Killua heard a quiet knock on the door. "Come in," he said.

Wait, Alluka's downstairs. But who else...?

The door opened. Killua was relieved to see that it wasn't Alluka. His little sister could get in big trouble if she tried to visit him.

But that, at least, would have made sense. Why Kalluto?

"Um, why are you in my room?"

There was no change in Kalluto's expression as he said, "I'm your brother."

Well, no duh.

"O-kay... Do you want to do something?"

"Do you?"

"Sure, I guess." Killua looked around the room, then looked down. "So, uh, do you want to play find the target?"

"Find the target is acceptable."

Killua didn't know if Kalluto had been ordered to do it by Mother, or if he'd taken the wrong powder from the cabinet in the kitchen, but there was something really weird going on. Kalluto had never wanted to join when Alluka was playing find the target with him, or Silva.

Then again, Kalluto didn't tend to interact with him. They might be assigned training together occasionally, but that didn't mean they knew each other.

"Do you know the rules?" Killua had been playing find the target and other training games with Silva almost since he could walk, but he had spent more time with his father than any of his siblings. Kalluto was close to their mother, he knew, and Kikyou wouldn't play. She would probably want to—

"I know the rules."

—actually, Killua had no idea what they did together.

"Who's the target?"

Kalluto pointed at him. "You."

"All right. The game is limited to inside; I won't hide behind locked doors or in places either of us isn't allowed in; and if you can't find me, activate my communicator and I'll meet you in the bathroom next to the kitchen."

"Which kitchen?"

"Kikyou's." Oh, the one with the poisons.

"All right."

Kalluto turned away, fingers moving, counting off the seconds. Killua left the room, closing the door behind him to muffle sound; he wasn't a total failure of an assassin, after all. Standing outside, he realized he hadn't thought of a place to hide.