Thanks for those who reviewed saying they wanted a Epilogue But I want to send a huge thanks to PaleAngel90, Sakunalight, Snowbeardolphin,kat4543,Veronica2shoes,Villiansgirl,twaddletoe,I'mthealphahearmeroar,Dancesinthewind,stefanswifey01,Electric-Olive,Crazywritinggirl96For helping me with chapters!, Vampqueen440,Moynese, ,Team-Soric-Delena,Candar'wolfgal97,Kazakun08 for reviewing I appreciated the support from all of you. Well here is the Epilogue. Enjoy! This will be short!

(Stiles pov):

2 months later: Graduation

The students were gathering to get ready and go on stage. I can't believe the day has finally arrived that I get to graduate with my best friends and my boyfriend right by my side.

"I'm so excited." Allison said,clasping her hands together.

"I know, we finally get out of here and away from Harris." I said, proudly.

"Stiles, that's not nice." Derek teased.

"I stuck my tongue out.

"Students please line up in alphabetical order." Principal Daniels ordered.

I was behind some kid I barely knew, I was sort of close to Scott.

The graduation music began to play and I was nervous and excited at the same time.

First up was Allison.

"Miss Allison Marie Argent." The principal called.

"Thank you." She said politely, as she shook hands.

Next came a few others, then it was Scott.

"Scott Michael McCall."

"So proud of you Scott." Melissa yelled out. The students and the parents snickered.

Scott ducked his head in embarrassment as he accepted his diploma.

Other students went and it was Derek's turn.

"Derek Thomas Hale." He called.

There were wolf whistles from the baseball team and Derek's parents yelled that they were proud of him.

He accepted his diploma and sat back down.

A few girls went ahead of me then it was my turn.

"Genim "Stiles" Stilinksi." the principal laughed as he called my name.

"Blame my parents for the name." I said.

My dad looked proud as I grabbed my diploma.

The principal was down to the last name.

"I give you Beacon Hills High School, class of 2014." He said, and the room filled with applause as we threw our hats up in the air.

"We did it man." Scott said, hugging me.

"I know, no more high school." I said, glad.

"Yeah in three-months we start college." Derek replied, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm so glad we all are going to the same college, except Allison." Scott said, sighing sadly.

"I will only we 500 miles away." She said.

"I know but we will only see each other on weekends." Scott said.

"Scott, you will survive."Derek said, laughing.

"Well I better go, my parents are taking me out to dinner." Allison said, kissing Scott goodbye.

"Yeah, our parents are taking us out, you coming with me Derek?" I asked, hopefully.

"Yeah, my parents said it was okay." He said.

We all ended up picking Apple bee's for the place to eat.

"So what is everyone having?" The waitress asked, getting her pen and paper ready.

"I will have the bake chicken, with cut green beans and a roll please." My dad replied.

"I will have the Spaghetti Dinner with garlic bread, with a side of cheese sticks." Melissa told her.

"And for you boys?" She asked, mainly looking at Derek.

"I want the Chicken Fajita with sauce as the condiment with a side of fries." I said, I was hungry.

Derek and Scott ordered the roast beef with Mashed potatoes and a roll.

"Now what can I can you to drink?" She asked.

"We all will take a Pepsi please." Melissa said.

"Okay your food will be here shortly." She said, and walked away.

"I'm so hungry." I whined.

"Stiles your always hungry." Scott said, laughing.

"It's true." Derek agreed.

We all messed around until the food came, then we all dug in.

A couple of hours later:

We left Applebees's stuffed and tired. Dad, Derek and I went to my house and Scott and Melissa went home. I am so glad to be done with high school but excited to move on and get an education to start my life and hopefully Derek is in my future, I can actually see us getting married.

"Penny for your thoughts." Derek said, coming into my room.

"Just thinking about the future." I answered.

"Yeah, me too." He smiled, warmingly.

"So are you staying tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah if you want me to." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Of course I want you to stay, but let me ask dad first." I said.

"Dad, can Derek stay?" I yelled down to him.

"Yeah, I don't care, I'm on midnight shift tonight." He replied.

I said okay, and this was the perfect night for Derek and I to have sex, it's been three-weeks since we done anything.

Derek and I watched TV for a little then we got bored. I started kissing his jawline.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked, smirking.

"Kissing my boyfriend." I said, cheeky.

Derek laughed and pushed me down on the bed, kissing me full on the mouth soon we were in a heavy make-out session.

I tug at Derek's shirt and he got the hint so he removed his shirt showing his sculpted abs. After clothing flying everywhere Derek and I were naked.

Let's just say Derek and I had fun that night, three times. (Sorry this is only Rated T)

I was glad I had Derek. We were best friends but now we were something more!


Hope you liked it, please review.!