Disclaimer: SM owns everything Twilight related. I own nothing but this little story.

A huge thank you to my Prereader Gooseonline and my Beta's roniangel85 and Daphodill. They make my words pretty.

A big thank you to my inspiration, Caligirlmon. I would never have done this without you.

Last but not least a big hello to my girls, Mere, Mon, Shenani, Bec, Ruby, Heather, Kim and Kaylah. You all make my days brighter :)

I hope you enjoy my first fic.

As I bend to slip my foot into my high heel, I contemplate my day ahead. It's my first day back to work after being let go from my PA position to the CEO of a major insurance company. Nobody in the office had any idea the company was going into provisional liquidation and most of us would lose our jobs that day. It was then that I decided to take a well earned break. I had been working ridiculous hours for the last 5 years with very little thanks, so some 'me time' was long overdue.

I was more than looking forward to some time to rest, read and relax. The last few years have been entirely too stressful, so the idea of having no deadlines for the next however long was like a dream come true.

Three weeks later, I was offered a data entry position with a manufacturing company. Not exactly what I wanted to be doing, but was fine - for the time being. I needed a change from the corporate world and let's just say, this was definitely going to be a change.

Grabbing my car keys, handbag and lunch I head out for my first day of work. The familiar butterflies circle in my stomach, not knowing what lay ahead of me. I don't cope very well meeting new people, being a shy and reserved person. That doesn't mean I'm a pushover though. Once I pull up to the building I take three deep breaths and tell myself it's now or never.

I enter the building and walk to the reception desk.

"Hi, my name is Bella. I'm here for my first day," I say nervously. The young girl responds with a friendly smile.

"Hi Bella, I'm Katie. You'll be working with me for the first few days. Let me show you where to put your stuff and I'll introduce you to everyone." I follow her through a door to a room that is a kitchenette. There is just the necessities in there, kettle, microwave, sink and a small fridge. This is going to take some getting used to. I'm used to working in a large office with all the luxuries you can think of. I'm going to miss the coffee machine most.

As I look around the small office, I realise just how very different the workspace is to my previous jobs. There's only three small desks in the work area, with toilets towards the back. In through another door is the Research and Development department. There I am introduced to the R&D manager, Greg. While still chattering away, Katie leads me through another door which opens out to the work area.

"These are the guys," she says with a sweep of her hand. They are all too busy with their individual tasks to even spare me a second glance. "You'll meet them one-by-one as they come into the office. Just be aware, the work is dirty, but their mouths are dirtier."

Oh joy, what have I got myself into?

We head around to the despatch area, where I meet the supervisor. Bill is his name, or something like that and I can tell he's going to be a chatty one. Once we are able to drag ourselves away from him and after another couple of stops along the way, we head back to the office.

"Now I think that's everyone so far, but we do have one more sales rep who is currently out on the road. He should be back within the next couple of weeks, so you'll meet him then." There is so much information swimming around in my head, that I don't even think to ask what his name is. I just nod at Katie as she shows me to my new desk .Well it's nothing flashy, but I guess I can work with it. Katie sits in the chair beside me and shows me what the position entails. Looks like I'll not only be handling data entry, but also reception and despatch. Still a walk in the park compared to my previous position.

The day passes in the blink of an eye. I fear my head may explode from information overload. I offer my new co-workers a passing wave as I grab my things and head out the door. Never have I been more grateful for the twenty minute drive home. Even though I can't stand rush hour traffic, it gives me time to think about the day. So far everyone has been very friendly and accomodating. I just hope it continues that way. Experience has taught me that working in a larger office with too many females can turn into somewhat of a bitch-fest. I am hopeful with this being a smaller office and the girls are seemingly friendly enough, it won't turn out like that.

I pull into our driveway just as dusk falls. I hate coming home at this time of the day, especially on my own. Our little house is situated behind a small set of shops, and lets just say it can get a little rough and rowdy with all the young kids hanging around the diner. Grabbing my keys and bag, I head into the house. I can hear my little dog, Miley, whimpering for me to let her out of the laundry. She's so happy to see me, standing on her back paws and wagging her tail. I bend down and scoop her up in my arms, so thankful I have her while Jake is away so much.

I just manage to flop myself down on the couch with a glass of wine in one hand and the dog in the other when my phone rings. Without even looking at the caller ID I know who it is.

"Hey Jake," I answer with little enthusiasm in my voice. The day is taking its toll on me.

"Hey babe, how was your first day of work?" he asks in a slurred voice. Ah yep, I can tell where he's been after work again. I'm so exhausted - I just don't even want to deal with him right now.

"Yeah good, I'll tell you all about it over the weekend."

"Sounds good, how's Miley? Has she been good? Have you taken her for a walk and given her her treats today?" Typical, the dog gets more attention than I do.

I sigh into the phone. "Yes, she's had her walk this morning and had her treat afterward. Listen Jake, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to head to bed. I'll talk to you soon, m'kay?"

"Sure sure, talk soon. Love you."

"Yeah, I love you too. Night." I hang up the phone, glad that's over with. I hate talking to him when I know he's been hanging at the bar with his buddies. Totally defeats the purpose of him working away to save money when all he does is blow it every night.

I move quickly through my bedtime routine, eager for the comfort of my bed. I'm too tired to even think about dinner. I snuggle closer to Miley willing my mind to rest, instead it keeps going to Jake. It's hard with him working away so much. He's been my salvation, so why do I feel like we're falling to pieces?

Recs: Fool For You by Caligirlmon

Summary: Best friends. A boy lost in his addiction, a girl lost to her heart, losing themselves along the way, in time they find themselves on a journey back to each other. AH - BPOV - Tattward

Salacious by cutestkidsmom

Summary: In a world where money is power, and power is everything, Edward must stay true to the society he was raised in to, and stay true to its values. Laid back Bella is the object of his affection, and he will stop at nothing to have her, What is your life worth? Would you hand it over to a beautiful stranger for money? M for language, sexual content, and some violent situations AH