A/N hey there internet friends. by popular demand here is chapter 3. warning: this is a long chapter but that is only because it includes the Frat house performance the Riff-off and Regionals. Don't worry though, I have good reasonings for it. I like this chapter, so I hope you guys too. Thank you for the sweet reviews and messages on tumblr, again. It is what motivates me to write this story and as long as you continue to support it, I will continue to progress with it. To everyone who follows favorites or reviews this story: I love you. Thank you.

Beca walked in to the radio station, stopping by the corkboard that hung in the lobby. The board had business cards and flyers posted to it with stuff that related to Barden and what was going on around campus. She studied it carefully a few times, making sure she read over all of them.

"You know if you wanted to know more about the Bellas, you can just ask me." Beca jumped at Jesse's sudden voice. "I mean, I am an official Treblemaker now. We have that kind of insight on the other acapella groups, so we know when they do things."

"Who said I was looking for the Bellas?"

"You just did." Jesse smiled. "We had a gig lined up at one of the frat houses, but the girls stole it away from us. I have no complaints though. I didn't really feel like performing acapella songs for a fraternity."Beca laughed and they walked in to the studio. Jesse put down his backpack on the desk and pulled out a pen and a notebook. He wrote down something as Beca took off her jacket and went to grab a crate from a corner of the room. When she returned to the desk, Jesse ripped out a piece of paper and shoved it towards Beca. "Here." Beca examined the paper. It had an address along with a date and time. "They'll be standing right outside of the house. Just look for the girls in flight attendant uniforms."

"Are you kidding me? I'm not going to go stalk the Bellas."She put the paper down on the table and picked up CDs.

"You aren't stalking the Bellas. You're stalking your lady crush." She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Okay, okay fine! You aren't stalking your lady crush. You are simply showing up to an event that the Bellas just so happen to be performing at so that you can see a certain pretty redhead, whom just so happens to be your lady crush." He smirked at Beca, who smacked him on the stomach and continued to sort through the CDs.

At five, when Beca's shift ended, she gathered her stuff and left while Jesse finished his stack of CDs. He turned his head back to the desk to see that the paper with the information on the Bellas was missing. When he turned his attention back to the brunette walking out of the door, he smirked as he saw her examining the paper before folding it and placing it in her back pocket.

Beca dressed in a gray long-sleeved shirt with a black jacket and jeans. She looked at the paper on her desk, studying it over and over. She had already had the information memorized. The Bellas performance began at 3:00, just after her only class for the day ended. She folded the paper back up placed it in her jacket pocket and left her dorm. After her class, she walked quickly towards the building.

Sure enough, Jesse wasn't kidding about the 'flight attendant uniforms' as she saw a group of people standing around a smaller group of girls dressed in navy blue outfits. They all looked uncomfortable except for Aubrey who just looked anxious. She was smiling, but it was the kind of smile that looked like she was trying to keep herself together, and if she didn't smile, she would probably go insane. Then she saw the redhead, who just looked very content. She was smiling brightly. She was definitely used to the performing scene. Beca smiled at the sight of her. She stood behind two of the fraternity boys, trying not to make herself too noticeable to anybody. Someone tapped her on the shoulder and offered her a cup of beer. She accepted the cup and turned her attention back to the girls. They had began performing. Beca felt a shiver run down her spine as a familiar voice started singing. She recognized the song 'I Saw the Sign' and was amazed at how the redhead made the song sound. The problem was that the other girls were almost off-key, and they were struggling with their dances. They clearly weren't prepared enough to perform yet. The song transitioned in to 'Eternal Flame', which Beca deemed the redhead better at singing it than Atomic Kitten ever was. Finally, they sang 'Turn the Beat Around' which is when the boy standing in front of Beca had had enough and had to stop them. He watched the girls in disbelief before running up to them and telling them that they were done. Aubrey looked distraught, and she was clearly apologizing and trying to persuade the man otherwise, but he threw up his hands and turned to walk away. Beca watched the man storm off, but as her eyes followed his movements, they caught the eyes of the girl that she had been there to see. She had noticed that Beca was there, and was watching her, completely ignoring what Aubrey or the rest of the Bellas. Her expression was unreadable to Beca.

"Come on Chloe! Bellas, let's go." Aubrey swiftly walked past the girls in frustration, causing Chloe to flinch. Chloe. Beca finally knew who this mystery girl was. Beca smiled at the name. The older girl looked at her one more time as the Bellas followed behind Aubrey, and then followed after the girls.

They walked towards a small area next to the house and Aubrey turned to lecture the girls. Chloe faced away from the group and crossed her arms.

"Chloe what is your deal? You sounded awful!" Chloe turned around to face the girls.

"I have nodes." Was all that she said. Some of the girls gasped. The others just looked in confusion. Aubrey gasped and reached for Chloe's hands grabbing them. "oh my God…" Chloe nodded.

"I found out this morning…" she looked to be on the brink of crying. A tall dark-haired girl asked what 'nodes' were. Beca shifted her feet for a while and then decided that this is what she was talking to Jesse about with the 'stalker' antics. She shoved her hands in her pockets and walked away. As she walked past the Bellas, she felt Chloe's eyes following her again. Sure enough, when she looked up, she was met with those same bright blue eyes that she couldn't get out of her mind. Chloe's eyes weren't the only ones on her. Beca hadn't made herself too noticeable, but she felt all of the Bellas follow Chloe's gaze. Aubrey was the only one who looked at the brunette with disgust as she walked by. Beca tried not to maintain contact with Chloe's eyes and continued to venture forward towards her dorm.

"Great. The mutt is a stalker." Aubrey said before rushing off. The rest of the Bellas filed their way from the Frat house, leaving Chloe by herself. She sat down on a bench to endure the pain in her throat. She had had a lot of pain in her throat over the past couple of weeks, but thought that maybe she was just catching a cold. When the pain became unbearable the week before auditions, she made a doctors appointment. Having nodes was one of the worst things that could ever happen to Chloe, especially when her competition season was beginning. She wanted to compete more than anything, and sound good but she couldn't do that if she continued on this way.

Halfway back to her dorm room, Beca realized that she had taken her backpack off while watching the performance and sat it down on a bench, and she turned around to go get it back. Upon approaching the house for the second time that day, she was met with the sight of Chloe sitting down coincidentally on the same bench that her backpack was on. The girl was just sitting there staring down at her phone. She had let her hair down, and taken her scarf off of her neck. Her eyes were staring down at her phone. Beca slowly walked up to the bench. Chloe's eyes snapped up at the sound of shuffling feet getting closer to her, and when she looked up, she saw Beca reaching for the bag that was sitting next to her. Beca did her best not to look at her again as she pulled the straps over her shoulders and adjusted her jacket.

"Hey Beca." The brunette froze. She looked down to see Chloe's eyes locking directly at her own.

"Hey. How'd you know what my name was?" Chloe immediately realized that the two girls had never actually introduced themselves to each other, and the reason that she knew what Beca's name was, was because of a drunken Jesse, who also told her some very particular information that she recalled wasn't any that she was supposed to have acknowledged. She worried her lips between her teeth looking unsure of what to say.

"Um. Your friend Jesse kind of talked to Aubrey about you at our aca-initiation night." Beca groaned at that.

"Really? He never told me about that."

"Yeah, he was pretty drunk. He kind of went off on her because of some of the things that she said about you at auditions when you didn't show up." She turned her head back down in to her lap.

"Oh you mean about me being a mongrel?" Beca said before Chloe had the chance to say anything else. Realizing that may have sounded a little harsh, she added a small giggle."What was he telling her?"

"He didn't say anything about it really. He just called her out on it and told her that she was wrong. Which I agree with." She spoke that last part pretty quickly, not trying to sound like she sided with Aubrey. It apparently was too much, because she felt a sharp pain in her throat. She reached up to grasp her neck as Beca looked at her with concern.

"Isn't that painful? Why would you keep performing?" Chloe looked up at her with tear-brimmed eyes.

"Because I love to sing." Beca didn't really know how to respond to that. She only looked at her comfortingly, wishing that she could take the pain away from Chloe.

"Oh and by the way, I know that you didn't agree with Aubrey. Jesse told me you stuck up for me at the auditions." Chloe felt a blush rise to her cheeks. "Thanks for that. Nobody has ever done something that nice for me. Also, I'm sorry for not showing up. I know that you were expecting me there, I just didn't want to deal with Aubrey's bullshit. Especially now." She laughed at that last part, trying not to seem hurt by Aubrey's criticism. The girl didn't even know Beca. "I'm just glad Jesse didn't do anything stupid while talking to her."

"I honestly don't think he remembered any of it the next morning. At least, I'm pretty sure he didn't." She laughed almost nervously. Beca looked at her confused.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, the reason he didn't get in to it with Aubrey too much was because he saw me." Beca froze. Oh dear God, I swear Jesse, I will kill you."Um. He said that he knew me. That I was a pretty and nice redhead." She bit her lip and looked up at Beca, who after a moment opened her mouth to say something, but her phone began ringing. She hesitantly reached for her jacket pocket and pulled her phone out. The screen read 'Luke' and she slid the answer bar over and put the phone to her ear.

"Hey Luke." She did her best to look down at her feet, but Chloe was still watching her.

"You need me there now?"

"Okay. I'll be there in like ten minutes."

"Okay… Bye." She hung up the phone and looked around at everything around her before looking back to Chloe.

"You work at the radio station?" The redhead asked.

"Uh, yeah." The brunette replied, a little thrown off by Chloe's assumption.

"Sorry. I know that was random. It's just, Luke is one of my friends."

"Oh. Okay. Well, um, I need to go, so…" She said as she zipped up her jacket and looked back at Chloe, doing her best to smile at Chloe.

"I'll see you later, Beca." The older girl said. Beca paused for a moment to take that in. Would she really?

"See you later, Chloe." She grinned at Chloe before turning around to walk away.

After her shift at the radio station, Beca finally returned to her dorm room, her mind still set on Chloe. She really was one of the sweetest girls that she had ever met. Everybody else treated Beca like a freak because of the fact that the brunette was practically socially retarded, but Chloe was nice to her, and treated her like a nice friend. But what lingered in her mind was the fact that Jesse had told Chloe what she had said about her. She considered the boy lucky for not having been there when Beca was.

A few days passed by, and Beca was sitting down in the quad studying when she saw a blanket being placed down next to her. She looked up to see Jesse smiling at her and taking his backpack off.

"What, Jesse?" Beca said in a rather harsh tone.

"Well since we can't be lovers, we're obviously going to be best friends. And as much as I love stacking CDs with you, we need to have some lesbro bondage." Beca cringed.

"Please don't ever say that again." Jesse laughed.

"I can never find words that explain our relationship that you are comfortable with." He said as he reached in to his backpack and pulled out a box of Capri Sun and a handful of movies. He opened the box of juice pouches and threw one at Beca. She began to fidget with her straw when her memory suddenly sparked up the conversation that she had with Chloe a few days prior. She reached over and without warning punched Jesse in the arm as he was naming off movies that he brought. He yelped in pain, grabbing his arm.

"That's for being a stupid drunk!" Beca half-shouted as she chuckled at his look of discomfort. "Yeah, I don't know if you recall telling Aubrey off or not." Jesse looked at her confused. "ALONG with telling Chloe about what I told you about her!" she added before he could respond. He looked down at his lap, looking very focused. He was thinking hard about Hood Night, trying to remember the night. He couldn't recall much from that night after showing up.

"Nope. Nothing." He looked back at Beca, giving up.

"Well, you did, because she confronted me about it."


"NO! Chloe…" Jesse's jaw dropped.

"I'm sorry, Bec. Wait, what did she say?"

"Um. She didn't say much, because I got a call from Luke saying that he needed me to work. So I left before we could really talk about it."

"Did she seem upset?"

"No, not really, I guess."

"Oh, okay, well then I'm not sorry." Beca tilted her head at him. He flinched and clenched his arm again, causing her to laugh again. He looked back at her smiling.

"So, are you coming to the riff-off tonight?" Beca stopped her laughter.

"What the hell is a riff-off?"

Beca walked towards the pool with Benji. She had met with him and Jesse at their dorm before going so that she would have someone to hang out with. They took a seat on the ledge of the empty pool near where the Bellas were standing. She immediately spotted Chloe, who looked nervous. Damn it, how does she always manage to look beautiful no matter what? Still maintaining her gaze at Chloe, she managed to hold up a conversation with Benji as more people began to file in to the pool. Chloe took a glance around at everyone who was entering. Her eye caught a familiar brunette sitting next to a boy that she did not recognize. She was laughing at something that he said and looked down at her lap. She ran her hand through her hair and looked back up to see Chloe watching her, once again. The redhead smiled and waved at her. Beca returned her own wave mouthing 'good luck' and putting both of her thumbs up at the girl. Chloe responded by putting up her own thumbs straight out in front of her excitedly. She continued to smile and mouthed 'thank you' and then Justin called out that it was time to start the riff-off.

The first category: Ladies of the 80's. Beca watched as Aubrey and Bumper both ran out to the middle of the room. Unfortunately the Trebles had made their way first and started off with 'Mickey' until they were interrupted by one of the other groups with 'Like a Virgin'. This was all pretty interesting to Beca so far, though she mainly kept her watch on Chloe. Aubrey finally cut in with 'Hit Me With Your Best Shot' and watched as the rest of the Bellas followed her singing backup for the song until a girl who looked high as a motherfucker interrupted them. She was singing off-key, and she was laughing when everybody was scowling her.

The next category: Songs About Sex. Beca giggled at the name, and watched as one of the girls stepped forward singing 'S&M' followed by a familiar dark-haired girl who began grinding her hips against the shorter girl. They were interrupted by one of the Trebles who sang 'Let's Talk About Sex' and the girl still stood in front of them, crossing her arms. Aubrey ran out and grabbed the girl, pulling her back, but when she got back to the group, she immediately turned back around and walked back to the guy singing. She stood merely a few inches from her face singing 'I'll Make Love to You'barely making it through the chorus before Jesse stepped in front of the kid that she was singing to and cut in with 'Feels Like the First Time' causing Benji to clap his hands laughing. Beca chuckled and rolled her eyes as she saw the boy point up to her. She sarcastically blew a kiss towards him, causing him to chuckle slightly before continuing. What Beca didn't see, was Chloe following Jesse's hand and looking up at the brunette. As the Trebles progressed in to the song, Beca found herself thinking of what song she would intercept him with if she were in the riff-off. Carefully studying the lyrics in her mind, the first song that came to mind was No Diggity by Dr. Dre, seeing as Jesse kept singing 'it' and the first verse of the song started with

"It's going down, fade to Blackstreet

The homies got RB, collab' creations

Bump like Acne, no doubt" Beca's head snapped to a familiar voice. She looked down to see that Chloe had ran forward to stand in front of Jesse. There were gasps and small cheers and whistles all around the pool and Beca sat with her jaw dropped, watching the redhead in the middle of the room, rapping half-confidently.

"I put it down, never slouch

As long as my credit can vouch

A dog couldn't catch, straight up" She clapped her hands smiling, having flicked her wrists towards the boys, causing them to back up away from her. She turned towards the Bellas awkwardly to see their reactions to what she was doing. Aubrey looked what seemed to be a mixture of terrified and completely staggered.

"Tell me who can stop when Dre making moves

Attracting honeys like a magnet Giving 'em eargasms with my mellow accent" She hoped that the Bellas would pick up the song that she had picked.

"Still moving the flavor

With the homies Blackstreet and Teddy

The original rump shakers" She realized that the girls weren't catching on as fast as she had hoped, but she looked up in to the crowd to see that Beca was mouthing along with the song. She smirked at the older girl, put up her thumbs again and mouthed 'keep going.' Chloe turned back to the girls and began singing again.
"Shorty get down, good Lord Baby got 'em up open all over town" Thankfully, Amy recognized the song and stepped forward to back her up.

"Strictly biz, she don't play around

Cover much ground, got game by the pound" Amy smacked her stomach causing Chloe to giggle and continue, high fiving the blonde as she walked by.

"Getting paid is her forte

Each and every day, true player way I can't get her out of my mind I think about the girl all the time" By now, everyone joined in, even the crowd had found themselves singing along with the chorus as they started chanting the'AYO's'.

Chloe walked around the edge of the pool, looking up at Beca who was dancing next to Benji and smiling down at the girl. She made her way back out to the middle of the pool and ended with 'WE OUT' crossing her arms like a thug and Beca was the first to stand up from her seat and scream and clap her hands, followed by everyone else. All of the Bellas hugged Chloe and they all stood enjoying what they had just done when Justin announced that the Bellas were '*clap clap* cut off' because Chloe sang'it's' instead of 'it' and Beca saw the most innocent pout form on the redhead's lips as Aubrey started shouting at him. The Trebles began gloating in their victory, and Beca saw Jesse stop to look at the girls, apologizing and saying that they did well. He was the only Treblemaker with good sportsmanship. When the audience began to file down, Benji and Beca looked down to see Jesse signaling them to go down in to the pool. They both climbed down the ladder to walk towards the Trebles when Beca was stopped.

"Hey Beca!" The brunette turned her head to see Chloe waving her towards the Bellas.

"I'll be right over there in a minute."She said to Benji before walking towards the group.

"Hey." She said shyly to Chloe. The redhead wrapped her arms around Beca's shoulders, hugging her tightly.

"Hey, thanks." She said as she pulled back from Beca. The younger girl looked confused for a moment.

"May I ask for what?"

"Well, if you couldn't notice, I was kind of dying out there."

"Not much of a rapper?" Beca said, smirking.

"Oh no, trust me, I'm an original P. Diddy." Chloe said with a wink. "I just guess I got kind of nervous when the girls didn't pick up on it immediately. But you definitely gave me a confidence boost."

Beca turned to face the other girls. Aubrey was looking at the Bellas furiously. "What you guys just did out there was awesome!" The girls looked at Beca smiling, giving their thanks. All of them except, of course, Aubrey.

"Calm your pits, Beca." Beca cringed slightly. Nobody had ever said her name so harshly before. "We still lost!" Chloe shot a look at Aubrey telling her to back off, and Beca turned her head to look at her feet.

"Well, I've got to go talk to Jesse, I'll see you later, Chloe." Beca turned to walk away. She felt more comfortable about saying 'see you later' this time to Chloe.

"See you later, Beca!" The brunette smiled as she walked away.

Beca walked in to her college algebra class, tired from staying up late and making her latest mix. It was a mashup of 'No Diggity' and'Shout' by Tears for Fears. She sat down where she usually sits, in the middle of the class. All of the sudden a blonde crashes her stuff down on the table next to her and sits down.

"What's up Beca!" the brunette looks at her startled.


"Fat Amy." She held out her hand, which Beca slowly accepted.

"You call yourself 'Fat Amy'?"

"Yeah! So twig bitches don't do it behind my back." She said confidently patting at her stomach. Beca smirked.

"Well, I think that's awesome. But I'll just call you Amy."

"That's cool too!" She nodded her head and looked back forward. After a moment of silence Beca finally spoke up.

"So… In the least rude way possible, because there really is no polite way to say it… What do you want?" She let out an awkward laugh.

"I wanted to know what was up with the deal between you and Chloe! Did you ask her out and get rejected? There was a lot of tension radiating off of Aubrey. I could smell the anger from her." Those words lingered through Beca's mind.

"Ask her out?"

"Yeah, I was there when Jesse told us that you like Red. Even if he didn't, it was pretty obvious. You get all weird around her. It's pretty funny." Beca groaned. The fact that a lot of people now knew about how she felt about Chloe felt embarrassing, but the most distressing part of it was that Chloe herself knew.

"Well I don't know what her problem is. She's just got something stuck up her ass I guess. Honestly, is she a tyrant to the Bellas?"

"You wouldn't aca-believe it!" Beca giggled at the phrase."She makes us do cardio and she slaves us around like crazy."

"Figured. She was harsh to me, and she hasn't even held a half of a conversation with me." Beca turned to her notebook.

"So are you going to come watch us at the regionals?"

"I have no choice. Jesse got me a front row ticket so that I could watch, so…"

"AWESOME! I'll see you then little buddy." Amy shouted, playfully punching Beca in the arm. Beca couldn't help but smile. She was ready to see the Bellas after they had had a chance to actually practice and improve.

Beca went over to Benji and Jesse's dorm before the Regionals. Beca and Benji rode in a separate car behind the Treblemakers to the theatre where the competition would take place. When they got there, the competition didn't go exactly as she expected. Beca watched the girls as they all looked annoyed and bored. She turned her head around the room to look at the judges who were yawning and looked disappointed in what they were watching. When she turned back to the stage, she caught Chloe's eye and smiled at the girl who was singing 'Eternal Flame'. She watched in confusion as she realized that it was the same set that they had done at the frat house. The only difference was that when they got to 'Turn the Beat Around' Amy was the one singing the solo. Beca got ready to hear Chloe sing when she saw the blonde take the microphone and she heard the girl go: 'AH YEAH!'

Amy's performance was definitely what the girls needed. It was uplifting and energetic and even though it wasn't Chloe singing, it was a really good addition to the set. The only thing was that Aubrey was watching her as if she could lunge forward and kill her, had they not been on stage performing for their competition.

The Bellas placed in second, in front of the 'Sockapellas' and behind the Treblemakers. After the competition, Beca walked out in to the lobby to see that the Treblemakers had gotten in to an argument with a group of middle-aged men. All of the sudden she heard Amy calling for her and she walked over towards the Bellas, ignoring the awful look that she got from Aubrey.

"Hey Amy. Your solo was badass." Beca smiled at the blonde as she raised her hand to high five the younger girl. Beca slapped her hand giggling when she saw Chloe looking at her. "Is it because of the nodes?" Chloe nodded her head. Beca pouted her lip out slightly, feeling bad for the redhead.

"Doctor told me to lay off of the singing until I decide what I want to do with all of this."

"Well what are your options?"

"I can either get them removed, or live with them. If I get them removed though, I could never sing the same again."

"Yeah but Chloe, if you just stick through it, you could never sing again at all!" Chloe looked at her almost apologetically, but happily. She was glad Beca was such a good friend to her. Chloe's attention turned to the Trebles as the older men began trying to fight them physically. Bumper was doing some sort of kung fu to a taller man. Donald was being picked up by a black guy, thrown over his shoulder and was being spun around. A short quirky looking guy was trying to grab the trophy out of Jesse's hands and was telling him to hit him with it. Without thinking, Chloe walked over to Jesse. Aubrey tried to grab the redhead's arm.

"I'm just gonna go check on something…" She turned back and walked forward. Before she could say anything, the man grabbed the trophy from Jesse and was now waving it in front of Chloe's face.

"COME ON GINGER! HIT ME! HIT ME HARD!" Chloe was trying to calm the man down, when Beca couldn't take it anymore and stormed over to where the two were standing. She gently grabbed Chloe's shoulders and moved her away. As soon as Chloe was out of the way, Beca drew her arm back and punched the man in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. Suddenly, Amy was running towards the girls and the man and picked up the trophy. When the man finally regained himself, he got back up so much to his knees and started yelling at Amy to hit him. She tried to charge at the man with the trophy, but Beca shot her arms out and grabbed the trophy, trying to release it from the blonde's grip. This only resulted in the trophy breaking and flying through the front door of the building. As the glass of the door shattered to pieces, Beca covered her face with what fragment of the broken trophy she had in her hands and Chloe reached forward snatching Beca's shoulders and pulling her backward. Everyone's eyes turned to the door as a police officer stood right outside. Isn't that just the greatest luck? Beca rolled her eyes as she saw the officer stop what he was doing, and look up to walk towards them.

Amy took off running, screaming 'VERTICAL RUNNING' and Beca looked at her confused. Chloe opened her mouth to say something, but the officer was standing in front of Beca asking what had happened.

"These guys were trying to start fights with us, and-"

"Did any of these men actually physically harm anybody miss?" The officer cut in harshly. Beca looked around the room. All four of the men had ran off, and the Treblemakers seemed to be fine.

"No sir but-"

"Well then I'm afraid you are under arrest for destruction of property." Beca rolled her eyes but turned around when the officer pulled out handcuffs and placed her hands behind her back. She was met with Chloe who was about to open her mouth to say something but Beca stopped her before she could. She had a feeling that if Chloe were to say something, it would be shouting and she would probably get herselfarrested.

"Chloe, just don't worry about it. I'll be fine, okay?"Chloe nodded. She still looked worried though as the police officer began reading her rights.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney before speaking at the station and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning, at your consent." The entire time, Beca was looking at Chloe, making faces and mocking the officer while he could not see her. Chloe bit her lip, trying not to laugh."Do you understand your rights as I have explained them to you?" Beca smirked and turned towards the man.

"Yes sir." She turned back towards Chloe who started to say something else, but Beca stopped her again. She knew that the older girl was just going to try to get her out of trouble, which she really didn't feel like risking.

"I'll see you later?"

Chloe closed her mouth and smiled. "I'll see you later."

Ending A/N if you can recognize where the 'mashup' of No Diggity and Shout came from, congratulations, you are awesome. ;) also, here is a little bit of insight on the songs used in the performances.

Riff-off: Mickey/Toni Basil, Like a Virgin/Madonna (they sing a lot of Madonna), Hit Me With Your Best Shot/Pat Benatar, It Must Have Been Love/Roxette, S&M/Rihanna, Let's Talk About Sex/Salt N Pepa, I'll Make Love to You/Boyz II Men, Feels Like the First Time/Foreigner, No Diggity/Blackstreet.

Bellas setlist: I Saw the Sign =or= The Sign/Ace Of Base, Eternal Flame/Atomic Kitten, Turn The Beat Around/Gloria Estefan.