Hey readers it's TheAwesomeCoolJay here and here'show gonna do the Equestria and Sonic fanfic. After seeing the movie on YouTube, the events after
the movie have been kinda warped/restrarted and the Main six humans will all be friends, like how they are in Equestria and they will be normal (meaning
no wings, & no horns), Oh and Spike won't talk. Second the characters Sunset Shimmer, and Flash Sentry will be in the story, but in their human forms.
Third, this world will have it's own Twilight Sparkle and like I said in the first one all the girls will be friends. Fourth Sonic will turn human just gonna tell
you that now and for all you out there, there will be romance. See ya August 5th
Also it's up to you guys to decide if this is "canon" with the rest of the mlp sonic I i made