Well guys, thanks for reading, I'm finally finished with this wonderful story and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. (:

Ulrich opened his eyes and looked around the room, he couldn't believe it, had it all been just a dream? Once again he was in a hospital room, however, this time, he was completely alone. No police officers or Odd this time. He sighed, this whole time all he wanted was for it to be true, for Yumi to have still been alive.

"Hey honey how are you holding up?" Sissi warmly smiled as she walked in. I just checked on Odd and luckily he's okay, how 'bout you? The doctors say anything yet?"

Honey? Ulrich was at a loss for words, why had Sissi just called him honey? Panic began to set in when he saw that she was wearing a wedding ring. Could it be that he had married Sissi and Yumi was somehow alive and married to William?

"I'm fine Sissi, say could you tell me what happened, I uh, I'm not quite sure" Ulrich sighed, he was really hoping that she didn't say they crashed on the way back home from Yumi's service.

"You idiots crashed on the way back from camping and you scared me to death."

Ulrich couldn't believe it, it was Yumi.

"You know I really should just never let you leave my side, apparently you and Odd can't be trusted," Yumi warmly smiled with tears running down her face as she ran to embrace Ulrich.

"Yumi, you're, you're alive!" Ulrich smiled with tears running down his face.

"I'm alive? No, you're alive! You're the one that was in the accident, not me. We were lucky that you and Odd only suffered minor scratches and bruises. Thanks for calling me Sissi," Yumi smiled as Sissi nodded and walked out of the room.

Ulrich had no idea what was going on but honestly, he didn't care. All that mattered was that Yumi was there with him, alive.

"Here hop on the bed with me Yumi, you look tired, you need to rest." Ulrich warmly smiled as he made room on the hospital bed for her.

Yumi simply nodded in agreement and hopped on. "You really scared me, Ulrich, I don't know how I could go on living if something would've happened to you. You know that right?"

Ulrich smiled, "Yes Yumes, trust me I could imagine the pain. But don't worry, Odd and I are fine. Get some sleep, we can't talk tomorrow first thing in the morning."

"Yeah, over dinner with Sissi and Odd, you guys get out first thing in the morning and we know Odd will surely have an appetite all day," Yumi giggled as she finished.

"Hey Ulrich," the Angel from before smiled as she appeared in front of him.

"Angel! What's going on, is this a dream, am I dead?" Ulrich panicked as he saw that all was white around him.

"No silly, I got you what you wanted. But as you were told, it was all at a cost."

Ulrich sighed, he wasn't sure he really wanted to ask but he had to know what she had taken. "Well, what is it going to be?"

"Look down," the Angel quietly replied.

"Oh my God, my leg, it's, it's a fake," Ulrich was devastated as he realized that the Angel had taken the one thing that meant as much as Yumi did to him. "Does this mean that I can't, that I won't," Ulrich couldn't even finish his sentence it was much to painful.

The Angel simply smiled, "It's time for me to go, hopefully, you're more content in this lifetime and continue to make those around you just as happy, goodbye now Ulrich."

"Wait you can't go I have so many unanswered questions!"

Ulrich opened his eyes and sighed, he was alone once again. Suddenly he remembered the Angel's words and swiftly removed the blankets to find that he had a prosthetic leg.

"You never have gotten used to that have you?" Yumi warmly smiled as she came in with his own set of clothes.

"No, it feels like just today I learned the news," Ulrich smiled as he sat up.

"Well, luckily you haven't let that stop you. Cmon, get dressed, apparently you have to go talk to your coach because the doctor said you've got to take it easy for a week just to be safe."

"Coach?" Ulrich asked confused.

"Yes Ulrich, coach? You know for the soccer team you're in? The reason that we left to England for a year remember? Did you hit your head too hard honey?" Yumi asked with obvious concern in her voice.

"No, I'm, I'm fine, I'm just tired," Ulrich smiled as he headed to the restroom to change. However, as he looked at himself in the mirror he didn't quite look like his 29-year-old self. Could it be that the Angel didn't return him back to the year 2006? "Yumi, what's the date today?" Ulrich shouted as he changed.

"It's February 10, 2000, you've been out cold for a day Ulrich, are you sure you're okay?"

Ulrich smiled, the Angel may have taken his leg but apparently gave him back six years of his life.

"Well let's go Yumes, I'm ready."

Ulrich couldn't be any more content with his current life. Apparently after a year abroad with Yumi by his side, he had been offered a starting position on the most exclusive soccer team in Lyoko, meaning that he was much closer to his family. Yumi, on the other hand, was a nurse, as well as the proud owner of various shelter homes.

"Well we'd better head to mother's home, they must be worried sick about you. Then we can meet Odd and Sissi right after."

"Right," Ulrich nodded in agreement. Could it be that he had finally managed to patch things up with both of Yumi's parents? Also, Ulrich couldn't help but wonder if Sissi and Odd were married and that was the reason for her having such a huge diamond ring on her wedding ring finger.

"Well, cmon Ulrich we're here," Yumi smiled warmly as turned off the car.

The house wasn't at all what he expected. It was a normal home, not a mansion as he expected. He quickly got to the front door and waited for someone to open as Yumi knocked.

"Oh, Ulrich I am so glad you're okay." Mrs. Ishiyama warmly smiled as she embraced him. Ulrich could just not get used to it, but nonetheless, it felt great having this kind of support from Yumi's mother. "Come in you guys, you must be tired."

"Right," Yumi smiled as she embraced her mother and stepped in.

"Ulrich my boy! Thank God you're okay I was worried sick but Yumi told us she'd bring you by today so I didn't go visit. You know how I hate doctors," Al chuckled as he embraced Ulrich.

"Wait Al, what are you doing here?" Ulrich asked he was confused, everything was just so much to take in at the moment.

"I live here silly. Remember, I married Miyu right after her divorce? How hard did you hit your head buddy?" Al chuckled.

"Oh right, I'm just kidding. So where's Isaak?" Ulrich quickly attempted to change the subject. He was tired of being asked how hard he hit his head, however, he refused to speak of what had happened, he didn't want them to think he went off the deep end after the crash.

"Isaak and Aelita won't be back til next week. They're in Paris celebrating their anniversary."

"Right, I forgot," Ulrich smiled as he attempted to play it cool. He was really excited to find out that his brother had finally won the heart of Aelita.

Ulrich sighed as he went outside to take a seat on the steps of apparently his father and his mother in law's home. He was happy, happy that everything in this new timeline was so, perfect. He crossed his arms and felt a lump in his jacket's inner pocket. Much to his surprise it was an engagement ring. He smiled, at least he hadn't missed a chance to propose. He quickly put the ring back in his pocket and chuckled. He was probably going to do it yesterday but with the car crash, things got delayed.

"There you are, you ready to meet Odd and Sissi for dinner?" Yumi smiled as she took a seat next to Ulrich and lay her head on his shoulder.

"Actually Yumes, could we maybe take a little detour to the pond? There's something we have to talk about," Ulrich smiled.

"Um sure, I could always call Sissi and reschedule?" Yumi suggested.

"Please do, I'll drive," Ulrich smiled as he stood up and extended his arm out to help Yumi.

"I'll race you to our spot," Ulrich smiled as he sprinted towards the pond. He was relieved that he could still do so. As he got to the pond he smiled, he was right, apparently he had already planned this and had decorated the area with rose petals and candles that he had to light. He quickly began to light them and waited for Yumi. He knew she wouldn't be able to run with those red heels she was wearing. She did look great in them, though.

"Ulrich what's the big idea you saw that I was wearing" Yumi gasped as she looked around. "Ulrich when did you do all this, I've been with you all day?"

Ulrich chuckled and got down on one knee. "Yumi, I know that it's taken me some time to become the man that you want to spend the rest of your life with, but I also know that we promised forever, and I was just wondering if you'd make me the happiest man alive and agree to marry me so that we may continue to grow together."

Tears rolled down Yumi's face as she jumped up and down. Not being able to stop herself she charged towards Ulrich full speed and embraced him.

"So should I take that as a yes" Ulrich grinned as he held the ring to her face.

"Yes Ulrich, a thousand times yes. What took you so long?"Yumi giggled as she extended her left arm so that Ulrich could place the ring on her finger.

"Tell me about it," Ulrich smiled as he put the ring on Yumi's finger. "Say Yumes, there's something I've got to tell you and I'm not sure how you'll take it, or if you will even believe me but, I just can't stay quiet anymore, I'm confused and just really want some answers," Ulrich sighed as he decided that he had to tell Yumi what had happened, he really hoped that she wouldn't think he was crazy.

Yumi couldn't believe everything that Ulrich had just told her, she was amazed. "So, you went back in time just to save me?"

"Pretty much, I know you may think this sounds completely insane and I don't blame you if you don't believe me but,"

"I do Ulrich. This is much too detailed to be made up, and it makes sense now, all those questions. I can't tell you how touched I am that you went through all that trouble just to save me and be with me. I mean, you gave up your leg!" Yumi smiled as she embraced him once more.

"I'd do it all again Yumes, in a heartbeat," Ulrich sincerely answered as he broke their hug and looked deep into her eyes. "I love you, with all my heart."

"I love you too Ulrich, always," Yumi sweetly answered as she kissed him on the lips. "Say, you must have a lot of questions then?" Yumi asked as she realized that he had pretty much been absent from the last four years.

"Yeah first of all, please tell me how Odd and Sissi came to be. Also, our parents, if you think about it, that's kind of weird." Ulrich smiled to which Yumi responded by lightly punching him on the arm.

"Well, Sissi and Odd happened the night after my almost wedding to William. They drove the getaway car after I walked to the altar to slap William and then ran off with you. Apparently they both wanted to be the reason that you and I ended up together. Mother and Al worked things out after my father signed the divorce papers that mother had sent him. We were in England at the time where I started school and you started your debut as a soccer play. When we came back, we were both just as surprised to see find out that mother and Al had eloped secretly while we were gone. Soon after, we were having dinner with Sissi and Odd when Odd dropped down on one knee and gave a speech about how Sissi was the spaghetti noodles to his meatballs. May I add that it was probably one of the worse proposal speeches ever but Sissi loved it all the same. William is working to pay off his father for paying Jerry off to not throw father or William to prison. And that's pretty much all you missed. Oh wait, Aelita and Isaak finally got together as well while we were in England, we called them both so that they could visit and they finally confessed their love to each other on the plane because it turns out that your brother is terrified of heights and believed he was going to die onboard," Yumi giggled as she saw Ulrich's expression, he looked hilarious attempting to take all the information in.

"Wow everything sounds, great," Ulrich smiled as he realized that everything really was perfect. "Hey, Yumes, just one more question, how'd I lose it?"

Yumi sighed, she knew this question was coming. "Well, we were driving back to Lyoko after a weekend in a cabin and it started snowing terribly, in fact, we were in the middle of a storm. Suddenly the car just became very difficult to control and you had just taken off your seatbelt in an attempt to help me with the steering wheel. I still feel as if it's my fault that you lost your leg," Yumi sighed as tears rolled down her face once again.

"So I flew out of the car?" Ulrich asked attempting to understand just what had happened.

"Yeah, right through the mirror, you had glass piercing through your leg, we were out there for a while until the ambulance finally made it our way, I, I tried to keep pressure on your leg so that you wouldn't loose it, but I, I just couldn't make the bleeding stop, and I couldn't save it."

Ulrich nodded, he understood that no one was to blame, the Angel had to have set it up this way so that he could have his chance to keep Yumi, it was all for her that his leg was taken, and he couldn't be angry. In fact, regardless of not having a leg, he was still living the life he had always dreamed of. He quickly embraced Yumi, "I'm sorry you had to relive it and don't worry, I don't blame you, that leg was the key to us being here today. I love you so much, and I'd give up both my legs if that were the only way to be with you forever, trust me."

Yumi smiled she knew he genuinely meant it. "And I'd get smacked by that donut shop door a thousand more times if it meant being able to live for the rest of my days by your side."

"Well Yumes, you don't have to anymore, I'm here this time. Forever. It'll be you and me for the rest of our lives now. I won't let anything come between us. I know now that by your side is where I belong. And I know that a life without you just isn't worth living," Ulrich smiled as he gently kissed Yumi.

He had finally done it, he fixed all his mistakes, he fixed everyone's lives, and he had saved the girl of his dreams. At this moment he could truly say with one hundred percent certainty that everything was as it should be, everything was truly perfect and he could finally begin the journey to the rest of his life.