"I'm taking a break." He nods, understands. We've been partners for years. If anyone would get it, he would. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Richard… be careful. If you don't find what you're looking for…"

"I will. I've got to." He nods once more.

"Meet me at the cave, and I'll get you some extra supplies." I smile.

"Thanks, Bats."

It all happened so fast. He's too young, and has too much to do before he's finally gone. He left his fiancé, his family, his team… and me. He left me.

But he's out there somewhere. I know I can get him back, if I tried. And I'm about to give him my all.

So watch for me, Kid Flash. I'm coming for you, buddy.

DC Nation... I've lost all hope in you. But don't think you've created the end. For true fans, there will always be hope. Always.

I don't own Young Justice. If I did...