He begins to move closer to me. My cells tingle in excitement. I must restrain myself as that smell wafts more and more into my nose and mouth. When he wraps his arms around my waist, the piece of doorframe I hold in my grip crumbles. Specks of dust float on Ciel and I, and for a second, it is a distraction from Ciel's warmth and scent. But as the wood particles settle, I refocus back onto my desire.

"Move." It is strained, and the words physically hurt me in more ways than one. I want him close to me, and he wants to be close to me, but there is another part of me, the demon I suppose I am now, that needs Ciel to stay with me. It is that part that scares me into repeating my order to my love.

He does as he is told, and we stand that way. Apart. Again, it is a struggle to not eliminate the distance between the two of us, and unconsciously, I step forward until I feel a hand on my chest. My eyes, enhanced from the metamorphosis, narrows in on Tanaka, and though I know he is a cherished companion of mine, my body becomes taunt. As if he is some threat to me. His eyes and statue reflects the same thing.

"Tanaka?" I hear Ciel quietly interject.

"Mey-Rin. Watch over Ciel. Sebastian and I are heading over to the Church," Tanaka announces, and she materializes and stands behind my charge. She has a gun out.

"Yes, sir." She replies as Tanaka removes his hand from me. He turns around and walks out of the house, and I follow him, sensing in the air that I should. He and Mey-Rin are on alert.

We enter a car, and he drives us back to my home. "How is your shoulder?" He asks. I feel that he knows the answer before I give it.

"It's healed." He nods. "Do you know?"

"Something has changed. I had talked to Ciel briefly before you came out of the room. He didn't specify what has changed within you, but he is scared."

"Of me?" I whisper. Of course, he would be. I am a demon, after all.

"For you." Tanaka says and maybe that is even worse. How could he not be scared of me? I am dangerous, and my new self seems to think that Ciel is not my love but something else entirely. I am a creature, not a human, and yet, he is not frightened by me? Have I tainted the boy to the point where judgement and rationality cease to exist? Is he protecting me with his love, or is he killing himself with it?

I'm torn. Conflicted that he is not aware of the danger I present and relived that he still views me as Father Sebastian and not Demonic Sebastian.

"But you know to fear me, don't you, my friend?"

"I do." That is all he says. We drive in silence until we arrive at the holy institute. The shattered windows are the first thing I notice as I step out of the car. I slowly walk up the path that leads to the Church, and before I step across the threshold, I hesitate. It has been depicted that demons were not allowed to enter a holy sanction. It would burn them to be graced by God's presence in any form, so if what I have seen were to be true, wouldn't I be unable to enter the house of the Lord?

"Come," Tanaka commands as he walks into the Church. I remain unscathed as I follow him, and I consider this a good sign that maybe all is not lost to me. Maybe I am not as condemned as I previously thought.

The pews are riddled with bullet holes, and the wooden floors are stained red. Though I know that people have died here, I can smell the stench of death more than I can see it. Simultaneously, I feel saddened and a smidge of approval. I know that the feeling comes from the reassurance that the blood coating the ground is not Ciel's…and from the sadistic demon festering inside—no, the demon that is I.

"There is a lot to do. Construction will begin later in the day. I am sure your quarters are untouched from the mayhem, so you will be staying here for the meantime. Hopefully, you can remain in peace," Tanaka explains, and my shoulders hunch over. It is not his words that have me bracing myself; it is an unknown presence that is lurking in the aforementioned quarters.

"Stay." I hiss the command to my companion, and I move at a speed that no human will ever be capable of obtaining. Though I am scared of my supernatural ability, I let the urge to eliminate any sense of danger take over. My sight is taken over by black, but it is fine. My other senses make for that. I know precisely where the intruder is based on smell.

I grab the man by the throat, but I don't flex my fingers, knowing, instinctively, that if I were to do so, I would kill the man effortlessly. I would kill him without effort and without care. I would take pleasure in it, too.

"Father, I can't breathe!" I hear the wisp of a voice as the boy, not man, gasps out for me. I let go. My vision clears. I see Finnian rubbing his throat, and again, I feel regret. I indulge in the feeling, as it is an indicator that I still live.

"I'm sorry, my son." I mean it. "I thought it was…I am sorry."

"It's fine. We need to be cautious," he tries to comfort me, which explains the scent radiating off him. Like something overtly sweet with just a brush of something else. Delicious, I would assume, but it doesn't even compare to Ciel nor would any other come close. While Finnian reminded me of cotton candy that was burnt at a small part, Ciel is something entirely other. Like the finest dark chocolate. So dark and bitter that it is sweet. Or maybe so sweet that it became dark and bitter.

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts to focus on the present. "Even so, I should have not reacted the way I did."

"I see you have met your disciple, Sebastian. He will be learning from you here."

With Tanka's words, I really see Finnian's appearance. The once strawberry blonde hair he had is gone. Replaced with this teal color that holds a special place in my heart, if I had one, which I am not quite sure if I have. His eyes, more greenish than blue, were different as well. His irises were a poor imitation of Ciel's.

"What is going on?" I ask, disconcerted at his altered state.

"Provisions." This all Tanaka says as he leaves.