"You're going to be doing some lines for me today, Mr. Potter." Umbridge said, swooping around her desk over to Harry, whom was tied up and bent over her desk without any pants on. She pulled out a whip and lashed it across his bum, "Right after you show how you can be a good little bitch..."

Harry winced and closed his eyes, "Yes, Professor." He felt so exposed, which he was, strangely getting hard as she whipped him.

Umbridge cackled and slipped a ring around Harry's cock, smirking, "Now, now, we don't want the fun to end so soon, do we?"

"No, Professor." He whined, struggling against the pink ropes around his wrists. There was no way he could escape.

"Now, where to begin...?" Umbridge purred just like the kittens on her wall. She pulled out her wand, smirking, "Oh, I know... You better hope you're relaxed."

Harry squinched and his eyes shot open as he felt the tip of her wand enter him. He whimpered, having the rigid wood thrust into him quickly and deeply. His cock became even more erect, but the ring around it kept him from releasing, making him grunt with frustration, "Professor, p-please!"

Dolores smirked, "Enjoy yourself, Potter. This is exactly what all of your detentions with me will consist of, Potter. Now if you'd stop squirming and take it like the hero you're supposed to be." He recieved another lashing from her whip.

Harry felt his erection against Umbridge's desk, begging for release. Harry panted, "I-I'LL DO ANYTHING, PROFESSOR!"

"Anything for what?" She mewed, her eyes on him.

"F-For release, please..." Harry pleaded, his bulge throbbing. The ring was tight around his base as her hand gave another push, forcing the wand into him again. He cursed under his breath, gasping for breath.

Dolores whipped him again, and withdrawled her ragged wand, "Ahhh, fine... I think that should be enough... For now, anyways." With a wave of her wand, his wrists were untied, and the ring slid off.

But that's not the only thing that did.

Umbridge's clothes fell off as well, leaving her mostly naked. The only things she was wearing was a pink bra and underwear set. She unsnapped the back of her bra, having her breasts roll out. Harry was stunned, gaping at his DADA professor. Harry became worried.

"N-No, you don't m-mean... I have to... you know... do you?" He trailed off, his cock threatening to erupt.

"That's exactly what I mean, Potter." She stepped closer, throwing Harry's shirt aside as she stripped it off. He felt extremely uncomfortable, but knew he had to. She started kissing his neck. Despite Harry hating the woman, he couldn't help but moan. She kept a firm grip on his shoulders, kicking off her panties.

"P-Professor..." Harry whispered. "P-Please, now..."

Umbridge smirked, "You get to have a little treat, Mr. Potter..." She laid on her back, atop her desk. Harry gulped and climbed ontop of Umbridge, fear in his eyes.

"Now fuck me, you naughty Gryffindor." She said, running her nails across Harry's back.

Harry pushed in, surprised at how easy it was. He shuddered with each thrust, coming closer and closer. Umbridge was hissing with pleasure, sinking her claws into her student's back. Huffing, every noise that came out of her mouth sounded like Harry's name. Harry groaned, desperate to get it over with. He found himself hammering into her, crying out as he finally felt himself come. Not a second later, Umbridge bit her bottom lip as she did the same.

Harry slid off the table, horrified and satisfied at the same time. He jumped to his feet, looking at the still moaning Umbridge. He waited until she mumbled, "You are free to go, Potter."

Harry threw on his clothes, fixed his askew glasses, and ran out the door, his expression both shocked and absolutely terrified.