So new story since I couldn't figure out a way to continue "Just Friends." I will get back to it eventually though.
I was always the good girl back in New Jersey, but I decided somewhere between there and Miami that it was time for a change. Why I thought that was the best time to do so will probably remain unknown, but it just seemed best, no one knew me or the person I used to be, and they never would if I have anything to do with it.
The first thing I did in Miami was that I bought a whole new wardrobe which mainly included leather, boots, and black. I then dyed my hair a bright red that still looked natural. When I got home I threw away all of my old, geeky clothes and replaced them with my new outfits. I was going to be a bad girl even if it killed me.
The first thing in the morning I drove to school in my truck and picked up my schedule. Honors and AP everything, senior year was going to suck ass.
It's October, the middle of the semester, everyone knows everybody else, and I know no one. "Class we have a new student. Her name is-"
"Raven," I cut her off before she gets to say my name. My old name. My geeky, old name that no one will find out.
"Raven," She states simply, taking the sheet and signing her name stating that I was in her class for the day. I take it back and take a seat at the back of the class, as close to the other door as I can. The two people across from me clearly don't like each other. The girl is a short looking Latina, and the boy is a tall red head.
"Dez, shut your mouth!" The girl whisper screams at the boy, Dez.
"Why don't you make me, Trish?" He retorts back to the Latina, Trish. This is gonna be a long semester if this is gonna be happening throughout it. Just because I'm a 'bad girl' doesn't mean I wanna fail this class. It's required to graduate.
When class is over, I gather up my books and head to my next class, no one bothering to help me. That would was unheard of in my school up in New Jersey. By lunch time, I'm starving and I'm one of the first people in the cafeteria. I go through the line and instantly regret it since I'm pretty sure I saw it, what ever it is, move. I sit down at one of tables and just stare at it, the gray, moving lump. "Would you like a part of my sandwich?" A voice says from behind me.
I turn to face the sound and see a tall, blonde male standing behind me. "What?"
"Would you like part of the sandwich?" He says again holding out half of the sandwich in his hand.
"Um, no thank you." He raises his eyebrow. "Thanks anyway."
"No problem. My name is Austin, by the way."
"Ally. Nice to meet you." He then turns and walks away back to a few tables away where Trish and Dez are sitting, apparently arguing; I have a feeling this happens more often than not. That's when I realize that I said my real name and not my new name. Less than a day into it, and I've already messed up. Way to go, Ally! I pull open my phone and open a new message to my best friend back in New Jersey.
Operation bad-ass is a bust.
I catch a glimpse of Austin, staring at me, but he quickly adverts his eyes; I can tell that he knows that he got caught.
How? Vanessa replies just before I go to throw away this junk on my tray.
I already told someone my real name and not my fake one! FML
I put my phone in my pocket and throw the junk away before returning back to my seat.
Sorry, girl, but I don't swing that way ;) What is your fake name, BTW?
Raven. I got to go.
I realize now how bad my name choice is, it doesn't sound that bad ass or unique.
Bye, girl. Have a good day. Call me ASAP!
I sigh and place my phone in my pocket. "I wouldn't suggest using your phone during lunch, Ally." I feel myself jump a little as he sits down. Austin.
"Sorry," he smiles apologetically. "Anyways, the administrators are cell phone Nazis." I chuckle slightly. "You think I'm joking?" I nod slightly. "I'm not." He's attractive, I have to admit. Hazel eyes are my favorite eye color. Blonde hair that is slightly too long but isn't at the same time. Straight nose. Straight teeth, most likely due to braces. "What's your next class?" I slip the schedule out of my purse and hand it to him. "Honors, Honors, lunch, AP, Honors. Well aren't we a Miss Smarty Pants? It's cool I'm in AP everything." I seriously doubt it, but he seems to realize that and he hands me his phone with a picture of his schedule on it. We have the next two classes together.
"Yeah. So my friends over there," he points to Dez and Trish, "say your name isn't Ally, but Raven."
"I go by Raven."
"You didn't use to?"
"Can you tell?" He nods. "How?"
"When I moved here I went by Zac, and then I messed up. But if you want me to call you Raven or Ally I'm cool with it."
"I'm fine with either, just not in class. I'm determined to be a bad-ass."
He raises his eyebrows but doesn't press the manner. "Okay. I'll see you in class." Which would be where? I ask myself, about to pull out the map I've refused to use all day. "It's three doors down." He answers as my hand starts to unzip the purse. He seems to have figured me out in ten minutes or however long we've talked. I know I'm screwed. "Oh, and hey, Ally, I don't think you're a bad ass, yet."
Then he leaves for good, and he doesn't bother me the rest of the day either, not even when I say my name is Raven Dawson, the new student. A title I'll probably have the rest of the school year. The disadvantage of coming in half way throught the first semester of senior year.
So what do you think? Five reviews until the next chapter.
xoxo Maddie