This is the first chapter of a new story I am giving to you for consideration. If you think it interesting enough, I will continue writing, your feeback and comments are really my primary incentive for writing further:) I already have the first three chapters for this one, but I have decided to see if people like it before I upload more :) Let me know what you think of our girls in this new and different setting. (Personally, I had to get away from the injustice brought upon Regina in the show, so this AU story is my way of venting:)) Hope you like it!


Tasha V.

The dazzling sunlight unique and innate to LA - and Beverly Hills in particular - shone sparklingly bright. It bounced off the blonde's fair skin. Usually, she burned like a crisp, but the mellow breeze seemed to soothe the heat of the rays and a pleasing sizzling sensation left a trail across her bare arms.

Having passed the enormous gates that led her to a winding path and pulled her car up the driveway she realized it sure was one high-maintenance estate. As the new foreman she would be in charge of a staff of fifty, both indoor and outdoor employees, supervising the upkeep of the main house, a Victorian-style mansion, as well as several guest houses and pools, two golf and tennis courts all dispersed across the expanse of the enormous property.

In addition, her employer, the owner of this grand estate informed her that she would also accompany him and his wife each time they leave for the Hamptons, to their ranch.

That was something Emma Swan was indeed looking forward to. She was to be in charge of the main house, the stables, and a vast terrain with obstacle courses and riding tracks surrounding it. She loved horses and immediately knew she was going to fit in well both in the infamous Hills of Beverly as well as her other assigned post. She was going to do a damned fine job, and her reputation attested to that. She was 28, and already the best in the business. Headhunters for the rich and famous were all over her. Of course, there was always a reason behind taking every post, the salary and location being the primary ones.

However, in this case, there was another, personal element as far as her choice of location went. Her recent failed relationship had made her eager to move on with her life, thus beginning the healing process. Getting out of Boston was just the thing she had been looking for. As she took a deep breath and surveyed her surroundings yet again, she was positive that this was the right choice.

She rang the door bell, suddenly highly self-conscious about her white tank-top, blue jeans and boots. She had no idea why, she was never particularly fussy about her outfits, her only worry being their hygiene which was always beyond reproach. She shrugged off the nerves and squared her shoulders, a business-like expression on her face. A smiling butler opened the full-oak doors and for a second she caught a glimpse of the indoor splendor of the mansion.

''Yup...should have dressed up.''

She smiled at the elderly man with the kind face and introduced herself.

''Well, I think Mr Gold is away for the day, but his wife and his son are here. If you would be so kind to wait in the sitting room, Ms Swan – ''

''Emma, please.''

The man smiled warmly.

''Emma it is then. My name is Marco. Now, if you would wait in the sitting room, I'll get the young master or the lady of the house, and you can start the tour of the old place.''

Emma nodded and looked around as she waited for someone to show her what is expected of her and introduce herself properly to the rest of the staff. Establish an authoritative but also friendly connection with your subordinates was her goal.

As she was pondering how hard it would be to handle fifty people, Marco walked back in the room, preceded by a young man that seemed to be about her age. His strides had an angry air about them, almost as if he deemed it a terribly excruciating chore to even meet with her.

''Good morning. My name's Neal, my father instructed me to give you a proper tour of the estate. He called to tell me he got caught up in a meeting in New York. We were expecting him home earlier this morning, but, business is business you know.''

Emma smiled dutifully, if a little tensely.

''That's quite alright, Sir. What do you suggest we do first?''

''Well, Marco will get the guys to retrieve your lugagge, place it in your guest house, and that is where I'll have to leave you to your own devices. Only, I too have an urgent engagement that requires my attention. I have compiled a detailed file for you, an aid of sorts, so you can make your way through the labyrinth that is this place – and the actual maze that is the central gem of this ''hacienda''. I trust you will be fine. ''

Emma was thrown slightly aback, but nodded nonetheless.

''You understand, of course, that matters such as work sometimes cannot be dictated.''

By the look on his face, she could tell it wasn't work that was keeping him away from the mansion, but being a consummate profesional, she decided to keep her mouth firmly shut.

''Of course. After you, please.''

He ushered her out the terrace doors and onto a lawn path which led to one of the guest challets she would from then on call ''home''. As they arrived, he showed her around. It was a luxurious accommodation, with two bedrooms, a spacious living room with an exquisite fireplace. The bathroom almost resembled a spa, and Emma couldn't help but wonder, if these were merely the staff's accommodations, then what must it be like in the actual main house? She supposed she was going to find out soon, as Gold Jr. thrust a thick volume in her hands.

''This is all you need to know about the previous works done around the house. The numbers for all the repairmen and any instance of an emergency are there. Maps of the main house and all surrounding structures are also included, along with the names and files of our other employees, photographs and all.''

''Well, thank you, this will sure come in handy. But if you don't mind me asking, Marco told me that your mother is also here, could she not possibly come with me? For my first day, I wouldn't like there to be any errors. I'm thorough like that.''

For a moment, the man looked perplexed. And then when realization dawned, his face turned from confusion to barely concealed contempt.

''My mother? My mother lives in Vancouver, ever since I was ten. You're thinking of my father's second wife. I'm afraid my stepmother can't be counted on for this particular task, especially since it's very hard to know where in the estate she is at any given moment. Usually she favours lounging by the pool on the west side of the mansion, but that's about all I can tell you.''

Wow, this man certainly had something against his stepmother. Emma sensed it in the way his tone quickly flitted from emotional to disinterested, almost as if trying to keep back the venom from spilling out. His jaw tightened with masqued anger, and she couldn't help but dislike this man for it. Something in her gut told her that he was trouble. Of course, her gut was known to be less than reasonable as of late, so she decided to give her boss's son a chance. Never judge a book by its cover and all that.

''Okay, then,I shall bid you goodbye and hope that you find everything around here to your liking. I know Father was quite impressed with your references, so I know he must really value your reputation, which I am glad to say, precedes you.''

''Thank you, Sir. I hope to be of service to you and your family for as long as you find it necessary .''

He tipped his head in a slight salute and walked out, leaving Emma with a map to read and a lot of questions whirring in her mind.

She took a seat in the plush leather recliner and opened the file and started on her first task:getting to know the area. As she laid out the pieces of paper that represented the blueprints, she sighed at the sheer ground she'd have to cover on her first day. Steeling herself for a long day's work, she took her boots off and replaced them with her trusty old pair of Nike trainers. Legwork wasn't the word. She grinned and ploughed on with joy.

By the time five pm rolled round Emma had gotten acquainted with her staff, received the keys to her ''work car'' which happened to be a rockin', brand new slick silver pick-up truck, and she was on her way to the upper most level of the mansion - the one secluded area she still had to check before venturing into the maze and the rest of the estate. The upper, or rather fourth floor of the ''castle'' as Emma secretly dubbed it was mostly empty, as her file told her, and now she was sauntering lightly down the wide hallway, surveying the roms that all seemed to have taken on the air of ballrooms. Almost all of them had hardwood floors with a shiny finish, floor-to-ceiling mirrors and huge clear windows, letting in the richness of the afternoon sun.

She cracked her knuckles and rolled her neck trying to get rid of some of the kinks. Her eyelids drooped and she almost gave up checking out the last of the rooms.

Finally, deciding to be thorough, like her personal motto clearly stated, she walked up to the door and nudged it lightly. The same amount of smiley sunshine greeted her, just like all the seven previous chambers. However this particular room was a little different. In the sense that it wasn't empty. It wasn't vacated of life and , most definitely not.

Her lips suddenly dry, she krept towards the door, not even daring move too hastily, for fear of rustling the floorboards too much. For the time being, even though it made her feel like the biggest perv in the world, she just watched. Watched what appeared to be the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on dance.

No, hell no, that wasn't dancing, that was pure sex, unadulterated passion and seduction incarnate. And Emma was sure the woman wasn't even aware of the effects her movements were having.

As she observed more closely, the clothes the brunette was wearing registered with Emma. The tight black top covering a set of perfectly sculpted breasts also revealed her bare, flat stomach. The sight was mouth-watering, and Emma almost had to slap herself so she wouldn't start hyperventilating. A perfectly carved ass bobbed up and down slowly, covered in equally black yoga pants. Emma could see beads of sweat gathering speedily at the woman's forehead, that's how focused she was.

The only reason Emma passed unnoticed for that long was the fact that the woman had her eyes closed, letting the pop/hip-hopy beat coming from the speaker of her iPhone soak her all in.

Subconsciously, the blonde licked her lips. Emma wasn't sure she had ever heard the song the brunette was moving to, but the lyrics could not have been more appropriate for what she wanted to do to her at that very moment. A girl's sultry voice recited the very thoughts and fantasies going through Emma's head at the time.

One thing lead to another
We looked at each other
Then she started kissing and feeling me up
I know I said there isn't another
But she's a wonderful lover
And we began to rock, rock, rock, oh...

Emma was sure this sexy brunette was going to be the death of her as she suddenly did a full split, bending her legs at the knee, letting her lower body down, pushing away with her hands, making the impression of dry-humping it. As she pushed herself up one more time, she folded her legs under her oh-so-perfect derriere and let her hands roam the creamy expanse of bare skin. Her head lolled back and her short-cropped hair touched her shoulders, a few droplets of sweat resting there, undisturbed.

Her body's so hot
I had to give her my attention...

Emma was trying to control her shallow breaths but must have been doing a really bad job because the woman's head shot up suddenly and locked with Emma's via the reflection in the mirror. The brunette's head whipped back to her unexpected visitor – at least that's what Emma hoped she would be considered as,not a horribly disgusting voyeur – and a question coated her features.

Emma allowed herself a short scan of the face before she gave her excuses as to why she was spying.

If it was possible, this woman was more beautiful than Emma's first impression told her. Full scarlet lips, whisky-colored almond-shaped eyes,flawless mildly olive-toned skin, raven locks speckled with crystals of sweat... It was a feral kind of beauty with a pinch of grace like none she'd ever encountered.

To Emma's surprise, the woman simply smiled at her as she got up and retrieved her phone to turn the music off. Emma knew she would have done something very different had she been in the woman's shoes – like ask all sorts of questions in a very unflattering tone of voice.

''Oh, I wasn't aware I had an audience. I'm sorry, you were probably looking for me, and I'm not really good with keeping track of time when I'm up here. I truly apologize.''

Emma trembled slightly, partly because her own heart threatened to jump out of her chest, and partly because she was too surprised she had actually gotten away with a total and blatant invasion of the woman's privacy. The brunette's warm voice rang sweetly in her ears,and she shook herself in order to be able to have a normal conversation. She cleared her throat.

''Hi. I'm sorry, I actually wasn't aware anyone was here, the others told me it was mostly empty. I was making my first rounds, I guess you could say.''

''Of course, you're the new foreman? Emma, am I right?''

''Y-Yes...I'm sorry, you must be Mrs Gold.''

''Mills. I kept my maiden name when I married Robert. But please, call me Regina. Mrs makes me sound like I should be sitting on a porch drinking tea and knitting.''

Emma laughed at the absurd notion.

''Believe me when I tell you have nothing to worry about.''

She realized her voice sounded a little more flirtatious than she'd intended, but Regina simply laughed a tiny little melodious and perfect laugh and held our her hand for a handshake.

As Emma felt a palm slide against hers, she felt momentarily lost. The warmth almost seeped into her very core and settled there, not likely to be erradicated any time soon. Unbearable heat resided behind her eyes and totally unaware she was doing it, she rubbed a couple of slow circles across Regina's skin with her she gathered enough strength to smile politely and let go. She took a small step back.

''Well, I'm guessing that since you're up here, you are almost done with the main house? Would you like some company on the rest of your grand tour?''

Emma almost swooned. She had no idea how she was going to stand being next to this woman for a longer period of time without turning into a quivering puddle of lust aching for release, but she knew there was no way she was going to say no.

''Of course. I could use the company. That is, if you don't have other plans?''

''No, dear, my schedule is wide open for today. Will you wait for me downstairs while I grab a quick shower?''

Before Emma allowed inappropriate images of Regina's body under a spray of hot water to enter her mind she squeaked out a weak ''of course'' and left the brunette behind to gather her towel and unplug her iPhone.

She was not, most definitely not thinking about what else Regina could ''grab'' while in that shower. Geez, it was gonna be a looong day.

p.s.- should this continue there will certainly be some serious smut, just so y'all know ;)