A/N: Wow... so this is the last chapter... I hope you all enjoy and thank you so much for sticking to this story.

Elvish looks like this~

These are just thoughts...

I adjusted the light blue dress slightly as I looked over myself one last time in the mirror. I smoothed out the billowing skirts. My brown hair was braided back with a few stands left to frame my face. Finally satisfied with my appearance, I freed my hands from the long bell sleeves. I lifted the skirts, twirling them. It was so pretty and light! I spun around, loving how the skirts spun with me. I heard a knock on the door and I reluctantly stopped spinning.

"Come in."

The door opened, showing Legolas. He was wear a long tunic and pants similar in color to my dress. Legolas looked at me for a while, not saying anything. The silence made me feel uncomfortable as his stare pierced through me.

"Wh-What? Does it look bad?"

The elf's eyes snapped to mine. Quickly he shook his head. "Not at all. You look… beautiful."

I felt the heat rush to my face as I looked down. "You don't look too bad yourself," I murmured quietly. I heard a small chuckle before I felt arms wrap around me. My arms locked themselves around his slim waist, pulling him closer. I looked up at the elf before pressing my lips against his. His hand slowly stroked my side as he pulled away. The soft tickling made me laugh as I pulled away from his touch, slightly.

"Gellon ned i gelir i chent gîn ned i lelig."

"What does that mean?" I questioned, rubbing circles at his side with my thumb. He smiled down at me softly.

"I means 'I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh' in Elvish."

I smiled up at him. My mind swirled around one word though. Love. Did I love Legolas? My hand stilled. I couldn't think about that. Not when I already decided to leave. Legolas looked down at me, confusion evident in his face. He was about to say something when the door opened.

"Break it up you two. The coronation is starting soon."

Edmund stood in the doorway, leaning on a crutch. His shoulder healed up fine, but his thigh was still healing from the fracture he got when Haru accidentally stepped trying to protect him. I looked between the two, nodding.

"Alright. We're coming."

Edmund stayed at his place. "I'm not leaving unless you two follow."

I smiled at my brother, removing my arms from around Legolas and choosing to hold his hand instead. We both went towards Edmund, who finally began to walk down the hall. Before we entered the hallway, Legolas pulled me back momentarily.

"Are you alright?"

I looked up at the elf. The elf who I cared about. The elf who I liked so much.

"The elf that you love?"

Not trusting my voice, I nodded. Quickly, I pulled him into a hug. I needed to tell. I would tell him. Tonight. No matter what, I would tell him. Slowly I took a deep breath, before letting go. I grabbed his hand again, "Come on. Let's go."

The crowd that formed around the doors to the castle was impressive to say the least. I immediately caught sight of Ѐowyn, who was standing next to Faramir. Before I made my way down the steps, Legolas quickly kissed my cheek.

"I am going to my kin."

I smirked slightly, "Finishing touches on your surprise?"

The elf laughed, pecking my lips quickly, "Exactly. I shall see you soon."


Once he disappeared in the crowd, I descended the stairs to Ѐowyn. I pulled the princess into a hug. When we separated, she looked at me. "I assume you have yet to tell the prince of your decision."

It wasn't a question, but I still nodded. "I'm telling him tonight."

"Do you really believe you are making the right choice?"

I looked at the princess. Quietly, I sighed. "I don't know. I know that I'm making the right choice based on my values… but I don't know about anything else."

The blonde looked at me with pity in her eyes. Before she could choose to say anything else, trumpets sounded and I was pulled in place with her.

As the noise in the courtyard quieted, Gandalf and Gimli both exited from the castle doors. Gimli was holding a pillow with a crown laid on it. Aragorn appeared by the fountain and began walking to the wizard. All was silent as the White Wizard talked of oaths and Aragorn swore himself to them. Finally, the ex-ranger kneeled before the wizard. Gandalf took the crown from it's place on the pillow and held it up high. He brought it down slowly and placed it on Aragorn's head with care.

"Now comes the days of the King," he called out, before adding softly, "May they be blessed."

He took a step back as the new king rose to his feet. Aragorn turned and looked across the courtyard as clapping tore apart the silence. He placed his hand up, requesting silence once more. It was quickly granted and the King of Gondor began to speak.

"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace."

The cheers and clapping broke out once again as petals began to fall from the sky. I smiled, happy for the man I began to consider as a father figure. His voice broke through the air as he began singing. Everyone quieted down as he began to descend the stairs. As Aragorn passed us, Ѐowyn and Faramir bowed to him. Quickly, I followed their movements. The newly crowned king smiled and continued on. Gimli looked at me, motioning for me to follow.

"Are you sure?" I mouthed at him.

He nodded, grabbing my arm and pulling me along. I followed along, doing what I could to keep myself from laughing at the dwarf. We passed by Ѐomer who bowed to Aragorn. The King of Rohan then followed close behind us. Legolas was in front of us, coming towards Aragorn with a group of elves following close behind. The king of Gondor placed his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Hannon le."

Legolas smiled and motioned behind him with his eyes. I looked at my lover confused. It was just a flag…? Aragorn moved around Legolas, who moved to stand by me. Legolas grabbed my hand and I looked at him, confused. He motioned back to the scene in front of us. The flag moved, showing who was holding it.

"Arwen," I gasped, looking at the beautiful elf. She was here! My ideal older sister was here!... And she was kissing Aragorn? I looked at the whole scene, very confused. Eventually, after a minute or two of stunned silence, I shrugged it off. She looked happy, Aragorn looked happy. I don't care how or when it happened. They continued to walk forward, hand in hand, to Frodo and the others. As the hobbits began to bow, Aragorn stopped them.

"My friends, you bow to no one."

The king kneeled before the Hobbits. I kneeled, my hand still in Legolas's as everyone else in the courtyard did the same. I peeked up at the Hobbits. Frodo and Merry looked uncomfortable at the attention. Sam looked like he was going to be sick. I gave him a small smile and continued to Pip. When my eyes landed on Pippin, I had to bite my lips to keep from laughing. Pip's head was nodding and looking around the crowd, almost seeming to say, "Now here's the respect I deserve."

"Oh Pippin..."

Once we all stood, people began to leave. Taking it as a sign that the event was over, I snuck behind Arwen before wrapping my arms around her. She jumped, spinning around to face me. Her face still looked surprised as she laid eyes on me.

"Wynter?" her eyes furrowed, until realization dawned on her. "Adela!"

"Yeah! Well no, I am Wynter, but how did you know that…?"

"What do you mean you are Wynter, I tho-" her voice faltered. She then started laughing brightly. I looked at her, confused beyond belief. Aragorn appeared to share my sentiments because he looked at Arwen the same way.

"I don't understand, how did you know my actual name?"

The elf hugged me tightly. "I see that you have your voice back."

"Yes, but that doesn't explain how you know my name. I… I'm so confused..."

She touched my cheek, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "It will all make sense later, my friend. My dear friend."

I felt someone touch my waist and I looked back to see Legolas. He tilted his head at Arwen.

"I was hoping to come and take Wynter away, but I see that you two are catching up."

Arwen nodded. Her arm linked around mine, "Yes. I must say, though, many things are beginning to make sense."

The blonde prince's eyebrows furrowed, "I do not understand."

Arwen blinked at him, "You mean that you do not..."

Legolas continued to stare at her, confusion growing in his eyes. Arwen's face broke out into another grin as she pulled me along behind her. From what I could see as I was being pulled away was Aragorn placing his hand on Legolas's shoulder.

"Oh, this is all so interesting. So very interesting."

"I don't understand. What is?" I asked, turning my attention back to her.

"Do not worry about it right now. How did you get your voice back?"

I opened my mouth to question her again, but chose just to sigh heavily. If she wasn't going to tell me, I wasn't going to worry about it. Instead, I answered her, "Gandalf tried some spells, and he accidentally screwed up on one. That one was the one that worked."

She nodded. "And your travels? How have they been?"

"Fine for the most part. Some… things happened here and there, but over-all good."

"What kinds of things?"

"Kidnappings. Death. A love dilemma that really could've been saved for… well now."

The dark-haired elf laughed. "Does that mean you have ratified the dilemma?"

I felt the heat rising into my cheeks, "W-Well, yes. I mean, now there's something else that I'm not so sure about, but I… I currently like, or I guess I might love, someone."

She hummed, "Are you courting this person?"


"And who is the lucky person to receive your affections?"


The elf smiled brightly, "Yes, much is making sense indeed. Wynter, come with me. I wish to talk with you more before the festivities begin tonight. Much has seemed to happen and you look much more… grown."

I listened to her, following her through the palace until she realized that she didn't know where she was going. Smiling at her, I led her back to my room and sat with her. For the next few hours, we were talking. During some of the brief pauses she would ask some of the most baffling questions and then sit in thought before smiling and returning to our conversation. As the sun went down, the elf stood.

"I am going to go prepare for tonight's events. I shall see you then?"

I nodded at Arwen before going to hug her. "I missed you."

"I have missed you also. So much more than you can understand right now."

I looked at her quizzically as she left the room. Sitting back in the chair, I smiled. It was nice to see her again before I left. That thought made me sigh and set my head on the table, though. I should think about how I should tell Legolas. Ideas flowed around and around in my head until I couldn't take it anymore. I left my rooms, going down to where the celebration was to take place. As I entered the Hall, I was stopped by someone.

"You're gonna have to tell him sooner or later," I heard Haru say. I turned to him, wrapping my arms around my waist.

"I know. I'm planning on it tonight."

The half-Asian nodded. We stood there for a bit in silence.

"Hey, Wyn."


"I just wanted to let you know, if you needed to talk about anything, Ed and me are always here."

"I know," I said, smiling softly, "Thank you. And you know I love the two of you."

He nodded. Quickly, he brought me into a hug and kissed my temple. "I'm going to find Edmund, see if he needs any help. We'll see you tonight."


Haru left and I stood there. Candles were lit and steadily more people came. Then the music began. As the volume of everything increased, I sat off to the side. Ѐomer sat next to me. "Hello."


"You are leaving in two weeks, yes?"

I nodded. "Yeah. We want to be sure Ed's all healed. Will you stay until then?"

He nodded, "I do wish to see you off."

From across the room, there stood a tall brunette. She was dressed in a deep blue and her gaze kept coming over here. She seemed to be looking at the Rohirrim next to me. I smiled.

"Don't look now, but there's a very pretty girl who keeps gazing at you. I think you should go ask her to dance."

The blonde looked around the room, finally spotting the girl. He nodded his head slowly at her. Her cheeks turned rosy as she gave Ѐomer a shy smile. I almost laughed at the two of them.

"Go on," I said, nudging his shoulder, "Go and ask her to dance. If you don't go up there and ask, she might lose interest. Your pretty face might not save you then."

The prince smirked at me, "I have a pretty face?"

I rolled my eyes, pushing his shoulder, "Prettier than some. Now go!"

He laughed as he stood and made his way toward the girl. I smiled triumphantly as he tapped her shoulder and her blush increased.

"Playing matchmaker?"

I looked behind my shoulder to see Legolas standing there. He made his way beside me, sitting down. I smiled at him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe a little bit."

His hand found mine, grabbing it. I closed my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I decided to try to tell him.



I stared at him, a smile on my face. "You go first."

"I was hoping you would dance with me. While we were in Lothlorien, you did not dance and I would like the chance to dance… with you..."

I smiled, kissing his cheek, "Aww you got embarrassed. It's really cute. Um… I can try. I don't really remember much of what I was taught dancing wise there."

He smiled down at me and led me out by the dance floor. "Just follow me."

I placed my hands where I was supposed to, that being the only thing from my lesson I remembered. He counted off the beats for a split second before I was pulled into a pattern of twirls and movement.

"I did actually dance at Lothlorien. With you, when I was being taught and with Rumil at the banquet."

His lips pursued slightly, "I do not recall you dancing with Rumil."

"You were watching us everytime he got me out."

"Must have escaped my memory."

By the frown forming on his face, it obviously wasn't forgotten. Quickly stepping up to press my lips to his, I pulled back. "As lovely a color green is on you, I don't think it's quite as flattering when it's painted on your know I lo- I mean that I'm your's."

The prince faltered in his steps, slightly. I looked up into his eyes, worried he caught on to me almost saying that I loved him, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it is just… what you just said sounded very familiar. I do not remember why though..."

I shrugged. After a pause, Legolas shook his head, "It is nothing to worry about now."

We finished the dance. For the rest of the night, we stayed near each other. Haru and Edmund began to drunkenly sing again, turning the heads and causing the flushing faces of many around. I laughed at the two as they scarred people who literally had nothing in the way of sex education. As I was getting tired, Legolas offered to take me back to my room. As our footsteps echoed along the hall, I finally built up the courage to start the conversation I've been dreading.

I stopped in the hall, Legolas stopping soon after. Taking a deep breath, I glued my eyes to the floor.


"What is it?" he asked, placing his arms around me.

"I… I've been meaning to tell you this… Haru, Ed, and I, we're… we're leaving in two weeks."

"Leaving to go where? There is no place that I would not follow you to." the elf said, pressing his forehead to mine.

"I don't…. Legolas, I don't think you can follow me there though," I replied, my eyes filling with tears. Now wasn't a good time, but I knew. I knew that I loved this person in front of me and I knew that I had to leave.

"I do not understand," he said, laughing a bit through the words. His hands were rubbing up and down, one on my back and the other on my arm.

"Legolas… I have to go. I have to go back home to my family," His hands stilled, "I know that this isn't a g-"

"What did all of this mean to you then?"

I looked up at him, his eyes were hardened. Guarded. I hated it. I hated it when his eyes were like that. "What do you mean?"

"The relationship between us. What did it all mean to you?"

"Legolas, I don't understand wh-"

"Was this all a game to you? To see how far you could lead me before you left?" He pulled his arms away.

"No, no Legolas. No," I said, reaching to touch his face. He pulled back. My heart caught itself in my throat and I fought to keep the tears at bay. "Legolas, it wasn't like that at all-"

"Then what was it like? Was it just you having fun? Not accounting for anyone else's feelings but yourself?"

"No, Legolas, please listen to me."

He shook his head, "I… I do not wish to speak with you about this. Not right now. Goodnight."

I looked at his retreating figure, my heart shattering. This wasn't what I wanted to happen. I knew that he wasn't going to take it well, but… I thought that'd he'd at least listen to me. I hurried back to my rooms before anyone saw me. Quickly, I shut the door behind me. As I fell to the floor, I let my tears fall with me.

"I didn't want this… I didn't ask for this… "

I went to bed that night, hoping it was just a dream. I woke up the next morning, though, knowing I was wrong. When I first saw Legolas, he didn't notice me. I decided to talk to him, to try and explain. Once his eyes fell on me, though, he left the room. For the next three days, I tried again and again to talk to him. The end of the week left me in tears with no one's shoulder to cry on.

The next week I left the elf alone. Before he'd see me, I left the room and I avoided the places he was likely to be at. I mostly stuck close to Arwen and/or Ѐowyn, hoping that spending time with friends would help. It did, to an extent. Then the week went to a close and he never once spoke to me. My days were winding down.

I spent three days staying in my room, packing or reading, but more often than not just staring out the window. Tomorrow. I leave tomorrow and he hasn't even seen me in over a week. It felt weird and so wrong to not see him everyday. There was a knock at my door, and my heart jumped. Was it him?

I hurried over to the door, opening it up. Instead of Legolas, there were the Hobbits, Gimli, Aragorn, and Ѐomer there. My heart deflated as I let them into my room. The hobbits sat near the fireplace while the others stood. I sat on my bed, crossing my legs.

"What's up?"

Aragorn spoke first, "We wanted to spend time with you before you leave."

"You also haven't been too happy lately," Pippin said. He was quickly jabbed by Merry."Ow! Well she hasn't been."

"We weren't supposed to tell her that though!"

I smiled at them. "Thank you. Really for everything. I… I wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for all of you. You took me in and looked after me and I am so thankful to know all of you."

Frodo stood and came over to hug me, "We also feel very grateful to know you."

I hugged him back, "Thank you Frodo."

That's how the rest of the day went. Aragorn didn't stay long because he had Kingly duties to do. The others stayed until dinner, all of us going down to eat together before retiring for the night. I laid down in the bed, staring off into nothing. I couldn't sleep. I turned to my side, looking at the moon light that streamed through the window. I wanted to see Legolas…

"Then what's keeping you from going to go see him? Is it the fact that he's mad at you? Because that won't mean a thing tomorrow if you leave without seeing him."

I nodded along with the thought in my head and sat it. It was right. If I didn't see him tomorrow, I would regret it so much if I didn't see him now. I pulled on my robe and went to my door. I pulled it open, immediately running into someone.


His arm wrapped around me, keeping me from falling after I ran into him. He looked down at me squeezing me closer before he let go.

"I was wondering if I could come in…?"

I looked up at the elf, surprised to see him before I pulled myself back to what was happening in front of me. "Of course. I… I was just going to see you…"

I pulled the door open more and he came it. Quietly shutting it behind him, we stood in silence. This one, I didn't want to try to break.

"It… it has come to my attention that I have been acting harshly to you. I had not considered the fact that this would be hurting you as much as it is hurting me."

I nodded, "It wasn't my intention to seem as if I was leading you on when I told you that I was leaving. I really do care about you Legolas. I… I honestly forgot about home for a while when I was with you and I wasn't… I wasn't expecting any sort of romantic relationship happening while I was here, but then you… I don't know what happened, but then it was just you."

Legolas took me into his arms, hiding his face in my neck. I grabbed onto him, trying to hold him as close as possible. We stayed in each other's company, until a yawn, more specifically my yawn, broke through the silence. I heard and felt the elf chuckle into my neck. "I shall leave you to sleep."

Before he could pull away, I tightened my grip on him. "No. I haven't seen you in over a week. Stay with me. Please?"

I felt his hand on my face, lifting my head up to him. He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. "As you wish."


The sunlight streamed into my room. As it hit my eyes, I turned, snuggling into the warmth that surrounded me. I was about to drift back to sleep when I heard the door open and a yell follow.

"Wynter! Wynter! What are you doing?!"

I groaned as I heard Edmund's voice, "I'm sleeping. Go away."

"I see that, but why is Legolas in your bed!?"

"I won't get pregnant," I muttered, drifting between sleep and consciousness. I vaguely heard a loud, 'You de-flowered my sister you asshole!?' before continuing, "we didn't do anything."

I felt Legolas laughing slightly, "Wynter, get up. Your brother says that Gandalf is almost ready for you… "

I opened one eye, looking at the blonde. Sighing heavily, I got up. "Both of you get out. I'm going to change."

Edmund left the room, keeping the door wide open, "If Legolas doesn't come out in five minutes, I'm coming in and dragging him out."

Legolas smiled softly before leaving my side. I grabbed his arm before he could go too far. "Do you want your necklace back?"

He turned back to me, shaking his head. "No. I want you to keep it, so you will have me until I see you again."

"What makes you so sure we will see each other again?"

"Because I refuse to believe anything else," he said, cupping my cheek before kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back. He pulled away, leaving the room soon after. I closed the door, going to change back into the clothes I came here in. I was genuinely shocked that I still had them after all this time. I grabbed my backpack and left the room, looking at it one last time. Edmund was waiting.

"Legolas went ahead to say goodbye to Haru. You ready to go?"

"About as ready as I can be. Are you?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I can't wait to see mom and dad. And I really do think you'll like Sarah…"

I smiled, "Yeah. I have a little brother now, don't I?"

"Mhm," He said, slinging his arm around my shoulder, "But your older one will always love you more."

We walked toward the Hall. Once we entered, we went towards the group that gathered around the now glowing portal. I looked at it suspiciously. "It's like the looking glass in Sy-Fy's Alice…"

Edmund gave Merry and Pippin hugs before moving towards Aragorn. I turned to the Hobbits who I first met in this strange new world. Dropping to my knees, I brought each of them into a hug. "Thank you all so much for taking care of me. Even when you all were in pain and were having problems, you took care of me and accepted me. I don't think, even if I was to stay, that I would ever be able to repay all that you've done for me. Thank you."

"You stay safe and take care of yourself now, Wynter," I heard Sam say, "I won't be hearing about no injuries or anything to you."

"Oh Sam," I said, bringing the hobbit into another hug. I moved onto Gimli, about to hug him when he told me to stop.

"Lassie, I do not partake in sentimental goodbyes."

I smiled at the dwarf, "Thank you Gimli. For looking after me and Legolas. Will you make sure he's alright after I leave? Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid?"

"Aye, that I can. The pointy-eared elf won't be in any danger as long as I'm around."

My eyes began watering, "I trust that Gimli. Thank you."

I was about to move on, but Gimli called me back, "I suppose a hug wouldn't hurt."

I smiled at the stubborn dwarf, quickly pulling him into a hug. Once I pulled away, I moved on to the Rohirrim princess and now turned King.Ѐowyn grabbed me, hugging me tightly. I felt her tears hit my shoulder. "Thank you for being such a good friend, Ѐowyn."

"You will always be a sister to me, Wynter. If you ever find yourself back, you are always welcomed with open arms in Rohan."

"And you will always be one to me. Thank you."

I pulled away from the blonde princess and moved to her brother. "Thank you Ѐomer for saving me," I said, hugging him, "And thank you for your feelings, even if I couldn't accept them."

He shook his head, pressing a kiss to my cheek before letting go, "Not at all. It is as Ѐowyn says. Although you are not mine, you are still our family. I will always cherish the time we had together."

I smiled at him, cupping his cheek before moving to Gandalf. I threw my arms around him, trying in vain to keep the tears from flowing. "Thank you for looking after us and sending us home. Thank you for everything. I will miss you so much Gandalf."

"I know, child. You shall see me again, sooner than you think."

I looked up at the wizard, "What do you mean?"

He just smiled, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. I laughed. Even if I was leaving, the riddle talk would never change. Moving to Aragorn and Arwen, I gave them both a hug.

"Thank you. Arwen, you were really the first friend I had here; and Aragorn you looked for so long. I honestly would be lying if I said that I only considered you both friends because you two are so much more to me. You were important figures in my life and I am thankful to have known you. You both also better get married soon because I want to hear about all the children you will have. One may or may not be named Adela," I finished, winking at the two. Arwen laughed, pulling me into another hug. Finally, I broke away and went to the last person I needed to say goodbye to.

I wrapped my arms around Legolas's neck while his slid easily around my waist. I pulled him closer, whispering, "Legolas. I don't know what to tell you. Only that… I love you. I love you so much."

"Remember, I'll always be with you and if you miss me, you have my necklace. Gin melin, Wynter."*

I pulled back, kissing his lips. After we pulled apart, I stayed in his arms for several minutes. Finally, I pulled together the strength to leave them. I moved to Ed and Haru.

"You guys ready?"

They nodded, both of them grabbing one of my hands. "Then let's go home."

As we stepped through the portal, it was much more tame than the first time I got here. There was no blender feeling and there was no water. I woke up in the middle of our family room, the sun out. I rushed towards the calander on the wall. March 21st. 2014. I looked around, trying to find Ed and Haru. Finally giving up, I looked around the room. Everything seemed different, but nothing really changed. I heard the front door open.

"Wynter, I'm home."

I threw down my backpack and ran to the door. Once I caught sight of my mom, I slammed into her, hugging her tightly. "Wynter, I was only gone for an hour at the most. Why are you- oh sweetie, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"No reason mom," I said, wiping at my eyes, "I just missed you a lot, that's all. I'm sorry."

She looked at me and brought me into a hug. After a few minutes, she pulled back. "Edmund's out with Haru right now, but they'll be back later. Haru's spending the night tonight. Sarah and John are also coming over later. Go take a shower and freshen up, okay? It might make you feel better."

I nodded, wiping at my face, "Alright mom."

I went to go upstairs before I turned around to look at her, "Hey, mommy?"


"I love you."

"I love you too baby."

I hurried up the steps, immediately going to the shower. I was home. Later on that night, I met Sarah, who I apparently met back in November. Leonard was a small boy who had his father's black hair, but eyes like mine. I fell in love with him instantly. When I saw Ed and Haru that night and told them about Middle Earth, they looked at me like I was crazy. I tried to explain, but they both talked about sending me to a mental ward so I gave up.

I was asleep in my bed when I heard my door open and the light turn on.

"Edmund," I heard a whisper that tried very hard to be a shout, "She's in here!"

"Oh thank god."

"What are you two doing?" I said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"We just got back and we didn't see you with us. We started flipping out a bit," Haru said, sitting next to me on my bed. Edmund came to my room, shut the door and sat on my other side.

"We're back," Edmund said, sounding slightly shell-shocked.


"Have you met…?"

"Yeah. They're fantastic. All of them."

My brother smiled at me, "Good."

"Do you ever think we'll go back," Haru asked, laying on my bed.

"Don't know," I said following his lead, "But that's something we can wonder about later. For now, I'm tired."

"Ditto," Edmund said, falling on my bed.

"Are we all going to sleep in here tonight?" I asked teasingly. I heard hums of approval and laughed before settling down. When I heard the quiet snores around me, I laughed. Looking up at the ceiling, I whispered into the night.

"I'll find a way back to you Legolas. I promise..."

A/N: Thank you all. Really. I hope you enjoyed my story and continue it. The first chapter for the sequel will be up soon (like within the hour). I hope you review this chapter as well as check out the Sequel called "I'm Back Again". And again, thank you for making this fic a worth-while experience for me.