Dipper ran upstairs as fast as he could and swung open the attic door.

"What's wrong?! Gnomes, bigfoot, GIDEON?"

Mabel and Trixie were jumping up and down on Mabels bed.

"Oh my gosh! It's coming! It's coming!"

"What?! What's coming, a giant fire breathing dragon?!"

Trixie jumped off the bed and held a magazine up to Dippers face.

"No stupid, The new movie me, Candy, Grenda, and Mabel have been looking forward to for weeks! It's a romance/horror movie about an undead zombie in Paris wanting love. But a group of mummies are trying to take control of Paris while taking the zombie's girlfriend. It's coming out tomorrow! EEEEEEEEEEH!"

Dipper looked irritated.

"That's what you made me run up here for? I thought someone was being eaten alive!"

"Relax Dipstick, if it makes you feel better we'll get you a ticket."

He made a face.

"Ew no, I'm not going to a sappy romance movie with a bunch of girls. I'll just hang out with Soos tomorrow."

"Negatory bro!"

Mabel jumped off the bed.

"He's going with us. It's a pg 13 movie and Soos said he'd take us."

"But Trixie's 1200 years old!"

"In my world, I'm counted as a 12-year-old of 100 more years. That, and in this world everyone thinks I'm 12."

"Uhg, I need more guy friends. Hanging out with girls isn't good for me."

Trixie raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, how so?"

Dipper could tell by the tone of her voice he was about to get in deep water.

"W-well um, I mean. Just hanging out with AWESOME girls like you two is effecting my manliness a tiny bit."

Mabel and Trixie looked at each other.

"Buying it Mabel?"


"Want to take our 'girliness' to the arcade?"

"YUP! Try not to blow up the drinking fountain again."

"I can't help it! I get tense playing video games."

While they walked out they completely ignored Dipper, leaving him all by himself.

Half an hour latter

Dipper was in the mystery Shack, about two or three people had come so far, and it didn't look like anyone else was coming anytime soon.

"I really do need a guy friend my own age."

He had been thinking about the fact that all the people he could hang out with would be gone tomorrow. Minus Stan, but Dipper wasn't spending another night alone with his grunkle. Last time he had Grunkle Stan got the idea for the Pre-teen Wolf Boy. *Shudders*

It wasn't just the fact that there was no one for him to hang out with, he would have loved to have a guy friend his own age. Mabel had Candy, Grenda, and Trixie and even though Trixie was technically his friend too, hanging around only her and Mabel was affecting his manliness, and through it, his self-esteem.

Mabel and Trixie one time had convinced him to let them give him a makeover. *Shudders even more* He actually had a few nightmares about that.

"I wish I did have a guy friend."

"Ask and thou shalt get what you want."

A female voice seemed to whisper into Dippers ear, causing him to jump and look around. He couldn't see anybody standing by him who could have said it. He settled down, a little unnerved.

"What was that?" Dipper asked himself nervously.

The feeling of paranoia went away after Dipper saw that there was a boy about his own age walking through the Shack.

Dipper walks up to him.

"See anything you like?"

The boy had ash grey hair, was wearing dark blue jeans, and had a white shirt with an hawk designed onto it. He was staring a wooly creature labeled the "Butt-Ox"

"The word play's clever but this place would be cooler with some REAL paranormal stuff."

"Ha, I know right? But apparently the last time I tried I made two people go insane, so that's not going to happen anytime soon."

The kid turned to Dipper, his right eye was blue, and his left one was green.

"That stinks! I'm Samuel by the way. Sam for short."

He offered his hand to shake and Dipper took it.

"Dipper. Nice to meet you."

*Gives a slight smile* "So you've experienced some of the more... 'unusual' things in Gravity Falls?"

In an exasperated voice he said "You have no idea what me and my sister have gone though!"

You'd be amazed. Sam thought. "I might know a few secrets about this town myself."


Dipper's curiosity was peaked, could this kid have really seen some of the things that happen around here?

"Oh yeah! I'm about to head into town, want to hang out? We can talk about it more there."

It was a slow day, so he wasn't really needed there, and if anyone did show up, he wouldn't be missed.

"Sure! Let's go."

After a walk to main street, Sam was laughing his head of.

"Gnomes tried to kidnap you sister, so they could marry her?! And that troll Gideon tried to make her his queen?! Wow! What is with her and crazy guys? Does she give off some kind of pheromone?"

"Ha! I know right?! Gideon still sends her creepy love letters, and considering he tried to kill me you'd think that he'd take a hint, and realize Mabel isn't ever going to go out with him."

"Isn't he like 9 and you and your sister 12?"

"Pretty much."

Dipper had really enjoyed hanging out with another dude, especially one who listened, and had seen some of the things that go on in Gravity falls.

"So Sam what 'unusual' things have you encountered?"

Sam thought for a moment.

"Giant, sentient, honey bees... I've also seen some undead, and this place a short hike from here that is like a gigantic water slide inside the mountain."

"I've heard about the undead, and even that water slide in the mountain... but giant, sentient, honey bees?"

"Oh yeah, they're actually pretty friendly. If you give them the right gift they let you take some honey, and if you see how big they are you can tell they got plenty to go around. I've been keeping my mom's pantry stalked thanks to them."

After about an hour since they first introduced each other, Dipper had learned that Sam had grown up in Gravity Falls, occasionally leaving town to see family, he lived with his mom and dad, enjoyed exploring the forest and the secrets of Gravity Fall, that his natural hair color really is ash grey, and when he talked to someone he always looked them in the eyes. And since his eyes didn't match, it could be a little unnerving for some people.

Sam learned that Dipper had come to gravity falls for the summer to stay with his Great Uncle Stan(Grunkle Stan for short), that he and his sister kept being drawn into weird things. Dipper left out the part about the journal, he liked Sam, but he didn't trust his new friend that much just yet.

"Sam, you want to get some lunch at Greasy's Diner?"

"Yeah I'm starving."

When Dipper and Sam walked in Dipper noticed that Mabel and Trixie had gone from the arcade, and were sitting down at their own booth.

Dipper went up to them and introduced his new friend.

"Hey guys, you don't mind if me and Sam sit with you?"

Trixie was about to say something about "wouldn't hanging out with girls affecting your manliness?", but when she heard the him say Sam she noticed the odd looking boy, and a shiver ran down her back.

"Um... Sure. Who's this guy?"

"This is Sam. He a new friend of mine. We met at the Shack a little bit after you two left."

Mabel gave Dipper a look.

"You managed to get a new best friend in the hour we were gone."

"Well technically we met about half an hour after you two left, and we've been hanging out since then."

Trixie was eyeing Sam, there was something about Dippers new friend that she felt was off. It wasn't just mismatched eyes, or hair that looked like ashes, he actually felt dangerous. She was worried that he might be some kind of monster after the twins, there was plenty of them who wanted revenge on Dipper and Mabel. However she would have been very interested to know that he was thinking the exact same thing, about her.

*She shook those thoughts off* I'm being just as paranoid as Dipper.

"Oooooo! They fixed the manliness tester. Remember that Dipper?"

Mabel gave a big grin, and both her and Trixie started to tease him.

Dippers face started turning red with embarrassment

"Oh gosh."

He put his head down trying to hide it.

"Try again Dipper."

Sam had seen Dippers shame, and was looking at him encouragingly.

Dipper tried to protest, but Sam wouldn't hear it.

"Try again." *Pushes Dipper to it.*

"Alright. But don't judge me for what happens."

Dipper went up hoping he wouldn't embarrass himself as badly this time. He looked at the machine hopelessly, and reached out his hand to grab the handle.


The moment before he touched that handle he felt as if something was filling him up, sending an almost strength vibrating through all of his body. Then when he touched the handle that sensation ran down his arm and into the machine.

The machine shook, the lights that judged him lit up brighter than they ever had before until each one exploded with a *POW!*, and the tester fell apart.

Dipper looked at the broken machine and back at his friends, astonished at what he had just done. A big confident smile spread on his face.

"Any one question my manliness now?"

Sam was applauding, the light catching his eyes, making it look like each one glowed with a unique color. Mabel looked dumbstruck, but she started to get excited at the prospect of free pancakes. Trixie on the other hand was looking intensely at Sam, as the glow in his eyes seemed to fade away.