Sorry for how late this update is. I will try to post a new chapter soon after this one.

This will break form from the rest of the story and be from Goku's POV.

I was on a time crunch.

I'm always on time crunch when I'm needed.

I was hoping I could arrive before any fighting started, but I knew I would arrive late.

I had no way of knowing how injured anybody was.

I didn't even know if anybody—no.

I wasn't going to think like that.

Dammit. After I win this fight, I'm going to train myself to sense the others' energies from a farther distance and learn how to fly faster than the nimbus.

As I came close to the fight, I could sense someone's power level dropping fast.

It might be selfish of me, but I hope it isn't Krillin's…

Or Gohan's.

For split second I wondered if Gohan was even down there.

I didn't need to wonder for long however. I can hear and see a man shouting at Gohan about he can't wait to see my face when I see my son squashed.

I sent nimbus to move my son away from the bald saiyan.

I landed on the ground keeping my focus on Gohan and Piccolo's body. I can hear the shorter of the two saiyans shouting at me, but I ignore him as a check on Piccolo. Dead.

I look around and see Yamacha and Tien on the ground as well. I see Krillin and Chichi are in the same area. Krillin is awake, but he isn't moving. And while I can see Chichi is still breathing, I'm not sure how long that will last. The big guy starts talking. He killed Chiaotzu too.

I could feel my anger rising.

I wanted so badly to beat both of these men into a pulp.

But I decided that had to wait. I needed to treat my family and friend first.

I easily dodged the big saiyan's attack and had Gohan follow me to where his father and Chichi were at.

"I'm sorry for being late. You three did good holding out this long."

I had to make a choice on who got half of the senzu bean. Of course Gohan will get half. There was no way I wasn't giving him a part of one, but both Krillin and Chichi were in bad shape.

I ultimately gave the other half to Krillin.

I ignored his pleas to keep the other piece to myself or at least give the bean to Chichi.

I put Chichi on the nimbus, told the cloud to take her to Master Roshi's house. I then told Krillin and Gohan that were to fallow the cloud back to Roshi's place.

They both objected.

"You think we are going to let anyone else leave here?" The bigger one asked.

I glared at him.

"Each time you look at me that way, the more I want to kill all three of you." His expression was completely smug.

"Nappa! We are not killing Kakarot."

"Why not?"

"You fool, she is the last female saiyan alive. Why do you think I do not want her dead?"

I hear Krillin whisper 'oh no'. I look down at him and his eyes are wide. I'm not sure why though.

The bigger one—Nappa—started to laugh. "I see. We are going to beat her into submission and take our turns with her, right?"

"Mommy, what did that jerk mean by that?" I looked at Gohan and just shrugged.

I honestly didn't know what he meant.

Krillin seemed to understand what was going on however, "Those disgusting bastards! That's it Goku. I know you are stronger than me, a lot stronger, and you have been for years now. But I'm not leaving you with those two sick f—"

"Krillin," I've never seen him so angry before. "I'm not even sure what he was talking about, but this is my fight. You need to go."

"You don't understand what our plans are for you?" Nappa barked out another laugh.

"Give her a break. She is a third class wench."

"Right, maybe I need to be blunter," Nappa spoke louder when he started talking to me. "When Vegeta and I beat you, killing off the people on this planet, your son, and that pathetic, short thing next to you, we are gonna fuck you. Like it or not." He spoke slowly and loudly. Vegeta's face fell into a harsh glare.

Now I understood what he meant.

In the corner of my eye I could see Krillin shaking in anger.

I was to shock to even respond. I never had an opponent tell me they were going to something like that to me.

However, my shock went away and was replaced by rage. I was already angry about what they did to my friends and family, but that comment set me off.

I started walking over to them. I could feel my power rising, and my long hair along with it. Vegeta seemed to be shock at me advancing at them. Maybe he could sense my power, because Nappa seemed to still have the same smug look on his face.

I stopped a short few feet away from the two of them.

I let out a scream, shaking the ground and causing rocks to fly up.

Nappa finally dropped his attitude and nearly look frighten from whatever Vegeta said. I'm not sure what was said, I was too angry to pay attention. Vegeta seemed to be legitimately angry about my power, as he took off that weird monocle of his and broke it.

Nappa tried landing another hit. And I dodged that one too and ended up standing on the top of his head.

After that the fight started.

And I began to notice that we were evenly matched.

Vegeta noticed too.

And as quick as the fight started, it ended with Vegeta claiming he was going to step in now.

Nappa agreed, but he was clearly pissed that he had too. And he made the wrong choice of going after Krillin and Gohan.

I was forced to use the kaio-ken when I heard them screaming. With it though, I was able to stop Nappa and I breaking his spine in the process. Tossing him over to Vegeta, I was able to get Nappa out of the fight for good.

What happen next, I didn't see coming.

Vegeta, not only murdered his friend, but unleashed powerful blast to do so. To keep Gohan and Krillin from being injured any further, I had to pull them up into the air.

Shaking, Krillin said, "That guy is unreal. He just murdered his own partner."

"Krillin, you need to take Gohan back to Kame house."

Krillin nodded. Gohan tried to argue, but Krillin understood why they needed to leave.

Krillin pulled back his weight bands to reveal a clean orange ribbon tied around his wrist. He floated up behind me and started working on a braid.

"I figured the ribbon would get messed up if I kept it in my pockets," there was a pause, "Goku, can you move the fight somewhere else. We can't have our friends' bodies all mangled up."

"Are you seriously playing with your hair in the middle of a fight!? I hope this isn't some way to escape!" Vegeta shouted at us. We ignored him.

"I hate to say this, but with Piccolo dead…"

"There might be another way! Oops, Sorry for yelling your ear." Krillin.

I was confused on how there could be another way, but I was reassured if I win I will find out.

"And Goku, I'm sorry for this. Always leaving our fate to you." He was done pulling the braid into a tight bun, leaving my unmanageable bangs out. He floated in front of me. His face was serious; he put his forehead against mine. "Don't die, okay? I want us to grow old together." He leaned in for a short kiss, which I returned.

"Mommy." I looked down at Gohan. Told him when this was all done the three of us will go fishing. Gohan hugged my leg tight and I gave him a pat on the head.

"Right, I will see you both after this." They both nodded and took off.

"Are you done Kakarot?" Vegeta asked. He continued on giving me a smug look.

"I am, but I rather move this somewhere else. Follow me."

We flew for about five minutes and I made sure to find a place that didn't have human and or animal life around before we started.

I landed on a small plateau and to my surprise, Vegeta landed right in front of me; there was only a few inches between us. I fought the urge to step back from the short saiyan.

"I hope you appreciate want I did back there."

I was confused. "What are you talking about?"

His smirk grew wider. "I'm talking about killing Nappa. Like I told him, I do not have use for a broken saiyan, however, I also killed him for what he said. You were going to be our shared wife once we won, but I never had plans on forcing you. So as my future wife, I had to defend your honor."

"But I'm already have husband…We even have a kid together." I pointed at the general direction where Krillin and Gohan were at or used to be at.

Vegeta let out an annoyed sign and smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. He jumped to a different pile of rocks and got into a fighting stance. "Let's just get this over with."

I fell into fighting stance as well. "Right. It's time to finish this."