This is a pathetically late birthday present for Ash. I'm sorry it took so much time, and I hope you love it!
Inspired by this YouTube Video: /watch?v=HrvkIzPVy2w
Lily poked her head out of her room, looking at the fireplace intently.
"Lils! Are the gone?" a quiet voice called from inside the room.
"Shh!" she exclaimed, turning to glare at her cousin. "They're going to hear you!"
They were almost there. Just a few steps left now…three…two…one…a flash of green and…
"We're safe!"
Loud whoops and cheers came from inside the room as the entire Weasley-Potter clan of cousins came tumbling out of Rose's room.
"Have you got everything ready, Rosie?"
Rose gave Dominique an affronted look. "Of course I do! We've been planning this ever since we saw the movie and that video – we really need to thank Ria for that, by the way – do you really think I wouldn't be prepared?"
"Yeah Dommie! Did you really think Rose wouldn't be prepared? She's like aunt Hermione reborn when it comes to organizing stuff!" James' teasing voice was unmistakable, causing both Rose and Dominique to blush fiercely.
Rose reached over to hit James over the head. "Enough of that now," she said mock sternly. "If you don't behave, I'll rig the game to make sure you lose every time."
"Can you mess up a bit more James? Please?" Albus begged, "I cannot wait to see you having to eat Cockroach Clusters and Blood Lollipops."
James glared at Albus, before sniffing and deciding that he wasn't worth the reply.
"Anyways," he said, changing the subject as he turned back to face Rose, "care to tell us how this is going to work."
"Of course," Rose said, suddenly all business. "Gather round the table everyone!"
Once everyone had congregated at around Ron and Hermione's kitchen table, Rose started off. "Just in case anyone of you guys happen to lack basic math skills, there are sixteen of us. We're going off head to head – eight people get through the first round, four through the second and two through the third. Obviously, the last two battle it out for the win."
"Yeah, yeah, we know all that. Get on to the draws please!"
Because she was unable to figure out which of the clan had said that, Rose through a dirty look towards the general area occupied by Scorpius. She may not have had proof, but there was no doubt in her mind that it was him. She hadn't even wanted to invite that gorgeous, poncey git, but Albus had insisted, and since they needed sixteen players –
"Oi! Rose! Stop daydreaming about Malfoy and get back to the game!"
That quickly shook her out of her thoughts, and she glared at Albus.
"He is NOT my –"
"Yes, we know that Rose," Fred interrupted. "You can go off at Al later, we only have so much time until they're back!"
Shooting one last stare at Albus, Rose composed herself, returning to her position as host for the evening.
"Okay then. I've picked out random pairs of two from a hat – make it more Muggle that way, you see – and since both Roxie and Lysander were here when I did so, none of you all can accuse me of cheating."
She cleared her throat. "Here are your pairs: Albus and Lorcan, Hugo and Louis, Dom and Lysander, Fred and Lily, James and Lysander, Teddy and Vic," here the room broke into cheers and hoot. She let them laugh for a moment before continuing, "Scorpius and Molly, and finally, Lucy and me."
Once Rose had finished, the room broke into a loud chatter of voices, most of the discussions being centered around the match between Teddy and Victoire. The prospect of the only engaged couple facing off against each other was something no one could wait for.
Even the two of them were talking about it. Rose could hear Vic promising her fiancé that she was going to defeat him soundly, and Teddy laughing loudly at what he termed the absurdity of that thought.
Personally, Rose thought that Vic had the best chance. Underestimating a Veela, even if she was only something like an eighth-Veela, was never a smart thing. And Vic had absolutely no compunctions with using her charms to get what her way in arguments with her boyfriend.
"Hey," a voice at her side startled her for a second, before she realised that it was Roxanne.
"Hey. What is it?"
"You forgot to announce the tasks, punishments and rewards."
"Oh yeah!" Rose shared a mischievous smile with Roxie. Quickly raising her voice, Rose called out, "Oi! People! Get back here right now!"
"What is it now, Rosie?" Hugo grumbled once everyone had turned their attention back to her.
"I forgot to let you know just exactly what you guys will be doing."
"Oh, I cannot wait for this!" Lorcan exclaimed, looking close to rubbing his hands in excitement. "Lys refused to tell me anything, if you can believe that. Me, his twin!"
"Yeah, well, if he had he would have been forced to sleep on the couch for the rest of the school year!" Teddy laughed. "Trust me, you do not risk upsetting your girlfriend."
As the rest of the room broke into laughter, Victoire turned to glare at Teddy. "Just for that, Teddy Lupin, you are going to be the one who's going to be sleeping on the couch for the next month," she said, hitting him furiously. "How dare you imply that about the two of them? They're barely fourteen!"
At that, everyone else just laughed harder, the expression of Teddy's face like fuel to the fire.
Once everyone had caught his or her breath, Rose continued, "Okay. Obviously, as the pool of competitors becomes smaller, the games are going to become harder, the penalties for loosing worse, and the rewards bigger. To start, since we can freely use magic here, the first game is going to be based on magical strength alone. You're going to fight it out using spells, to get nine wooden toothpicks into a glass. For each one your opponent gets inside, you have to get a punishment while the opponent is recorded, and vice versa. First one to five toothpicks wins.
For this round, the penalties and rewards are relatively simple – candies. Losers have to eat one of either a Blood Lollipop or a Cockroach Cluster. Winners get to choose between Ice Mice and Honeydukes Best.
Second round is physical. You will be paired with the person closest to you in physical strength, and the two of you will fight it out to grab three Quaffles hidden among a ball pit that we will transfigure once the first round is over. Penalties are a choice between ingesting an Acid Pop or a Puking Pastille, while the reward is a bag of sugar quills. First to get two Quaffles wins.
The third round is mental agility. A series of eleven riddles will be asked to each of the two remaining sets of competitors. The firs person to answer correctly will win a point. Each point gained will earn you two sickles, while each point cost will result in you having to eat a Cockroach Cluster, a Blood Lollipop and an Acid Pop together.
The last and final round combines all three. Each player will have to magically direct a group of animated figurines from Uncle George's shop in a game of miniature Quidditch. The victor of the game will be crowned the Champion of the first annual Voldemort Games, named after the only person diabolical enough to come up with something so evil.
Everything is being sponsored by Uncle George and Dad, who are the only two adults apart from Uncle Harry to know about this.
So. Have I missed anything?" she asked, looking around at the sea of faces expectantly.
"You forgot to tell us what the winner of the Games and loser of the last round will have to go through," Molly called out.
Rose simply smiled, a smile that promised nothing good to come. "That, my darlings," she said, "will just have to remain a surprise."
"Hey! Who's going to make sure that you or Roxie or Lysander doesn't have an easier time of it?"
Rose shot Lucy one of her patented 'you're-so-stupid' looks. "Why, the other two of course? Do you really think any one of us would let anyone win easily?"
Lucy had to concede the point. When they were among themselves, the Weasley-Potter clan, along with their adopted members, were extraordinarily competitive. They only ever posed a united front for the rest of the world. There was no way that one of them would let someone else win easily, no matter how close they were to each other.
"Exactly. Everyone ready? Brilliant. Albus and Lorcan, the two of you are up first. We're leaving Vic and Teddy for last, so that we can all focus all our energy on enjoying the match. The two of come up here…Wand out please."
The rest of the room looked on with barely disguised eagerness, combined with a morbid curiosity to see what was in store for them.
"Ready? Three…two…one…and start!"
The King of the Fanfics Competition
The If You Dare Challenge, Prompt 92. Driving Off A Cliff
HP Potions Competition, Cheese-Based Potion