Reviews will be super important for this story as view count for M rated stories drops by about fifty percent compared to T rated fictions and whether I continue on with the story or not will purely depend on the review number for the chapters that I throw out in this AU.

Chapter Five

Chuck was disturbed awake on this Sunday morning inside of Ellie's home in her spare bedroom on hearing an almighty commotion in the vicinity of where he was resting. Chuck was immediately alert as he moves himself to get up out of bed and he walks out of his sister's spare bedroom and he proceeds to walk near to the welcoming area where the commotion was coming from to see his sister being held back by Devon at the door to her home. Chuck closed the remaining distance to his sister and her fiancé and his eyes met with Jill Roberts, who was now one of his two arch enemies.

"SKANK!" Ellie screeched menacingly as she tried to fight her way out of the grip of Devon to get to the woman who had just hurt and betrayed her brother in the ultimate fashion.

"Babe, calm down!" Devon implored her as he held her back from tearing Jill's face off who was stood outside of their home.

"If you've given my brother any kind of disease with whoever else you've been sleeping with, you're dead!" Ellie screeched menacingly with immense anger on her face at her now arch nemesis as she continued to try and fight her way to get to her to rip her face off.

"Bryce was the only person I had ever been with and he was a mistake. He never meant anything to me unlike your brother." Jill stated shamefully.

"Like that makes it ok!" Ellie screeched as she continued to try to fight her way to the bitch.

"Sis, calm down. I'll deal with this." Chuck interrupted the confrontation before his sister burst several blood vessels or something.

"Don't let that bitch hurt you again, Chuck!" Ellie shouted to her brother who had now stepped infront of her and Devon and he was about to close the door after him but paused on hearing his sister.

"Oh sis, I can assure you with absolute conviction that we are finished." Chuck replied deadly serious before turning and closing the door after him as he now faced his former fiancée.

"What are you doing here?" Chuck paused as he shook his head, before continuing, "Are you crazy? I told you that we are through and I meant it."

"Chuck, can we please try again? What we had was so good. I'll make it up to you, Chuck. I will do whatever it takes to earn your forgiveness." Jill said passionately with conviction.

Chuck vehemently shook his head in disagreement before responding coldly, "Jill, infidelity is unforgivable. It ruins lives. If I was in charge of making laws in this country, then I'd have it punishable with some serious jail time because of the impact that people like you impose on your victims, which I am now also a victim myself."

Jill looked at him in silence and with deep shame and regret. "Is there nothing I can say or do to get a second chance with you?" She asked eventually with tears streaming down her face.

"Jill, you aren't getting a second chance with me no matter how much you ask for one so you need to accept that this is happening and just move on. We were over the very second that you decided to betray my trust and commitment in you however many months ago it was. And now I really do have nothing further to say to you. And you should leave before Ellie finds a way to get to you. Goodbye, Jill." Chuck finished as he nodded his head at one of his two arch enemies before turning away from her and entering into his sister's home again once more and closing the door after him...

Sarah was presently sat inside of a medical clinic as she got herself tested while feeling deeply nervous over what Chuck had told Sarah last night in her telephone conversation with him.

"This is so shameful and embarrassing." Sarah said to the nurse from where she sat with her.

"Hey ma'am, you have nothing to feel shameful of. You've told me your situation and it's those two people who cheated on you and your partner who should be the ones to feel shameful. You are sadly a consequence of other people's mistakes. You have absolutely nothing to feel bad for." The nurse replied comforting and reassuringly to Sarah who smiled weakly in response to her.

"How long will it take to get the results?" Sarah asked glumly.

"Up to a week. You will be contacted and informed as soon as the information is available."

"Ok. Thanks." Replied Sarah, as she left and departed the clinic to start her Sunday in a deep feeling of anxiety that would be with her until she got those results back, and Chuck's own ones too...

"Chuck, you can stay here if you want." Ellie offered her brother who was preparing to depart her home.

"Nah, it's okay sis. I needed to visit Morgan this weekend anyway as I had plans with him this weekend." Chuck responded to his sister's offer as he smiled warmly at her.

"Ok, well if need a place to stay just to cool off or if it's too much burden on you to stay in your apartment after what happened to you and what it will remind you of then the offer still stands and the door is always open." Ellie responded with deep sincerity.

"Thanks, sis." Chuck replied as he then hugged his older sister goodbye.

"I'm sorry that happened to a loving guy like you, Chuck." Devon said sincerely to his fiancée's younger brother.

"Thanks, Devon." Chuck responded warmly.

"I'll see you both soon." Chuck said, as he then began to depart for his car to get about doing the things that he has planned today...

Sarah was back inside of her home and one of her best friends Carina Miller had just arrived at her home to meet up with her. Carina was a DEA Agent and Sarah had first met her two years ago when Carina had been liaising with herself and Chuck on an investigation that they were part of two years ago. Sarah and Carina instantly took to each other and have built up a good friendship in the two years that followed and they catch up regularly whenever Carina is in town again.

"Hey, Sarah." Carina vibrantly greeted her best friend as she hugged her and the two women entered into Sarah's home.

"Hi, Carina." Sarah replied as she smiled warmly at her friend.

"Good week?" Carina inquired as she smiled at her friend.

"Extremely eventful." Sarah replied as she also smirked in response.

"Oh, do tell. My week was boring so..." Carina replied very interestedly.

Sarah laughed, before responding, "It was a difficult week at work with my partner. We've got our bosses on our asses to build up a case that we're working on."

"Are you still partnered with Chuckles?" Carina asked her best friend.

"Of course." Sarah responded happily as she smiled brightly also.

"Still obsessing over him?" Carina replied as she smirked at Sarah.

"Carina…" Sarah warned with distaste.

"Sorry, can't help it. Sarah, you are just meant for each other. I don't know how you are not together. Chuckles is surely missing a lot of brain cells to not be with you. Ninety nine point nine percent of men would do anything to be with you." Carina declared powerfully to her best friend.

Sarah looked at one of her best friends and just smiled deeply at her, as she was still feeling on cloud nine because of what she'd gotten up to this weekend with Chuck.

"Oh you didn't!" Carina replied as her face filled up with shock as she began to smirk at Sarah.

"I didn't say anything." Sarah replied, but with the humongous smile of satisfaction still present on her face that hadn't left her since early Saturday morning.

"You don't need to say anything. The smile on your face gives you away. You've gotten with him since I seen you a week ago, haven't you?" Carina replied with a huge smirk present on her face.

Sarah just giggled happily, still feeling in deep wonderment over how amazing Chuck had made her feel.

"I'll take that as a yes then. Details? What's he like in bed?" Carina asked extremely inquisitively.

"Carina..." Sarah warned her again.

"Sarah, I tell you all about me, so now I want to hear all about you." Carina demanded her best friend to open up to her.

"Carina, I don't want you to tell anybody." Sarah replied apprehensively to her.

"Sarah, who am I going to tell? The Taliban? The Mexican cartel?" Carina jokes and laughs deeply.

Sarah just smirks at her before giving way.

"Fine. He was the best lover I've ever had. It was so amazing. It was the best night of my life, and morning, and afternoon." Sarah stated with a huge smile as she thought about Chuck again once more, though he had never left her thoughts once all weekend.

"I figured that already. I've never seen you this happy before." Carina declared to her best friend.

"That's because I've never been this happy before." Sarah replied truthfully before continuing further as she was unable to stop herself from talking further about the best day of her life, "The things I did with him... I've never done them with anybody before." Sarah admitted with a huge smile still present on her face.

"What happens now?" Carina asked her best friend inquisitively.

"He wants to take things slowly for a few weeks." Sarah admitted and smiled sadly at the revelation as she wanted to be together with him right now.

"He's crazy! If I was him, I wouldn't leave you alone for five seconds!" Carina stated with conviction.

Sarah laughed deeply at Carina's comments to her.

"What happened? I thought Chuckles was engaged?" Carina asked as the two friends continued on with their conversation.

"We got cheated on. And then it kind of just happened." Sarah declared with a huge grin on her face.

"Bryce Larkin cheated on you?!" Carina asked in absolute shock and astonishment.

"It would appear so." Sarah replied.

"The guy is an absolute fruitjob!" Carina declared in astonishment over somebody cheating on her drop dead gorgeous best friend who most men would kill for.

"So, Sarah, tell me every single detail about what happened this weekend." Carina demanded with a bright smile as the two women began to talk in vivid detail to each other…

Chuck had now just arrived outside Morgan's place after also getting himself tested at a clinic just like Sarah had done. Chuck wanted to phone or text Sarah to tell her that he'd been and to ask her if she had also but he felt too embarrassed and awkward about it so he let it lie. He would speak about it with her at work tomorrow face-to-face.

Chuck was about to leave his car when right on cue, his phone began to vibrate. Taking his phone out of his hand, he looked at the screen to see a waiting text message from the very same woman he'd just been thinking about.

Message Reads: Hi Chuck. What are you doing tonight? Are you still with Ellie? How is she and how did she take the news?

Chuck smiled on reading his partner's message before replying with his own.

Message Reads: She's fine. Thank you for asking :) She asked about you. I'm not with her right now, I'm staying with Morgan tonight. I had plans with him anyway, what about you? What are you up to tonight?

Chuck hit send as he sat stationary in his car while he waited for a response because he wanted to talk with his partner first before starting his night with Morgan.

Sarah soon replied to his message.

Message Reads: Carina is visiting and staying with me tonight. Lol. :)

Chuck laughed deeply on reading Sarah's message, before replying to it again.

Message Reads: Carina huh? Sounds like fun! Tell her I was asking about her. It's been a while since I last saw her.

Chuck hit send once more as he continued to sit and listened to the car stereo whistling away until Sarah responded to him again.

Message Reads: I will! Have a good night Chuck :)

Chuck smiled again, before replying a final time.

Message Reads: Thank you, Sarah. You too! :)

Chuck then left his car and walked the short distance to Morgan's front door and he began to knock as he awaited a response.

Morgan soon opened the door and the two friends immediately grinned warmly at each other.

"Hello buddy." Chuck warmly greeted his best male friend.

"Yo, Chuck!" Morgan greeted his best friend enthusiastically as they fist bumped and shoulder bumped each other.

"What's the plan tonight man?" Morgan asked as Chuck entered into his apartment with him.

"The same plan as always Morgan. Play lots of video games only this time, I'm a single bachelor again." Chuck responded glumly to his best male friend.

"You and Jill broke up?" Morgan asked very surprised as he frowned his eyebrows as things were ok between them just a few days ago when he last saw them.

"Yeah, she cheated on me. With Bryce freaking Larkin." Chuck stated with venom.

Morgan winced deeply before replying, "Holy heck! That is so nasty and wrong on so many levels, Chuck. I can't believe she could do that to such a great guy like you." Morgan said sympathetically to his best friend.

"Yeah..." Chuck replied as he sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry man. This is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard." Morgan said sincerely as he began to feel deep sorrow on hearing that somebody has betrayed his most loyal best friend who wouldn't hurt or upset anybody in the world.

"It's okay, Morgan. I was having strong doubts about the engagement anyway." Chuck said sadly in response to Morgan.

"What's the plan now, Chuck?"

"I don't know Morgan." Chuck admitted and paused to sigh deeply, before continuing, "In a perfect world I'd start dating Sarah right now but I wont EVER view her as second best and I don't want to be with her for comfort to get over Jill because that would be treating her exactly as I don't want her to be treated. If I ever date Sarah I want it to be because I want her, and not because I've been cheated on and need somebody to help get over what happened to me. And I think it could be months before I'm ready for that level of commitment again." Chuck stated sadly to one of his best friends.

"But ultimately and eventually you do want her right?" Morgan asks his best friend even though he already knew the answer to that. Morgan has known Chuck for twenty years, he knows everything about him.

"Morgan, I always have buddy. But I can't look to the future with Sarah until I'm over the present with Jill." Chuck revealed truthfully to his best male friend.

Morgan nodded his head acceptingly "Don't worry buddy. I'll help you get over Jill. And then we'll see what we can do about your future." Morgan says reassuringly to his best friend as he puts his arm around him as the two greatest of friends then begin their evening together...

A/N Well then, I think that this particular arc has been covered. I could have probably had 4 and 5 in the same chapter to be honest. But it's only been a day since I posted four, so here is your filler!

I still don't think that's the end Jill Roberts or Bryce freaking Larkin though! Lol! *wink*

Next Chapter: Charah go back to work. The next chapter will probably cover a period of several weeks, I'm not sure yet. Chapter Six might take a little longer for me to write up. As I did lose my whole Mafia story plot when my laptop was attacked by two trojan horses in 2013 and I lost all of my fanfiction data for all of my stories which was when I first published this story.