Note: Hey my fellow Wastelanders! Alas, This story is dedicated to Ribbonista and the people who read and appreciated my fanfiction! I had realized now that this story is actually my first fanfiction continued! It has been over a year and I am very sorry to keep you waiting! I have been very busy and lazy over the past year; however, I hope my writing has improved. I did not intend to continue this, but if it is for the greater good of "shipping" characters, (Haha Ribbonista) then I MUST! (Hopefully you'll still stick around to read this?)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Fallout New Vegas characters or any part of it whatsoever! (I do own the video game Ha ha *joke*)

The Fort

It was a clear red and orange-coated morning. The lurking sunrise was dipped beyond the Mojave mountains as the vast land of dry secluded desert was dimly lit. The dense desert air was clear and warm as the shadows tore at the heels of our feet with every step we took.

A gust of thick dusty sand and debris stealthily smacked against the worn tent and onto the Courier's tender face as she shifted atop matted torn sheets that choked below the weight of her warm slim body. She grunted in discomfort, pushing and shoving soft thick skin behind her.

"Rex Goddamnit, Move!" she demanded. In reply, a low harsh grunt forcibly shoved her aside, immensely pushing her off the old sheets. Lifting her body, she sat upright and rubber her crusty eye-lids. She squinted her luminescent green iris as her black pupil retracted in anger and irritation, for she had not gotten much sleep. She shifted her aching body- with her gear still attached- to reveal the heart-wrenching organism before her.

The Courier paused and then leaned back in discontent, and she resumed to stare again as she regained her thoughts. The obscure blurry object before her was dimly formed as her docile eyes ached to adjust. For a moment, it looked as if it was a dead body laying before her eyes or possibly a monster from the deepest pits of hell. Only then did she realized it was just the honorable yet handsome Frumentarii leader, Vulpes Inculta.

"Fuck this," she sluggishly leaned back against the sticky ragged tent walls retreating the forces of "The Great Vulpes." Her face was sickly flushed from constant fatigue as her tired green eyes followed Vulpes' muscular body which was fully equipped with fine used Legionary Frumentarii armor; however, Vulpes Inculta was not wearing the fluffy fox pelt and concealing mask upon his sleek yet stoic face. His short dark brown hair was cleanly spread throughout his head while his charming blue eyes were resting beneath a blanket of lids.

It was hot.

What had happened last night? Obviously we're back at camp so nothing major should have happened. These questions pricked at her brain like starving detrivores and black preying vultures. Could it have? The clean, crisp morning before, she had enjoyed a bottle of fresh Nuka Cola and a sweet kiss with her love at the Tops Hotel, then blank, and a indolent morning after with rude shoves and grumpy pushes. Had they fought, or was this just the ruthless Vulpes who lacked sleep?

The courier almost refused to awake him. His varied persona was that of a sly fox and a ruthless hound that can obey and disobey at given times. Why would he need to be woken up anyways? Caesar will need him soon enough, but she needed answers. Slowly lifting her gravity-defiant hand, she inched toward Vulpes' still head and scooted herself closer to his warm, soft body. Her hand twitched and carelessly floated in the air as if she were frozen. She started again and proceeded her attempt to grab hold of his brawny head.

With a quick turn Vulpes rotated his sturdy body toward her as his harsh blue eyes stared straight at her astound face.

"Salve, Courier." Vulpes' smooth voice swam along his vocals. His serene, tender voice echoed a harsh and threatening yet calm and peaceful message depending on what he was trying to deliver. His valiant blue eyes were bolted on hers as her hand blankly retained gravity and crashed upon the hard rocky floor.

"Ave, Vulpes," quickly replied the Courier, her voice stumbling to catch the Latin.

"Foolish girl, you do not hail me. It would be "Salve, Vulpes." I am not to be addressed as a formal man, dear girl." He shifted in the dull makeshift bed and anchored his compelling weight on his right elbow to get a good view of her overwhelmed face. "What's on your mind Courier?"

The Courier lazily slouched back on the musty tent once again and slowly slid onto the thick pile of rock and sand. She sighed in deep concern,"what..," she hesitated to continued," What happened yesterday?" Her face in anguish and discontent. The question had spill and could not be taken back.

"Can you really not recall what happened last night?" Vulpes raised an eyebrow and swiftly raised his torso in the air, heaving his body forward so that he sat upright. Raising a firm hand, he began to steadily reach toward the Courier. Her green eyes contracted, but she stayed where she was. Had she jolted back, she would have sent a message of discomfort. Vulpes Inculta reached for her pocket and thoroughly scavenged it. He leisurely pulled out his hand while he held between his thumb and index finger, a forcibly bent Nuka Cola bottle cap that clearly represented a loving heart. "This is what happened last night." His smile grew wider, one that was never seen before.

Astonished, she briskly turned her embarrassed face away before he could see her plump face turn an immense shade of red. She felt warm long fingers wrap around her covered chin as it promptly turned her face toward his. His brazen face upon hers, his obedient lips were inches apart from hers. Soon, their soft tender lips met, embracing the benevolent and serene kiss with each other. In what seemed like a second, the tranquil kiss was over, but their undying love was still tightly bound together.

Vulpes stood up with a content smile and began to gather his various weapons, and pulled on his fox "cowl" apace. The Courier gathered herself, and stood up on her sore feet. Vulpes turned and lifted his muscular arms. He wrapped his strong arms around her and kissed her once more on the forehead,"I'm going to Caesar. I will be back for you."

The Courier tightly hugged him and went to kiss him back on the cheek. His tall figure loomed over her as she struggled to reach his face. "He's so damn tall!" She thought to herself as she pushed her toes forward. He only chuckled with an evil mellow tone and continued to hold her close. She let go,"I love you, Vulpes."

Placing his firm hands on the curtain door, he looked back at her as the sun's bright yellow rays reflected onto his face,"I love you, too Courier." He smiled once again and resumed his regular Vulpes attitude while waltzing out of the tent like a real man.

She smiled so that her cheeks began to hurt, but she could only be happy and watch him tread up the path to Caesar's tent. The sun was fully up now shining bright and lighting the whole Mojave Wasteland. The Morning was bright and hot.

It was a beautiful morning.


Note: Sorry it was short and cheesy once again! I just want to thank you guys for reading this FanFiction! This will probably be the end, although nothing happened! I'm sorry, but I still hope you guys liked it! I hope to do more Vulpes x Courier soon! But I'm focusing more on my Fallout 3 story!