Circus Boys

Not mine but I do have permission to write it! :D

A Month after the original story:

Thor was in the kitchen making pop tarts after staring at his reflection in the toaster. He looks over and sees a mouse a little green mouse. Thor Started as it waved, Thor god of thunder quickly garbed the pot off the stove and slammed it down over the little creature.

Early that day Mount Justice main hall:

Red robin, Beast boy, Impulse, Blue Beetle and Wonder girl. We're waiting for training to start only Nightwing never show up.

Concerned they turned to Red robin that used his wrist computer to track Nightwing to Avenger tower before the signal cut out.

Assuming he had been taken prisoner because they couldn't reach him on the com. They set out to save their leader.

In the tower Clint's Bedroom:

Not knowing of the kind day that was a head. Nightwing open his eyes it was still dark.

He sat up a little, only for Clint's arms to come around him and pull him back down. Clint kiss to the top of Nightwing head, and a whispered "go back to sleep". Nightwing sighed and settled back down.

Well else were Tower 89 floor:

Thor came running down the hall towards the tanning rom with pot and cover in hand. Stopping in front of Black widow (Natasha) dressed in White Tank top and jogging pants, as she was coming out of the tanning rom. Thor held out the pot with a cover on it and said "I have a green mouse in here".

Natasha raised one eye brow then asked "have you been sniffing beaker in the lab again. The last time you giggle for days and try to catch thing that weren't there".

"No it really in there, and I'm not allowed in the lab anymore." A short argument and a little yelling latter Thor hand the pot over to a pair of Blue gloves that appeared around the corner, thinking it was the Captain, said "thanks Captain"! When a voice from the opposite end of the hall yelled "what is all the fighting about!" both turned wide-eyed to see Captain America (Steve Rogers) in jeans, T-shirt and no gloves. Stand at the other end of the hall.

Both Black Widow and Thor turned back to see what looked like a blue Ironman running down the hall in the opposite direction, and they mention the resemblance too.

Blue Beetle took off down the hall throwing away the lid of the pot and freed Beast Boy who jumped out to run just ahead of him. "Did you hear that they compared me to Ironman that arrogant self-absorbed" he was cut off by beast Boy" I was shoved in a pot; I thought the big guy was going to eat me!"

They didn't get far when Blue beetle found himself bounded with Bolas. Then tripped and fell on beast boy.

Beast boy groaned. "I wish I was back in the pot it was safer in there." As he was flatten under Blue Beetle.

"What are you doing here" Steve demanded. As he march over to them!

"Let our leader go" both BB and Blue beetle said together. Beetle shot his arm to the sides snapping the rope that was restraining him, then jump to their feet and together they bolted down the hall thought a door. Then transform and flew literally down the steps and thought another door.

Steve looked at the other at the top of the stairs, were they stop "did that kid just turn in to a bird". "That your problem with this"? " Black Widow asked we have intruders! " Jarvis set the alert. Then can you find out and tell us how many their are"?

Jarvis stated" there are six without authorised access!"

Thank you geek179 :) for letting write this and Cyber 199 for helping me write it :)