The worth of a heart.

Chapter 1: A daughter's duty to her father.

I don't own treasure planet.

Sliverstar pov

I ran around the Benbow taking orders "Yes, more juice. One moment; Oh take a seat, I'll be there in a moment." I got frustrated and turned to the stairs "DAD, WOULD GET DOWN HERE AND HELP A GIRL OUT?" when dad didn't respond I turned and went to the kitchen.

My name is Sliverstar, I'm sixteen. I've been here since I was born. My dad, James Hopkins, owned the Benbow since grandma passed.

"Ben, have you seen Dad? I need some help out here. We're packed." I asked the robot as I sat down for a moment. "Sorry, Star, I forgot to tell you. He went solar-surfing a little bit ago." He responded. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Ben turned and gave me a worried look "You okay, Star? You look a bit pale." I smiled "I always look pale. I rarely go out."

Just then, Dad and morph came in looking pleased with their trip. I put my hands on my hips. Dad looked at me and his smile faltered "Uhoh, Morph, what did we do this time? She's giving us the look mom gave us when we got into trouble." I sighed again and sat down holding my head. "We're packed and she's exhausted because she tried to wait the tables alone again." said Amelia coming in. I groaned and lay don't on the table.

Jim pov

I rubbed the back of my neck. Star seemed to think it was her duty to do something to help keep the Benbow afloat. Despite today, we haven't been getting near as much money as we did when mom was around. We could barely make ends meet. I looked at my only child and smiled when I saw she was peacefully asleep. I scooped her up and turned to the room "I'll take her to bed, could you all help around the tables?" they nodded and I left.