Hello my lovely readers. Some of you may be new readers while some may know me as a new writer or even from my other terrible stories "Spamano 'Cuz I'm Bored" (which is still being continued but I wanted to begin this) and my oneshot "The Three Little Italians"~ Anywho, I feel so awkward writing this but I've wanted to do a pirate AU for such a long time and the want for a kingdom AU came in as I was writing Spamano 'Cuz I'm Bored and yeahh... Um, I felt I have something more to say but I just got distracted by horse masks... Oh! I'm going to continue this reviews or not because that's just the way it goessss~

Once, there was a rather large castle in the land known as Italy. This giant castle was occupied by none other than the rulers of all Europe. It was a peaceful era. It had been ever since the ruling family, Vargas, had come into power.

The Vargas Kingdom was ruled by a Roman soldier known as Romulus. He first had a daughter, one that resembled his lost lover. She grew up quicker than he would've liked but nevertheless, he was happy. Soon, she was to be wed. Fortunately for her, the man she had married was one she loved.

They took over the kingdom and all of Europe became overjoyed as the ruling couple had a newborn son named Lovino. Not more than three years later, another little boy had blessed the kingdom, Feliciano. More time passed and Lovino was now eight and Feliciano five, yet another little boy was born: Marcello.

The kingdom was happy with the boys and the family was content, Romulus couldn't be more proud of his family. But soon the Vargas Kingdom encountered a problem. Territory that had not been quite captured had begun to rise and fuss. Demanding a union be made between the two of them.

But there was yet another problem. Each of the two kingdoms had sons, no daughters. In fact, the other fussy kingdom only had one son known as Antonio Fernandez Carriedo. The one and only heir. So, a decision was made. Lovino, the eldest, would have to marry the neighboring prince. Unholy or not, even if it went against the kingdom's religion, it had to be done so the two kingdoms could become one and rule together.

Everyone was upset, but accepted it. There was nothing more they could do. But none were more upset than little Lovino himself.

He was to meet the prince whom he was to marry this day. He didn't even want to meet the other! He was content with his life, he needn't be wed! Feliciano seemed fruity enough and he was sure since he was favored by every commoner and aristocrat so he would take the kingdom anyway.

But, that wasn't the case. Things couldn't be compromised at that point. The little eight year old Italian was just going to have to suck it up and deal with it, like it or not.

So, here Lovino sat. Awaiting the other prince, whom he was told was much older than himself. Feliciano sat, holding his baby brother in his hands. Their mother had given the two the very important job of watching baby Marcello while she and their father went to Asia to consult the Asian kingdom about uprising affairs.

"Lovi! Isn't Marcello so cute!" the five year old squeaked, coddling their youngest brother. "Stop fidgeting," Lovino scolded. "You'll drop him." "No I won't. I've been extra careful all day!" Feliciano protested, hugging Marcello closer as to protect him from a few rouge drops of water splashing on them from the fountain behind them.

Lovino growled and wiped his face, "I'm going for a walk," he said, standing up and abandoning his seat on the side of the fountain. Feliciano smiled kindly and giggled. "Just don't get lost in the gardens again!" "Who says I was even going to the gardens?" Lovino barked.

"It's your favorite place and even if it wasn't, it's the only place you can walk since we're not allowed outside the castle walls. Plus it's right here," The middle child pointed out, swinging his legs back and forth.

The eldest sighed in defeat, "Yeah, I'll do my best to return by noon." he nodded, knowing that his brother was more likely worrying about the arrival of the prince rather than Lovino getting lost. There were tons of on-hand staff, after all, to help him if he lost his way.

So, the eight year old made his way towards the gardens, where his brother had predicted he would go. He silently wandered the area he knew by heart, grazing the edge of a large hedge from which he had not ventured farther than. "Maybe I should get lost," he muttered to himself.

He glanced wearily at the giant shadow-cast castle a mile behind him and then back at the sunlit gardens, which were rather large and made to meet all purposes. Or to hold parties and gatherings that would be held there on such a fine day as this. The Italian gave a shrug and quickly discovered a path to get around the long hedge.

He breathed in the clean air around him before trudging on. He wanted to explore every inch but he would do so later. Right now, he felt that he needed to put as much distance between himself and the castle.

So he walked.

He ran.

He fell.

When he fell, it was, rather unfortunately, on a calmly sloping hill. He slid down, not bruising his fragile lightly tanned skin nor did it tear. The worst he had received from the short fall was a grass stain on the chest part of his shirt. But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt.

The only reward for falling was what he found at the bottom unintentionally. He wanted to avoid the hill but Lovino was now secretly happy that he had fallen and slid.

That is because as he lifted his weary head from the grass, a giant red tomato hung oh so temptingly in his face. He immediately stumbled to sit up and plucked the tomato right off the vine before gnawing at it. None of the castle maids or chefs had allowed him to eat the messy fruit alone, saying it wasn't proper of him to eat something uncooked.

He smiled at his new find. If only he could remember exactly how he had gotten here. The Italian stood up and glanced up at the hill, seeing the high towers of the castle just above it. Lovino sighed in content as he turned back to the tomatoes, inspecting each one with a tiny, rare smile. No one was around. No one could ruin his perfect moment with the beautiful ripe tomatoes that he rarely got to eat in it's freshest glory.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and he jumped, slowly turned around. Where the hell had this boy come from!? He hadn't seem him before! He must've been lurking in the tomato plants like some sort of creature waiting to pounce.

Seeing the frightened Italian, the thirteen year old boy laughed. "Lo siento, amigo. Pero vi-!" Lovino didn't let him continue. "I don't speak Spanish, dumbass. Speak English or Italian." he said, addressing the elder boy in a lowly sense seeing how dirty and poor his clothes seemed. Well...it's not like he doesn't treat everyone lowly. He calls everybody names, really. It's just that those who don't know him too well or are one of the poor workers who work out in the gardens all day, the ones that try to take him back to the castle, is when he begins to throw out the cuss words oh so naturally.

"Sorry," the boy apologized, this time in English. "But I saw you fall there, are you okay?" the elder said, his noticeably bright emerald eyes sparking with concern as he took the younger's hand and began inspecting it for any scratches.

Lovino growled and pulled his hand out of the boy's reach, just by his accent, Lovino guessed he was a Spaniard. "I'm perfectly fine," he spat, cradling his hand like the other's touch had burned it. "Ah, then might I ask what you're doing so far away from the castle?" the former asked, confused.

"I was simply wandering around," Lovino explained to the lowly gardener. "Wandering around or seeking out these beauties?" The older boy laughed, taking a tomato off a vine with his natural tan hand and biting into it.

At this point, the prince was seething in anger. "You goddamn bastard! Those are my tomatoes! And you shouldn't be eating on the job!" he growled in frustration, aiming to slap what was left of the tomato out of the gardener's hands. Or so he assumed he was a gardener.

"Eh? I saw you eating too! You shouldn't be eating on the job too!" The elder scolded teasingly, keeping his tomato out of reach. Lovino paused for a moment in his struggling. Was being a prince really considered a job? The thought was quickly shrugged off as the Italian continued in his efforts to ruin the boys fruit.

In Lovino's slight pause, the other had lowered the tomato to his mouth, and opened wide to finish it off. Just as the boy resumed fighting again, an unlucky hand pushed the older boy's and with a splat, the tomato was ruined...Squashed. All over his face.

Lovino flinched as the other turned an angry glare at him, it just didn't seem natural, before he wiped off his tomato covered face. "Let's get you back to the castle, si?" he asked, his patience with the younger boy obviously getting weary.

Said younger boy glanced longingly at the vines filled with the plump tomatoes before turning back to the angry Spaniard. "Yeah, I guess." he said grudgingly, trying not to anger the elder any more. B-But he shouldn't be scared of a silly old gardener! He was the prince after all. He couldn't help but feel a little less than the other when he had such a demanding yet easygoing presence.

So, he followed. He followed the elder as he expertly weaved his way through the paths, as if he knew them after a first day on the job. Or Lovino assumed it was his first since he generally knew about every living thing in the castle.

Eventually, the other looked uncertain and Lovino took lead, knowing his way from there. "You can go now," he said, shooing the other away. "I have business in the castle," he nodded, causing Lovino to feel very suspicious. What if he was leading a spy right into the heart of the castle? Or what if it was even an assassin?

He wearily opened the doors to immediately pounced on by his younger brother. "Fratello!" he cried. "Where were you!? The King of Iberia is here! And he doesn't even know where Prince Antonio is!" Lovino glanced around before patting Feliciano's back awkwardly. "I'm sure we'll find him. Where's Marcello?"

Feliciano looked up from his brother's chest sniffling and brushing away some new tears. "In the nursery sleeping," he sniffled before looking behind Lovino's shoulder. "Ve, who's that?" he asked, pointing at the smiling brunette behind him. "Ah, you're so cute!" the elder cooed. "You must be Prince Feliciano!" the other rubbed his nose and smiled a small smile. "Si, that's me!"

Lovino scowled and pushed the man out of the way. "Was this your business? Meeting the second prince? You can go now," he hissed, annoyed with the other. "No I actually have business in the Grand Hall. Think you can lead me?"

"Hell n-!" he rejected immediately but was cut off but was interrupted by Feliciano who pulled himself off the ground. "Of course! Fratello and I are going there right now!" he smiled, all traces of tears or any kind of sadness wiped clean off his face. It seemed he had forgotten about the missing prince as well.

Lovino turned to glare at his younger idiot brother before being met with puppy dog eyes. "I don't know what business you have there," he scoffed before turning and began walking in the general direction of their destination.

While the trio worked their way towards the hall, Feliciano and the mysterious boy seemed to chatter happily the whole way. Maybe if this guy was the prince, Feliciano would trade places with me since the two of them seemed to hit it off. he thought grudgingly as he stood before the large doors leading to the Grand Hall.

He nodded to the guards who stood at the front, protecting the kings that were inside. They immediately knew who he was because of the family curl and, with unchanging faces, opened the door.

Lovino stepped inside and didn't even bother to look behind his shoulder to see if the other two were following him. As he was finally a few steps in, a quiet thunk could be heard to tell Lovino that door had been closed.

He continued walking to the throne where he was sure his Nonno was to be sitting. After all, he resumed control of the kingdom while his daughter and son-in-law were away. "Lovi! Feli!" he chirped, getting up and walking to greet his grandsons.

He gave Feliciano an extra big hug and Lovino a light tap on the shoulder, knowing how he didn't like being touched. "Lovi, I'd like you to meet the king of Iberia." he said, nodding to the gentleman next to him. "Nice to meet you," the king said, holding out his hand.

Lovino hesitantly took it and shook it, unsure of how to act around him. "Where's your son?" he asked, scared to see what the boy was to be like. Was he mean? Was he scary? Did he only want him to corrupt his brother?

"It's seems you've led him back to me," the king said, gesturing to the same older boy he had found in the gardens. "Y-you're the prince of Iberia?" he squeaked in embarrassment. "I thought you were a gardener! Especially in that raggy clothing." he mumbled, placing his head in his hands while the thirteen year old laughed.

"I thought you were one of the castle's younger staff, bus boy or something!" Antonio laughed jollily. His laughed seemed contagious because soon the king of Iberia, Nonno, and Feliciano all burst out into laughter alongside the older prince while Lovino silently fumed.

He decided, he didn't like the boy.

Not one bit.

Having to marry the other would be very taxing but he recalled his thoughts from his short walk to the Grand Hall. Antonio and Feliciano seemed to hit it off. Why not make them get hitched instead of the one who liked having pretty women around and copied their grandfather's habits?

He looked up as the laughter finally quieted down. He began to voice his thoughts out loud, hoping the preposition sounded nice in the other's ears. "Instead of making Antonio marry some grump like me, why don't you have him my little brother?" he said, grabbing Feliciano's silk sleeve and pulling him in front of himself. "He and the prince seem to get along," he said rather slowly.

Nonno turned to Lovino, as if to glare at him for suggesting that the young boy be given off and be the center of the kingdom's anxiety at the prospect of gay marriage.

Even the king seemed a little upset. "Five years is a gap but eight is even more so for marriage. I don't think I'd like the idea of my son being thirty, one day, married to a twenty-two year old." he said, pointing out one of the many factors in why it wouldn't work.

Lovino sighed and glanced at a nearby window. Outside the sky seemed bluer than ever before and he longed to be outside even more, though he already had been. What he longed for was the freedom to make his own choices, to be able to get away from his princely duties. Most of all, he wanted to get out of this marriage and be out of center of the Kingdom's hate.

A month had passed since the King of Iberia and his son had come to meet their to-be family. The Vargas king and queen had yet to return from the Asian Kingdom they were visiting. More than a year passed and chaos began to erupt around the kingdom.

It had been noted by almost every villager and peasant and even the aristocrats that the Asian kingdom has assassinated the king and queen while they had been guests. Feeding them poison when they had given them all the trust they had. The man in charge of the kingdom, by the name of Ivan, has taken some actions to prevent immediate attack from the European Kingdom.

Romulus, whom had retired long ago, had to once again take his place as king. Awaiting the day his grandsons would succeed him and take the kingdom from his tired grip.

The Russian king had made sure that every country in his land was blocked at European borders and seas. Turkey especially took the worst of it and Cyprus. Then the king had been sure to keep all under control in African Kingdom, whom the European Kingdom has allies with, so he kept Egypt within his borders as well.

Not too soon after, a band of pirates began to bother all those bordering the Mediterranean. Causing fear and uproar from the coastal cities. Guards were placed all over to protect the townspeople from the pillaging pirates.

The series of misfortune continued as the European Kingdom was told of the Iberian Kingdom's loss. Their prince had been kidnapped. He was one to become one among the townspeople, wearing raggy clothes like he had the day he had first travelled to the European Kingdom. The band of pirates had pillaged the very same city he was wandered aimlessly through.

He was deemed unimportant, and not worth killing. Some eyewitnesses had said that the captain had saved his life.

"The captain of the notorious ship, L'anima Di Sangue, or The Bloody Soul, came outta nowhere!" one witness claimed. "He came right out of the fog from the fire on an' nearby house! He was really like a bloody soul! Mysterious and bloody from 'dose he murdered," another had said.

"One 'o 'is crew were 'bout to kill 'im but he stopped 'em. I have no idea why though," A woman had said. "I could hear 'im over the roaring fire," a teenager of the age fifteen noted. "He says, 'Yous look like a strong boy. We could use yous on mi ship. Yous could make an excellent pirate."

The ship had ransacked a great many places after that but no one ever knows exactly when it'll strike. But no person has ever caught sight of the young prince since that day...

Now here we were, sitting next to a twenty one year old Italian with dark auburn hair and golden eyes that sparkled. Sitting forever in palace walls gazing out into the wide expanse of blue sky. Thirteen years since the day he had met him.

Thirteen years...

Oh! For people looking back on this or new readers, I went through this again to find any mistakes and woo I must've been out of it to miss so many things... Well, it was edited at six in the morning...

Yeahhh, first chapter! Woot! Woot! I just finished today so going through it right away and editing it was a pain. I still may of missed a few things and I'd appreciate if you could point them out.

Other than that, what's your thoughts on the story so far? This chapter was more like a prologue and it talks in a story telling way but I guess that's how I prefer this story. Ah~ I'm getting off track. Did you guys like it? Hate it? Criticism is always welcome along with any other reviews. I'd like to know if I'm doing something you all don't like or if I seem to be doing everything nicely then I'll continue as is.

Anyways, till next time, R&R! Read and Rest because reading if fun and resting is important. Reviewing, which my rest part should be, isn't as important as sleeping! :3