To Jacky,

Star light, star bright

First star I see tonight

Wish I may, wish I might

Have the wish I wish tonight

This news has hurt and it pains me to say

Another angel sits in Heaven today

That gorgeous girl with the brilliant heart

The one that felt her life rip apart

May she sit on a continuous throne of peace

And that her pain had long since ceased

I pray she knew that she was loved and adored

Before she left to sit comfortably by the Lord

There are so many questions and not enough words

To express the grief and how much it hurts

So here is to Jacky, the girl who fought

The girl who smiled and the girl who taught

I've learned so much about strength and truth

From the one who was forced to grow up at the peak of youth

May she never regret the life that once was

As she waits patiently from her place above

For she was good and dear God, I pray

I'll see her face in Heaven someday

I miss you. I don't know how else to say it. You were such a beautiful person. I've never seen your face, and I never may, but I talked to you. I spoke with you when you got sick and we continued speaking as you fought against the cruelty of the illness. You were strong, and brave, and so beautiful.

I hope you know how much you were loved, and adored, and cherished, and that you knew you deserved it all. You deserved to feel like you were worth something.

The hand you were dealt was unfair, and cruel, and I could never stress how much I hated it for you. You kept going, though. You kept fighting and you kept smiling, and when you felt like everything was falling apart, you decided you weren't ready to give up, and you shoved back.

I remember when we talked about God. You said that you believed in Him and that you weren't scared of dying. That was okay, because I was scared enough for the both of us. You were a glorious person, and I hope you are happy and that you are at peace.

With love,
