Hi guys~, it's been a while and writers block sucks don't it? I'm holding off on the prequel/ sequel to Ten Years for now but I decided it's time to start a new story anyway. A friend of mine also showed me some KiGo stuff and I have to say...I'm a fan so I might try my hand there too, but enough of le rambling onward.

I own not a single thing related to Victorious.

Tori POV

We arrived back at my house from the studio after crashing Trina's "quality, top notch" show, I'm still trying to figure out how we didn't get kicked off set once Jade decided to traumatize the kids and chase them with that giant fork. And people wonder why we, especially me am afraid of her, then again she looked hot as a piece of cheese, I wonde- okay wow need to focus, Jade's still with me and I can't keep this line of thought if we're going to hang out for the rest of the night.

I still can't believe she passed on a date with Beck to hang out with me. I mean I know how I feel about her and I think she knows too but I have no idea how she really feels about me. She say's we're not friends but when she says it she smiles at me, I mean a real smile not that 'I'm going to do bad things to you' smirk.

Speaking of said smirk there it is...oh crap what did I do? Okay breathe, and...yeah no I'm gunna panic now. "Jade...why are you looking at me like that?" I asked nervously, fidgeting with my shirt as I sit on the couch opposite of her. Her smirk grows and those enchanting eyes of hers are gleaming. I swallow nervously, yeah that's not good for me, I mean I'm in love with the woman but she's more than capable of killing me...or worse...not to mention I have NO idea as to where I stand with her.

"Damn, breathe Vega." she drawls out, that smirk still in place, "I'm not going to kill you, if I wanted to I would have done that on the way back here." I begin to nod but catch myself and go wide eyed. "Y-Yeah that's...Jade! That's so not funny!" I scowl as I watch the pale beauty double over laughing.

"Man you're to easy Vega. Chill out, I got you back here safe and sound right?" She raised an eye brow as I nod. "Then I'd say you're safe." she grinned and sat back on my couch, propping up her feet on the table. I take a deep breath and calm down. Jade turned on the t.v and flipped through the channels as I got up and grabbed some waters from the fridge.

"Okay these weather people are stupid." she says after taking a drink. I tilt my head to the side a bit confused. Man she looks pretty at this angle, then again she looks hot at almost any angle,I smirk inwardly. "And why are the weather people stupid all might Jade?" I tease a bit.

Jade POV

All might Jade? Oh I'll show her all mighty Jade alright. I quirk a brow and roll my eyes. "You're such a dork Vega. And damn right I'm the All Mighty Jade." I smirk as she rolled her eyes, she's cute when she tilts her head like that. "The weather people are stupid because Tori, they say there's a raging storm going on right-" I get cut off by a crack of thunder. Vega jumps a bit going lmost as pale as me. Well that's interesting.

"O-Or not...l-looks like the storm made it here after all." she let's out shakily. I shift to get closer to her but as I do another boom of thunder sounds and Vega squeaks. I raise a brow and stand up as a flash of lightning lights up the room. Vega at this point is shaking. "Are you afraid Vega?" I ask, probably more taunting than I wanted to sound.

"N-No...eep" she squeaks again as the thunder grows closer, rain is beating down on the house now. "Okay...yeah I am, I've been afraid of lightning since I was a kid alright." she bites out, shaking a bit more than earlier. "You gunna make fun of me now Jade?" she stares at me. That hurt, I'm not going to lie, I know I never really gave her a reason to trust me but. "Vega I'm not going to make fun of you."

"You're not?" I shake my head and grab her, pulling her into my lap as I hug her. She calms down and the shaking subsides a bit. "No I'm not. Tori I know I'm a gank and all but I would never make fun of you for this." I sigh and cuddle her a bit more, she's so soft and that lavender sent is driving me crazy. I know that Vega's been crushing on me and it's sooo not one sided, maybe now would be a good time to show her. But if I'm going to do this it's going to be done Jade West style. Lucky me Vega still has no idea that Beck and I really aren't together anymore and she's going to find out after I have a bit of fun.

AN: Please review and tell me what ya think :)