Disclaimer: All rights still belong to the weird and wonderful minds of the Doctor Who creators and JK Rowling. I'm merely playing with their characters for fun.

Chapter 1

Dumbledore's Office

Dumbledore looked at the three visitors in front of him with glee. The first was a woman with red hair and an inability to stop looking at him and his office in astonishment.

The second was an impeccably dressed man in tweed braces and the most amazing bow tie. Despite the man's appearance of youth and vitality Dumbledore identified the countenance of a man who knew loss intimately. He had an aura of death around him. It was someone to interact with but be wary of.

However it was the third man who was the most intriguing. On first impression he looked to be an unassuming man simply following the whims of the woman he loved but Dumbledore sensed the presence of a warrior. He had been in enough wars to recognise the behaviours of a soldier ready to defend or attack at a moment's notice. The way he stood beside the woman, not close enough to be smothering but near enough that in a crisis situation he could shield her from any possible attack. He finished his musings and let his eyes drift back to the man in the bowtie who he sensed was in charge.

"And what can I call you?"

"I'm the Doctor and before you ask just the Doctor, not Mr Doctor or Sir Doctor, I hate titles, or Doctor Who though that is always fun. Oh and these are my travelling companions the Ponds-

"Hey! The William's"

"Sorry about him, he'll never learn," the Doctor said conspiratorially. "It's the Ponds and you know it is Roman."

"Hem Hem." Dumbledore looked around in shock expecting to see Umbridge and experienced a sense of relief when he realised it was the red-head.

"Who am I then? The invisible woman? My name's Amy Pond Williams and this is my goofy husband Rory and the even goofier Doctor. And don't ask him to explain the name: he won't tell you, god knows I've tried. "

"So Doctor, and Mr and Mrs Williams can I ask what you are doing in my school?"

"Ooh this is a school! Oh I've done it again, slight mishap with my navigation, the naughty old TARDIS never does as she's told, sorry about that. If I can just find my TARDIS we'll be out of here in a jiffy. I don't know why the TARDIS never does what I tell her to. Where are we, exactly?"

"You do not know?"

"Not exactly, the thing with this travelling thing is that you're never quite sure where you'll end up and we seem to have arrived in this school, in the middle of nowhere by the looks of it, with a headmaster who likes brightly coloured robes and who is very good at avoiding saying anything about himself or our locations."

"He's right, so where exactly are we beardy man?"

"Amy! You can't say that."

"Why not? "

"Well, ….. you just …can't."

"Don't worry my dear boy, I am in fact, incredibly proud of this beard. It took me fifty years before I was completely satisfied so thank you for the compliment. Though I do wonder if it's time for a change," Dumbledore finished stroking his beard pensively.

"See, I said it would be alright." Amy nudged Rory.

"What? No you didn't. You didn't know if it would be alright, you just risked it like you always do. It was your fault those Athosians kidnapped us."

"But they were nice, we had a really nice time there once it was all sorted out and besides you know you love me."

"Amy, that's not the point."

"So, Beardyman," said the Doctor cutting off further arguing, "although I do find marital disputes fascinating, it's just so human, you've yet to tell us your name, it's not Beardyman is it? It does have quite a nice ring to it though, have you thought about changing it? You could. I had a friend who went by the name of Captain Jack Harness, not his real name but in someone's honour though I suppose it's not the same for Beardyman is it? Anyway what is your name and also where exactly are we?"

"Ah apologies," stated Dumbledore breaking from his musings about a new style of beard, "you see we're in troubled times and one can't be too careful about giving information to strangers particularly in an educational establishment. But the fact you do not seem to recognise me suggests that you are truly unaware of your surroundings."

"Not to be rude or anything but why does us not knowing you mean anything?" Rory interjected.

"Well, I do not mean to boast but I am very well-known in this world. In fact-

"Hang on a second, world, why say world? Why would you say world? And why would you wear robes and wait a minute is that a phoenix on your shoulder? Wait! I know who you are. I know where we are!" He said in glee.

The Doctor left this puzzling statement hanging in the air while Amy and Rory looked at him with a look of amusement for the former and of exasperation for the latter.

"Any chance you're going to tell us?"

"Oh, but this fantastic. Don't you see?" the Doctor's boyish grin in full effect. "It's you! Oh I can't wait to tell River, she'll be so jealous. I mean it is practically impossible for us to be here and there's probably a planet or universe burning up which I'll probably have to fix at some point but it's you! It is you!" The Doctor leaned over the desk and began to pull Dumbledore's face in every direction.


"Don't you see?" The Doctor exclaimed pushing Dumbledore's face towards Rory "It's Dumbledore!"


"Really?" asked Amy, "as in, you know, that Dumbledore? Does that mean we're at Hogwarts? Oh my god we're at Hogwarts. I wonder if they're here, oh I bet they are! Oh this is amazing!"

By this point Amy and the Doctor were hugging each other and jumping up and down hysterically. "Hang on a minute," Rory said, "but how exactly are we here? I thought it was you know," whispering in the hopes that Dumbledore didn't hear them, "not real."

"Oh, live a little Roranicus, we'll figure it out later. First we have a school of witchcraft and Wizardry to explore."

Before Dumbledore could stop them the Doctor and Amy grabbed Rory and started exploring Hogwarts.

So in lack of anything else to do and deciding they were mostly harmless, the Headmaster of Hogwarts floo-called his deputy and asked her to be prepared for unexpected events taking place due to their unorthodox visitors.

A/N This is my first multi chapter fic. It's still a little bit of a work in progress. It starts off OK and then gets a little bit sloppy but I'll get round to rewriting it at some point.