Outgoing Messages

You're not picking up the phone. Please pick up your phone.

I saw it on the telly. I'm so sorry. Please pick up the phone.

Or at least text, please.

John, I'm worried about you. Please let me know you're alright.

I understand you need to be alone right now. I'm here to help you, if you need me.

I haven't had a drink, I promise. I'm trying, John.

Love you.

Of course, you can stay with me for awhile.

Would you like me to go to the service with you?

Okay, I'm glad you'll be with Mrs. Hudson.

You did fine, John.

You weren't too flowery or sentimental. He'd be grateful.

Sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry.

You'll be home later?

About this morning, sorry. Guess I got up on the wrong side of the bed.

Brothers and sisters just aren't meant to live together at this age.

And thanks for the coffee.

It was just one glass of red, I swear.

That's great! Text me your new address.

Saw the news. Glad you're in the clear.

Six months already.

Time to let go.


No statement about Moriarty? Was he real or not?

Of course, sorry.

I know Sherlock wasn't a fake. I know.

A party? It's about damned time!

Have one (or two) for me!

Maybe you'll get a second date without that cock-blocker around.

Sorry, sorry. But I bet you cracked a smile, didn't ya, Johnny?


Second date!

Whoa, third date? How many years has it been? ;)

She's fantastic. Thanks for dinner!

Somehow I imagined that she'd be taller. Pale. Dark curly hair.


He was a gorgeous git, though, wasn't he?


That's pretty quick, isn't it?

Are you sure you're ready? It's only been two years.

I KNOW you weren't a couple. That doesn't mean you didn't love him.

Fine, fine, I'll stop.

Oh, and I am happy for you. Really.

Hope you liked the housewarming gift!

I should get you to set me up with that pretty Molly. ;)

She's dating HIM!? That's even weirder than her pining for Sherlock.

That's an image I can't un-see. Thanks alot! :P

Clara says hi. !

Don't know, but it was good to see her again. I miss her.

Could you come over? It's urgent.

No, I'm not drunk. Haven't had a drink in a few weeks. Just scared.

Saw him again.

If Holmes' people are supposed to be so good, why are they so easy to spot?

Oh. Sorry. Meet up soon?

I've decided to take a holiday. Clara is coming with me.

Yeah, maybe it'll work this time. Wish us luck!

Why do you want to know where?

As long as Clara doesn't see him. I don't want her to freak out.

You have security on you, too, right?


OMG. I saw the news. Are you alright?

What are you going to do?

How did Mary react?

Seriously, what are you going to do?

You're not picking up the phone. Please pick up your phone.

Or at least text, please.

John, I'm worried about you. Please let me know you're alright.

I understand you want to be alone right now. But that isn't what you need.

No, I do know better than you right now.

You need to resolve this. Soon. Don't let it rip you apart.

But if you need a drink, a good cry, or a place to stay, let me know.

Love you, Johnny.