WARNING: Mild rape is in this chapter, if you do not like that then please do not read. If you don't mind at all then please ignore this. But, you already started reading this and now you're probably getting mad and this is still going on. Why are you still reading this? There's a story down there waiting man or woman! Go read it now! GO! RIGHT NOW! DO IT!...Please enjoy.

I replied, "My name is Janet Sanders. As I was saying I didn't-"

"I want you to come with me," Sombra demanded and once again, interrupted. He started walking ahead of me, obviously thinking that I wouldn't disobey him. I was about to argue with him but I felt something poke me; it was the guards' spears. Know that I had no choice, I began following Sombra. I stopped for a second to look at Marcus and Lilli. They mouthed, 'It's alright.'

I nodded and started walking; after all, that was the only encouragement I had to make me keep going. As we were going deeper into the cave, I started feeling the frigid gusting winds in there and began shivering. I don't understand how I didn't feel it the first time; how any of the other ponies cope with it, I'll never know. Speaking about 'other ponies', I saw others as we were walking. I felt like shouting out for help (just so I could know what's going on), but I figured they needed a lot more help than me. They wore legs cuffs and shackles that attached to the mine carts. With all the crystals inside of there, the carts looked like they weighed tons and it definitely showed in their expressions. I wonder if they were aware that the show is rated TV-Y, because some of them looked like they wanted to commit suicide. I wish I could do something to help, but I'm pretty sure the guards would kill me if I did.

After what seemed like hours, we came to a dead end. It was pitch black inside and it seemed like the temperature got even worse. The only sound that was audible was my teeth chattering. All the sudden, a tiny bit of illumination came from Sombra's horn; I didn't even know he was there, which really surprised me. The wall in front of him got engulfed in a dark aura and split open like Moses splitting the Red Sea. A dim but bright light blinded me for a little bit; as soon as I got over it, I saw an entryway that led to a staircase. I only groaned at the thought of walking any further, but there were blue flamed torches aligned so it had to be warmer in there than inside the cavern. When I got up to Sombra's side, he gestured to the guards to leave us alone by waving them off. The two guards nodded and began walking back into the abyss. Sombra asked, "Shall we go?"

I hesitated but I nodded to him and we both entered. Once we both got up to the sixth step, the wall behind slid shut with a thunderous BOOM, which got me scared. Not wanting there to be too much silence, I asked, "Why did you want me to come with you?"

Are you getting ready to test my leg size for cuffs? I thought to myself more out of fright. He answered, "Can't I just be nice?"

Not unless you want to gain something out of it, I thought once again. It left me on edge that he had a wide smirk on his face; it was pretty obvious he had something planned for me and I wasn't going to like it. When we finished walking up the steps- that were exceedingly long, tiring, and sweltering (due to the excessive torches) – we came to a dead end. I pushed passed him – accidentally of course – and placed my hands… I mean, hooves on the wall and exclaimed, "Oh come on; not another dead end!"

I don't know why, but by instinct I started pushing on the wall. Let's just say I get overwhelmed when I'm in scolding or freezing environments, even if it's not that bad. I didn't see but, I sensed an eye roll behind me; I didn't pay any attention to it though. After a couple of seconds, the wall began to glow a purplish-black and then it dissipated. Of course me being dull, I was still pushing up against the wall, so when it disappeared I fell flat on my face. Trust me when I say: face + marble floor=OOOOOOWWWWW! Unfortunately, Sombra found my pain hilarious. He wheezed, "HAHAHAA! You really…hahaha…are quite amusing."

I turned my head and glared at the smug king. He only returned a toothy grin, which caused me to quiver a little. I never noticed he had such sharp teeth…does-does he suck peo, I mean, ponies' blood? What am I talking about? I've only been here for an hour or two and I'm already going insane. I heard Sombra clear his throat and I asked, "Did you say something?"

"Aren't you going to get up or would you rather lie on the floor? Honestly, I'm pretty sure you commoners prefer the ground," he repeated very snob-like. I only rolled my eyes at his poor sense of humor. Instead of sending back a retort, I got back up on my hooves. He began walking down the dark corridor and it didn't take long for me to follow him. There isn't much to say about the hallway, besides the fact that it was filled with those black blue flamed torches and there were times we passed black crystalline doors. I swear castle doors are unnecessarily high. We kept walking down the corridors, occasionally turning into a different hall, until we finally made it to twin double doors. I joked (hopefully a joke), "Let me guess, on the other side of these doors leads to another staircase or more hallways."

He didn't answer me; instead he just opened the doors. I was genuinely surprised to not see a hallway. What was on the other side was a bedroom. It had a queen sized bed that had a purple silk blanket and a golden frame, there was a stained glass window parallel to the bed, there was one ivory armoire on each side of the stained glass, the floor was white marble (and it looked as if it was polished recently), and there was crystal chandelier. I was amazed at the bedroom; it was absolutely beautiful. If Rarity was in here, she'd probably be fangirling. I walked up and looked at the stained glass one more time. I saw that there was a picture of a teal heart. I turned and asked, "What's that supposed to be?"

Sombra walked up to my side and said, "That's the Crystal Heart. It's what restores the balance within the kingdom…well at least it did."

I only gave him another glare, which he ignored this time. He walked away from me and by instinct I began following him. Until he stopped once he got to the door and he queried, "What are you doing?"

"I-I just thought that…."

"No, this is where you'll be staying. We'll discuss your position at dinner," he began walking out of the room again. Once he was out of the room, I excused, "Oh, I'm sorry, Sombra. I'm not very hungry, so you can just tell me my job now."

Sombra's eyes glowed dangerously in the dim light; it caused me to shake in fear. He repeated threateningly, "You misinterpreted me. You willjoin me for dinner!" His horn glowed and the aura went around the doors. He shouted, "AND THAT'S NOT A REQUEST!"

Then the doors slammed shut. I only gasped once doors closed. When did this turn into Beauty and The Beast? Well, he'd better not expect me to start crying like Belle. Instead, all I did was groan at my naivety. I should've known he wouldn't allow me to skip dinner. Well, the good news is I know where two of the ten people that disappeared are. I wonder if they are all in this castle, if that's the case then I have to find the quickest way out of here.

I walked over to one of the armoires and opened it up. I didn't know what I expected to find (clothes, hangers, a corpse of one of his slaves?) but what I did see was a mirror on the door. My brown hair was still pulled back into a ponytail and I still had my side-swept bang, but now my peach white skin was replaced with a golden brown coat. My eyes were still their normal dark brown color, which-I guess-was good. I noticed my tail had a china pink rubber band just like my mane. There was also a picture on my flank…a cutie mark I think they call it. It was a notepad and there was a purple quill crossing over it. I guess my special talent is writing. Wow! That's got to be the most boring talent in this world. I only sighed. I just made myself even more depressed. It wasn't until I bowed my head that I saw I had a horn. Cool! I'm a unicorn! I won't try out any magic though. I'm not sure what all I can do.

I'm not sure how long I was staring at myself in the mirror, but I heard a knock at my door. I walked over and opened up the doors. I saw a timid looking servant and greeted, "Hello."

She said, "King Sombra wants to see you in the dining room, Ms. Sanders."

I nodded and began following her down the endless hallways. The servant had a bright lilac coat, black mane pulled up into a bun, baby powder vertical stripes on her wings and ears; her black tail is curled like a corkscrew. She also was wearing a maid outfit, so I couldn't see her cutie mark. I went to her side and asked, "What's your name?"

She answered in a monotone voice, "My name is Amber. Amber Little."

"Didn't you use to go to JMU?"

Amber stopped in her tracks and she looked at me wide eyed; her blizzard blue eyes very small. She stuttered, "H-how d-d-did you know th-that?"

"I looked at your files to help with my column I'm doing. Are there more of you in here?" I asked hoping to get some answers. After getting over her shock, she shrugged. "I haven't really been able to talk to anyone. Sombra always has me doing work day and night. Actually, I don't think have gotten any sleep since I got here."

"How long have you been here?"

"Um…a couple of days…or maybe a few weeks," she responded nonchalantly. My jaw only dropped. This girl hasn't slept in weeks! That horrible, bastardly, arrogant, vile, tyrant! I have a few words for King Sombra. Amber spoke up, "Ms. Sanders are you okay? You look furious and maybe a little murderous."

I shook my head and answered, "I'm sorry, Amber. I'm perfectly fine. Thanks!"

Of course I was lying, but she didn't seem to notice. We kept on walking to the dining room. My stomach began tying up in knots; I wondered what he had in store for me. I questioned, "Do you know what he wants me to do?"

She shook her head. "Although, the fact that he gave you a bedroom means your work isn't all that bad."

I just nodded. I guess that's somewhat true. He wouldn't give me a bedroom if he truly hated, not only that but he's giving me food. What's he up to?

"We are here," a voice announced. I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Amber just standing off to the side. I looked up at the crystal-like doors and just sighed. I really don't want to go in there. When my hoof touched the smooth surface, Amber exclaimed, "Wait!"

I looked at her and she asked, "Can you promise me that you'll find a way to get me out here? That also goes for anyone who's trapped here like me. Please?"

She had so much hope in her eyes. I really didn't want to disappoint her. I pulled her into a hug and whispered, "I'll do whatever I can to get all of you out of here. I promise."

I felt her return the hug and she was holding on to me tightly. I'll keep that promise no matter what. I just need to find all the missing people first. Maybe I can make a list of all the names that were given to me. The hard part is wondering what they all look like. I don't know how long we were hugging, but we finally let go of each other. She began walking away from me. She turned around and waved; I waved back. She looked really miserable that she was leaving me; I'll have to remember to talk to her more. I don't want her to feel like she's all alone. I heard someone clear their throat and I turned around. Sombra looked down at me. He looked very impatient. I just smiled sheepishly and walked past him. When the doors shut, I felt like I was being locked up in a prison.

Dinner went by a little too casually. Although, hearing about what he did with slaves when they disobeyed was very frightening. Other than that, we did talk to each other as if we were long last friends. It almost made me forget that I was going to be one of his slaves. Almost. After a little bit of silence, I spoke up, "Uh, Sombra, I want to talk to you about Amber."

Sombra looked puzzled. He asked, "You mean the maid that sent you here? Why in all of Equestria would you want to talk about her?"

I answered, "Well, it's about how hard you're working her."

He glared at me murderously, yet his face looked calm. I gulped and continued, "It's actually how hard you work everypony. You see, when we were walking past them in the caverns they looked miserable. Some of them looked suicidal actually. Not only that, but you're not letting them rest. I know you're tyrant but-"

I was interrupted when Sombra slammed his hooves on the table. He stomped over to me and hissed, "A tyrant!? I am far from a tyrant! If anything, I am a visionary."

I argued, "A visionary!? Are you telling me you envisioned an empire where everyone is worked to their breaking point? To the point where they just want to lay down and die? Is that what you wanted? Because if you do, then the last thing I-Mmmph!"

My words were cut off by a tongue entering my mouth. My stomach started doing flips when I heard and felt Sombra moan in pleasure. I felt the wet muscle move across my own; obviously he wanted me to comply, well he's just going to have to wait longer. When I finally got over my shock, I pushed Sombra off of me. I felt saliva go down on my chin, which caused me to get very nauseous. I wanted to throw up right then just so he could see how appalled I was. I wiped my mouth and shouted, "The fuck is wrong with you!"

He just looked at me with lustful eyes. He went behind me and started nibbling on my ear. He wrapped his leg around my torso so that I won't push him off again. Tears were threatening to come pouring out my eyes, but I refused to cry. I felt his sharp teeth graze my ear and his tongue smooth over the small cuts he left. I only whimpered because I wanted him to stop doing this. I guess he thought I whimpered because I was being complacent. He began trailing kisses down my neck occasionally nipping at certain places. I felt disgusted; I wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted to keep punching him until he was disfigured, but that wasn't happening anytime soon. Once he got to my shoulder, he stopped, kissed it, mumbled something, and then bit down into the flesh. I screamed out in pain. It didn't feel good at all! Despite that Sombra's-no that fucking demon!-teeth already pierced through the skin, it still feels someone's stabbing me over and over! I felt my blood go down my body and it only made me cry even more. That-that bastard started sucking the blood and licking the wound at the same time. I exclaimed, "Sombra! GAH! Please, stop!"

His teeth detached from my shoulder, he went up to my ear, and whispered hotly, "Never, my slave."

My eyes grew wide and tears came down faster. I needed to get out of there. Somehow, I managed to use my magic and I teleported outside of the room. I only stood still for a second, but began galloping full speed once I noticed I was nowhere near him. WHY!? Why in the world does he want me!? I did nothing rude to him. Did I? Oh my god, if this is a dream I want to wake up now! I heard Sombra laugh, "I don't know why you're running, slave. You have absolutely no idea where you are going or where you are. You're trapped…and you're mine!"

I didn't respond nor did I stop. I just galloped faster. I turned down a hallway despite not knowing where I was going. He shouted, "Give up and submit, Janet!"

I retorted, "Leave me alone!"

Once I passed by a door, I felt someone pull me in. Before I could scream, the pony put their hoof over my mouth. Not only that, but I felt someone tending to my shoulder. I made my horn glow to provide a little light. I started crying when I saw Marcus. He whispered, "I'm sorry."

I looked around and saw Lilli and Amber too. I didn't know who was wrapping my shoulder though. Lilli, as if she heard me, said, "That's Nurse Sweetwater."

I nodded. It wasn't anyone in the report, so that was someone who lived here. Sweetwater whispered, "I feel down right awful that this happened to you, dear."

I asked, "This happened before."

The four nodded very dishearteningly. We all froze once we heard hoof-steps. I let go of my magic and whimpered a little. We all knew it was Sombra and the last thing we wanted to face was his wrath. He chuckled, "Don't think I give up that easily, Ms. Sanders. You'll submit to me sooner or later. I hope you're ready for tomorrow I have big plans for just the two of us, so now your friends won't get in the way."

I don't know about everyone else, but I just died inside. How did he know that I met any of them? Once I knew that he was far away, I started sobbing. Lilli hugged me and consoled, "Everything will be alright, Janet. We'll find some way to help you, we promise. For now, you can sleep in here."

Amber added, "I doubt you would want to go back to Sombra's bedroom."

I agreed with her and I said, "Thank you. All of you."

The four gave me very warm smiles.

Wow this chapter took way longer than what i wanted it to! Oh well, i hope it was worth the wait. I couldn't really do anything because my computer was being butt. But, it's better now so yeah. Should i raise the rating? I'm not sure, because the sexual content isn't going to get any worse than what happened. I don't know. Anyway, i hoped you liked the chapter. Please Review!

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing, as a matter of fact i'm typing this in a cardboard box right now. I only own Janet, Marcus, Lilli, Amber, and Nurse Sweetwater.