Disclaimer: I do not own anything that you recognize. Short ad sweet.
AN: So this is a new story I have been working on. And it's been going pretty smoothly so far. I have had complete and total tunnel vision on The Walking Dead so I've decided to try my hand at it. I have quite a number of chapters under my belt on this story. Now I learned my lesson about about posting everything I have so I'm only gonna post a chapter or two a week. This chapter is short but the others are longer, I promise. I hope you guys enjoy.
Chapter 1
It had been about a month since the world went to shit.
At first it was just a few crazy news stories about people eating their animals alive or that some neighbor ate their neighbor. No one believed stories like that. It just wasn't within the capability of the human brain to accept something like that.
But then a few stories turned into many and then it was all over the news. Pretty soon it turned into a pandemic. It was said that if you were bitten you got a insanely high fever and then you died.
Only you didn't stay dead.
You came back and started eating other people who in turn burned out and came back to feed on more people. It was a never ending circle and nobody could explain it. Most people tried to get out of major cities and find someplace safe, but by then, it was too late.
It was well past midnight and the full moon was high in the star speckled night sky. The two figures hiding at the edge of the forest were trying to be quiet and sure of any movement they made.
It had to have been at least six weeks since the major start of the pandemic and the two people trying to play ninja had been wholed up at their current camp for four out of those six weeks.
"I don't like this plan, Adrian. We have just enough water to last us until the moon isn't so bright. Those people are a little too trigger happy for my taste." a young man whispered to his companion.
"Just enough isn't going to cut it. We need water and this is the closest water source there is. That damn lake is big enough for them to share. Sure we could play nice and try to ask, but these days being polite isn't exactly high on the moral list." Adrian whispered back to the young man.
There was a camp not far from where they were standing made up of an RV and a bunch of tents. Most of the fires were out and everyone seemed to be asleep. Everyone except for the old man sitting on top of the RV with binoculars and a rifle. And on a night like tonight, it was damn easy getting caught at sneaking around.
"Alright. Hand me all of the canteens. I'm gonna go down there alone." Adrian said turning to her partner. "Are you insane?! You can't go down there alone! They could shoot you on accident." the boy said.
The woman quickly turned her head and glared at him. A beam of moonlight caught her face just right and made her glare look beautiful and haunting at the same time. "Kale, give me the damn canteens. I'm smaller than you and less likely to be seen. And if they shoot me, well better me than you." Adrian hissed at him.
Kale reluctantly gave up his four canteens and walked his small companion stealthily crawl off out into the open.
"They're back." called out the younger of the two redneck Dixon brothers. Everyone within ear shot stopped what they were doing and looked up at him. The so called "leader" of the camp, an ex-cop named Shane, walked in his direction. "What do you mean "they're back"?
"Them damn creepers, whoever the hell they are." Daryl Dixon said lazily pointing in the direction of the vast amount of wooded area. "Found fresh tacks while I was out huntin'. Bout a quarter mile out. It was both of 'em this time." he said.
"Well how close did they get?" asked the long haired brunette named Lori. "Not as close as last time. This time they stopped about a hundred yards out." he said walking towards his and his brothers tent.
Daryl sat down on a poor excuse for a log and started skinning his days catch. "So how close did they really get?" asked the older Dixon, Merle. "Like I said, about a hundred yards. Must not have wanted to get too close last night.
Easy to be spotted on a full moon. Besides, they were headed for the water hole again." Daryl said as he started gutting a rabbit.
Two days later, Lori's young son Carl went missing.