Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Here's the second part of my twoshot. If you guys thought the first part was an emotional whirlwind, I'd say this one might be more of one, but that could just be me. Hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for the reviews!

Penelope pushed Derek backwards roughly to the couch, not even caring that the pile of folded laundry was dislodged and fell to the floor. She straddled his waist and her nails dug trenches into the skin on his neck, so hard she was almost drawing blood. He let out a groan and thrust his tongue deeper into her mouth. There was anger behind every action she made and she violently ripped the buttons from his shirt, a furious and lust-filled look on her face. Her nails scratched down his chest and she leaned forward to his neck where she ended up sinking her teeth into the smooth skin of his throat.

"Damn, Baby Girl," he ground out.

She shimmied her hips across the bulge in his pants. "Lose the pants," she ordered with an angry hiss. She didn't care how harsh she was being; fiery, scalding fury was running through her veins. Mixed with her sexual and emotional frustration, it was a lethal combination.

"Yes ma'am," he said with a sexy smirk. He slowly pulled his sweatpants and boxers down his legs. "You gonna lose your now?" He nodded at her body, still clad in her skirt and shirt. She didn't say a word, just pulled her shirt over her head and slid out of her skirt so that she was just in her bra and panties. Derek couldn't stop staring at her with desire and his fingers gripped her hips so tightly she was sure there would be bruises in the morning. She melded their bodies together as she pressed her lips to his. His fingers did what they did best and slid beneath her panties and ran across her soaked thighs. "Baby Girl, you're positively soaked," he grunted.

There was little to no talking after that. It was just rough touches and moans that escaped their mouths. He flipped her over onto her back and without another moment to spare, he thrust into her roughly, making her moan in ecstasy as he filled her completely. They'd had rough sex before, but right then and there was something different about this. This was raw and animalistic. This was both of them pouring out their frustrations and angers onto each other. Penelope's mind was racing and tears were filling her eyes. With each of his thrusts and each rising of her hips to meet them, their true feelings were being let loose. She noticed briefly that his jaw was clenching and unclenching in his jaw in a rhythm that was a sure sign he was about to lose control. Just the look in his eyes when he gazed down at her with his obsidian eyes caused her own release and it struck her so powerfully she couldn't help but scream out. He kissed her deeply to cover the sound.

When his release pooled inside of her and he lay still on top of her, they were both panting heavily. And before she could stop it, Penelope began to sob uncontrollably. Derek didn't say anything and she tried to turn her head into the couch cushions to look away. After what they'd done, the feelings they'd both spilled, she couldn't contain everything, every ounce of pain any longer. It felt almost like she had used him as her sex punching bag and she'd never felt so ashamed. Though she had been furious with Derek lately, she still loved him and would do anything for him.

She couldn't imagine him loving her after this.

As the warmth of her husband's body left hers, she was sure he was going to go somewhere he wouldn't have to deal with her weeping. The thought made her cry harder and she was almost positive he'd left the room. But instead of finding herself alone, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her and held her close. His lips pressed to her temple and she felt the warmth of his skin heat the coolness of her own.

"Shh," he murmured soothingly. "I'm here. I've got you, Baby Girl."

His words of comfort only made her weep harder. "I – I'm so s-sorry," she cried against his bare chest. "I'm so, so sorry!"

He pulled the couch blanket up around her shoulders and started to rock her back and forth, kissing the top of her head. "No, Penelope," he said. "I'm sorry. This has been all my fault. I let you slip away, I ignored you and the kids, I've messed up our lives. And I don't know how you ever forgive me. I know I'll never forgive myself for what I did."

She grasped his cheek in her hand and rested her forehead against his, her face still wet with tears and a sob still caught in her throat. Derek held her around the waist and wiped the tears from her face as best he could and as gently as he could. "Derek, I'll always forgive you," she said brokenly. "You're the love of my life. I never should have said those horrible things to you. I would never leave you, no matter how angry I am at you." She bent her head and took both his hands on her slightly distended belly. "I could never leave you."

His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. "Re –really?" he choked. "Are you serious?"

She wiped her eyes. "Yes," she murmured. "I'm so serious. I love you, Derek. And you are the most wonderful father I've ever seen. Bella, Will, and this baby right here are the luckiest children in the world." She bent her head. "But this, this distance that we had, it was like we were ten thousand miles away from each other. And it can't happen again. We can't allow it to happen because I can't do this alone."

He pulled her close to his body and kissed her lips tenderly. It was full of love and compassion, caring and feeling. She responded immediately and clutched his face in her hands before wrapping her arms around his neck. "You'll never be alone again," he said as he leaned his forehead against hers. "I love you, Penelope."

"And I love you, Derek."


6 Months Later

"Mommy, she's so cute!" Isabella said happily as she swung her small legs back and forth on the hospital bed that her mother was laying on, holding their newborn daughter, Aislinn in her arms.

Penelope smiled brightly at Isabella and said, "Just like you, sweetie." She glanced across the room where her six year old son was sitting, his arms crossed over his chest and sulking. "Will," she called. "Do you want to come see your sister?" He just shook his head and Penelope couldn't help but smile slightly. Her little boy was jealous and she knew she'd have to give him a good talk later to remind him she and Derek still loved her.

Lately she and Derek had been closer than ever. The gap between them had closed and he was home right on time every night he wasn't on a case. He'd made it to every dance recital, every baseball game, every doctor's appointment. And right now he was rocking Aislinn's twin brother, Aiden back and forth in his arms. He smiled down at his wife and gave her a wink.

"Hey Morgan family!" Reid cried happily as he and the rest of the team burst into the room. He was carrying a handful of balloons, Rossi was carrying two teddy bears, and JJ had two baby blankets in her arms. "You all look wonderful!" He set the balloons on the bedside table and then went to join Will on the other side of the room. Patting his knee, he said, "Hey Will man. How are you doing right now?"

Will just grunted before getting up and sprinting from the room. Penelope sighed and looked at the team. "Could one of you follow him? Please?"

Hotch nodded and said, "I've got it." He left the room to follow Will.

"He'll come around," Rossi said with a grin. "Give him some time. Brothers are different than sisters."

Derek and Penelope nodded, knowing they would have to come up with a talk for their jealous little boy.


"Rossi's right, he'll be okay," Derek said as they got into bed the night after she'd returned from the hospital. He wrapped his arms protectively around her and kissed the side of her neck. "I'll talk to him the morning, get him to come out of his shell. Maybe make him some chocolate chip pancakes."

Penelope giggled sleepily. It had been a long day and they'd finally gotten the twins down. "You're a wonderful father, Hot Stuff," she murmured. "And for that I love you all the more."

"Good," he said against her strawberry-smelling skin. "Because I love you too. More than life itself. No matter how many miles may have been between us all those months ago."