Author's Note:

This is the end everyone, the last chapter. It's been a great ride, and I love this story so much. I hope after reading this ending that you all still will too. Thank you to everyone for your reviews, support, and constructive criticism. You all made this story possible and kept me writing. Thank you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Devil May Cry, its characters, or Capcom. I also do not own "Howl" by Florence and the Machine. You should listen to it while you are reading this though.

~*I Cry Wolf: Chapter 14*~

Lady shifted her position on Dante's worn desk her fingers brushing lightly over the grip of the .45 colt strapped to her leg. So far, Nero had been asleep since she had arrived, but that was the problem. It always seemed that it was when he woke up that he was not in his own mind. Sighing again Lady thought about everything that had transpired the last few days. She pitied Dante, not only had the big moron not allowed himself to show his feelings for the young half breed, but now that he finally had, it was too late. Speaking of too late, Lady turned her gaze to the slow spinning fan above her. Who was going to have to be the one to pull the trigger when the time came? She would do it if she had too, but she wasn't going to lie that a very big selfish part of her hoped that Dante would have to do it instead. It wasn't that she was afraid to spill blood, but she wasn't afraid to admit that this was the one time she would pass on being the one to do it. Lady was abruptly jerked from her thoughts as Nero began to convulse violently on the floor.

"Nero! Nero wake up!" Lady shouted as she leapt to her feet and drew the Colt from it's holster.

She watched in slight fear and horror as Nero's convulsions reached an almost violent level, and then as quickly as they began, they stopped completely. Slowly, Lady began to approach the heavily panting form before her.

"Nero…are you okay?" Lady asked, cursing the tremble in her voice. She was about to take another step when she saw it.

Her heart leapt into her throat and she nearly tripped as she back peddled back to Dante's desk. Silently she cursed whatever God there was and placed a shaking hand over her mouth to muffle her strangled sob. Like some kind of living, creeping flesh eating virus, white fur slowly but surely crept down Nero's bringer until nothing of the familiar blue and red flesh remained. Fighting back her quickly mounting terror, Lady continued her retreat until she was backed all the way against the bar on the far side of the shop. Cursing her trembling hands, she quickly fumbled her cell phone out of her pocket and quickly hit the number two speed dial.

"What?" came the impatient and cross greeting.

"Dante…" she began unable to keep her fear from making her voice tremble uncontrollably.

"Lady? What's wrong, what's happening?" Dante asked all inpatients gone to be replaced by pure concern and slight fear.

"You need to get back here…now." She stated hurriedly as she watched the white mass before her begin to stir. fv

"What's going on Lady, is Nero…" Dante's reply was cut short as Lady dropped the phone and grabbed her other pistol at her hip. Steel entered her eyes as her adrenalin kicked in at full force. If she was going down, it wasn't going to be as a cowering whimpering little girl. No, she was going to go down with the fight of her life.

"Hurry up Dante," she whispered to the still air and cocked both her guns as she watched the werewolf slowly rise to it's feet.

"Let's rock."

~*I Cry Wolf*~

Dante ran as fast as he could back to his bike. Throwing his leg over the machine he kicked it to life, only for the machine to admit a pitiful grinding whine before falling silent once more. Growling in frustration, Dante desperately willed the bike to start and tried again only receive the same sickening sound. Roaring at his own stupidity for pushing the machine so hard on the trip here. Standing, he raked a hand through his hair and began to pace.

'Let me help! I can get there, get to him,' his inner devil all but pleaded inside his mind.

Realizing he had very little choice, Dante released his mental restraints and with a delighted roar his inner devil leapt forward and he triggered with devastating force. Stretching his leathery wings to their full and impressive length, Dante braced his legs before releasing a burst of energy and taking flight into the night air.

~*I Cry Wolf*~

Dante landed outside of Devil May Cry in an exhausted heap. He had never maintained his trigger that long before, and the strain it had put on him and his inner devil alike was unreal. Struggling to his feet Dante rushed up the stone steps as fast as he could and preparing himself for the worst, pushed open the heavy double doors. Instantly he wished he hadn't. While he had prepared himself for the worst, there was no possible way he could have prepared himself for what he saw. Nero was a snarling dripping mess of saliva and blood, his eyes nearly glowed with the fires of madness as he strained against his bonds. His fangs snapped again and again at air as he snarled and roared in frustration. Dante jerked as the bang of a gun was heard and another spot on Nero's chest erupted with blood as the bullet found it's mark. However, unlike before, the younger didn't even flinch at the contact. Dante whirled to find the source of the shot, and it didn't take him long to locate Lady standing on top of the bar two guns drawn as she slid another clip into the one in her left hand.

"It's about fucking time! Do something, I don't think the wall can take much more of this," She screamed at him as she fired another round in the werewolf before her, knocking it back a few feet, only for it to stand back up and begin it's onslaught all over again.

Dante turned to face Nero again and sure enough the wall surrounding the chains was cracked and beginning to splinter. Turning his shocked and dazed gaze on Nero himself, Dante felt his heart falter and his blood run cold. There was no trace of the kid's Devil Bringer left on his right leg. Nothing, not a single scale.


At the sound of his voice the werewolf stopped and turned it's attention to the new far more powerful figure in the room. Dante watched as Nero turned his gaze fully on him and he nearly roared in heartbreak at what he saw. Nothing of Nero remained in those blazing blue eyes, all he saw was hunger and pure madness. Nero lunged against his restraints and snapped at air.

My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in

You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl

My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in

You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to



Dante reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out the single silver bullet he had remaining. He loaded it into Ebony and pointed the barrel straight at Nero's heart, desperately searching maddened blue eyes for the barest sign that the kid was still in there somewhere.

"You…you gotta give me something here kid," Dante pleaded his hand beginning to shake.

The only reply he received was for the white werewolf in front of him to lunge against the chains holding it with a vicious jerk, its jaws snapping and snarling with malicious hunger, a burning madness for blood setting its bright blues eyes a light with an all consuming fire.

"Nero…don't make me do this," Dante was begging now and he knew it.

Nero lunged again in response, the chains holding him groaned in protest with the strain. The blaze in his eyes flared with his frustration and rage, leaving all traces of himself gone and blown away as ash.

"Jesus Nero, I can't…please come back to me. Please…" Dante's voice began to crack forcing him to choke the words out in the barest of a whisper.

Nero surged forward, the wall finally gave and two of the chains holding the werewolf at bay ripped loose. Dante was forced to take several staggering steps back, just missing rows of razor sharp fangs clamping down on the sensitive flesh of his throat.

"Damn it Dante he's gone! Do it now or I will!" Lady screamed as she watched the monster that had once been her friend leap again, foamed saliva dripping from his fangs.

Ignoring her, Dante kept his eyes glued on the person he loved more than anything. He watched as Nero circled around and backed up almost against the wall. To anyone else it would appear that the werewolf had worn it's self out, but Dante knew better. He watched carefully as every muscle in Nero's body coiled and tensed, ripples of raw power surging throughout his lean form.

Now there's no holding back, I'm making to attack

My blood is singing with your voice, I want to pour it out

The saints can't help me now, the ropes have been unbound

I hunt for you with bloody feet across the hallowed ground

"Nero…please…," was Dante's final plea as he watched in what felt like slow motion as Nero sprung. The blaze consumed his eyes, as his front paws left the floor his jaws opened flashing rows of dripping razor sharp fangs. With a final groan the wall gave way and the final chain ripped free from its hold. Somewhere behind him he heard Lady scream his name.

Like some child possessed, the beast howls in my veins

I want to find you, tear out all of your tenderness

Dante watched as the barrel of ebony came up against his will and aimed straight for Nero's heart. There was no going back, Lady was right, Nero was gone. Dante felt a single tear slide down his face…

"I love you…"

I'll hunt for you with bloody feet across the hallowed ground…


~*The End*~

Author's Note:

Thank you all.