Chapter 1

As ever I do not own Criminal Minds….Please R&R….

JJ placed the files on the desks perching on Emily's desk as she spoke: "So since we have a few days off do you guys fancy going to the bar for a drink?"

Morgan laughed, "I could use a drink after the past few days, you coming kid?" he asked as Emily walked through the doors,

Their eyes locked on each other as JJ pushed off the desk smiling softly "Everything okay?" Emily asks, hoping they did not have a case.

"Fancy going for a drink after work princess?" Morgan grinned,

Emily paced her bag under her desk as she sat down "Oh that sounds tempting" Emily smirked,

JJ turned to place her hand on her shoulder gently squeezing it "I will ask the others"

Emily flushed slightly at the touch "Prentiss?" Morgan smirked as Emily glanced over looking at him

"Don't start" she ducked her head pulling the first file out to look at it as Morgan came over to her

"You really should talk to her," he said softly

"Not going to happen"

Morgan chuckled as she went and sat back down. "Chicken" her muttered as Emily rolled the paper up throwing it at him. Just as Hotch walked through the door

JJ watched from her office her eyes tracking Emily sighing to herself as she half threw the pen across the room to a stunned Garcia "What did the pen do to you?" She asks half-joking

"Ugh" JJ groaned.

"She haunts my Pen, what the hell I'm I meant to do?"

Garcia smiled softly "For a media liaison you really need to learn the art of communication with a dark brunette" She smirked

"Maybe you could get her drunk and have your way with her tonight" she joked,

JJ looked at her wide-eyed "Oh hell no, she would never speak to me again"

"Come and have lunch with me?" she asked changing the subject as they both headed into the kitchen Emily and Morgan were deep in conversation.

"I swear to god Morgan, I am"

He butted in "Your sexually frustrated"

Emily glared dangerously at him "My sex life is quite fine and nothing to do with you"

"You mean she is still not putting out don't you" he retorted just as JJ and Garcia walked in behind him.

Emily glared at him as she saw JJ and Garcia walked behind him "Screw you" Emily said in temper throwing her cup into the sink and walking out into the hallway,

"What did you say to her Morgan?" JJ asked making him jump,

He sighed realising what had set her off "Oh nothing" he winched as Garcia slapped him.

Emily sat at her desk half sulking not saying a word to Morgan "Em, I didn't know and she didn't hear," he said carefully she nodded.

They grabbed their bags as they headed towards the elevator JJ hanged back with Emily "You okay Em?"

"Yeah just really a shit week, think I might just head home" she half-smiled as she looked sadly at JJ.

Emily made her way back to her condo leaving her go-bag in her car before heading back down the street towards the local bar, thoughts of JJ played through her mind and Emily knew if she had gotten a few drinks into her it may have slipped out. Moreover, Emily feared her reaction.

So this was the reason she was propping up the bar with a glass of scotch in front of her, the barman knew her well enough and he also had the good sense not to ask, he just kept refilling her glass.

All the flirting they had done lately had made it to the point Emily just couldn't get JJ off her mind, she was in truth falling for her and that scared her, not the fact that she was falling for the woman but the fact that she was slowly falling in love with her best friend.

"Where's Emily?" Garcia asked as JJ walked over to the table carrying the pitcher of beer for the small group,

JJ smiled softly, "She said she just wanted to go home"

Morgan couldn't help the slight groan that came out of his mouth as Garcia looked at him, he was already in the dog house with his partner but he also knew why his best friend was avoiding coming out with them it had been the fourth time she had turned them down and even he knew she needed a drink after the last case.

Reid looked up at her as innocent as he was he really did not think sometimes before he spoke. "I doubt she will be at home"

JJ frowned, as she looked at him "What do you mean Spence?" Three sets of eyes landed on him, Morgan had a warning expression on his face as he looked at him. Garcia could not help but roll her eyes slightly, but JJ's eyes had a look of worry in them. "What do you know Spencer Reid?" at this point even he gulped knowing he had said something wrong towards the blonde.

"Nothing" he tried to sound innocent but he only knew where Emily had been because he had been the one she had called in the middle of the night.

Though Reid could act as though he did not know what was going on with Emily at the best of times he was also starting to worry about her, she had been drinking heavily lately and drinking on lack of sleep, let alone the hardly eating side of it. Reid would never betray her trust. Emily had become like a big sister to him over the past few years and though no one on the team knew they shared personal things. Emily mainly because she knew Reid would never say anything or that he would not fully understand what she was talking about. In truth Reid, though Emily had feelings for one Derek Morgan and not JJ.

At this point Reid made a hasty retreat as he almost sprinted towards the restroom, anything to get away from the looks he was receiving, though he may not always understand social cues, he did know facial expressions and right now, the look on JJ's face had him running for the hills.

"What was that all about?" JJ asked as she looked at Morgan,

"I have no clue" he said as his eyes cast towards the restroom,

Garcia gave him a slight dig "Go and find out" her eyes warning him.

Emily was glad they were off tomorrow as she made her way through the second bottle of scotch, Tom the barman watched her, each night she would turn up but even he had never seen her drink like this and he knew from past experience that she would not be able to walk home. He looked at her as he spoke. "Might not be my place to say anything Emily but have you ever thought to tell this person that you like them?"

Emily looked at him, she knew s partly drunk her glazed eyes slightly unfocused, her speech slightly slurred as she spoke "Can't, they'd run for the hills" her voice was dejected as she motioned for him to pour her another drink. Taking another swig of the scotch she smiled at him "Not worth the risk"

Tom raised his eyebrow as he spoke "Love is always worth the risk, no matter who they are, and drinking yourself into oblivion is not the answer" his voice was soft and gentle as he spoke,

Emily gave him a sad smile, "I can't risk it, she is my best friend" her eyes glistened more as the alcohol took more of an effect.

Emily pulled out her phone as she smiled at the screen a picture of her and JJ as the wallpaper as she opened it up to send a message…

'Morgan, how do I hell Jer I ave falen for her she my est frend?' though the was slightly jumbled she hit send not noticing as she placed it back in her jacket.

The slight vibration of her phone made her groan and pray it was not a case, she frowned as she tried to make out the jumbled text her eyes fixated on Morgan as she spoke: "What the hell is this about?" JJ said handing him the phone.

He looks at the message before his eyes fell back to her. "Prentiss is slightly drunk"

She raised her eyebrow at him. "I guessed that" the music hushed

Reid mumbled to himself "She's always drunk"

JJ's eyes went wide as she looked at Garcia "I've got to go"