Author's Note: Ok, I'm getting ideas for this story *ow ow! It hurts my head!!* And I think I might make this multi-chaptered with different couples. But this first one is definitely Harry + Hermione! I'm thinking about adding a Draco/Ginny (for the benefit of Amanda ^_^) and I might get some Ron/Lavender or something for anybody else who likes him…This story is pure fluff…most of my works are. (hahaha and yet that stuff never happens to me) So…enjoy the fluffiness and send bananas to Bobbo…space monkeys like bananas a lot.
.Chapter One.
Hermione sat on the couch, completely immersed in her book. The Gryffindor common room's fire crackled, casting its ruddy glow upon her face. She curved her legs around her and shifted to make herself comfortable once again. She felt eyes upon her and looked up to see Harry Potter staring at her. She smiled at him and immediately returned her attention to the book ahead of her.
Harry sighed. Hermione was oblivious to his feelings, and sometimes he thought that it was for the best. He'd somehow fallen in love with his best friend earlier that year and could do nothing but pine for her as he watched her from a distance. As she caught him staring, he blushed crimson and smiled, pretending to read his book once more. So much for distance. He couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so beautiful in the firelight, not that she didn't always look beautiful, but the light of the fire enhanced her beauty to a totally different degree. He tried once more to read the words of the book he had in his hands, but he ended up reading the same line over and over without even retaining what he'd read.
The rest of the Gryffindors slowly filed out of the room, and one by one the room finally emptied. Harry sighed, this was probably the 285th time he'd read the line: "To make a sleeping potion, you will need a pound of dung beetles and a 13 day old radish." Somehow in his blurring vision, the words were turning into new lines such as: "To get Hermione to be your girlfriend, you will need to ask her out," and: "Just ask her out you dumb prat!" He shook his head and his vision cleared once again. His eyes lingered to her once again, soaking in every line, every curve, everything about her that made her Hermione.
Hermione felt eyes on her again and knew it was Harry. Not only was he the only person in the common room left besides herself, he'd been staring at her all night…and truthfully it was getting rather annoying. She slammed her book shut and glared up at him. Harry gulped.
"What is it, Harry? You're eyes have been on me like white on rice! Is there something on my face? Do I have a pimple?" she asked, prodding her face. Harry quickly shook his head like a frightened child. "Then what is it!?" she shrieked.
Harry guiltily closed his book and set it down on the table. He stood and walked over to the couch, plopping down on it beside her. Hermione sighed, she knew there was something on her friend's mind, and mentally prepared herself for a pep talk he so sorely needed. Harry's world was out of focus; he was so close to Hermione he could barely smell her shampoo. Rather nice actually. Hermione looked at him, he was staring at her with the oddest expression…like he had just been clunked on the head by a bludger. Harry couldn't help himself as he leaned closer. Hermione looked confused but said nothing.
"Would you be mad?" Harry inquired, still looking rather dazed.
"Mad?" Hermione asked suspiciously. Had he walked in on her naked without her knowledge? Had she done something repulsive? Had he been reading her diary??
"If I kissed you now…" he whispered. Harry's mind was hazy, he couldn't think, he couldn't rationalize, all his thoughts were on Hermione. Hermione's eyes were wide with shock and her jaw sagged slightly. Harry leaned in closer and kissed her lips softly. It was a sweet and simple kiss, yet Hermione felt something deeper in it, an inner longing that he was trying to keep out. And even worse…she felt herself responding. She didn't want to get romantically involved with her best friend! Their friendship meant the world to her, and she didn't want them to have a falling out and loose what she cherished so dearly. She never could admit to herself that she did occasionally sneak glances at him, sometimes longing to hear what he would only tell Ron, wondering why he wouldn't tell her as well. And yet it all came tumbling out with this kiss. It broke all her barriers and her emotions were free to flow out. She knew that no matter how much she didn't want it, some of her really did. Harry's lips left hers suddenly, and she opened her eyes to see him in a state of shock.
"Harry?" she said softly. He blinked rapidly, clearing his head once again.
"Did that just really happen?" he asked.
"You mean the kiss?" He blushed in acknowledgement. "Well, yes, that did happen. Was it not supposed to?"
"Well…I mean-er-no…but…yes…er…just not…" Harry sputtered, turning a peculiar shade of red.
"Harry, would you be mad?" Hermione asked with a sly glean in her eyes. He was still stuttering about how sorry he was, but frowned and stopped.
"Mad?" He was worried…worried that she would never want to speak to him again…not that he didn't understand her logic…but they had six years of history together…was she willing to throw that away?
"If I kissed you now…" She leaned in and pressed her lips against his. He seemed surprised but quickly regained his composure, responding eagerly. Her hands framed his face as he ran a hand up and down her back, finally enclosing her into his embrace. They broke apart a time later, breathless from their snogging escapades.
"So…you didn't mind? I mean, the kiss and all?" Harry asked.
"Mind?" Hermione grinned and laughed. "Harry, if I had minded, I would've hexed you into next week." Harry laughed at that and smiled his first true smile since he'd fallen for his best friend.
"So does this make you my girlfriend?"
"Only if you want me to be."
"Well, I definitely do," Harry said, his emerald eyes capturing her gaze, "if you want me as your boyfriend."
"Hmm…I guess I can manage to fit you onto my planner." The grinned at each other and closed the distance between them once more.
Author's Note: Ok, really, really short. Nice and fluffy I guess…This has gotta be the shortest thing I've ever written, but look out for the next chapter. Its gonna be Draco/Ginny (for Amanda)…I don't really read much of them, but I'm gonna try my hardest to make it work. So…enjoy! And review…I know it sucks, so save the flames. Bobbo would like a peach perhaps…