I do not own Hetalia

a low growl comes from me and I move my arm searching for the idiot that is soppost to be next to me.


Opening my eyes then quickly shutting them from the light from the sun. Slowly opening my eye's again I looked around for the idiot not seeing him I raised slightly.

'Where the hell are you Bastard.'

Still not seeing him I stood up, the rise that I was on let me look out over the fields but if someone was in the aisles I could'nt see them due to the vines being to tall.

"Tomato Bastard where the hell are you?" I yelled across the fields my voice carrying across the empty field. I got no answer and was starting to get pissed off at not being answered because there was no way that he couldn't hear me

'If he is playing one of his silly ass games, I'm going to freakin' kill him.'

Grumbling to myself I pulled out my phone and called him a little bit later I got his cheerful voice mail. Shutting the phone I shoved it into my pocket and went into the fields walking down the side of the aisles. As I walked I got more and more ticked off as I kept finding empty aisles. A good distance away from where I started off at a flash of white cought my attention, going down the aisle I saw that it was a piece of cloth tied to the plant proberly from Toni's shirt. What also got my attention was that the oppisite side of the aisle was torn up like someone went throught the plants. Stopping I stared at the hole and noticed there were a lot of foot prints that were diffrent sizes. I followed the marks and saw that some thing was not right with them, because two of the foot prints looked like the fought or something. Because the bigger of the two was the one that went throught the vines and the smaller looked like it twisted at some point. What ever happened one of the people didn't walk away because there was also an impration of a body that was dragged away. Also as I was looking at the area the feeling from before came back and this time it wasn't leaving me alone. My eyes finally stopped looking at the path way and looked back at the white marker, what I didn't notice before was that under the marker and resting at the base of the plant was Spain's sun hat. Pulling it out a piece of lamanated paper fell out, reaching for it with my other hand I stood up holding both the hat and the paper. By the feel of it it was a picture, looking at it I realized I had it backwards but the words written on the back stopped me from flipping it.

We will contact you.

Those four words made the ball in my stomach turn to lead, it's weight scaring me. Slowly I turned it and a wave of emotion washed over me, for in the picture was Spain he appeared to be tied up in a trunk a gaged which seemed unesasary since his eyes were closed and blood was on the side of his head. My hands trembled as both anger, and fear pumbed addranilane through me, with the picture and hat I ran to the house. As I ran I knew there was nothing I could do for now, and I did not like being usless for those that I love. In the house I paced with my phone waiting for them to contact me, hours passed before my phone finally rang. I quickly answered it after briefly looking at the ID it reading Toni.

"Cieo Lovino Vargas." A sweet female voice said over the phone.

"Who the hell are you and where is Antonio?!"

"Temper, temper you better be careful how you speak to me. You don't want your lover to get hurt now do you?"

"What do you want with him?"

"You are the one we want he is just insurince that you do what we tell you to."

"I'm not going to do anything for you."

"Now now do you really want to say that if you don't do what we want we will kill your Spanish lover. And I know you don't want that now do you."

Biting back a curse I knew that I would have to listen to her, I knew I don't want them to hurt or kill him, even though Toni is a country he will still feel tha pain if they kill him and when he comes back to life they will still have him and that will cause more harm.

"Fine but if I find you, you are died."

"Not if it endanger's your lover, and who knows you may like what we have you do." She said her voice over sweet and confident.

"Stop messing around and tell me what you want me to do." I snaped

"Careful but I'm glad you have agreed. You will get a package that had the infomation that you need. And here is your warning if you screw up your mission or someone catchs you or you tell someone he will be punished, so don't mess up it would be a shame to damage him."

The phone clicked and the dial tone greeted my ear, leaving me to wonder what they would need me for and how Toni was holding up.

I am so sorry about the late update, I ether forgot about this fic or I had arguements with Lovi. But I also know how this fic will go and the main person who will help our Lovi, I just need to figure out some names for the other people in this. I also figured out where they took Toni so the next chapter should come up quicker then this one.