivated creature capitalized on its opportunity, burying its foot into Yamcha's ribcage.

However, Yamcha refused to lose; he would NOT be proven a laughingstock again! Willing himself onwards, the former bandit ignored the pain in his body and rushed forward with a kick to the creature's chest, dragging him upwards and sending him flying into the air.

The Saibaman flipped in mid-air and flew towards Yamcha, its green arms outstretched and a sneer forming on its lips. Yamcha responded with a clever sneer of his own as he vanished from the creature's sight. The green being screeched to halt in mid-air, turning its head from side to side, wondering to where his prey could possibly have run off.

Suddenly, a ZIP noise was heard behind the Saibaman's head. Yamcha reappeared behind his opponent, his legs pointed towards its neck. He bent his right leg and quickly outstretched it, the strike colliding with the Saibaman's neck with a loud CRACK.

All the Z-fighters cheered in excitement, anticipating Yamcha's finishing move. They knew it was over; the vile creature had fallen for Yamcha's trap! The Saibaman was launched towards the ground as a result of the kick.

With a grin on his face, the scar-faced bandit cupped his hands to his right hip, charging a pulsing blue blast in the creases of his palm. "Take this! Kaaaa...meee...haaa...meee...HAA!"

The blast rocketed out of Yamcha's palms, arcing through the air as it traveled to meet the Saibaman head-on, colliding with a blue flare of light and sandwiched the cultivated lifeform with the ground in a massive mushroom-shaped dust cloud.

As it dispersed, a soft-pitched whine filled the air, leaving no trace of the Saibaman behind. Yamcha grinned toothily at his handiwork and turned around, eyes closed and fist raised in victory. "Looks like that's done. Anyone else want a crack at these imps, or should I just clean-"


Suddenly, Yamcha pivoted on his heel with a horrified stare as the Saibaman pounced; the creature starting to glow with an exuberant light.. He was a fool; he shouldn't have underestimated his opponent. He'd done so before, and it'd nearly cost him everything-including his life. His friends were just as stupefied as he was; there was no time for them to act. Even Piccolo, the strongest among them, wouldn't be able to intercept the cultivated life-form. The former bandit closed his eyes, accepting death as it stared him between the eyes.


A gust of wind blew through the air currents, causing Yamcha's hair to blow violently in the breeze; he had to shield his eyes from the constant dust and debris that were flung in his face.

"Stay away from my friend!"

That voice...it couldn't have been...

His eyes opened.

Suddenly, a tall, powerful figure donned in a bright orange gi appeared in front of him. His azure belt flowed gently in the calming winds as he took a step forward, his dark boots kicking up dust in the barren wasteland below him. With a fierce grunt, he powered up briefly, his white-blue aura knocking the cunning creature back. He quickly raised his arm and screamed fiercely, releasing a jet of concentrated wind that ripped the would-be assassin to shreds.

All the fighters, including the remaining Saibamen, gasped at the appearance of this phantom. The Z-fighters' mouths gaped in shock, and the Saiyans' eyes widened at his sudden display of power...

Only one thought ran through their minds: The moment for which they had waited for so long had finally come...

Son Goku, the Saiyan raised on Earth, had finally arrived...

That concludes Chapter 1 of The Saiyan's Cascade. We worked extensively on this chapter, and the effort hopefully shows. As stated above, both I-Am-So-Original and Super Vegetarott are busy people, both with real life and other commitments. However, we will strive to give you the fastest update we can with only the highest quality we can offer. Thanks for reading The Saiyan's Cascade's first chapter, and we both hope you'll join us for the rest of the story!