Antonio sat in class not really paying attention


Looking up at the bard briefly


Looking up at the teacher


Looking up at the cute boy at the front...wait. what?

He looked up again and started listening to the teacher

"This is lovino vargas, he's a year advanced and has just moved from Italy so be nice to him" the teacher said gesturing to the short auburn haired boy "also he's half human so play nice" the teacher stated pointing at the seat by the window which Antonio had recently made vacant

"Hello I'm Antonio" he smiled widely at the straight faced boy

"andare a sgranocchiare un bastardo vampiro proiettile" Lovino replied looking intently out the window.

After class Antonio grabbed onto Lovino

"You want to go to the lunchroom with us and eat lunch?" he asked already dragging the extremely displeased Lovino off with him.

"Hey Antonio what's this?" a French vampire said poking Lovino

"Isn't he cute? He just moved to my class a year ahead of his age"

"How adorable" the French man said seductively

"I think he looks quite ugly" a Prussian boy stated simply

"That's not nice Gilbert, you're lucky he only speaks Italian"

"Stupido bastardo" lovino muttered

"che non è bello Lovino" Antonio said to the Italian disapprovingly

"since when do you speak Italian?" Gilbert asked

"I always go on holiday there" Antonio smiled at his friend

"tell him I said he has an ugly face"

"I can speak English motherfucker" Lovino said venomously

"And you have a dirty mouth" francais sighed knowing where this was going

"What did you call me half blood?!" the Prussian exclaimed

"bruder" a deep voice came from a tall muscular blonde boy "what did I tell you about pointing fun at other races?" he asked

"Not to do it" Gilbert sulked at his brother sinking into his chair

"Whipped" Lovino said casually

"Why you-...wait west you came to visit me" Gilbert beamed happily

"Actually" Ludwig said stepping to the side to show a boy who was the exact replica of Lovino except he seemed more happy

"Fratello" he smiled widely "I was wondering where you went because I couldn't find you, so then I got scared but ran into Ludwig who is in some of my classes and said he's seen me walking with Antonio, but I had n idea who that is, so I thought: hey that mist have been my fratello. And so I asked him to take me to you and now we're here," the Italian said all in one breath making rapid gestures

"What do you want you garlic smelling airhead?" Lovino asked annoyed

"I wanted us to eat lunch together" Lovino's brother said taking out his lunch

"Care to introduce me to him?" francais said his voice dripping with lust

"I'm Feliciano" Lovino's brother said happily

"Come on" Lovino said standing "we're going to eat somewhere else", he stated dragging away his happy twin

"How strange" Antonio smiled

"I hope you weren't planning on taking a bite out of them" Ludwig said his wolf ears perked up as attentively as always

"Maybe..." Antonio smiled "but Francis was probably planning something worse"

"I am a succubus," the French boy said staring dreamily in the direction that the twins went in.

Alright so there's my first attempt at a hetalia supernatural sorta fic

I don't know what pairing to go with so I'll try spamano and gerita for a while I started it atantonio's perspective but it'll probably shift to gerita with heavy hinting of spamano. VERY HEAVY.

And the rating may go up...DEFINENTLY.


-andare a sgranocchiare un bastardo vampiro proiettile-go munch on a bullet you vampire bastard.

-che non è bello Lovino-that's not nice lovino