Chapter Eleven: Stoick's "Amazing" Idea

He stood there for a moment before getting a crazed look on his face.

"I know!" he screamed, so everyone was now scared for life.

"You know what?" asked Hiccup, shaking with fear.

"I know what will make the villagers happy!" he answered, everyone on Berk was watching him now. "A cruise! Time away from Berk will help, especially with their dragons!"

"A cruise?" asked the gang.

"Yes, leaving in a month, to get time for preparations, of course!" Now, all of the villagers were cheering and bouncing up and down. The gang stood there, watching their chief like he had gone insane. Even Ruffnut ad Tuffnut stared, and that says something.

"Erm.." Hiccup said.

"It is settled! The village of Berk is going on a cruise!" he announced. "But, Hiccup you guys can stay," he added to the scared-for-life group.

Well, there that is! This was the ending of Family and Enemies, but do not cry! There will be a sequel called "Hiccup's Adventure". Also, there will be a third addition and possibly a story on Jasmine's life. So, review about what you think! Also, if you are confused about Heather's night fury powers that is because a glitch was brought to my attention by one of my readers, so I reposted chapters 8-11. If there are any more missing chapters PLEASE TELL ME SO! ;) I will be posting Hiccup's Adventure when I can (hopefully this weekend), so Read and Review while you are waiting!