A/N: Hey all! I know I should totally be working on my other fics right now, but this idea came to me one night. And when I woke up it was still with me, that's how I knew I had to write it down. So, anyways, here's my newest Emily/Morgan fic. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds.



At the sound of his name being called out, Derek Morgan turned around at his kitchen counter just in time to see Emily Prentiss enter through the dining room door. He watched her approach him without words. There was a brilliant smile on her face and he liked to think that he might have had something to do with putting it there.

She sidled up to him, leaning back against the counter close to him. He returned her smile with a warm one of his own. It was good to have her back, even if it was just for a short period of time. It just felt right having her around again.

"Hey, what're you doing in here? Last I checked, the party was out there," Emily informed him, gesturing in the direction of the living room with her chin.

He held up the bowl he was currently filling with chips. "Refills," he said simply.

That was true, or at least part of the truth. There was another reason for him taking a break from the party that he'd organized for her return.

Watching her tonight, interacting with everyone like she'd never left made him realize just how much life had really changed since she'd left. It made him comprehend just how much he really missed her.

Sure, while she was away, he'd missed her, but seeing her there in front of him now, knowing in a few short days she'd leave him again, left him with an acute pain in the chest. He'd already let her go once before and that had been hard, twice was going to be physically painful.

It was weird, feeling this strongly about her absence while knowing that she was having a blast in London—without him. He should be happy for her, happy that she'd settled in, gotten the hang of things. Gotten used to new co-workers and made new friends that weren't them or him.

Man, I'm being selfish, he thought to himself. He averted his gaze quickly, lest she see the grimace forming on his face. This was a special occasion, no need for him to spoil it.

She was silent for a long time, letting him go about his business for a few moments without words. And then, suddenly, her hand was on his bicep, halting him, freezing him in place. Intentionally?

Emily didn't say anything until he slowly threw her a sidelong glance. For a brief moment, there was a look of hesitation on her face as their eyes met. And then it was gone, replaced by a breathtaking smile and a twinkle in her dark eyes, all for him.

"Derek," she breathed out. Just the sound of his name on her lips caused him to inadvertently shiver, his first clue that he was in serious trouble. "Thank you for doing all this, you didn't have to."

Yes, I did, he thought immediately. I'd do anything for you… Giving himself a mental shake, knowing he couldn't really say that out loud, he said instead, after having to clear his throat, "Uh… it was nothing."

He tried to look away when his body wouldn't move. Her close proximity, combined with her touch—her thumb moved circles on his skin, distracting the hell out of him—was keeping him in place.

"It wasn't nothing," she denied for him. "It means a lot that you'd do this for me. So, thank you."

She gave him a pointed look that said take the praise or else. He chuckled lightly; she was still the same Emily, sweet but tough at the same time. "You're welcome," he replied.

Emily moved her hand then, stepping away from him. Derek was surprised by the overall sense of loss he felt all of the sudden. It was consuming, overwhelming. At that moment, he never wanted her to leave him again.

"Ok," she announced lively. "We should probably get back out there."

"Ye—ah," he said brokenly. He silently cursed at himself for his slip-up when she frowned at him.

"You all right?" she wondered perceptively.

The former profiler was still on the ball, though, really, he wasn't being all that covert. He forced himself to put on a smile. A real one, after all, he was happy that she was here, with him, for now. He nodded his head.

She returned his look with a happy one of her own, tentative as it was. He knew she was still trying to figure out his earlier lapse.

"Good, see you out there?" she questioned, as if his answer might actually be no.

"Of course," he assured.

She turned to go and he went back to his task at hand, gulping down a deep, and hopefully fortifying breath. He practically jumped in the air when she called his name again. "Morgan?"

Hesitantly, he whirled around to see her watching him with uncertainty. "This is all great… I mean… I love seeing all you guys. But… do you think you and I could have some one-on-one time later tonight. Just the two of us. So we can uh… catch up?"

His traitorous heart did flip-flops at her mention of one-on-one time. He was pretty sure she wasn't thinking what he was thinking. Still, some time to talk, just the two of them, would be nice.

"Yeah," he agreed. "That would be great."

Another brilliant smile and he was suddenly wondering if inviting her to stay with him was such a great idea.

She gave a flutter of a wave and left him alone. Letting out a sigh, he was surprised when he breathed out, "God, I love her…"

His eyes widened when he realized what he'd just said out loud. He loved… her?

"Oh, man," he groaned out loud when the answer to that question came back as a resounding 'yes!'

So, I know, this was short. But, it's a prologue, it's supposed to set up things to come. And hopefully that will be soon. Next chapter continues from here and we get to see what's on Emily's mind.

Hope you enjoyed, and I hope you'll let me know what you think. Thanks!

*Note: As I'm horrible with giving my fics titles… I reserve the right to change the title of this story in the future when I figure out a way better one. Lol.