It was still early, and the sun was still making its way to the peak of the sky, the blazing ball of light illuminating the room through the open window. The master room of the house was blanketed in a soft yellow, making everything look like it was fuzzy memory. Celestial blue eyes hidden behind golden locks only gazed at one spot, the bed.

There was something he loved in the bed, something he single handedly almost destroyed from being careless. Wrapped up in milky white sheets was none other than a woman, his lover, his wife. And she looked like a mess no thanks to his recklessness. All his life he didn't care, because who was there besides the third and a teacher to care back? Wake up and you realized no matter what you pull, no matter the crazy stunt, no matter how big the prank no one would care for your consequences.

But last night he realized there was one who more than cared, and by Kami himself did it open his eyes. Yeah, saved your brother figure, but now that he stood here there where so many ways he could have done it, so many different ways to get the mission. Instead he pulled a Kami awful stunt that got him in jail. Smooth.

But he would lie if he said he was good at this, being with someone. He finally had someone inn his hands, and instead of holding it close, comforting it, he was for some reason juggling it, breaking it. And if he kept it up, would drop and break it. But that's what he was doing right now, mending. Gripping the plate full of hot breakfast, he was ready to get his lover back to original state.

One foot stepped in front of the other, his bare feet colliding with the warm wood floors. Walking to her side of the bed he got right next to her, a small smile on his whiskered face. But before he could say anything he heard his lover grumble and roll over, the word 'idiot' in the middle of all the rambling.

His face dropped, he knew this wasn't going to be easy. Sighing, he put the plate down on the night stand, he was going in.

And he was sure he was going to die trying.

He leaned down, slowly crawling on the marshmallow soft bed, the feeling crisp on his hands and body. So far so good. Going in deeper he laid down, inching closer and closer to his target. He knew she was mad, he could feel it rolling off of her in waves, but damn-it if he didn't do anything he would forever regret it. Taking a deep breath, he leaned in one last inch, the prankster's forehead softly on her shoulder blades, her breathing huffs. Going the extra mile he gingerly put his palm on her creamy hip, his hands snaking around her to secure the snake mistress in a gentle hold.


That one word hurt more than he thought it would, one thousand times he could be called it, but coming from someone he loved made it real painful. Her voice was dry. But yeah, he was an idiot. Smirking into her spine he couldn't agree more. "Yeah, I'm an idiot…" "And stupid." "Yeah, I'm kind of stupid, brass, clumsy and carless. And I hurt the only thing in this world that cares for me because I'm such a knuckle head. And…I couldn't be any more sorry."

Snaking his other hand he pushed her towards him, there naked bodies colliding. The young lovers face giving soft kisses on the deadly torture specialist's spine, like it was healing her scars.

His hands broke from her grasp as she was moving, he expected her to walk off but was surprised to see her turning around, her long body wrapping around him like an anaconda to a prey. The purple haired beauty's hands hugged the boy, her chin resting on the top of her husbands golden locks. His nostrils where assaulted with the smell of strawberries and her own scent blending together. She gripped harder, her voice soft and still holding anger. "I'm still mad at you…" Leaning back he slowly leaned in, his lips gingerly molding to hers, the snake princess's hot breath and slanted coffee colored eyes giving him a tiny thrill in the kiss.

He broke the kiss and nestled back into her chest, the young teen's untamed hair under her chin once more. He felt fingers run through his hair in no pattern, and no sooner he felt a small kiss on his head, her voice reaching his ears. "I'm still mad at you…and you're an idiot…but you're my idiot. And I still love you…" Feeling the smile bloom on his face, he was glad to hear those words, the foxy boy knew he had a long way to go to patch up what he broke, but at least he was making progress.

"…Did you make bacon?"

Naruto couldn't help but chuckle, he could feel Anko's tummy growling from the food that now lit up the whole room in its aura.

It's a start.



Calming thoughts fluttered through Inoichi's mind as he relaxed at his kitchen. Calming moments and meditation was a must for Yamanaka's, it helped keep out the raw memories from the minds they walk through out, and not become attached. The specialist was silently humming, sipping away at the chestnut herbal tea that warmed his fingers. With the sun hot and soon to be high in the sky, birds chirping and the bees buzzing, today was going to be a beau-


The sudden loud noises stirred the man, screaming as he spilt the hot tea on his chest and crotch. Glaring at the door he got up grumbling. It was his day off! He at least deserved SOME peace. Opening the door he was met with what felt like the sun itself, the overly bright clothing and hair shrinking his pupils, squinting to fend off the brightness. But when his eyes adjusted his face took one of stern, his face speaking volume.

In front of him was none other than the village's number one prankster, the boy who pulled off over a thousand pranks Naruto Uzumaki. That wasn't so bad, he took kind to the boy, but it was what was in his hand that was making him give an icy glare that froze hell.

His daughter, his gem, his lovely little flower Ino.

"Explain BOY!" Giving his sharpest eyes he could give he saw the poor kid crumble, and sweating fiercely! But Inoichi ears rang as Naruto burst out into babbling nonsense, maybe scaring the boy was the last thing he should have done, the boy wouldn't shut up. "SILENCE…good now…PLEASE explain to me why 'my' daughter…is in 'your' arms."

Blowing out all the hot air, his messy hair flopping, Naruto chilled out. "You wouldn't believe it, I was strolling through the training grounds, polish my skills to become Hokage when I found Ino passed out. I shook her but no go, she must have trained herself to sleep." Looking at the boy in front of him the clan leader sighed, the boy's face was to pure, no evil intention as usual when it comes to stuff like this, and why would he do something bad to his little flower and then bring her home only to die?

"She needs to stop doing this, crazy girl…" The sunny blonde eyes squinted into slits, his face one of wonder. "Huh? You mean she's done this more than once?" Seems like the little white lie actually opened up something new.

The mind walker expert looked at the boy, and he knew that face, his daughter gave the same one when she wanted to know something. Thinking it over he scratched at his chin, bah, he needed to talk to someone about his daughter's sudden change. "Alright, come on in boy, ill pour you some tea."


Hearing the little tune, she smiled, finally some customers, it was her time to shine and run the business her father left in charge for her to run today. First things first, her practiced speech, looking up she quickly blurted the quote. "Hello! Welcome to Rising Moons Furniture! How may I help….all of you?"

Her eyes became wide with shock, one after another the same boy in horrid orange and black fashion barraged into her family shop. Double, triple, quadruplets, no, MORE! Her mouth hung open at how many of the same looking boy crammed himself into the place, each holding a different conversation.

"This place looks nice!" "I agree, but it looks pricey." "I agree, but I want to sleep on something cozy." "THAT'S MY FOOT IDIOT!" "Do we even know what where getting." "Beats me, let's get something dark, it matches the walls." "Good idea, what do we need?" "A ne-OW stop PUSHING!" "Alright, jeez, well let's split up and see what they have." "HAAAAI!"

Orange, all she saw was orange as they flocked about the place, each giving a simple greeting to the poor confused girl. "Hey." "How it going?" "YO!" "Hi." "Nice place." "Is there a toilet?"

No…nonono this isn't happening, if she was robbed how could she ever stop this! Better yet why was there so many of them, is this the ninja life? Is this some nin-jutsu? She just moved in a few months ago, finally moving into a big village when there family business was rising. She tried to stay calm, but gasped as she looked up, WHY is one on the ceiling! Some flopped on couches and others sitting in chairs, rubbing their butt on it to feel if it was the right one.

"Excuse me ma'am." Looking in front of her was one of the clones. He seemed to have a calm expression, a pair of fake half cut glasses rested on his face. Seemed he was writing down something important, but she sweat dropped when it was just doodles of a person eating dango.

"How much is the couch in the back right, does it come with a combo set?" "Uh, yes. It's that dark wood coffee table on the left of it, buy the two and there's a discount." "Hmmmmm. I see. And the chairs in the middle right next to the white table?" "Yes, the six all sell for a set." "Four." "Huh, four?" "Ya will I still be able to get a discount if I get just four, all I need is that many." "No, sorry you must get the whole set, if you don't the prices will all be separate." "Okay…okay…yeah that's okay."

She watched him scribble more down, his posture one of business, but she sweat dropped once more when instead of numbers and calculations, it was the same woman kissing a poorly drawn portrait of himself. Adjusting his glasses he smiled at the young business trainee. "Thank you ma'am, have a nice day."

She squeaked when he exploded into smoke, and like the world stopped, all the clones paused, but soon went on their business and hovered around the furniture they just talked about. It was like watching a group of hive minds. Soon each of them where saying random numbers, she even heard the word ramen in the middle of it all. But her heart dropped to her leather boots when all the neon blue eyes looked right at her all at the same time, this was the day she died!

All dashing towards the young girl, the front half of orange lovers leaned on the counter while the others just tip toed, all wearing a chirpy smile. "HEY HEY! We'd like to get couch #23 combo!" "And the four of the #2 chairs." "And five pillows!" "Along with the # 5 dark oak table!"

To say the least, her head was spinning, but…wait…what if this was a test from Kami, is this the thing she needed to impress her father, to sell this much! Yes…YES! Her eyes burned with passion, how could she not have seen this golden opportunity! Reaching low for her note book and whipping out a pen she wrote like hell fire! Counting and calculating the on slaughter of requests. Jotting down the rest she sighed, did it!

Showing the result they all seemed okay with it, one pulled out a scroll from his holster and bit his thumb and made a skid mark on it. Out puffed a box of money and after counting the wad of cash, handed it to the stunned worker. Not too soon after they all went to the furniture and sealed it in scrolls. In no time flat, and saying their goodbyes the store was a bit emptier and soon orange and blonde was devoid in the store. All was once more quiet, leaving a now frizzled girl once more alone.

"So…this is what living in the big village is like…" She didn't think she would ever get used to this.

"Impersonation, stealing top secret missions and information and technically abandoning your own village…all in one go?"

Anko was sitting up on her bed, chowing down on the hearty breakfast. If there was one thing she now knew, it was that her husband could cook, but the eggs where a little burnt. Naruto was right behind his lover, his legs wrapped around her waist, his arms too where wrapped around right under her cleavage.

"Ya, but Gaara is just like me, we both share the same fate of holding a demon inside of us. So that almost makes us brothers, and I couldn't just let him die from a bunch of idiots." "Attacking a Kage, that's pretty ballsy for a group of idiots." "Ya, I fought them too." "PHHHHW! YOU WHAT!?" "It was just one guy though Anko, even then I still beat him pretty bad!" "Still…who was it?" "Kisame." "THE Kisame, and you won?!" "Beat him pretty bad! But I guess it was a draw, we were both in such bad shape, it's his stupid sword and it's GOT to have a weakness."

She giggled when he groaned into her back, tickling. She remembered Gai, her sis and the chain smoker where having trouble with the fish freak, and here's her husband taking him on while he's at full potential. It's amazing that her little brat got so strong in just two years.

True, she should be mad, chain him to a pole with snakes and use him as target practice, but she couldn't find it in herself to do so. He may have broken the law but it was something no one but demon holders could understand, something she sadly would never understand or come close too. The curse mark seemed to cripple against the seal on his tummy, if they were to stick the two next to each other, she would bet they would always throw a rock at her lover every time.

To know in every village there was just one poor soul who got what her lover got…

It was weighing on her. But she smiled when soft kisses stamped onto her back. "Hey Plushy?" "Huh? Yes Anko-Chan?" "Promise me you won't pull a stunt like that again, and even if it's something you HAVE to do, can you at least tell me…" The foxy boy made an 'X' on her tummy with his finger, a stern look on his clean cut face. "I promise!" "Good…or I will have to kill you, thanks for breakfast Hun, it was good."

Anko got up to put the dishes away, never seeing her lover's puckered and paling face.


"Yes, rigorous training. Day in and day out ever since last week she has been training till she drops. Most of the fellow nin find her bruised and exhausted. Even her own sensei tells her to slow down, but she doesn't listen, and it worries a father to see her beat herself up like this. I even saw hair in her trash bin, since when does she cut her hair!?"

Naruto and Inoichi where sitting at kitchens tables, with Ino comfortably laying in her own bed upstairs. Each where holding a small cup of hot tea and some honey crackers. Naruto was shocked to know that Ino was pushing herself so hard. True, the fellow blonde never really knew the trainee mind walker all that well, out of all of them, including team ten, she was at the bottom of the barrel. Name call and a hello was usually all they ever did. Hell, even Tenten was higher, with her screaming and forcing him to learn how to hold a kunai correctly for a full two days, golly she could be scary.

Naruto looked at the man, and sure enough he could easily tell he was proud she was working hard and taking training more seriously, but it was weighing on him. Little did the father know the reason for her sudden change was the person sitting right in front of him.

"OH!" Looking back to the man the demon holder suddenly saw him glow, and a twinge of pink flustered his cheeks. He saw the professional data retriever get up and pull out his wallet. Naruto's blue eyes slowly got bigger and bigger with the wad of cash that he was pulling out. Inoichi's face took one of pride, and handed the boy the crisp money. "Naruto I want you to take this, and before you ask why, it's for the brilliant idea you came up with a while back!"

"But I didn't do anything?" "NONSENSE, was it not you who gave me the idea for the flowers?" Inoichi's laughter echoed through the house when Naruto's face turned beat red as sudden memories flanked his mind, oh boy how could he just say that, he had such a embarrassing time trying to explain it in the first place.

"Business has never been better! And it's thanks to you that this little shot is running so smooth once more, it's amazing how many couples use your method of romance and I'm always almost out of stock on the flowers. I even made a whole new section for it!"

The young sun kissed boy looked over and sweat dropped, it seemed the flower room was cut in half; one side for regular gifting flowers, and the other was over potent ones. Boy he really took the idea to heart. "This money is but a share I have made in the week. It would be horrible if I took all the credit! Every month, whatever I get from the exotic flower section, I will give you a good portion of the pay!"

"WOW! Are you sure about this!?" For once Naruto felt like he was helping out the village besides protecting it. So this was business…he should let his ideas out more often, but back then, who would listen? "Of course, Naruto my boy, I'm more than happy to give you this fair share." Reaching and grabbing the cash he stuffed it in his pockets. Guess he couldn't just puff back.

"Sorry old man, I got to start heading out, tell Ino when she wakes up I said hi!" "Will do, you take care young man." Heading out the door Naruto's face suddenly fell at his own words. "If she wakes up…"

Unzipping his orange and black jackets so the air could breeze through the demon container crammed his hands in his pockets. It was a boring walk home to say the least. But he might as well take his time, what's the rush? All around him was busy bee's flying around, there squandering about discounts and what's hot this week. The loud kids throwing wooden shuriken and the elderly sitting, chatting about the good times.

Naruto stopped. He stood there in the middle of the road as he looked at the old people giggling and laughing. Could he…could he one day grow old with Anko and look back on all the times they had fun. He bit his lip and kept walking, slower this time, more in thought. Naruto realized no matter how hard the nights may come, no matter how brutal any of the coming days may be, someone was waiting for him to come home.

Anko Mitarashi.

Just saying his wife's name brought the butterflies in his tummy to life. Holding his stomach he got queasy and weak in the knees and it was that feeling alone is what he was willing to die fo-no. It was what he was going to LIVE for. He truly had someone besides a handful of friends to protect. Yeah. He still had so much to learn about the deadly torture specialist. But for once instead of running head like every tie before, he would take his time.

It was amazing how much love could change a person.

Anko eyes slammed open as their door was brutally flung open. She pulled out the kitchen knife ready to slaughter whoever dared enter so brashly, but face turned one of amusement when her husband rammed in, all of them. Screaming and bickering about where and what should go where. Leaning on the kitchen counter in the nude she smirked at their silly antics. But that stopped when they took all the broken furniture out of the house.

She was about to say something when the original came out laughing. "It's okay Anko-Chan, before giving you breakfast I shadow cloned." "But why, and where are they taking m furniture!" "Oh…there going to burn it." "WHAT!" Stomping up to the dense boy she pinched his whiskered cheeks, her face red in anger. "HEY BUSTER THOSE ARE MINE! Are you trying to find ways to make me kill you!?" "Buff iy goph you kneph ons." Letting go his cheeks they were cherry red from the hard pinch, but it healed instantly. "Come again?" "I said I got you knew ones."

Outside a clone went through hand signs, inhaling he soon spit and vomited out oil all over the furniture. Fire wasn't his best element, more of in the middle of everything, but mixed with toad oil and it could even win against Uchiha fire. Blowing a small stream of fire all of the broken and ruined furniture was now set ablaze, soon to be dust.

Anko didn't look all that pleased, her face crammed against the window glass watching all her stuff go into ashes. But shortly after they all rammed back in and pulled out scrolls. And the snake princess couldn't believe what was coming out of them! New, hand crafted furniture was popping out all over the place, new couches and love seats, new chairs and a polished table, in seconds the place was better than new, it was beautiful. Clones marched to the bed and threw away the old pillows and replaced them with softer ones.

"OH KAMI! IT LOOKS SO NICE!" She dashed to the couch and sat on it, bouncing on the fresh new furniture


Naruto came up behind and flung his arms around his lover, a genuinely happy smile on his face. Naruto looked down and rested his head on her boysenberry locks, glad she loved it. "Wow Honey it even matches the walls, how did you PAY for all of this?" "I have saved up mission money, it's the least I can do after the stupid stunt I pulled." Anko smiled and raised her arms, her hands roaming through his fur like locks. Idiot, this was a little too much of an apology, but she would gladly take it. At least she could live comfortably with her lover…say how about they...

Feeling a sly smile on her face she turned around, catching him off guard. "Let's try out the new furniture!" "wha-AAAH!" Flinging him she flopped him down on the new couch, and soon barraged him in hot kisses, her hands going wild, all that could be seen was the boys raised leg, curling his toes.

The last clone walked in casually wondering why there was a fire right outside there house, but blushed when he saw the real him and his lover patty caking on the new couch. Pulling out the cash and slapping on the table he sighed in anger, was there no shame, the windows are RIGHT THERE! Closing the curtains he didn't want them to be seen as the two wrestled in love. The clone made sure they couldn't be spotted, kami forbid. When the little mission was done, he locked the door and proofed away.

Little hearts and giggles floated around the two, both in their own little world.

She walked the empty halls once more, once wishing to never come back, now eager to roam them. She did not miss the feel though. She did not miss how broken everything was and how horribly moldy the walls where. The dark halls truly making this place feel like hell itself. Her ears twitched as voices from afar could be heard. Childs laughter and baby cries, giving her goose bumps. The lone girl knew who it was, and she remembers every cry, every tear that was shedded.

She was sometimes the cause of them. Before she knew it, she was here. In front of her were the mighty gates that held back anything, even a mighty demon. Mercury eyes hidden behind messy white hair tried to see past the dark, knowing what lurked behind that bars. It was the whole reason she was in this place, inside his core.

The mentally aged girls bare feet was ankle deep in the slush like sewer water, the old her might have cared, but now the mind walker didn't care. All she cared about was the thing in front of her. Walking ever closer to the cage, she was now in the danger zone, last time she got close she was nearly flattened. Gingerly running her fingers against the colossal bar, Ino once more the scratches and bite marks that littered the cage, but always futile to be free.

Ino heard the growls, the shuffled and saw the red eyes hidden behind the thick abyss. If she took one more step, black would swallow her whole and she would be gone, but she needed to do this. Putting one foot in front of the other, the now snow white haired teen was helpless, no more protection, no more safely afar. Light flickered away from all angles, there was no up or down, nor left or right.

But she knew better, reaching out in front of her Ino's palm rested on something. And when hot air blew her way, she realized it was his snout. Looking up she saw two towering eyes looking at her, but all she did was smile. If it was not for his doing, if it was not for his very actions how could she not have been awakened. She would be selfish and forever blinded by her soiled way of life.

Leaning up closer she stretched her arms and held him, her head resting between his nose. She owed him her life, maybe it was a little extreme to say, and over playing it all. But she had to at least, even to a demon that had killed thousand before her, to say the simple words even if it ended up killing her.

"Thank you, Kyuubi. I forgive you."

A/N: AAH, I feel so horrible making everyone wait so long! But life got kind of rough for me and sadly did not have the time to write! I will try to update faster, and I hope you can forgive me! Take care everyone. Ps! If you have any questions I will try to answer them.