Hello peoplez! This is my second story, and I know my first one wasn't that great, but I assure you this one will be! Please read! BTW I do not own any part of Harvest Moon, except for my own copy of the game. ^.^

Chelsea looked up at the unique pattern that was created by the leaves on the tree. She welcomed the soft pitter patter of rain onto her face, inhaling the deep, sweet sent that came with the rain. She looked around at the wonderful sights surrounding her. Her fathers summer crops were just beginning to sprout, and they were peppering the dark brown soil with spots of bright green.

Her bright blue eyes were blazing with determination. Today is the day I'm going to do it, today I am leaving she thought to herself as she jumped down from the branched of the apple tree. She raced into the house, preparing herself for her journey.

- Chelsea -

I paid the man at the front of the boat and quickly made my way up to the deck. Sadly, it had stopped raining at this point, but there were still clouds covering the sun. Oh well, the clouds are really pretty. They look so soft and fluffy.

I made my way to one of the deck chairs and pulled off my rucksack. I rummaged around until I found my water bottle. I love this bottom less pit of a backpack. It and the matching bandana I had wrapped tightly around my head were the only two things I had from my mother. My father said I looked just like her, with my bright, happy blue eyes and my slightly wavy chestnut hair.

I sighed and walked over to the side of the boat. I watched the dark, blue-green waves, they were sparkling in the sunlight and lapping up against the boat. I thought about the note I had left for my father, and about what his reaction would be. I didn't tell him were I was going, I didn't even know myself. But I did tell him that I had to succeed on my own, without him there every step of the way. I was nineteen, and ready to really begin my life. Slowly I was transfixed by the beautiful waves, happy to finally be going after my dreams.


I shoved my hat over my face as I leaned back in the deck chair. Why did it have to stop raining? Rain was the one thing I actually could consider enjoying. I sat up and sighed. It was no use, I would just have to wait for this ferry ride to end. It couldn't be much longer could it?

I heard someone whispering. I snapped my head to the side, seeing a little boy pointing at me as he talked into his mother's ear. I glared at them. The little boy looked back at me and burst into tears. Serves him right. I don't care if the way I dress is "asking for it" he shouldn't be being so goddess damn rude, even if he is just a kid.

I stood up and examined my surroundings. Almost no one was on deck, and the few that were were sleeping. Wait- no. There was a girl with the most obnoxious red bandana tied to her forehead, and she was at the rail of the boat, gazing contently at the sea, obviously awake. What the hell could be so interesting? All it is is a bunch of water gathered into one place. Man some people are really stupid.

I turned and saw a couple of sailors struggling with some crates they were bringing up to the deck. I scowled, those weaklings. They wouldn't be able to handle one day as and animal transporter. As if to prove my point, one of the the freaking idiots tripped when the boat rocked suddenly, and the crate flew through the air. Straight towards the girl.

"Watch out!" I heard myself yell. Goddess damn my conscience. Now I've drawn unnecassary attention to myself. It's not like it's my problem if she gets hurt. I turned around and walked down the stair leading to the belly of the ship, not waiting to see people express fake concern towards her.


"Look out!" I heard someone yell. I snapped my head around to see a crate flying straight towards my head. I didn't even have time to think, my instincts just kicked in. I dove across the deck and used my hands to cover my head. I heard a ear splitting crash and turned around to see he crate smash against the deck, bits of board flying everything. Wow I'm lucky, if that person hadn't warned me I would probably have a nasty concusion right now.

I turned around to see who had called out to me, but everyone who was on deck looked confused, as if they had no clue what happened. I thought of the voice, it definetly belonged to a male, and it was low and cool, even with urgency in it.

*We have reached our destionation, everyone please grab your things and proceed to the deck* came the automatic voice over the speakers. I grinned broadly, my journey was just begginging.

-Several Hours Later-

The boat lurched violently, I clung to the wall of the small room. My mind was in hyper drive. I had to get to the deck- if the boat was going to sink I would be off far better at the top than in the belly of this ship. I stumbled along the hallways in the pitch darkness. This was the transfer boat I took once I got of the ferry, and it was freaking huge.

I stopped and sat down inthe hallway, fastening my rucksack to my stomach. I could NOT lose my only keepsakes from my mom, so I took off my red bandana and shoved it deep in my rucksack. I did my best to stand back up, but it was hard with the boat jerking this way and that way. I kept telling myself that everything was going to be ok, as long as I kept hopeful. Dark situations seem lighter when you have hope and faith.

I finally stumbled onto the deck, and I saw a silhouette of an island on the horizon when the sky was lit up by a flash of lighting. Hope flaired withing my chest, and I knew that no matter what happened .Survive.

I heard a loud groan, and the boat started to tip precariously. I ran up to the emergency supplies and I grabbed a life vest, yelling at the top of my lungs as I did so, trying to let the other passengers know that the boat was sinking. I was holding desperately that everyone else was already off the boat, being that I saw no other movement and all the life boats were gone.

Before the boat could capsize, I jumped off the edge and started swimming towards the island. I knew I could do this, I swim all the time, its nothing more than a wave pool. I was thinking anything to get my mind off my situation.

I didn't know how long I was swimming, but I DID know that I made some progress towards the island. I also knew that I was exhausted, and that the life vest would keep me afloat, and so with that last thought I passed out in the incredibly cold ocean.