Garrus woke slowly, hearing a soft cry coming from somewhere in the house. He turned to look at Jane's sleeping body and debated on waking her up. Thinking better of it, he rolled off the bed and slowly made his way into Lisa's room. Pushing the door open, he saw the small girl curled under the bed shaking in fear.

"What's wrong little one?" he asked crouching down to peek at her.

Lisa lets out a soft sob and rushed into his arms, tiny legs wrapped around his waist and even tinier arms around his neck. She continued to cry softly into his cowl as he patted her back awkwardly moving to the rocking chair in the corner of the room. He settles her down tucking the small girl into his chest crooning softly. Without him knowing he suddenly began humming a turian lullaby his mother sang to him as a child. Lisa hiccuped and nuzzled into his neck, her eyes drifting as she falls asleep in his arms.

Jane rolls over, feeling cold without Garrus' heat. She climbed out of bed slowly making her way towards the kitchen. Finding it empty, she headed back towards the bedrooms and slowly pushes the door to her daughter's room open. She let out a small gasp staring at Garrus fast asleep holding Lisa in his arms.

Garrus' eyes immediately flashed open noticing Jane.

He gave a sheepish grin while trying to hide his embarrassed face, "hey, ya caught me."

"I did, so what's going on here?" Jane gave a soft chuckle.

He grinned as he snuggled the girl closer to his chest, "she was crying, under her bed. I went to check it out and she just rushed to me and clung on me like a pyjak."

"Oh I see...don't move," Jane quickly pulled up her omni-tool snapping a picture.

Garrus' face lit up with an embarrassed expression, "You better not show that to anyone! You'll ruin my reputation!"

As Garrus protested Lisa twitched in his arms.

"Heheh, shoosh, be quiet, you'll wake her up," she leaned over kissing his mandible. "I'll go make us breakfast, just hang on to her ok?"

He nodded and smiled before closing his eyes again.

Garrus hands Nihlus a dextro beer and settling into the chair next to the Spectre.

"So have you thought about your own Spectre candidacy?" Nihlus asked as he took a long draught of the beer.

Garrus let out a grunt as his eyes focused on the little girl sitting by a tree digging into the dirt with a plastic shovel and pail.

Nihlus grew a faint smile, "You'll only be gone for six months, probably less considering what you've already been through."

"Six months away from Jane and Lisa..." Garrus grunted again, closing his eyes briefly.

'Jane's warm body, that glow she has. The way she looks up at me and smiles...Lisa, the way she shadows my footsteps staring at me with those impossibly large curious eyes.' he shook his head ruefully and sighed.

"You should go for it Garrus," Jane said entering from the doorway.

Garrus looked with an awe of shock.

"What? Don't look so surprised, you said you wanted to do some good for the galaxy and being a Spectre seems close enough," she laughs moving towards Garrus climbing on his lap.

He placed a hand possessively around her waist and gave it a light squeeze, nuzzling the side of her neck. She leaned in close lightly nuzzling him back as he lets out a soft growl.

"Are you sure Jane? It is six months..." he murmured quietly.

"We'll be fine, Thane lives here on the Citadel, James and Liara are next door and I'm pretty sure I can take care of both Lisa and I," she pressed against his forehead staring into his eyes.

His subharmonics sing briefly of jealousy at the mention of the drell but he squashes it before Nihlus caught on. The Spectre throws him an amused glance and shakes his head, mandibles flickering briefly against his cheek plates.

"I'll think about it," he sighs as Jane gives Nihlus a small nod.

"It won't happen for a while, you two have only been bonded for a few months. The Council can wait," Nihlus finished off his beer. "I'll stay in touch, Vakarian," he nodded to them before departing.

Garrus' thumb traced lazy circles on Jane's side as the two continue to watch the little girl in the distance.


"Hm?" she responded somewhat distracted

"Is there something going on between you and the drell?" his hand rested on her waist giving a final squeeze.

Jane lets out a soft laugh and shook her head, "Really Vakarian?" she turned her body straddling him to stare into his eyes. "You're going to ask me that?"

"Well, you two seem awfully close..." he searched her face carefully.

Jane leans down lightly pressing her forehead against his before pressing her lips against his mouth plates.

She let out a soft sigh, her fingers lightly rubbing small circles against the leather of his neck, "He's been there for me after Kaidan died. He seemed to show up every place my crew would have shore leave but no, nothing like that. I've done a few sorties with him here and there but nothing else. You have nothing to worry about, Garrus," she said softly before pressing her lips against his again.

"Good," he growls pulling her closer into his arms, hands sliding to her hips eliciting a small groan from her lips.

Jane slid down slowly, a wicked smile flashed across her face as his hands tightening around her hips to pull her closer.

"Mmm, Jane..."

"Mommy?" Lisa's voice broke the lusty haze surrounding them, "There's a man over there," Lisa pointed towards the bushes bordering their house.

Jane and Garrus quickly jumped to their feet. Jane tossed an orb of biotic energy at the bushes causing a reporter to fly into the air. Garrus took quick aim with his sniper rifle and shot the video drone floating by the reporters head.

"Son of a bitch, you mother fuckers are going to pay for my camera!" the reporter shouted before he fell to the ground with a thud. The reporter took off running, curses filling the air behind him.

"Mommy why was that man taking pictures?" Lisa questioned.

Jane smiles, and ruffles the girl's curls, "Because sweetie, they want pictures of the cutest and luckiest little girl in the galaxy," Jane lightly tapped Lisa's nose.

The little girl gave a big bright smile as she made her way into the house. Jane rested her head against Garrus' cowl and let out a soft growl of frustration.

"That's the third reporter this week. James and Liara have already left to visit Thessia. Maybe we should take a trip to Palavan or maybe Earth?" Garrus murmurs, his hands roaming Jane's back.

She planted a soft kiss along the edge of his cowl, "Probably not a good idea on both, how about we head to Elysium? I heard its a vacation hot spot for a lot of the Council races. Should be safe enough there."

"Sounds good," Garrus checked his omni-tool looking at the dates, "We could leave in two days at the earliest...still, it does bother me..."

Jane rested her head against Garrus', "It's ok, eventually it'll blow over"

"I just don't want her going to the academy with people staring at her because of her turian 'father'. The galaxy can be vicious, humans and turians alike."

"Do you regret us?"

Garrus looked up at Jane then turned to the little girl playing in the house, "Not a chance, you two are the best things to happen in my life."

Jane gave a warm smile, "If we take my ship we can be there tonight, in Elysium. I'm sure the remainder of my crew would love a vacation too," Jane stood up to stretch as her body quivered with excitement.

"Fine, but I'm not paying for their drinks. I've seen how much that small, angry biotic can drink."

A/N: Que the "Awwww". Hope you enjoyed this chapter, there is more to come...I wonder what is going to happen at Elysium? *grins*