Uneventful. Trapped on a boat filled with prettily masked foul creatures, that word should not be how to describe an afternoon. And yet, that seemed the only word that could aptly capture the rest of their journey. After the kiss Sesshomaru had simply returned to the table. Acting his usual aloof self as if that kiss was an ordinary event. He was the better actor. Mel couldn't fight the blush still decorating her cheeks. It was a hard enough task just trying to keep her composure. She'd never been one to date. Even working at the pension she'd always been more of a friendly disposition rather than flirtatious. In the privacy of their room, or the false privacy they'd had outside the bath, she could indulge in such actions. Let him guide and simply enjoy the ride he dragged her on. But with such visible eyes it was getting harder to pretend she was already well versed in things of a more physical nature. Not knowing what else to do, she focused on the river. Watching the gentle currents and the inhabitants wandering at a lazy pace. Occasionally answering some whispered question or comment of the child. After an hour or so, her heart's flutter had settled enough to not need complete distraction. Finally taking note of what was happening back at the table. Sesshomaru was still being his usual brisk self. Not bothering to mask apathy laced with trace amounts of irritation.

The head of house was telling what he obviously thought of as some comedic story about how he'd jokingly offered to buy a fallen noble's daughter and ended up acquiring both the girl and the man's younger sister. Mel was happy to be facing the river at that moment. Unable to stop the way her face twisted in disgust. If only for a few moments. As the afternoon dragged on, something began to feel off. Mika was still offering occasional flirtations. But it didn't seem to have the same fire behind it. As if she were merely going through the motions and her mind was somewhere else entirely. In fact, since the kiss the demon princess hadn't even bothered to look in her direction. No angry glare or look of contempt. Not even the fake attempts at pretending the human didn't exist like before they got on the boat. Somehow no longer being acknowledged was more jarring than being sneered at. Mika might have been a terrible bitch, but she was a clever one. It brought the utmost relief when the ride finally came back to the dock. There was some disappointment with Rin that their little adventure had ended, but even the child shared some of her nanny's relief at getting to step back on land. They were still prisoners stuck in a horror show of a manor. But at least on land it was a far more spacious prison.

With renewed fear Rin clung to her nanny again. The older girl forcing herself back into that dual role. Using every feeling of unease to summon an air of superiority. Head held high as she passed by the leering guards. A sneer flashing across her face as she caught their gaze. She could not offer this display to the heads of house. Couldn't show them just how deep her revulsion ran. But it still felt good to let some part of this place know how much it disgusted her. Distracted by her need to let off this little bit of steam, she completely missed the discussion regarding what the group was doing next. Or rather Mika announcing it in such a way it sounded like they'd already had the conversation and reached a shared agreement. The princess had decided they would have another feast tonight. Or rather this had always been the plan and she'd only just brought it up to the guests. A strange thing considering this time the celebration was the anniversary of her wedding. That announcement had caught the human completely off guard. What was supposed to be a special day for the couple and while Mika spent it flirting with Sesshomaru, Hachiro had spent it staring at Mel. The demoness might not have looked at her anymore, but the husband had no such reservations. Every time she'd dared to gaze out of her periphery his eyes had been upon her. He didn't look away the one time she turned to "catch" him. Simply continued to leer as if he could see past her clothes.

It was with great relief when the door to their room was closed behind them. Finally getting to hide from the house. Though the reprieve was nowhere as long as she would have liked. Mel had hoped for a few hours rest and comfort before being forced back into such vile company. Unfortunately Mika insisted on starting the festivities soon as the sun had already been so low when they returned. Though Sesshomaru had earned them some reprieve by insisting Rin needed a bath after such a long day. Unfortunately he'd somehow gotten roped into having to sit through a warm up by the musicians that had been hired for the evening. All thoughts and disappointments disappearing as the little imp went into a spiel. Wringing his hands over how dirty Rin had managed to get. How long it would take to clean up and how bad it would be if they were too take to long and be late. Despite all that transpired, Mel couldn't help but laugh.

"Relax. It'll be a super quick bath. Ten or fifteen minutes and a quick change of clothes. No being late and no upsetting any delicate noses." She offered the teasing reassurance. Completely missed by the demon as he gave a quick agreement and scrambled to find decent attire for Rin. Both girl slipping into the bathing yukata that had been hung up in the room. Mel didn't feel comfortable walking around this place in just a towel again. Especially not when Sesshomaru wasn't by her side. And Rin simply liked imitating her nanny. When all necessary things were collected the three set off towards the bathhouse. Halfway down the trail a figure blocked their path. As they grew closer finding the nervous looking husband Hachiro standing there. Only at that moment he ldidn't look all that nervous. More contemplative.

"I'm very glad we managed to stumble across each other. I had a few things I wished to discuss with you." He took a step closer. Gaze lingering on her a few moments before shifting to the imp and child. "The festivities will be starting soon. You two should hurry up so as not to be late. She'll be along shortly." Despite the warning neither of them moved. She didn't fully understand it, but something told Rin she shouldn't leave the other's side. That her presence was somehow a protective barrier. There's a flair of impatience from the demon and huffed a moment. "I assure you it will only be a few minutes. Imp take the child while the water is still warm and usable."

Another bout of silence followed. Though this one broken by Jaken. His tone awkward and nervous. "Pardon us mi'lord. I...I don't think it would be wise. Our lord is incredibly possessive. He wouldn't like-"

"And just what is it you think I'm going to do?" Hachiro snapped at the other demon. "Are you accusing me of being untoward?" There was no way to answer that question. Mel and Jaken understood exactly what was going on. Why the two were being chased off. But they weren't fools either. This wasn't something they could call him out on. Not without punishment. This time without Sesshomaru there to step in. "Quit being a nuisance and do as you're told."

"Escort Lady Rin the rest of the way please. I'll be there shortly to tend to her." She turned her attention to the imp. Turquoise irises pleading for him to listen. In this house Sesshomaru could do just about anything he liked. In certain instances Rin could even take advantage of the higher station. But she had to know how to do it. And at this moment she didn't even really understand what was happening. Just that this new demon was getting agitated and her companions were getting distressed. With hesitation the imp finally grabbed the child's arm. Gently leading the girl away. Just as he had the previous evening. Though this time it was far worse. With Sesshomaru it had been one thing. The girl obviously felt something for him. Even if she wasn't actually his play thing, the demon didn't want her being touched by this household. And here this bastard was assuming he could do as he pleased. Inflict the damage they did to their own staff. Jaken didn't like it. Not one little bit. With every step further he wished more and more for some telepathic link. Sometimes to their lord, sometimes to the child. Tell her the exact words that could get them all out of this situation. There was a chance she too would have been ignored, but it would have been more difficult. Instead of just another servant he'd have to directly disobey his better's child. The imp fidgeting with his robe as he guided them both down the path. Forcing himself not to look back. Knowing he wouldn't be able to stop himself from hurling all manners of abuse at the bastard. Sadly all he could do was hope Mel could figure a way out herself. Or have the strength to endure if she couldn't.

A rough hand dragged her off the path. Taking her into the sparse woods before letting her go. Taking a step back, she found herself pressed against a tree. Several long moments the male was silent. Simply allowing his gaze to roam over her figure. Finally he reached out. Fingertips brushing against her cheek. "You are abnormally pretty for a human." His tone sounded almost confused. That same uncertainty in his eyes as he moved to untie her belt. She tried to push back further, but the tree had no give.

"Apologies but I'm not supposed to be touched by anyone else. My lord-"

"Will never know. Relax. It will take a few minutes and then you can go wash up. The child and imp both obviously care about you. They won't dare breath a word about you being sullied. And I promise not to ruin your reputation either." He sounded so confident. Speaking as if with perfect logic. That Sesshomaru knowing was the only reason she wouldn't want to be touched. Then again that was the only thing that mattered. Humans had no rights in this home. She flinched as her robe opened. Holding her breath as he held the flaps apart. Taking in her curves. Another step closer, one flap fell as the hand holding it disappeared behind the fabric. Tracing patterns along her stomach and hip. Brushing across her breast and teasing the nipple. Far more gentle than Sesshomaru had been. But where the demon lord had created fire, this one merely building ice in her stomach. A feeling of revulsion that had her skin crawling. Even as her body reacted. All the while he spoke in a bemused tone. "I've never taken an interest in humans before. Never once touched any that my brother in law brings home. He claims to only take beauties, but they always seem so...ordinary. None worth the effort of bedding. I just thought humans couldn't be beautiful. Not like demons. But you are a fascinating specimen. Your features are striking. Even unadorned by any makeup. This figure more than just pleasing." He offered a light tug to the nipple. Without permission, a bit of heat began to pool between her thighs. His nose twinged at the scent. The hand moving from her breast to ghost along her knotted stomach. "With such things you are easily on par with my wife. But between us, I think you outshine her. It's the eyes. I've never seen such a beautiful color before. On human or demon. It's just like a beautiful day on the ocean. It's simply not fair for Lord Sesshomaru to trot out such magnificence and expect us to keep our hands to ourselves. Not fair at all." As he spoke that hand had continued to venture downward. With the last sentence his fingers teasing her slit. Slowly slipping a digit inside. A tear she'd desperately been trying to hold back finally fell. "Now now this won't be bad. I may not be as good as your precious master, but I know how to please a woman."

"But..." Her voice broke. Searching for something to get this to stop. Hating how her body was enjoying this. She felt completely disgusted, but that didn't seem to stop her juices from trickling down her thighs. "Your wife." The words came out as a whimper. Finally thinking of an excuse that might succeed. Even if he hated Sesshomaru, he couldn't be the type to go against such a shrew of a wife. He merely chuckled.

"Don't you worry your pretty head about that. This is her anniversary gift to me. She's even keeping your lord busy so we can take a little time." At the words her heart sank. Feeling a sob in her throat as a second finger slipped inside. The digits picking up the pace. A similar heat to last night was quickly being built. Though it was a pale imitation she knew what it meant. Mentally begging for it all to stop. She didn't want to be enjoying this. Didn't want to cum from such a situation. If she had accept his touches, the least that could happen was him knowing she didn't take pleasure in them.

Her eyes closed, not wishing to see this anymore. Trying to fight back further tears. A bit more successful in that endeavor. That heat was still building, along with the sickening sensation in her stomach. Another tear finally managed to escape. Mercifully, just before she reached her peak he withdrew his fingers. Though the relief was short lived. Even without opening her eyes she could feel his movement. The torture hadn't ended. He was just moving up to take what he really wanted.

"What do you think you're doing?" The voice broke through the air. Silk with a strong lacing of anger. Her eyes opened to search for him. Finding those stone eyes narrowed. All at once realizing how it could have looked. She hadn't wanted the other's touch for a single moment. But arousal had to cling to her skin. Thighs still coated in excitement. Her gaze fell away in shame.

"I seemed to have misunderstood. I believed you were trading my wife for the afternoon in exchange for a few minutes with the servant. Apologies for misunderstanding and over stepping my bounds." There was still no hint of nervousness in his tone. Hachiro simply offering a bow before quickly taking his leave. Now it was just the two of them. She waited until the retreating footsteps had been gone for several moments.

"I...I'm sorry." The words slipped out in a whimper. The tears finally breaking through. She didn't know what to expect. They weren't actually lovers. She should be safe from the jealousy demons were supposedly known for. But she'd never seen that level of anger in his eyes before.

"Are you hurt?" Her eyes flew open. A bit startled at how gentle the words had been. Only when he saw her eyes did he move towards her. Reaching out to carefully brush the tears off her cheek. "Was I too late?"

"He..." For once in her life it was difficult to find her voice. "He just put his fingers inside me. I didn't want to like it. It felt like I was going to throw up but my body kept responding. I didn't mean to-" Her words were cut off by fingers pressing against her lips.

"It's not your fault. The body can react even when the mind doesn't want it too. It's unfortunately a very normal thing." He kept brushing the tears away. Whispering comforting words. When they finally halted, he helped close her robes. "Lets go get you cleaned up."

"No! I mean...I don't want Rin to see me like this." There was horror in her eyes at just the idea.

"She's a strong child. She's witnessed the worst of the world and can still smile. I'm certain she would like the chance to help in your time of need. And I'd prefer to not have any of you out of my sight for the time being." He made it all sound so reasonable. In a way it was. Family took care of each other. As strange as this configuration was, that is kind of what they were. Finally she offered a nod of acceptance.

As it turned out, Sesshomaru knew Rin just a little bit better. When the pair walked in, the child's eyes stayed on them. Watching as the demon helped her out of the robe and poured bucket after bucket on her. Trying to rid the human of other scents. After a minute, the child moved over. Without a word, taking the other's hand. Giving a reassuring squeeze before moving to grab some soap. Lathering up the skin and helping the demon wash her. Taking on the role Mel usually held. The elder human tried her best to fight back the tears. But it was a losing battle. They trailed down her cheeks silently. Shame and guilt tearing at her heart.

"There we go. All clean." The words remarked in the happiest of tones. Rin smiling as she stood up. "Let me get the brush so I can take care of your hair next." Still with a smile she wandered off to the small bag taken with them. Showing no signs of an adverse reaction. She'd tended to the crying nanny without an issue.

"I told you she would be fine. She's a very strong child." Softly whispered words as the demon brushed off some of the last tears.