Hello, this is the first story I've written so not too many harsh comments will be appreciated. I accept any critical feedback for improvement and of course your thoughts about this story! Enjoy! c:

It was another day at fairy tail guild. The guild was lively and hectic as usual. Even from a distance, people could hear the guild members having their usual day-to-day routine, full of boisterous laughter that lightened up the atmosphere of Fiore. Lucy Heartfilia headed towards the guild entrance with her celestial pet Plue, trailing after her. She walked up to the bar where fairy tail's bartender, Mirajane greeted her.

"Good morning Lucy!" Mirajane said smiling, as she finished off wiping down the benches.

"Morning Mira!" Lucy waved, settling herself down on one of the bar chairs.

"Puu puun!" Plue exclaimed jumping up and down. Plue sat on the bar table where a lollipop miraculously appeared, which he started eating.

"Here you go" Mira said, as she passed Lucy a cup of her usual beverage.

"Thanks" she replied, sipping the hot liquid carefully.

It was then she heard a familiar voice that suddenly surfaced, making her heart pound faster than her usual steady heartbeat.

"Nats-" the blond mage started, turning around.

She stopped as she peered over to see Natsu heavily engaged in conversation with a girl with short white hair.


They were laughing and smiling, chatting away. Lucy turned back round and tightened her grip around her cup. She drank the last of her drink and sighed heavily, the liquid scorching her throat, but she was too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice.

"Well I guess I should leave them be," she thought to herself. "After all, they haven't seen each other in a long time."

Lisanna had been stuck in Edolas and had come back to Earthland recently. Of course everyone would go gaga over their thought to be dead childhood friend. She knew she was horrible to think such cruel thoughts but she couldn't help but feel a certain hatred towards that girl.

"There's nothing wrong with them catching up on the time they missed."

She was trying to sound positive but deep inside; she dreaded the thought and couldn't help feel a bit jealous.

Natsu was Lucy's best friend. But Lisanna was his childhood friend. Now that she thought about it, Lisanna had known Natsu way before her. The gap was too much. Suddenly the time Lucy had spent with Natsu seemed like nothing compared to Lisanna and Natsu's eternal friendship. But still, Natsu was hers.

Lucy was deep in her thoughts until someone luckily interrupted her before she could succumb to the lowest, for thinking of more wretched thoughts.

"Lu chan!" a blue haired girl said cheerily beaming up at the blonde teen.

"Levy chan!" Lucy said surprised, facing the small, 17 year old girl.

"Here is the book you wanted to borrow, i've finished reading it." Levy winked, handing the book over.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to return it as soon as possible"

Lucy hopped off the chair and started walking out the door, planning to go do some shopping before going home. She stopped half way, near the guild door and stared at the pair of friends. The pink haired boy and the white haired girl were still chatting to each other as if it were only the two of them in the world. Lucy couldn't help but notice that smile Natsu gave Lisanna just now. She wanted to cry.

She felt like vomiting. 'Why don't you go flirt some place else!' she wanted to shout, but decided against it.

Her eyes began to water as she walked out the door, clutching the book to her chest that seemed too heavy for it's contents.

Lucy was humming under her breath as she carried the bag of groceries. The $40 she spent on ingredients for the week's food supply gave her a discount for the next shopping trip. She also got given a fresh ripe apple after helping one of the elderly women. Bonus.

She stopped in her tracks as it suddenly started to sprinkle then rain hard.

"Oh darn, I forgot to bring an umbrella!" She shrieked, shielding her groceries.

"These are my good shoes!" she groaned, not noticing the sudden presence that came up to her.

"May I assist you ma'am?" the stranger asked, placing an umbrella over Lucy's head.

Lucy looked up to see who her helper was. It wasn't someone she recognised. Wild, black hair trailed down pass his shoulders and a small lock of plaited white hair was neatly dangling in front of his face. His attire consisted of a black and grey vest with furry, white sides and purple clothing underneath. He was also wearing dark purple lipstick and maybe eye shadow? What a creep.

"Thank you." she said, giving a weary smile. She considered making a run for it. But he did help her and that would be overall rude.

"Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

He bowed down to refuse her offer when something caught his eye. His smile went rigged as his eyes went stern. She blinked a few times questioning what just happened but his expression was soon back to normal. It was then he spoke. Each time Lucy hesitated before answering. Before he left, he tugged her wrist, which made Lucy wince and placed the umbrella in her hand.

"Don't you forget" he whispered in her ear and stalked off not looking back.

She clasped the umbrella with one hand and with her groceries in the other as she trudged home. Whatever the stranger had said, was troubling her.

Lucy arrived back in her apartment, taking a quick shower and changed into her pink pyjamas. She launched herself onto her source of comfort. The bed. Fumbling under the covers, she curled into the smallest form possible, trying to get rid of all the shit that had happened that day. She fell asleep 10 minutes later.

Lucy woke up to the vivid sun that glared down upon her through her bedroom window. Rubbing her eyes and stretching out a yawn, she lifted up her covers and peered under, looking hopeful. A certain pink-haired boy, clinging to her waist as per usual, was to be expected however the awfully missed presence wasn't there this time. She ended up dragging herself off her bed and stumbled to the bathroom trying to contain the longing feeling she felt.

Taking a quick morning shower would be of good use. She used the flower-scented soap she bought yesterday, washing herself down. She couldn't help scrubbing her skin raw until it went a red. She gasped as she suddenly realised the torture she had just committed unto her arm. That would definitely leave a mark.

Grabbing the towel from the rack, she wiped herself dry. The clothing choice for the day was a dark green tank top, which had frayed white edges through the top and bottom, and had a white cross engraved on the side. She wore a short pink skirt, clasping on a brown belt where she hung her celestial keys on the side.

She walked to the sink and wiped her face with the small towel hanging beside the sink and then reached out for her toothpaste and toothbrush. She squeezed, expecting the paste to come out but was unfortunately met with the opposite. Groaning in frustration, she pulled the rigid handle of the small cabinet above the bathroom sink, reaching out for a new tube of toothpaste but her hand stopped in mid- air. There in the corner she saw another set of cup and toothbrush that she hadn't seen for a while. It was Natsu's. He would occasionally jump right in into Lucy's apartment uninvited. She was so accustomed to the continuation she bought a set just for him. He hadn't come for a long time and the set stayed dry and untouched. The normal annoyance Lucy felt was replaced with a sense of longing. She missed his goofy presence but tried not to linger on too much as she closed the cabinet. She quickly brushed her teeth slung her pink bag over her shoulder, locking the door as she left.

Walking down the few steps below the front door of the small building led to the main road, where she heard voices she recognised approaching the apartment complex. As she expected Lisanna and Natsu were walking side by side, deep in conversation. She pulled her blonde fringe down to hide the anger that was suddenly arising on her face.

"Yo, Lucy!" Natsu grinned.

Lucy stopped in her tracks and stared at the ground. How could he be so damn dense? Her vision began to blur. Then she ran, who knows where, maybe the guild? Natsu called for her but she didn't look back.

"Wait! Lucy where are you going?" He tried to reach out to grab her arm but she slapped his hand away and ran past him. The sudden action made him step back.

"What's up with her?" Lisanna frowned, putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't know…"

Just now, he thought he saw tears in her eyes. It made him worried.

"Hey I'll catch up later, there's something I need to do"

"Sure" Lisanna said, shrugging.

"Okay, see ya"

He ran towards the bridge where he met the blue exceed by chance.

"Natsu, why are we here?" the blue cat asked, hovering above his head.

"I want to make it up to Lucy, she looked upset so I want to buy something for her" he exclaimed peering at the items of jewelry and merchandise.

"You liikkkeee her"

"Shut up Happy!"

"Your just saying that because you know it's true." "Oh hey do you think Lucy would like that fish?" "I know it would definitely make me feel better." Happy said as he flew over towards the stall.

Natsu concentrated hard on what to get his best friend. He knew nothing about jewellery. Pearls? Diamonds maybe.

Pondering over the thought, he overheard two foreigners talking rather loudly. He didn't like what was being said.

The man had spiked maroon coloured hair and some of it parted into a fringe above his face. He wore red clothing under his robes with a purple waistband. He had pointed ears and one of his eyes was tightly closed covered with a scar.

The girl had pale- white, long hair with a blue headband tucked underneath. She wore a one- piece blue dress with an overpowering amount of feathers and dark blue sleeves that hung off her arms. She looked like a saint and she could have pulled it off it were not for the dark atmosphere that surfaced both companions.

"Arhhhh, why do we have to go to this dump?" the girl complained, suppressing a groan.

"Because this is the place where we need to find what we need," the man said stepping in.

"If I stay here any longer I think I'll be sick," "This is considered a town?" "How stupid," the girl spoke, attracting many mutters and glares.

"Then we better get the job done quickly." "Who was the one that took her time torturing those merchants?"

"Their horrified faces were utterly wonderful I couldn't resist" "I can't wait for our next target" "Who's the lucky one?"

"Lucy Heartfilia." the man grinned producing a wicked smile.

"Happy!" Natsu shouted out.


"C'mon we need to go" Natsu gestured, starting to walk.

"Go?" "Where?" Happy tried to keep his pace up with the pink- haired boy that was moving fast.

"Are you coming or not?!" he shouted exasperatedly.

"Aye." Happy exclaimed emotionlessly looking down. Why was Natsu acting this way? What had happened during the few minutes he was away? He looked up to see Natsu already at a far distance, speed walking ahead. Happy stumbled as he ran on his two small feet trying to catch up.

"Lucy!" Natsu shouted as he slammed the front door of her apartment open.

He grabbed the pink duvet that was lying on the bed and pulled. Lucy wasn't there. He went to the bathroom and desperately searched. The shower maybe? He could imagine the look on Lucy's face as he opened the shower curtains. The expected shrieks that rung in his ears as she shoved the shower brush in his face to shield his field of vision. He tugged on the shower curtains but was met with the shower floor empty and painfully dry.

"Natsu, is Lucy okay?" Happy said, a worried look plastered on his face.

He didn't seem to hear Happy's distressed comment. He checked each room at least five times but each time, he got the same result. The ghostly atmosphere of the apartment was starting to seem foreign. He stopped and paced the living room back and forth until he met with the conclusion of where to search next.

"The guild" he thought as he sped to his destination.

The guild members were startled by the sudden bang of the front door. They all looked up at Natsu, giving the most pitiful expressions it made his stomach churn.

Even so, he shouted for her name but received no reply. The deadly silence was unsettling. He looked around and spotted the ice wizard talking to Mirajane. He strode up to him, and slammed his hands on the counter, refraining them from continuing their conversation.

"Where is she?!" Natsu demanded, grabbing Gray by the collar of his jacket. "Tell me where she is, you ice bastard!"

"Natsu calm down please" Mirajane exclaimed, lowering the arm that had risen to assault the ice mage. She removed his hand from Gray's collar in, which Natsu roughly pulled back.

"Tch" Gray glared.

"Where is she?" he asked a bit more calmly.

Both of them said nothing. Mira averted her gaze and Gray clenched his fists. The uneasiness was getting to his head. Say something damn it.

"We have to warn her before- "

Mira placed one finger on her lips, but then her finger curled and her hand tightened. She fell to the ground, and couldn't suppress the shakiness of her body as she crouched down. She clasped her hands tightly as the tears fell.

"Oh Natsu..." Mira whispered. "They've already taken her."

He didn't know how much time had passed, as they stood transfixed in the same position. The silence was unbearable.

"Why didn't you guys stop them.." Natsu said, breaking the silence.

"We tried you jerk" Gray muttered bitterly.

"Master was out for the day and Erza went on a solo mission this morning" Mira exclaimed. "They chose the perfect time," she whispered.

Gray regretted it. oh how he hated himself for not saving her in time. A few hours ago he was still accompanied by the blonde's presence.

"Hey Lucy, you okay?" he asked, as he noticed the slouched figure that was buried deep in the shadows in a corner of the guild.

Lucy looked up to the figure standing in front of her where there were fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Nothing for you to worry about" she muttered under her breath.

It must have been that stupid flame brain. But now that it's happened, he couldn't help but thank the pink- haired idiot for giving him this chance to accomplish his motives.

"Hey, If something is troubling you I'll always be there"

He offered his hand to her, which Lucy took gratefully and stood up. Her pained expression a few seconds ago relaxed as she tightened her hand in his.

The front door of the guild was abruptly slammed open as everyone stilled. A single man stood there looking around. His human figure was nothing like a man, more of an animal as he crouched down ands sniffed the air. He nose was pointed and he wore a tight suit with red stripes that looked highly uncomfortable. He had a headgear with purple shades covering both eyes. Even though, his eyes were not visible, it did not hide the sudden smirk that stretched from one side of his face to the other. His body shifted and he disappeared.

"Lucy we need to get out of here." Gray motioned her to leave through the back door. A sudden blow was aimed at his back and the mysterious figure from before, re-appeared in front of him.

"Too slow." the man muttered, before his world went black.

Natsu couldn't compress the anger he felt so he let it all out. He shouted at Mira, he shouted at Gray. He hated the world right now.

"Are you done?" Gray muttered.

Natsu ignored his remark.

"You wait Lucy.." he whispered to himself. "I'll come soon."

He turned around to see the short blue-haired teen clasping her hands tightly. Everyone was anxious. He wasn't the only one. There was no use on taking it out on his friends. He was on the verge of loosing his friendships.

"Lu- chan please be okay.." Levy mumbled.

"Levy, It'll be alright." Natsu placed his hand on her shoulder shooting her his most encouraging smile. "Lucy's got me right?" "I'll save her, don't worry" he said grinning.

Levy looked at him sadly and then gave him a positive smile, her eyebrows knitted together. Determined.

"Right" she said nodding swiftly.

"Hey ice freak," he said facing the ice mage. "Who exactly attacked you to give you that kind of face?"

"Shut the hell up" Gray shot daggers at his cruel comment. He would have wanted to beat him up so bad right now but it wasn't the time for childish quarrels.

"I think his name was Racer, from Oracion Seis" Mira said stepping in into the conversation.

His magic type was unidentified but it had something to do with speed. Natsu looked around, fully aware of how much damage that one guy had caused in a few minutes. People were in the process of bandaging each other's sudden wounds and having muffled conversations through hush whispers.

"Naaatsuuu!" a sudden voice arose.

He turned around to see Lisanna running up to him. She flung her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He was taken back by surprise, nearly toppling over.

"Lisanna, I haven't finished treating your wound!" he heard Elfman call from a far distance.

"Lisanna!" Natsu said, steadying her. "Did that Oracion Seis guy get you too?"

She nodded but smiled all the same.

"It isn't that bad, Elf nii- chan was helping me treat the wound,"

Natsu beamed at her and gave her a gentle pat on the head.

"Aren't you going to kiss it and make it all better?"

He knew she was joking but his smile grew faint. It was weird. When Lisanna said stuff like that to him it didn't seem to affect him at all. His heartbeat would grow ten times faster when Lucy just said his name. His face would get hot, which he blamed on his abnormal body heat.

"Natsu, are you okay?" Lisanna questioned, bending her body forward to face him from below.

"..Oh of course!"

He was in no state of okay. His cheeks burned.

Even the very thought of Lucy made his heart pound in the most unusual way.

"Ahem" Mira clearing her throat. Everybody grew silent as she spoke.

"So I think we should form into small groups to find the location of where Lucy has been held captive," she said showing her plan to everyone.

"Preferably 3-5 groups would be good," "And please try not to split up unless really necessary" "We can't be sure how many members they have nor how much stronger they are." she said, handing the pen back to Reedus.

"Natsu how about we form a team?" Lisanna said tugging his hand into hers.

"Lisanna, I think it's more reasonable if you go with Elfman and me" Mira said to her little sister.

She pouted but gave in, giving Natsu a frown and walked towards her two siblings.

"Levy- chan!" Jet and Droy shouted in unison, popping out from behind the chair Levy was situated at.

"Lets form a team together," they both said cheerfully to the 17-year-old girl.

They glared at one another, fighting and arguing. Eventually it led to a couple of punches and kicks.

"Guys guys, why can't we just be a three?" Levy sighed, as she flipped the page.

A sudden wave of shock was plastered on her face as her petite body was lifted up by one hand. She dropped her book on the floor and peered behind to see who it was. The black- haired dragon slayer stared back at her, his gaze piercing.

"Gajeel put me down!" Levy shouted, her face going red as she tried to escape from his grasp. She couldn't help show the deep blush that was surfacing.

"Sorry Levy, Gajeel is better at talking with his fists," Panther Lily exclaimed, his arms folded as he peered up at his fighting partner. "I think what Gajeel was trying to communicate, is that we should form a group," "Jet, Droy, Gajeel, you and me" he said giving a brief nod.

On the other hand~

"Juvia must be placed with Gray- sama!"

"Hey! Quit being so clingy!" he pestered.

She clung onto his arm as she cried out, "but Gray- sama, lovers should never be apart!"

"Since when were we lovers?!"

"Your so mean Gray- sama!" Juvia bawled, big drops of tears began to drip down her face in a waterfall like fashion.

"Umm, Juvia san?" a small whisper came from the small dragon slayer with long, dark- blue hair.

"Umm if you want, how about you join our team?" Wendy asked the rain woman, tilting her head. "We've got Cana- san, Charle and me."

"Juvia would be honored!" she said clasping Wendy's hand tightly. She turned around and gave Gray a glare that read 'I'll get you back later!'

"Gray, Natsu, Happy how about you guys form a group since your actually an official team?" Mira suggested.

"Form a group.."

"With him?"

Their expressionless faces changed dramatically. They laughing madly, clutching their stomachs.

"I'm serious" Mira said sternly. "You both may get off the wrong foot most times but you two work really well together," she said smiling.

"So I guess it's Happy, ice cube and me," Natsu said folding his arms.

"What did you just call me Tabasco sauce?"

Both of them shouted hateful comments at each other as Mira stood there wondering.

"Hmm.. Maybe their group is a bit too empty.." she considered. "I wonder if-"

The door of the guild was pushed open with such force, the sound resonated through the room. The atmosphere became heavy as the figure stood at the entrance.

"I got on the train home as soon as I heard."

"Your back!" Mira said clapping her hands together.

The figure strode towards the group of people crowded around the bar. As she walked, a wisp of scarlet red hair blew in the wind.

"You're kidding me," Gray mumbled.

"Erza.." Natsu said nervously.

"Natsu, Gray, I'm joining your group," She said going straight to the point.

"Don't decide for yourself!" Natsu replied angrily.

"Do you have a problem with my decision?"

"No! Not at all! Ri- right?" Gray said quickly.

"It most certainly is not right," Natsu said stepping towards Erza. "You're not joining our group until you prove your worthy!" he said pointing directly at her.

"I see."

"Don't do something your going to regret!" Gray interjected. Was the guy crazy? Apparently his head was filled with too much flame and not enough brain.

Natsu glanced over to Gray and grinned. "Your just a girly sissy boy." "I can defeat Erza this time!"

"Yes, It seems you have gotten stronger from last time," she said smiling. "Come over her Natsu, I must congratulate you."

"You truly are not the little kid you were before," she said, bashing his head against her armor. He fell unconscious onto the ground.

"Well, that lasted longer than I expected" Happy said flying over their heads. "I was aiming for 5 minutes at least."

"He's an idiot.." Gray said sighing.


"Lucy?" he glanced around but the environment he was in was pitch black.

"I knew you'd come." "I knew you weren't going to leave me here."

He saw the blonde a few metres away from him. He stretched his arm out to reach for her, only to be met with a piercing scream.

The blonde fell, where he reached out to catch her. He flipped her to his side. Blood. A lot of blood. Everywhere. The blood soaked her clothes, getting onto his own as he examined the area the red liquid came from. A sharp glint caught his eye. He realised he was holding something. A dagger gleaming silver but now soaked in blood. Her blood. He gasped as realisation hit him like a bullet train.

He screamed. It was too horrifying.

He woke up clutching his stomach tightly to get rid of the wretched feeling. It was only a nightmare. He glanced around and examined his surroundings.

He was in an ice cave.

"Finally, your awake"

Natsu turned his head to see Gray peering down at him.

"Yeah, I'm awake" he said glaring, scratching his head.

"You look like hell." Thanks a lot Gray.

"Erza bashed your head really hard," the blue cat called. "You've been asleep for aaaggeeess," Happy said. "It's already night time" he said stuffing a fish in his mouth.

"Yes, I must apologize" Erza said her arms folded. "But other than that, we are going to spend the night here," "Get some rest everybody," she said as she lay her head on the ground.

"What the hell are you on about?! Lucy is out there! Who knows what condition she's in," his voice got louder. "You guys might not be worried about her but I most certainly am!" he said getting ready to stand up.

"Don't you dare say I'm not worried about her you bastard!" Gray shouted. A sudden contact from Gray's fist reached Natsu's mouth.

"Hey cut it out both of you!" Erza shouted at the top of her voice. Her outburst got everyone quite. She calmed down and spoke.

"We are all worried about Lucy." "But Gray and I have been searching this entire day," "We need our rest," she said patting his shoulder.

"Okay. Fine. Get your beauty sleep." Natsu turned away.

Gray was severely pissed at Natsu's remark. Who did the bastard think he was? He didn't waste his energy to carry the stupid lump of coal up the mountain for his own pleasure. He turned away from the other two and rested his head on his elbow. The annoyance that he felt was replaced by guilt. The guilt of not being able to protect the one he loved.

He let his hair cover his eyes as he clenched his fist tightly and released his grip. In his palm was a Fairy tail symbol carved of ice.

The first thing he had shown to Lucy when she was new to Fairy tail.

On the train~

Gray held one arm out, placing his hand flat upward with his other palm clenched on top. He held it there for some time as he worked his magic and then opened his hand to show his masterpiece. An ice Fairy tail symbol was revealed in the palm of his hand. Lucy's eyes widened as she clapped her hands together.

"Ice magic," he explained to her.

"It's very pretty," she said, staring at it in awe.

"Here" he said, gently placing it into her hand.

"It's the most beautiful magic I've ever seen." she whispered as she observed the fine detail.

He looked at her and couldn't help grin himself.

Natsu woke up to the sun beaming down on their dozed off bodies. Its gentle rays escaped the ice that stood around them producing a crystal appeal. He rubbed his eyes, not fully awake yet. He sat up right and then sniffed the air. Something was wrong.

"My my, what lovely angels" a figure said, stepping in front of him.

"You.." Natsu said glaring, standing up.

"Natsu, you know her?" Gray stepped behind him.

"My, that's quite the welcome" the stranger mocked.

"You're the person I saw in town the other day" Natsu said, his anger fuming inside him.

"Natsu calm down," Erza said, holding him back.

"Ahhh, so you overheard our conversation," she said raising her finger to her lips. "Tsk tsk, is this what fairy tail wizards are like?" she asked smugly. "Oh, but I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm Angel, from Oracion Seis," "A pleasure, " she said bowing.

"Don't give me that crap!" Natsu shouted, aiming a kick to her head.

She easily dodged and shot him a dark smile.

"Tell me where she is!" Both his fists suddenly engulfed with fire.

"What ever do you mean?"

"Don't give me that crap, you know very well what I mean!" he screamed, aiming several punches. All his shots were pointless as she dodged every hit that went her way.

"I have no idea what your on about." "We've only just met and you're accusing me."

She took a hidden lacrima from her sleeve and grinned.

"Pay back." she whispered.

All of them watched in horror as screams and shouts escaped the lacrima.

"Gajeel!" Levy cried as the iron dragon slayer was forced to the ground. They could make out another member of Oracion Seis committing this torturous act. Gajeel coughed red. It was too much.

"Oh you see there?" "That's Cobra," Angel said pointing at the man. "The man I was with in your snobby town, remember him?"

The next few scenes unfolded, making them experience the same thing over and over again. Horror. Outrage.

"Lisanna!" Natsu shouted as the next scene was presented, but of course she couldn't hear. It was like watching a television screen. They were the audience and the guild members were the act. It was sickening to watch.

"Oh is this Lisanna your girlfriend?" Angel asked smugly. "Well she's pretty weak isn't she?" "I bet Racer is pretty bored by now. It will be no time until he finishes her off!" Angel cried out gleefully, as several attacks were landed on Lisanna. She did nothing to fight back. She looked broken. Lifeless.

"Natsu.." Happy looked up at his partner as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"You Fairy tail wizards aren't very good are you?" she whispered into their ears. "Your like flies, no worse than flies your like-"

Natsu shoved her onto the ground and the lacrima flew out of her hand. A scream shot out of her mouth as a fist came in contact with her cheek.

"You don't know what your talking about.." Natsu said darkly, his hand tightening around her neck. She stiffened and tried to prise his hand away from her neck.

"Don't say crap you'll regret!" he shouted, raising his other hand, which was being engulfed all over with red fire. Natsu was raging with pure anger, causing his flames to reflect on his emotions.

Her eyes widened. "Hey, wait a sec-" she was cut off when he punched her jaw. Blood trickled down from her mouth onto the ground, dyeing the ice a dark red.

Angle gave a faint smirk, whimpering as she did so. It sounded as if she was laughing.

"What? You in for another one?" he said raising his arm again.

"Natsu that's enough," Erza spoke, helping him up.

"You- won't- win," Angel gasped.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"We- we've go- got so ma- many strong me- members,"

"Yeah, well I don't care how strong your members are," Natsu, said rubbing the back of his neck. "If one of my friends are in danger, no matter how strong the opponent is, I won't give up."

"Then your stupid," she answered.

"Stupid or not that's me," "I'm not going to give up protecting what's precious to me," he said starting to turn away, swinging his scarf to the side.

"That's Fairy Tail."

"Oi what are you doing flame brain?" Gray asked, scratching his head. The dragon slayer walked to one of the backpacks and took a worn out blanket.

"It would leave a bad taste in my mouth if I left her how she is now," he said, putting the blanket over the girl's body that lay on the floor unconscious. She looked so peaceful, other than the fact that her mouth had a trickle of dried blood.

"Your very thoughtful as always," Erza exclaimed, folding her arms with a hint of a smile.

Coughing and shuffling noises suddenly took Erza by surprise.

"Do you hear that?" Gray asked looking around to find the source.

Apparently Erza wasn't the only one. The coughing continued until a faint voice reached their ears.

"Warren?!" Erza shouted, placing two fingers on her head. Natsu, Gray and Happy did the same.

"Every- one, we- we've found the location where Lucy is,"

"Hey are you okay?!" Natsu panicked.

"Is th- this Natsu?" he stuttered.

"Yeah, everyone in our group is okay,"

"Thank goodness, we were ambushed." "Bi- bisca and Alzack are badly wounded, I'm fine though,"

"You've become stronger Warren," Erza said nodding approvingly.

There was a small choking noise that sounded like a laugh.

"The location," Gray interrupted.

"Ah right, I don't know too much but I met Wendy's group a short while before we were attacked. Charle flew up and saw a group of Oracion Seis members heading towards a mountain where a cave is situated on the fault," "Where are you guys?"

We're in an ice cave, there seems to be a forest of trees below." Gray spoke.

"Well, the entrance of the cave is pretty hi- high up," "If you look straight ahead, I'm guessing you should be able to see a slanted mountain," "The cave should be easily identified as the entrance is visible," "You said there was a forest? It should be the easiest route to travel by."

"You sure?" Natsu pressed his fingers hard against his head.

"Po- positive," Warren stuttered before the call was cut off.

"Hey! Warren! Come back!" Natsu shouted.

"Natsu he used up all his energy to contact us, let him rest." Erza implied.

"Yo- your ki- killing me," Natsu wavered, his body situated on the side of a raft. The gentle movement of the river current was soothing for all except one.

"This is the fastest way to get to Lucy," Erza said sitting down cross-legged with her arms folded.

"Yeah unless you plan on walking the whole way," Gray said staring at the pink mess. "But other than that, why are you in a swim suit?"

"That's Erza!" Happy exclaimed, sitting on the nest of pink hair.

"I ca- can't take this any- mmmore," Natsu flung himself off the raft.

"Your hopeless, I've got no choice then," Happy sighed, picking up the dragon slayer by his tail and flying alongside.

"This is taking longer than I thought," Erza said getting worried. "And we have no idea where the mountain is from this view,"

"Should we keep going?" Gray asked, steering.

"I guess so," Erza said putting her hand to her chin.


"Natsu?" Happy called down. He had finally gone back to his usual self.

"It's Lucy's scent," he said sniffing the air.

"What really?!" Erza shouted out. "Gray, we are jumping off this raft now before we loose her trail!"

"I'm not mentally prepared for this yet!"

"Natsu are you sure?" Erza requiped back into her armour.

"Yeah, it's Lucy" "Couldn't miss it." he added mumbling.

They all followed Natsu from behind, placing all their hopes and bets. He suddenly stopped walking, making Gray crash into him.

"Hey what are you-" he started but stopped when he looked up. They had reached the mountain.

Suddenly someone appeared from the bushes. The person, no the thing was a bear, coloured an unnatural deep pink. He had a wide grin that stretched from one cheek to the other. He had a zipper chin and long mechanical arms with purple-gloved hands. Coloured lights flashed all around a big arc that was stuck to its back. Three columns were situated in the middle of its stomach, and each had a button underneath. A lever was placed on its side.

"Hello, Fairy tail" the thing said, a huge grin plastered on it's artificial face.

"Oracion Seis I'm guessing," Erza said stepping forward as she used requip to change into her heaven's wheel armour.

"Ha ha! You guessed correct," "I'm Jackpot."

The three columns on his stomach flipped and abruptly stopped, showing a row of lightning bolts

"Ding ding ding!" "We have a winner!" he shouted out. Lightning bolts shot into their direction. Erza took out two swords and shielded them from the attack.

"Natsu, Happy!" "You guys get to Lucy, Gray and I, will hold him off!" she shouted.

"Happy!" Natsu shouted to his partner.


They both shot up the mountain, heading towards the mouth of the cave, their traces soon long gone.

Happy stumbled onto the floor as they reached the entrance of the cave. The inside was pitch black and he knew if they stepped further in, it would be impossible to see.

"Natsu.. I can't go any further." Happy mumbled.

"It's okay, you did great Happy, now we can finally get Lucy back."

"Then we can all go home" Happy sighed.

"C'mon let's go,"

He picked up Happy in his arms and walked towards the entrance. He lifted his finger where a flame appeared, using the light as guidance. As he drew further in the cave it wasn't as dark anymore, glowing crystals lit up the cave ceiling. He went deeper in and could see the big picture. It was a fairly large area where stairs were located on both sides, leading up to another base level.

"So you've come, dragon slayer." someone announced. He came out of the shadows looking down at Natsu with the most wicked smile.

"Who are you?!"

"Now don't need to be so demanding," "I'm Midnight, preferably Brain ll, leader of Oracion Seis," he said raising both arms in the air.

"Where's Lucy?!"

"Lucy?.. You mean the pretty blonde?" Midnight asked. He clicked his fingers where two flame torches lit up behind him on either side of a large stone where the celestial mage was tied. Two thick metal cuffs were tightly trapped around her wrists as she dangled there helplessly.

"Lucy!" Natsu's shout resonated throughout the large space.

He gently placed Happy on the floor and sped up the side steps to reach his best friend. He jumped up towards the stone; his hand instantly engulfed in fire and punched the metal. It didn't leave so much as a scratch. Even so, he kept on trying, desperate to save her.

"It's useless," he heard a voice speak behind him.

"Let her go!" he shouted, his whole body raging fire.

"Now, now you could have asked nicely." Midnight said sarcastically, retrieving a controller from his pocket and pressed the button.

Surprisingly, the metal that clasped around her wrists detached and she fell free. He ran towards her and caught her in his arms just in time.

"Lucy! Are you okay?!" he asked. Panic spread through his body. His heart pounding fast.

Her eyes opened slowly as she stared ahead, not fully in focus. Suddenly her eyes widened and she jumped out of his arms, pushing him away.

"Na- Natsu, I did- didn't think you wo- would make it," she stammered.

"It's okay, I'm here now, we can go home," he said relieved. He gave her a weary smile but she didn't smile back.

"Lucy? Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

She didn't give him a reply. She didn't even look at him.

"S- say something Lucy, so I know your okay,"

She averted her gaze. Her head was bent so he couldn't see her face; one hand placed on her arm.

"L- lucy?" he whispered. His smile faded.

An evil laugh escaped Midnight who stood behind Lucy. The dark figure walked up to her, and placed one hand on her shoulder. She stiffened.

"She's quite the actress isn't she?" he said patting her shoulder.

"What are you talking about? What does he mean Lucy? Tell me." Natsu pleaded, staring into her eyes. Searching for something. Longing.

"Yes, tell him Lucy," Midnight whispered in a hushed tone.


"I- I'm so- sorry," she said a tear trickling down her cheek.

Before he could make out what had just happened, the blackness took over. He couldn't see anything but he knew there was someone there.

He opened his eyes to see nothing but a blur.

He couldn't remember anything. He looked wearily around trying to get a sense of the place he was in. He tried to move his arms but for some reason two metal cuffs had clasped his wrists in place. He blinked and focused properly. Below him, he saw a scarlet haired girl and a raven-haired boy shouting at another figure. They looked familiar to him. He looked at the person they were shouting at. A blonde girl stood in front of him shouting back at them.

Suddenly he remembered. His eyes filled with tears. He tried to shout her name but it came out as a whisper. She turned around to face him.

So she had heard him.

"Lucy what are you doing?! Let us through!" Erza shouted.

Lucy ignored them.

"She works for me now, I guess you don't really know your guild members too well," Midnight said peering down at them, smirking.

Gray stared at Lucy astounded. This wasn't the girl he loved.

"So it was all a trap?!" Erza shouted angrily.

"Maybe it was, who can say?" Midnight said putting one arm around Lucy's shoulder.

"What are you going to do with Natsu?!"

Midnight grinned darkly. Demonic.

"Do you know what I desire the most?" He paused. "Dragon slayer magic," "Your precious Lucy agreed to help me." She deserves all the thanks," "You see, once I've extracted all the dragon slayer magic no one will be able to beat me," "I'll be the strongest wizard there ever was." As you know a wizards life span is all relied on his or her magic. Once his power is drained from his body he'll be nothing but a corpse"

"In other words he'll be dead,"

Lucy's eyes widened. She shoved Midnight off her shoulder.

"Wa- what do you mean he'll be de- dead?" she said her entire body went rigid as she shook.

"It's just like I said sweetheart," he replied.

"B- but I-," "Th- that's not what I wanted." she whispered, her heart pounding.

"Yes I know, life is unfair, you'll just have to deal with it," "Now come, his dragon slayer magic is nearly all extracted,"

He grabbed her wrist but she pulled away. She took a step back, placing both hands together to her chest. She was lost.

"N- no.."


"No!" she grabbed Midnight by his jacket with such force it nearly pushed him to the ground.

"Give me Natsu back please!" she cried, tugging at his jacket as she struggled desperately. The fresh tears rolled down her face as she shook him furiously.

He glared at her and shoved her to his side. She hit the stone wall falling unconscious.

"Lucy!" Gray began to move.

"After all this you still trust her?" Midnight said walking towards the body, now stoned from moving. "This piece of trash?" His hands were placed in his pockets as he kicked her.

"Stop it!" Gray shouted angrily stepping forward.

"Wait. What did she mean this wasn't what she wanted," Erza asked Midnight. She stopped Gray with her arm, in need to hear the confirmation from Midnight.

"Oh you didn't know?" "I offered her a deal and she accepted."

"Stupid girl."

"Oh darn, I forgot to bring an umbrella!" She shrieked, shielding her groceries.

"May I assist you ma'am?" the stranger asked, placing an umbrella over Lucy's head.

"Thank you." she said, giving a weary smile.

It was then something caught his eye.

"So, your from Fairy Tail?" he said looking at her guild emblem on her hand.

"Oh yes, I'm a celestial wizard," she smiled nervously.

"How interesting," "So you know the Salamander?"

"Oh? You mean Natsu?"

"Ahh yes, the dragon slayer, I hear he's very powerful,"

"Oh yes definitely."

There was a long pause.

"Tell you what, I'll offer you a deal," "You work for me and I'll grant you whatever your pretty heart desires,"

"I- sorry, I do- don't accept these things from strangers, so umm I better get going," she stuttered.

"Now, all I want is dragon slayer magic, you must have something on your mind,"

She hesitated and looked up at him.

"Ahh so there is something you desire."


"Now you see, she didn't mean to betray your guild, all she wanted was the love of someone who didn't love her back," "How touching," Midnight mocked.

"Yo- your wrong," "I do lo- love her."

Midnight's eyes widened as he turned his head.

"How are you still able to talk? "By now all your magic should have been extracted,"

He glanced up to see the raven-haired boy jumping down from the stone. The cuffs that extracted the dragon slayer magic shattered to the ground.

"It's a shame you didn't make those cuffs ice proof," Gray said smugly. "Didn't think that one through did ya?"

Erza grinned, holding Happy in her arms.

The ice had frozen the cuffs, preventing any magic power from flowing through. It gave out eventually, as Natsu broke free. He landed on the ground and stood up and stared weakly at Midnight who was paralysed from the shock.

"Thanks icicle, I owe you one," Natsu wiped his chin and grinned.

Midnight's expression darkened. He smirked and lifted his hand as a blood red flame appeared in his hand. He threw it as the dark element hurtled towards Natsu.

Lucy opened her eyes, blinking a few times. She looked around and saw her friends. The friends she had betrayed. She hated the thought. She focused properly and then she saw him. Pink hair, white scarf.

She breathed out a sigh of relief. Natsu was safe. That was all that mattered. But then she saw Midnight aiming a flame towards Natsu as it pelted towards him. Her eyes widened. She felt weak and couldn't move her body without wincing. But she had to save him.

"Nice try, but fire won't work on me," she heard Natsu voice.

"Na- Natsu!" "That's not an ordinary flame!" she screamed.

He didn't hear her so she did the first thing that came to her mind.

She didn't even think straight.

Any second, the red ball of flame would reach him. He planned to eat it, as soon as it came in contact with him but it never did.

A figure loomed in front of him. He gaped in horror and tried to reach out to her but it was too late.

A horrible piercing scream left her as the fire spread all around her body. He tried to grab hold of her but the very touch made his fingers burn. All the flames instantly disappeared and smoke rose into the air. She staggered a little and then fell to the ground. He caught her body, collapsing onto the floor in the process.

She didn't move at all. Blood trickled from her head into the palm of his hand. He stared at his hand in horror. It had to be another nightmare. He had to wake up. He shouted her name but there was no response. She seemed lifeless. It was like she was,


At Fairy tail guild~

"Master, what do you suppose we do?"

"Is Lu- chan going to kicked out of the guild?" a certain blue- haired teen asked.

"I'm aware of the situation,"

"She was bribed, Gramps please let her stay," the raven boy responded.

"Gray- sama.."

"Everyone I assure you, she won't be kicked out,"

"But.. even if she remains in the guild, Lucy- san isn't waking up," the small dragon slayer whispered.

"Wendy stop crying," "And stop grabbing on to me Happy,"


"Where's Natsu- san now?"

"He's in the infirmary."

"He hasn't left her side since."

"Lucy wake up.." "It's been 5 months already," Natsu whispered. He tightened his grip on her hand rubbing his fingers over her knuckles gently.

He lay his head on the bed the blonde occupied. Closing his eyes, multiple tears escaped his eyes, dampening the white cloth.

He sat back on the chair and compressed his crying, wiping his eyes with his scarf. Everyone's injuries were healable and everyone was cured in no time except for Lucy. It wasn't fair.

He thought back to their escape. It hadn't been easy but they all returned safely back to the guild. Midnight was captured by the royal guards and was put in prison.

"My that's a surprise," Midnight said, walking up to them.

"Don't come any closer or I'll beat the crap out of you!" Natsu shouted, angry tears welling up in his eyes as he tightened his grip around Lucy protectively.

"Is that a threat I hear?" Midnight said, stepping closer.

"Don't move from there," Gray muttered, standing a few feet in front of Natsu.

Gray swung his fist and aimed for Midnight. He dodged and lifted his arm. Dark magic shot into Gray's direction hitting him multiple times.

Gray compressed his pain. He produced two sharp spear icicles that appeared on each of his arms as he swung at Midnight. Furious.

It cut Midnight's cheek where blood trickled down his cheek.

"Not bad Ice wizard,"


"Let's just finish this, shall we?" He raised his arm to attempt another attack but Gray grabbed his arm.

"W- what are you trying to do?!"

Gray held on firmly, tightened his grip on Midnights arm where ice began to spread through.

"You've hurt my guild and my comrades," "I won't forgive you."

Midnight screamed trying to pull free put the ice had froze his body. It immobilized him. Gray let go of his arm with disgust and then walked over to Natsu and Lucy.

He crouched down and cupped the blonde's cheek.

"C'mon, we need to go now." "I got news from Warren, they're all waiting outside," Erza said patting both boys on the shoulder.

"Don't worry Natsu, Gray, she'll be alright,

We'll save her."

Natsu had fallen asleep and was suddenly woken up by the memory. He opened his eyes to see Lucy sitting up and staring out the window.

"Lucy..?" he whispered.

"Where am I?" she asked him rubbing her head.

"Lucy, your finally awake." he said tears forming in his eyes. He got up and pulled her into a hug. He breathed in her scent. It was real. She was awake. She was alive.

"Umm.." He realised he had been hugging her too tightly.

"Oh sorry Luce," he sheepishly grinned as he let go.

"I'm sorry but,"

"Who are you?"

"Wh- what?" Natsu thought he heard wrong.

"Who are you?" she repeated again staring at him curiously.

He didn't know what to say. He just whispered his name.

"Natsu.. I'm Natsu," he said staring into her eyes, trying to search for her. Nothing. He was foreign to her. A stranger.

"Natsu.. I don't recall the name," she said, gazing down to rub the palm of her hands.

This was the Lucy he knew right? What happened to her? She was just playing a trick. A joke.


"Are you the doctor?" she asked, staring at the strange boy.

It was then, the infirmary door opened as someone walked in holding a tray.

"Natsu, I made some tea for yo-,"

As Mira walked into the room carrying a tea tray, she stopped as she saw Lucy. She stared at her for a moment trying to gather up her thoughts.

She put her hands over her mouth, dropping the tea tray, as it smashed to pieces. She couldn't care less as she ran over to Lucy and hugged her tightly.

"Lucy! Your okay!" she cried, her arms tight around the blonde mage.

"Mira it's no use, she doesn't remem-" Natsu started but Lucy spoke over him.

"Mira san!" Lucy laughed, hugging back.

"What?.." "What's happening?" "Why didn't she remember him?"

He started to feel dizzy; He put one hand on the chair balancing himself as he placed his other hand over his forehead.

"Quick! I'm going to tell everyone in the guild you're alright, they'll be so happy!" Mira said clapping her hands together as she ran out the door.

"Lu-" Natsu started, reaching to take her hand in his but was shaken off by a boy running past.

"Lucy!" Gray shouted, running over to the bed and wrapping his arms around her.

"Gray!" she laughed and flung her arms around the raven-hair boy.

Natsu stepped out of the way and watched the scene unfold before him. He was envious.

Gray steadied Lucy as she stumbled out of bed. She was still getting use to walking again. She placed her hand on his chest, with the other around his shoulder as they walked together towards the door.

"Gray.." Lucy said peering up at him worriedly.

"What's wrong?"

"He's staring at me," Lucy signaled towards Natsu.

"He's just a stupid flame brain, don't worry," Gray said. He was unaware of her memory loss.

Unaware of how much that small comment had hurt Natsu.

"Memory fire," Levy pronouncing clearly.

"An ancient form of dark magic," "The victim who is attacked by memory fire will forget the one thing they treasure the most. It starts off as a ball of flame, once touched by the victim the fire will wrap around the entire body, erasing as much of the memory as possible, a feeling of one's soul being ripped out. But as the memory leaves, the body will feel weaker since a part of them has been erased."

Levy shut the book breathing heavily, placing it on the table and pushing it away. She looked at the group and nodded sadly.

"I guess Lu-chan's treasure was Natsu."

"So Lucy- san was attacked by memory fire," Wendy whispered.

"Natsu- ni was erased from Lucy- ne's memory," Romeo said, slouching on the table.

"Yes, it seems," Erza said nodding.

"That's horrible," Wendy said falling to her knees, as she wiped the exasperated tears from her eyes.

"Why would such magic even exist?" Cana sighed, a barrel of beer next to her left un-touched.

No one knew how to answer her.

"Where is Lucy-ne now?" Romeo asked.

"She's with Gray," Mira said sighing.

"I feel horrible for Natsu- san," Wendy cried, collapsing into fresh tears again.

"Lucy doesn't know that her real love is Natsu, she thinks it's Gray,"


Lucy opened her eyes to be met with a tree looming over her. She had fallen asleep. A hand was waving up and down over her face. She peered at the person sitting beside her. He smiled and offered his hand to her. She took it gratefully and sat up, laying her head on his shoulder.



"What do you know about Natsu?"

"Well.. I know he's a hot- headed flame brain, and that's basically it,"

She laughed.

"Why do you ask?" he asked, looking at her curiously.

"Oh, nothing really." "It's just when I woke up in the infirmary he was sitting there as if he was waiting for me, but I had no idea who he was," "It's weird huh?"

Gray was aware of the memory fire situation because Erza and Levy had informed him. He knew deep down, the real Lucy didn't love him romantically. It seemed like he was taking advantage of her. He knew he had to choose the best solution.


"Oh sorry, just thinking,"

"About what?"

He looked at her and smiled. He flicked her lightly on her forehead. She hit him softly, nudged his shoulder laughing.

He loved her. But he knew she could never be his.

"Lucy.. I love you," he whispered to her.

She looked up at him surprised with the sudden outburst and then smiled.

"Me too,"

"No.." "You don't."

She was taken aback.

"Wait, what do you mean?" she asked dumfounded. "You just said-"

"I love you but you don't love me," he said frowning a little, his arms folded, resting on his knees.

"Yes I do,"

He looked at her and gave her a soft smile.

"No, you love someone, but that someone isn't me,"

"Yes it is you, I know it is," she said with a concerned look.

"Lucy, try to remember, the person you really love is waiting for you. "Don't make him suffer any longer,"

"What are you on about Gray?!" "Your acting weird" she said angry tears forming in her eyes. She rubbed her eye with one hand fiercely as the tears continuously flowed down her cheeks.

He pulled her hand away from her face and pulled her in for a hug. Her tears stopped as she wrapped her arms around his waist, returning the touch. He kissed her forehead lightly and embraced her for the last time.

Natsu sat at the bar, his head on the table with his arms folded. He sighed, running his fingers through his pink hair.

"Natsu, why don't you just tell her?" Mira asked feeling his pain, as she wiped a cup with an old cloth.

"I don't want to hurt her,"

"But your only hurting yourself even more."

He didn't say anything.

She sighed.

"Natsu, just make sure you do what you think is right."

"Mira-chan! Another cup over here!"

"Me too Mira-chan!"

"Be right with you!" she voiced cheerfully and walked off to attend them.

He was about to walk out of the guild when he spotted a girl looming in the shadows, sitting on a barrel of beer. It was undeniably edgy but he decided to check it out. Walking over towards the strange figure he realized it was the rain woman.

"Oh Juvia!" "What are you doing here?"

She looked up at him her face red, evidence of her crying.

"Juvia is sad,"

"Why are you sad?" he asked scratching his head.

"Gray- sama loves Lucy-san," She paused. "It's painful isn't it?" she whispered, turning her head to him as sparkles of tears escaped her eyes.

His face fell and he gritted his teeth.

"Well why aren't you stopping them?" "Don't you want to tear apart their relationship?"

"Juvia can't do such a thing because Juvia loves Gray-sama,"

"What do you mean?"

"Juvia loves Gray-sama, so Juvia cannot make Gray- sama hate her" "Gray- sama's happiness is Juvia's happiness."

"You don't look happy."

She glanced up at him before looking away.

"Juvia will tell Gray-sama her feelings for him, even if Juvia can never have him,"

She stood up and walked out of the door, she paused half way and turned around back to Natsu.

"Natsu-san should think about Lucy-san,"

"Don't wait for Lucy-san to come first, Natsu-san has to make the first move or nothing will ever be accomplished."

She turned on her heel and walked out.

The celestial mage sat under the cherry blossom tree, her arms folded with her head in her knees. Sobbing. She heard footsteps walking over to her. She lifted her head.

"Gra-" she started. But it wasn't Gray; it was the boy from the infirmary.

"Hey," the boy said grinning softly, one hand in his pocket and the other hand slightly waving at the blonde.

A tear trickled down her cheek; it wasn't whom she expected. She stood up and turned to walk away, wiping her eyes.

"Wait!" he shouted grabbing her arm.

She turned to face him startled, but then frowned.

"Can you please let go of me?" she whispered. Agitated.

His eyes widened and he released his grip.

"I'm sorry," he said softly.

She placed one hand on her other arm looking away.

"What do you want?" she asked averting her gaze.

"I.. umm.."

"If you don't have anything to say, I'm going to leave," she said starting to walk away.

"No wait!" he shouted, running towards her figure. His arms automatically wrapped around her, embracing her from behind.

"Don't go.." he whispered in her hair.

"I love you Lucy, even if you will never remember me, or never love me again,"

"I'll remember the missions we went on, the fun we shared, and how you saved me back then," "I'll always be willing to protect you."

He cried on the back of her shoulder, hugging her tighter, afraid his entire existence to her would disappear if he let go.

She pulled away and put both hands to her chest, breathing heavily. His warmth. His hugs. Felt so familiar..

It was no use after all, the Lucy he knew was gone. He sighed, and wiped his eyes. He turned away. Giving up hope.

He suddenly stumbled backwards as the blonde mage turned around and ran into his arms. His eyes widened stunned. She wrapped her arms around him, her grip tightening on his shirt.


"I want to remember, I swear I do,"

"I've tried but I just.. Can't." she whispered into his chest.

He looked her in the eyes as her face was stained with tears. She looked up at him, finally making eye contact.

"Gray told me everything." "I'm sorry. I never realised how much I've hurt you." I've had dreams. Your always in them." "I don't know why but whenever I wake up I end up crying."

His eyes watered as he looked down at the person he loved the most. He slowly bent his head down to her face but hesitated. He ended up kissing her cheek. He gently removed her from his chest and looped his fingers into hers.

He smiled at her, breathing out a breathe of content.

She smiled up at him, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Maybe there was a chance after all.



"Natsu I love you."

"Me too.."

"What did you say Natsu? I can't seem to hear you."

"I said I love you!"

"Oh my, did Natsu just confess to Lucy in front of everyone?"

"Aye he did Mira.."

"Shut up Happy! I didn't mean to say it like that!"

"So are you don't love me?.." "I'm taking back my confession just now."

"No, Luce it's not like tha-"

Nalu-x-kiss-342298912 (first link by LucyHea123)

Well thanks for reading! I'm not the best writer in the world but yeah. I hope you enjoyed. It was fun to write! I'll definitely improve and hope to write more stories in the future!