MusicMaker87: Ok, this is a new story! WOO! It has to do with Maka and Soul (SoMa), and it has to do with Spirit, Maka's mother, and Blaire. Black*star, Tsubaki, Kid, Liz, and Patty will also be in this story, just not as much. Hope you enjoy it!
DisClaimer: I do not own Soul Eater
Chapter 1: Visits and Anniversaries
Normal POV_
Spirit walked down a long, narrow passage and entered a street. He looked around, but all the places that he recognized were closed. Everything was dark, the ground was wet, and the moon continued to laugh.
"What's going on?" Spirit asked nobody, "Where am I? Oh look it's Maka! And Soul... -_-+" His mood was darkened when he saw Soul. He liked him as a person, but he hated it when Soul was with Maka. He didn't want him to take over. Maka was his, NOT Soul's. They started to walk in the opposite direction.
"Oh no, they're getting away! MAKA PAPA LOVES YOUUU!" Spirit shouted.
Maka turned around and said, "Oh great -_-+"
Spirit caught up to them. Catching his breath, he said, "Maka, it's time to come home."
"No way!" Maka screamed, "Get away from me you creep!" She hit him in the middle of his head with one of her many books.
"Yeah, old man, she ain't commin' home with you," Soul replied, "She's mine now." He smirked, showing his shark teeth.
"Wh- what?" Spirit's mood increased with sadness and despair.
"You heard him," Maka said, "I don't love you anymore! I love Soul!" On that day, Spirit's heart was broken. Maka and Soul oddly skipped away, hand in hand, singing a random song. This made Spirit wonder what was really going on.
"MAKA NOOOOO! This can't be happening!" Spirit started to hypervenelate, "This can't be happening! This can't be real!"
"GAH!" Spirit shot up from his bed, quickly looking around his room, "What? Phew! It was just a nightmare..." Spirit looked around some more. Then he felt a tear trickle down his face.
"But what if she really does feel that way about me? What if she loves Soul more than me? Or even worse... What if she loves Soul more than I love her?! MAKA PAPA LOVES YOUUUUU! WHY DON'T YOU LOVE MEEEE?!" Spirit cried again. For the third night in a row he'd been having this same exact dream. Why? He thought to himself, Why not? ...
Back at Soul and Maka's apartment ~~~ still normal POV_ (third person omniscient)
Maka and Soul have gotten a lot closer over the years of their friendship and partnership. Believe it or not, Soul's already asked her out a few years ago. It's been exactly three years, and today, they would celebrate it. The third year of being together and they loved each other more than ever. Maka being 19 and Soul being 20, anything could happen. They hadn't gotten that far yet, but Soul had been cool about it. They loved each other no matter what. Maka was beginning to feel even safer being closer to him. Today was their day.
"Hey Soul?" Maka called from the kitchen.
"Yeah?" He called back.
"Can you come help me with something?" She asked.
"Sure," he said, dropping the remote and heading into the kitchen. "What's up?"
"It's the damn... peanut butter jar... I can't ... open it!" Maka said in between her powerful twists that barely even moved the lid.
"Maybe it's 'cause you're twisting it the wrong way," Soul suggested, trying not to laugh.
"What? NO! I know which way to twist it Soul! I'm not stupid!" Maka shouted.
"Then why aren't you twisting it that way?" Soul asked.
"I AM!" Maka shouted.
"Here, let me help," Soul came closer, trying to reach for the jar.
"No!" Maka pulled it away from him.
"What? Then why did you call me in here!" Soul shouted.
"Not to tell me what to do! That's for sure!" Maka shouted back.
Soul turned around and folded his arms and said, "Wow. Maka the Death Scythe meister who defeated the kishin Asura with her own bare fist can't even open a peanut butter jar because she's too stubborn to try twisting it the other way."
"Fine! You do it!" She pushed the jar into his back and he turned around and took of the lid without breaking a sweat. "There," he said, handing it back to her.
"What?! That's not fair!" Maka complained.
"Life's not fair," Soul said.
"Do you really wanna go there, Soul?" The expression on her face told him she was pissed.
"You know you still love me," he smirked.
Maka's face softened, "Yeah..."
Soul grinned, showing his shark teeth.
"You and your cute shark teeth," she laughed.
"They're not cute!" Soul complained, "They're cool. Call them cute again and you'll never get to see them again!"
"Ok ok ok! Sorry..." Maka giggled.
"It's aight," Soul smirked again.
"BLAIRE'S HERE TO VISIT!" Blair pushed open the door and walked inside like she owned the place.
"BLAIRE?!" Both Maka and Soul almost had a heart attack.
"MAKA CHAN! SCYTHE BOY! I MISS YOU GUYS NYAA!" She shouted, coming into the kitchen and hugging both of them. Then a man that looked about a year older than Blaire walked inside.
"Sorry about her..." He said.
"No, it's fine, we're used to it," Soul said, struggling his way out of her grip.
The man scratched the back of his head and introduced himself, "I'm Andy... I'm Blaire's boyfriend."
"Nice to meet you, Andy," Maka reached out and shook his hand.
"Isn't he just the best?!" Blaire squealed, squeezing the life out of him.
"Yeah... heheh," Maka laughed nervously.
"So watcha two been up to lately?" Soul asked.
"Well, we just got back from Florida," Andy said.
"That's cool," Maka said at the same time Blaire said, "Yeah! It was great!"
"So, do you two wanna stay for breakfast?" Maka asked.
"Well..." Andy said nervously, "We would, but we have to go. I promised her she could see you guys before we left."
"Left? To where?" Soul asked curiously.
"To Paris!" Blaire squealed. Soul covered his ears.
"Sorry... again," Andy said.
"Don't be, she's your girlfriend," Soul said.
Andy nodded, shook hands with both of them again, and waited by the door for Blaire to finish saying her goodbyes.
"I love you guys sooo much nya!" Blaire hugged them tightly and waved good bye.
After Blaire left, the house went silent. Maka and Soul stared at each other with blank expressions until Soul spoke up, "Man... And I though you were loud."
"Hey!" Maka said, lightly punching him in the arm. They both smirked.
"So... what do you wanna do?" Soul asked.
"For what?" Maka asked.
"Dunno, it's Saturday... Maybe you should go check the calender and see what you've got planned for today," Soul smirked.
"Um, alright," Maka gave him a confused look and went to her room to check her calender. Mean while, Soul ran to his room and got dressed into a nice outfit, but still in his regular attire. Then he grabbed the flowers he'd bought last night that were sitting on his bed and ran back out to the kitchen. Man, he thought to himself, either I'm really fast, or Maka is REALLY slow.
Maka came back out, saying that she didn't have anything planned, but stopped immediately when she saw Soul holding a bunch of flowers and smirking. She felt just like she had three years ago, back when he first asked her out. She blushed, took the flowers, and Soul said, "And that's just the beginning."
She knew today was their three-year anniversary for being boyfriend and girlfriend, but she didn't think Soul would go this far as to buy her gifts and other nonsense. She didn't mind it, she just thought it was unusual. Their second anniversary was different. Soul and Maka just went out for dinner and came home. Nothing special. No gifts, no surprises, just a nice, lovely dinner between the two. She liked it that way because it was simple. She didn't want him to have to go through a bunch of stuff just to make her happy. But still, she thought to herself, this could be fun...
Spirit's home ~~~ Normal POV_
Today was the day I got married to Kami... Maka's mother... Spirit thought to himself as he slowly got dressed, Oh, if only she stayed... Maka would be happy! She would love both of us! AND she WOULDN'T be with that stupid scythe of hers!
Spirit sighed as he left his house and began walking down the street towards Chupa Cabra. As he was walking, something stopped him. He turned to his right and saw a poster that said "Need family help?" He walked closer to read what it said:
Contact Dr. Ex
specialist in fixing families and making
them work.
phone: ###-###-####
Address: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Spirit immediately pulled out his phone and dialed the number.
"Hello?" A man's voice answered the phone.
"Hello, yes, this is Spirit-" he started but was interrupted by the man, "Death Scythe? It's an honor! What can I do ya for?"
"I need to speak to Doctor Ex," Spirit said.
"Doctor Ex? What for? Having family issues?" He asked.
"Yes, please just let me talk to him," Spirit pleaded.
"Alright," The man said. After that, Spirit was on hold for about three minutes. Then Doctor Ex answered his call.
"Hello?" Doctor Ex said.
"Hello! Doctor Ex? It's me, Death Scythe. I need you to do me a favor it's about Maka and her mother and she's gone and-"
"Woah woah woah!" Doctor Ex stopped Spirit from continuing, "Death Scythe? Listen, I need you to talk slower. You say you're having family issues? Why don't you and your wife drop on by and we can talk?"
"What? My wife?" Spirit almost cried again, "I... I don't have a wife anymore... We're divorced."
"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," Doctor Ex said, "Can you still bring her in?"
"I would but," Spirit started to cry, "SHE'S GONE! I DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS AND MAKA HATES ME!"
"Maka? Your own daughter hates you?" Doctor Ex asked, astonished.
"YES!" Spirit sobbed through the phone.
"Listen, do you think you could bring Maka instead?" Doctor Ex asked.
"I- I could try," Spirit calmed down a bit.
"Good, then I'll see you tomorrow afternoon at one, don't be late," Doctor Ex said after hanging up. Spirit took a picture of the poster that had the address on it and walked away.
"Maka," he said to himself, "I will fix us... I will fix this family, as a father I will do this for you!"
MusicMaker87: Sooo watcha guys think? :3
Andy: Yup :)
Black*star: I think it needs a little more action, and A LOT more of ME!
MusicMaker87: Black*star, the story JUST started, and you'll get your turn don't worry.
Black*star: Good.
MusicMaker87: Well, we'll see what happens next soon enough! On to chapter two!