A/N: Thanks for the reviews! Keep them coming. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Please keep reviewing and I'm open to suggestions :-) Trigger warning: as the plot is developing, there will be slight violence/rape mentioned.

And now, you wanna see how far down I can sink?
Let me go, fuck!

What Trina was saying was true. This whole fucked up situation was because of Jade. She stood there silent for a moment, watching on as Cat comforted Tori, before she spoke her last words. "I just want Tori to know the truth.." Trina snickered at the girls pathetic attempt to (in her opinion) win her sister back. "Yeah well, you're not fucking welcome here so do her a favour and leave her alone." Trina watched as Jade nodded slightly and made her way back to her car. She turned around and made her way to her sister, who was now sobbing into the red heads shoulder. Tori then turned and pulled Trina into her for a hug, causing the older latina's eyes to welt up. "Sh, it's okay Tor.. it's okay.." The girl was a mess, which wasn't such a surprise given everything that'd happened in the last month of so. Trina didn't really know what to say, but she knew she just had to be there for her younger sister who now seemed to be falling apart at the seems. Trina motioned for Cat to get Tori a blanket, so the red head entered back into the house later returning with a blanket. She held on tight to her sister, feeling her calming down slowly but surely. Cat wrapped the blanket around the latina's shoulders, rubbing her back through the fabric. Trina pulled back, wiping the tears from her sisters cheeks. "It's going to be okay, Tori. You need some sleep and then in the morning we can go for pancakes, okay?" The girl nodded, giving her sister a slight smile before the three walked back into the house. There were a lot of hugs exchanged before Trina finally decided to go to bed. Cat and Tori soon followed, making their way back up to Tori's bedroom. Cat, being the good friend that she was, refused to go to sleep until she knew Tori was asleep. "I'm just going to take a shower, okay? I promise as soon as I'm finished we can go to sleep, okay Cat?" The girl nodded sheepishly, but Tori knew she'd be out like a light even before she got into the shower. It was definitely a very emotional night for everyone, especially Tori. She closed the door behind her, making her way to the bathroom. Majority of the time, Tori spent it staring at herself in the mirror, wondering how it ever came to be like this.


It was about two weeks before Hollywood Art's annual dance that was held. Tori didn't know how to approach the subject with Jade, considering a) it would potentially be their 'coming out' party and b) Jade wasn't into the whole dance thing (Tori knew this and she didn't even have to ask, it just came from her personality). Earlier on in the day, the pair had agreed to meet up at Tori's house (apparently Jade's was off limits, something to do with her father not really liking visitors – Tori didn't press it) for burgers and.. yeah, that time. They hadn't been doing it for long (and no, 'it' is not sex), they'd been seeing each other for maybe about four/five months. As much as Tori didn't like to admit, she wasn't into the whole secret relationship thing. It had it's perks (aka make-out sessions in the janitors closet) but it also had its cons (like not being able to hold your own girlfriends hand). Scratch that – Tori didn't even really know if they were girlfriends. She knew that they both felt exactly the same way about one another, but there was never any formal 'ask out' – you know, when someone goes 'I like you so much, blah blah blah will you date me'. They just kissed and did stuff that would usually qualify as dating (or god forbid, friends with benefits). Tori hoped it wasn't the later option, as she really really liked Jade. But she still reminded herself every day to just take it as it came, as Jade would be ready when she was ready. Yes, she was getting kinda impatient but hey – could you blame her? She wanted to parade Jade around saying 'look at this beautiful woman who I may or may not love'.

After school finished, Tori drove to the local (aka the closest) burger joint and ordered the two some cheese burgers (two for Tori, one for Jade – don't judge her) and some cokes. It didn't take long and it just so happened that as soon as the order was finished, Jade texted Tori.

At yours now. Your sister gave me a weird look. Come quick or I might shank her. X

Tori rolled her eyes. Yes, Trina had the habit of irritating multiple people (aka anyone she came into contact with – including her own family). She made her way to her house, smirking to herself as she saw Jade leant against her car in the driveway. Tori motioned for Jade to come and help her with the food and she complied. The two then made their way up to Tori's room, shutting the door behind them. "Just to be clear, you got three burgers for yourself right?" Tori playfully punched the girl in the shoulder, poking her tongue out. "No! I.. got two for myself. Don't judge me!" Jade smirked, giving the latina a light peck on the mouth. "I'm not judging, but don't expect me to kiss your greasy lips afterwards." Tori rolled her eyes, not taking her comment to heart. The pair sat and ate their food, making comments about their day and how weird Sikowitz was (like usual). Tori didn't really know when to bring the whole dance thing up. She wanted to do it preferably when Jade didn't have access to anything to potentially hit her with. They were now both laying on their backs, hands intertwined as they sat in silence. They did this often, just sat and were aware of each-other's presence. Some may find that boring but for Jade and Tori, it was nice. Jade however sensed Tori's tenseness, so she spoke up. "What's on your mind, Vega?" Nervously, Tori chewed on her lower lip before caving. "The dance is coming up.." Jade sat up now, her now straddling Tori's hips. She nodded, not really understanding where Tori was going with this. "Yep, it is. What about it?" Tori placed her hands onto Jade's hips, looking up at Jade's face. "Well I was, uh.. thinking that maybe we could.. go, together?" Jade rolled her eyes, and Tori instantly knew this was a bad idea. "It's okay, I know it's not your thing." Jade leant down, giving the girl a sweet kiss before pulling back. "It's not that it's not my thing, Tori. I just.. don't think I'm ready, you know?" Tori nodded, knowing exactly what her girlfriend meant. She wasn't ready to be out. Tori didn't want to press on the subject but she just needed clarification about why she was so worried about having people knowing about their relationship. "Is there a reason why we have to be so quiet about this?" Tori motioned to their hands, which were now interlocked. "There are people who probably wouldn't appreciate it.. But you need to know Tori, that I want nothing more than to just.. be, with you." –


The shower's steam was filling up the bathroom, making Tori feel slightly weak (which was probably a combination of her emotions as well). Tori stripped from her pyjamas, hopping into the shower. She cringed slightly as the hot water hit her back, but it still felt good. For a while, she just stood there with the water washing over her. Then she started to cry, thankful that the shower would muffle any of her sobs. It felt like her insides were being ripped out of her, all the once. As much as Tori liked to pretend that she was some strong person, she wasn't kidding anyone – not even herself. She wondered how anyone could just move on from something that had meant so much to them? How could people just go from loving someone to absolutely hating their entire existence. Tori wasn't like that. She realised, that she needed time to grieve. Everyone was so busy telling her that Jade was a bad person (which yes, Tori did somewhat agree) but no one was telling her 'you had a relationship, you felt feelings and you should be able to mourn'. No one was telling her that it was okay to wish things had turned out differently. And that's all she wanted – she just wanted someone to acknowledge that it sucked, that was she was feeling made her insides hurt. It was then that Jade's words came rushing back to her. "I just want Tori to know the truth.." What the hell did that mean? Was there more to everything that had gone down? She knew though, that if she bought this up to anyone (mainly Trina), they would dismiss it as Jade trying to push her little claws back into Tori's head. And if that was Jade's motives – it was working.

Well, when you go
Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way

Jade didn't want to go home, but she knew that if home wasn't an option – there was only one other place. Beck's RV. She shuddered at the thought – the thought of having to 'love' him, the thought of him touching her.. It all made her want to throw up. She drove around for what felt like hours before she made her way to his 'house'. The lights were on, which was typical of Beck – he didn't really sleep much, at least not now that he had Jade. She turned off the cars engine, stepped out into the cold air and knocked on the RV's door. When he opened the door, he was slightly taken aback that it was Jade. Beck gave her a slight smirk, before letting her in. Neither said a word until Beck started to get speculative as to why Jade was here so late. "Where've you been?" Jade shrugged sluggishly, scrolling through her phone hoping and praying he'd leave it at that. "Just places, no where important." He gave a laugh, before he went over to Jade, throwing her phone onto the other side of the RV. "What the fuck was that for?" His eyes weren't the same now – they had a somewhat evil tinge to them (if that were even possible). He looked Jade up and down as she waited for an answer. "Do you really think I'm that naïve, Jade?" She tried to get his hands to loosen their grip on her wrists, but her attempts were failed – he was much stronger. "Well if you ask me, you are kinda on the slow side sometimes." Beck smirked. He knew very well that Jade had an attitude problem – one that he knew he could deal with. "What was our deal, Jade?" She rolled her eyes, which earned Beck tightening the grip on her wrists. "What was the deal?" His voice was more forceful now, causing Jade to get goosebumps. "That.. that I wouldn't go back to her. I wouldn't talk to her, unless.. unless it was to hurt her." He nodded, loosening his grip slightly. "So then, where were you tonight?" She gulped slightly, before giving in, knowing either she or Tori would be paying for it sooner or later. "I went to the house, but then I felt. I swear that's all that happened." Beck gave her a smirk, before one of his hands struck her hard on the cheek. "You know what happens when you lie, don't you Jade?" She nodded, her cheek now a bright red from where his palm struck her. "Good.." One of his hands caressed her face, and Jade knew what was coming next. He pulled down his pyjama pants, revealing a very erect member. "Do it.." Jade knew exactly what he meant. She gagged a little, praying that this time it'd be quick. But she knew that when anger happened before the deed, she was going to pay for it in more ways than one. She took his member into her mouth, her eyes closed as his hand found it's way to the back of her head. She shed slight tears as she prayed "This is for you, Tori.." –