Oh this was fun to write.

Chapter Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence, profanity(?), death, and rape.

Gilbert pounded on the front door to Matthew's house. The door opened to reveal a red eyed Alfred. As soon as blue eyes met red, Alfred's expression changed.

"What the fuck do you want?" He spat out. "If it's to see Matthew, I won't let you."

"Please Alfred… I need to see him." Gilbert choked out. "…please…"

"Why should I? He asked you for help, and you ignored him. So give me one reason why I should let you see him ever again."

"I love him." Gilbert looked up at Alfred. This caused Alfred's expression to soften slightly. "I ignored him because he broke my heart… it hurt to look at him. So yes, I ignored him, and I shouldn't have."

Alfred frowned, but he no longer looked angry. "Is it because of that 'joke' he was talking about… the one where he said 'it would never happen'?"

Gilbert nodded. "How did you hear that?"

"He was really loud…" Alfred trailed off. "…But I don't think you should see him, it might be painful for him too."

"Please Alfred… I need to ask him who did…" Gilbert paused for a moment. "… so I can personally killed them."

"…it was Braginski." Alfred frowned. "…I already thought about killing him, but I figured, what's the point… I would just go to jail anyway."

"…that's not a problem for me." Gilbert stated quietly. The two boys stared at each other before Alfred stepped aside.

"He's in his room; I'll give you 3 minutes."

Gilbert rushed past the other and ran up the stairs to Matthew's bedroom. He saw Matthew fast asleep on his bed.

"Matthew…" the albino whispered, pushing Matthew's blonde hair out of his face. "…I am so sorry… I'll kill the one who did this to you…" Tears fell from Gilbert's red eyes. "…Goodbye Matthew…"

Gilbert pressed his lips on Matthew's forehead and walked out of the room. Matthew's eyes opened, tears threatening to fall. "Gil…" He whispered, but the other was already downstairs.

Gilbert stood in the kitchen with Alfred. "I don't want him to die anymore… I want him to suffer..." The blonde nodded in response.

"How should we do it?"

"We're gonna need more people."

The Russian was sitting on his couch watching TV when all the lights went off. "Ah… a power outage." He was just about to get up when lightning outside flashed and he saw a pair of green eyes staring at him from the other side of the room.

"Who's there?" Ivan called out, but the next time the lightning flashed, the room was empty besides from him. The Russian shrugged and opened to basement door to go downstairs and get a flashlight.

A pair of soft hands pushed Ivan down the stairs. Ivan fell down the flight of stairs and landed on his back on the cement. "Ow… what-" Ivan stopped when he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

The lightning flashed and lying on its stomach next to him was a dead body. It was that Japanese boy from his class, Kiku. The boy had wide dead-like eyes and a blood trail coming from his mouth.

Ivan looked up the stairs and saw the same pair of eyes from earlier staring at him. The lightning flashed and they were gone.

"What's going on?!" Ivan yelled before hearing a chainsaw across the basement room. A man almost as tall as he was appeared out of nowhere. He wore a burlap sack over his head with the eyes cut out. Crazed blue eyes stared out at him, and the man ran straight at him.

Ivan froze and watched the man running toward him. The lightening flashed and the man was gone. The Russian panted heavily, running up the stairs. He ran to the front door, with his hand on the handle he froze.

Slowly, he looked to his side and saw an Italian boy hanging from a noose in his kitchen. The lightning flashed, and the body was gone, just an empty noose hung from the light in his kitchen.

The Russian struggled to open the door, but it was stuck. Ivan ran into the kitchen and scrambled to grab a weapon of some sorts, but all the knives and silverware were gone.

"What the hell is going on?!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. The lightening flashed and a door creaked open… the basement one.

"Ivan~" A croaky voice called out from downstairs. The Russian shook his head furiously.

"No!" The Russian yelled, and he ran upstairs to his room. He shut the door and locked it. He backed up until he hit the edge of his bed.

He looked back at it and screamed. The albino boy from his class lay on his bed, his throat slit, blood pooling everywhere.

Ivan ran out of his room and stood in the hall. He looked down the hall at the stairs and saw the pair of green eyes watching him.

He ran into the hall closet and shut the door. The Russian sat on the floor and put his head in his hands. "PLEASE STOP! I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!" he cried out between sobs.

The door opened to reveal 9 figures standing around it. "Turn the lights on." One of them whispered.

The lights flickered on and Ivan looked up. There stood the party that spent the whole afternoon getting revenge.

"Hello Ivan…" The figure with the burlap sack on his head said. The man pulled off the bag and revealed himself.

"Alfred?" Ivan choked out, before looking at all the others. Lovino Vargas –who had hung from the rope-, Gilbert Beilschmidt –who had his throat "slit"-, Kiku Honda –who lay "dead" in the basement-, were all standing with the other figures.

"Wha- how?!" Ivan looked at the others.

"Well… it went like this…"

Francis put the 'blood' on Kiku's mouth and helped him get into position. Then he made his way to the control box and turned off the power.

Arthur sat behind the TV and waited for the signal. When the lights went on, he stood and stared at Ivan. When the lightning flashed, he dashed back to his hiding spot.

When Ivan approached the stairs, Arthur went up behind him and pushed him. When the lightning flashed again, Kiku opened his eyes and revealed his 'Dead-eyes contacts.

When the lightning flashed again, Francis turned on the chainsaw and handed it to Alfred. When the lightning flashed after that, Alfred dodged behind one of the shelves in the basement and out of Ivan's sight.

When Ivan tried to open the door, he didn't know that Feliciano and Ludwig stood on the other side, holding the door shut.

Lovino stood on the clear box they had set under his feet so he wouldn't actually die, and made it look like he was hung from the ceiling. When the lightning flashed again, Lovino easily slid out of the noose and slid himself and the box under the clothed table.

Francis then slid the basement door open and called out the Russian, who then ran upstairs, where Gilbert waited.

After hours of makeup and applying fake blood, Gilbert looked like his throat had been slit. When Ivan ran out into the hall, Arthur stood at the stairs, the others at the foot.

Then he ran into the closet and they opened the door.

Ivan stared at the others as they explained how they managed the whole thing. "Why would you do this to me?!" Ivan screamed at the others.

"So we could do this." Antonio smirked, holding up a video camera. "It's called payback for doing what you did to Matthew."

Ivan stayed silent. "What do you want? Blackmail money?"

"No… we wanted you to suffer. And every year you're going to see this video, so you can feel the guilt of what you did over and over again."

The others left the house in victory, high-fiving each other and cheering. Alfred patted Gilbert on the back.

"If you want to date my brother, you have my approval." Alfred smiled before turning and walking away with Arthur.

Gilbert smiled sadly. 'If he will ever accept me…'

I'm so cruel. ;)