"The Council is finally taking Humanity seriously! We all know what is at stake and we must play nice with them or we will be doomed!" Ambassador Udina yelled at Captain Anderson.

"By forcing her to marry one of them?! Are you crazy? How long do you think it would take before they're at each others throats? One of them killed her fucking husband!" Anderson yelled back, his fist clenched tightly.

"They want the best of what Humanity can offer. And she is it. She will do her duty to the Alliance. She knows her place!" Udina growled out through clenched jaws.

Commander Jane Shepard was someone not to be taken lightly, decorated to the gills in medals and honors, she had accomplished more than any two Alliance officers combined considering her spotty history in regards to one broken reg that caused her to leave the military life for a short period of time.

"You want me to what?" she said softly, staring daggers into Udina's face.

"Look Commander, if there was any other way for the Council to finally lend a hand we would have taken it. But one of their scientists did some digging into Earth's history and latched on to arranged marriages to end conflict. They requested the top male and female of the Alliance Military." Anderson said softly, his eyes focused on Udina's face.

"What about Major Williams? She got promoted shortly after..."

"She's dead. Her whole platoon wiped out."

Jane paled slightly and shook her head.

"You do realize..."

"And that is why Udina chose you." Anderson bit out.

"Oh you fucking shit head." Jane said taking a step towards the Ambassador.

"Where is she?" she growled eyes narrowed with menace.

"Classified." Udina said smugly, not realizing the danger he was in.

Anderson placed a restraining hand on Jane's arm, drawing her attention towards him.

"I'm really sorry about this, Jane you know I am. But..."
"I know." she sighed her shoulders slumping slightly.

"When? And who?" she asked Anderson.

Udina let out a soft chuckle and smirked.

"They're on their way here right now." He said, pulling out his Omni-Tool he summoned his assistant.

"Help Commander Shepard get dressed." he said pointing to the nervous assistant that showed up.

Jane froze, and tugged her dress blues down her chest. Her eyes focused on Anderson as he gently shook his head.

"Don't even think about it." He mouthed causing her to smirk slightly.

She let out another sigh as she followed the assistant out the room.

-line break-

Garrus Vakarian followed close behind the Primarch as they strode through the Human Embassy. He studied the humans that seemed to cower from the two turians and sneered.

"You do understand your duty to the Hierarchy, we can not ignore the Council's orders." Primarch Victus said casually.

"I understand my duty. It doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Well, I'm sure you will like this. The female is none other than your arch nemesis Commander Jane Shepard."

Garrus drew back with a growl, as images flashed on his visor, the taunting fights they've had on the battlefield. They were evenly matched which was saying alot considering she was human AND a woman.

"Is the Council crazy?"

"Blame that Asari scientist Dr. Liara T'Soni, she did research on Earth's history and strongly believes that arranging the marriage between two opposing factions would stop a war."

"She's only 106 years old, and she's trying to romanticize a war?!"

"If it makes you feel any better, she is getting paired with the male counterpart. A Commander James Vega."

Garrus growled low in his throat and rubbed a hand across the back of his neck.

"As I said, I'll do it. And I'll try not to kill her."

"That is all we ask."

-line break-

'Oh Kaidan...' she breathed softly, her hand going to the locket around her neck.

"Look Ma'am you have to put the dress on now." the assistant nervously gestured towards the white dress draped across the bed.

She tugged off her dress blues and slowly slipped into the white dress. Her mind drifted to the past, the last time she wore something like this was before Lisa was born. Kaidan Alenko had been her subordinate, her lover and her best friend. When she had told him she was pregnant, he insisted on doing the right thing. And she had agreed, she gave up her command and moved to civilian life with slight ease. She encouraged him to stay in the military while she lived on the base with their child. Despite his busy schedule he had made plenty of time for them.

Till the day he died. Tears formed in her eyes as she remembered the day Captain Anderson arrived on her doorstep, carrying the Alliance Flag along with the box containing the Star Of Terra and his dog tags.

"Ma'am...They're waiting for you." the assistant said softly with pity lacing her voice.

Jane nodded, and pulled on the dainty white heeled shoes on to her feet. She strode back into the room, holding up the side of her dress to prevent her from stepping on it. Her eyes rounded in shock as she took in the two turians standing next to Captain Anderson.

"Garrus Vakarian, or should I call you Archangel?" she hissed, her hand balling into her dress.

"Commander Jane Shepard. A pleasure to meet you." he sneered, his eyes studying her form.

She took hasty steps towards Anderson and grabbed his arm.

"Is this the Council's way of a sick twisted joke?" she asked softly causing Garrus to chuckle.

"For once I'm in agreement with you." he smirked.

"Shush now, the Council is calling." Udina said with an ugly sneer on his face causing both Garrus and Jane to narrow their eyes at him.

"Jane you stand here, and Garrus you stand next to her."

"Wait, does this mean I have to get a tattoo on my face?" Jane asked causing both turians to turn and stare at her.

"What? It came with the knowledge on how to easily kill your kind." she smirked, her eyebrow raised over one bright green eye causing them to growl softly.

"No, you don't not on your face...maybe somewhere more personal." Garrus drawled, his talon lightly tracing the skin of her cheek causing her to blush.

"Ahem. Children if you two are done baiting each other we would like to begin the ceremony." Udina pointed out while lightly buffering his nail against his sleeve.

"Can we have a minute?" Jane asked, shocking the group. "I want to talk to him alone. And don't worry, I'm not armed." she teased as she tugged him towards the room where she changed.

She took a step away from him and ran her fingers through her red hair causing it to fall in her face.

"Are we really going to let the Council do this to us?" she asked softly, turning to look up at him.

"We have no choice, I'm under the impression you're being forced as well?" he asked arms across his chest.

"Oh forced is to put it mildly, Udina is out right blackmailing me." she said with a sneer, her arm gesturing out the door.

"What do you mean?" he said softly, his voice suddenly cold.

She let out another sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly before she turned to face him.

"Don't worry about it. But since we're going through with this, is there something I need to do? For us humans we kiss with our lips, what do you turians do? We might as well play along and figure out what to do afterwards."

Her question took him by surprise, mutely he took a step towards her and placed his talons on her arms causing her to flinch slightly and look up at him.

"We...uh...we do this." he said softly tilting his head down towards hers and pressing his forehead against hers.

With his talon, he lightly tugged at the neck of her dress and traced the curve of her shoulder and neck.

"And I will have to mark you right here." he said, his voice whispered, sending slight shivers down her spine.

She takes a step back and critically eyes his neck, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"And I guess, I'll have to do the same?" she asks, her hand reaching up and lightly feeling his neck.

"That's going to be a problem..." she said with a smile as she opened her mouth slightly, showing her blunt white teeth.

"Just bite reaaaaallly hard." he smirks and covers her hand with his.

She tosses him a smile as her hand drifts to her locket. He studies the movement and touches her cheek.

She took a step back and nodded thoughtfully, before quickly leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his lip plates.

"Okay, think we got this...Lets head back out there." she said while walking back towards the office.

She paused at the door, and waited for Garrus to catch up with her, she wrapped an arm around him towards the waiting brass.

"Hey Lola!" James called out as they walked into the room.

"James!" she said with excitement tinting her voice, causing Garrus to turn his attention on the human male as James wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug.

"Look's like we're gettin hitched eh, Lola?" he looked around with curiosity on his face.

"Where is...?"

Jade turned quickly to look at him, anger and rage flicked briefly across her face.

"Classified." she said, while looking pointedly at Udina's smug face.

"Are you shitting me? Does he know?" he flicked his eyes towards Garrus.

"No. Well maybe. I didn't get a chance to ask him." she said nervously.

Garrus quirked a brow ridge and stared pointedly at her causing her to give him a small nervous smile.

Seeing an asari standing behind James, Jane quickly moved out of his arms and turned her attention to the woman.

"Jane, this is Liara, my wife now I guess." James said with slight confusion on his face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Jane said warmly, reaching for the Asari's hand.

"Likewise." Liara gushed as she pulled Jane into a hug and softly whispered in her hear.

"I'm really sorry..."

Jane hugged her back tightly and whispered.

"It's okay..."

The two pulled back and smiled.

Udina let out a loud pointed cough, gathering the attention of everyone in the room.

"The Council is waiting for us to begin the ceremony. Captain, I'm sure you'll do the honors?" he asked while pointing to a spot on the ground.

"Stand here, and the two of you will stand in front of him."

Garrus reached for Jane's arm and lead her to stand in front of Anderson.

The vidcomm flickered to life as the three Councilors took their spots.

Jane turned to look mutely up at Garrus as he gave her a turian smile.

Anderson struggled to keep the sadness from his voice as he watched Jane take her place beside Garrus. He felt pain lace his heart as he remembered her first wedding ceremony which he had also performed for her and Kaidan.

"Jane...face Garrus and repeat after me. James? I believe you have the rings?"
"Yeah, I do." he said pulling two boxes from his pants pocket.

"Okay now Jane?"

"I know what I'm going to say..." she said softly, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

"I Jane Shepard, take you Garrus Vakarian, to be my husband, in equal love, as a mirror for my true Self, as a partner on my path, to honor and to cherish in sorrow and in joy, till death do us part." her voice soft as a silent tear coursed down her cheek.

Garrus leaned close and lightly nuzzled her cheek with his hand, wiping the tear away from her face.

"I Garrus Vakarian, take you, Jane Shepard, to be my wife, in equal love, as a mirror for my true Self, as a partner on my path, to honor and to cherish in sorrow and in joy, till death do us part." he whispered softly, keeping his attention on her face.

"James? The rings?" Anderson reached for the rings and handed the boxes to the both of them, Jane opened hers and smiled at the simple gold band as she reached for Garrus' hand to slip it onto his talon.

"Might be uncomfortable but you don't have to wear it." she said with a smile.

Garrus shrugged as he opened the box in his hand and pulled out her band, and slowly slid it up her finger.

"Satisfied?" Jane said with a sneer on her voice as she turned her attention on Udina.

"Sure, but it is not done yet is it?" He asked Primarch Victus.

Victus gestured for Jane and Garrus to stand in front of him.

Garrus reached for her hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"Jane repeat after me." Garrus said gently a soft rumble in his voice.

"Quando tu Gaius, ego Gaia."

She repeated the words, feeling something build in her chest, her eyes widened as Garrus leaned close and tugged the collar of her dress. Revealing her neck and slowly sank his teeth into it, marking her as his. Her blood tasting oddly sweet on his tongue, he let go and stared down at her face. Fierce green eyes glittered up at him as she gave him a slight pained smile.

He sank to his knees in front of her, turning his face away baring his neck. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and placed a soft kiss on his neck before she opened her mouth and bit his neck.

"A bit harder..." He whispered quietly, as he felt her blunt teeth attempt to pierce the skin. He felt her nod and an increase of pressure, finally breaking the skin of his neck and his blue blood flooded her mouth.

She let go, and lightly wiped at the blue blood on her chin and lips, she turned to look around the room.

"Hey Lola you okay?" James asked as he handed her a napkin.

"Yeah. Hey James did you know Turian blood tastes a bit spicy?" she joked as she smirked at Garrus.

"Good to know, Lola." he said worriedly as Jane wavered slightly and leaned heavily against Garrus' side.

"Allergic reaction?" James asked turning her attention to Garrus.

"No, turian's mate for life. It is the side effect of their essences combining. She will be fine shortly." Primarch Victus said curiously as he studied Jane's pale face.

"Congratulations to you both." The Councilors intoned as they nodded their approval.

"We will require updates on how the four of you are handling your union." Councilor Valern nodded as the vidcomm blinked out.

"Now if you two will come over here, you just need to sign your names and we're done." Udina smirked.

"And for the other matter?" Jane said icily as she took a step towards Udina.

"Will taken care of in the next few days. Enjoy your honeymoon, Shepard." He sneered dismissing her.

Jane's eye twitched erratically as she took another step towards him, she drew her fist back and punched him across the face. Garrus quickly pulled her into his arms and looked down at her.

"You probably shouldn't have done that, Jane." Anderson said with a smirk.

"Yeah well, he deserves it. Make sure..." she said softly.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he keeps his end of the bargain, just take the next few days to settle and get to know your husband." Anderson said gesturing at Garrus.

Jane nodded and turned away to walk out the door.