Notes: Was inspired by the awesome writing out there.
Break the Silence By Atheniandream
Chapter One –
This was one event that Harvey Specter had refused to take a date to. Hell, he'd have taken Mike if Rachel hadn't needed someone to accompany her in her own duties. And Jessica wasn't the sort of woman you had on your arm, she was far too happy to remain solo.
Unfortunately, as he'd been later than expected he hadn't even been able to sit with either Jessica or Mike, who could be found way in front, three rows down from the frontline. He was stuck in the 9th row, wedged between an elderly lady and a corporate looking couple. Not wanting to draw attention to himself he had remained, feeling completely out of place with people whose names he had never heard and cared very little to learn.
He felt exposed; the ceilings were so high and overpowering that they made him want to apologize for things that he didn't even know he'd done wrong. He had never been a man of particular faith; but these places seemed to bring out a sense of occasion; a rite of passage. Just sitting in here made you analyse every single moment of your life with an annoying amount of clarity.
He noticed the Groom at the front, seeming very calm and centred for a man about to give his life away. He wasn't sure what he'd felt towards the guy, whose name he couldn't quite remember, having never really met him. She'd almost made it a game to make sure they were very separate in her life. But that didn't mean the guy hadn't heard of him. He supposed that was all that really mattered. It felt odd that it was him who was sitting in a church, alone amongst a room full of almost strangers. The thought of it was sobering.
Everyone started to stand, shuffling out of their seats causing him to follow as the regal cellist tucked in the corner started to play. She must have saved the jazz for the reception...
First in was Rachel in a very tasteful gown; long with olive and champagne beaded detail arcing over one shoulder, leading the way for the other bridesmaids - of whom he had also never met - who glided quietly down the aisle after her.
The Cello stilled for second, an inopportune clench asserted itself from within his stomach making his jaw tense as the music started up again.
He wasn't, truth be told, ready for any this.
In the past six months he had avoided asking her what dress she'd picked out. Mostly because he shouldn't care and half because he didn't care, but now he couldn't form a thought over it. She was very…dainty, the champagne silk falling down around her form, haltered around the neck with a clinched in emerald beaded waist and dramatic waves of hair coming down over one shoulder. The only thought he could form was that of course she'd chosen not to wear a veil, instead choosing a fascinator with bottle green and gold detail and a sprig of emerald coloured feathers coming out the side.
He'd seen that at her desk one day, hiding in a bag. He'd known what it had been for but never wanted to ask about it, just like the list of jobs she had been steadily working through over the past month or two; from flowers to tastings – he'd been involved in that to some degree, until things had turned awkward for some reason and she hadn't asked again – to the invitations and reception details. Everything to do with the wedding had coursed through the office at some point, with little to no focus being brought upon it, like she had all the power of a stealthy wedding Ninja.
He had supposed that until this point, it wasn't really happening. Donna had been engaged so many times that it was always a casual joke between them; in the past she'd shown her ring off and he'd poked fun about how long it would take until she'd have to give it back. But she'd never shown him this ring, he had to ask about it for her to say anything and that had alerted him to change he wasn't ready for.
Instant Red Flag.
As she started walking down the aisle she must have noticed him, because her expression changed, eyes wide for just a second until she checked herself smiling softly but seeming to hold on tighter to her dad as she passed him. He liked her Dad, but he couldn't help but feel as if he was receiving a small glare from the man.
Suddenly his world narrowed; a thudding coming in his ears as the Priest started speaking. The thudding got louder and louder, causing a dull pain to creep into the side of his head making the room feel like it was one fire.
'If anyone knows of any reason why these two should not be joined in Matrimony-'
Suddenly he realised.
This was it, this was the moment.
He wasn't the kind of guy to do something stupid. Harvey Specter wasn't really a grand gestures kind of man.
He'd never thought about life without her, really without her. Never thought about what it would be like for her to have an obligation, a serious and binding obligation to a man that wasn't him. A reason to go home early or even on time, to not be able to work certain days; the things that regular people their age have that neither of them had found until this point. He didn't even know if it was selfish and completely self-serving or if he'd be saving her. But If he didn't say something now, he would never be able to for the rest of time and right now it felt like it would kill him if he didn't. If he said something now then come hell or high water this would be his only chance. He wasn't ready to understand what it meant, but he was going to have to do this.
"I Object." He said, slowly standing up.
He knew this was going to go terribly for a whole Church full of people when at least 98 percent of them turned around to glare at him. Even the woman sat next to him moved away to get a better view of the trainwreck that was about to unfold.
"And what is your reason, Gentleman in the back?" The Priest asked, trying to regain his composure beside two very shocked people.
His eyes flickered to Donna's, who looked like a mixture of angry and… No, she was pure anger, bubbling out towards him.
Suddenly, Donna interrupted any chance for an answer, turning to her Groom. "Can I just have a few minutes? 'Side Bar'?" She asked, features softening at the man stood balk straight opposite her.
The guy just stared at Harvey for a second, putting two and two together as to who he was; seeming to take in every inch of him from his hair to his perfectly pressed suit and his tight jawed expression. To add insult to injury his eyes caught Jessica's, who merely shook her head at him in pure distain. He'd be hearing about this on Monday, perhaps even Sunday...
"There's a room on the left there, my dear." The old man replied.
At least the Priest seemed to be taking it well. Harvey supposed that this possibly happened here quite frequently. What a way to make an impression.
"I'll be right back," She muttered to her Groom. Rachel jumped out of the line beside her, possibly offering help with her dress but Donna stilled her with a hand, eyes sharp before starting to walk back down the aisle.
Feeling the impulse to join her, he ushered quietly past the unamused couple into the aisle. As he joined her she looked at him, a mixture of sharp annoyance and something else, like at any moment she was going to slap him. It was like staring a bull straight in the eyes whilst the horns grazed your cheeks.
He let her through the small arched door, waiting until her flurry of fabric had made it through before shutting the door.
The moment he turned his face to meet hers it was met with a sharp sting, her hand contacting his jaw roughly. For a second she just stood there, breathing heavily, chest lifting in fast puffs. He didn't move from the spot but collected himself, trying not to notice how that dress made her breasts look.
"I deserved that…" He started.
"What are you doing Harvey, this is my Wedding Wedding Day! Do you understand that?"
"Donna, I know this is badly timed,"
"Badly timed… are you fricking kidding me?"
"Donna," He whined. It suddenly felt like he was back on that street a year ago trying to win her back all over again.
"Why?" She gestured wildly. "Why now, of all the times did you feel the need to embarrass me in front of my, our co-workers? Not to mention my friends, my family and most of all, my Fiancé?"
This was starting to feel like a horrendous idea as he watched her continue to over gesticulate. But like all bad ideas once the ball has run off it isn't always easy getting it back.
"I know, and I'm sorry but if I didn't do this now, today, then I would never be able to...I can't live with that, Donna; you can't marry that guy."
The words hit her like a block of sand; she regained her breath like the wind had been knocked out of her. He watched, still unmoved from his spot, too scared to go near her, not necessarily for fear of her slapping him again, but of having to restrain her, and getting too close to wanting to cross a line with her in that dress picked out for a man who wasn't him. It seemed sordid somehow, however swanlike she looked.
Her eyes were sharp, hands on her hips, gaze measuring him. "Why?" She asked; a demanding edge to her words. She wanted an answer. She wanted an answer now. The seconds trickled away from him.
The pounding in his head started to build again, and he had vague worry that this was it, that he'd have a stroke or a heart attack and then she really would be the death of him. He was pretty sure he wouldn't have it any other way, but the question, the question she needed an answer to was one of the few he had never uttered an answer to.
A sneer appeared at the corner of her lips, as though he was out of time and she'd clearly had enough, gathering her skirt. "You can't even say it can you? You're unbelievable… just go home, Harvey. I don't want you here."
With that, she left him standing in the small cloister room as the door clanked against the hardwood. He followed slowly, remaining at the back of the congregation as she uttered her apologies to everyone, avoiding Rachel's worried gaze as the service continued.
The thudding in his head started throb once more. This was it. It was like watching someone burn down the home he never realised he had. Like someone was dowsing it in gasoline and lighting it all with a devilish smile whilst forcing him to watch. She had told him to go. That she didn't want him there, but somehow his feet weren't moving in a rare moment where cowardice and stubbornness seemed at odds with one another.
His ears focused back into the events unfolding over the drumming still fighting his senses, catching in his throat.
"Repeat after me, I Carl Markus Thompson," Said the Priest.
"I Carl Markus Thompson," The Man repeated.
"Take Donna Elizabeth Paulsen,"
"Take Donna Elizabeth Paulsen,"
"To be my lawful wedded Wife,"
"To be my lawful wedded Wife,"
"To have and to hold from this day forward,"
"To have and to hold from this day forward,"
"To Love and cherish till death do us part,"
"To love and cherish till death do us part." Carl finished, watched the slightly younger man analyse her face, her seemingly cool exterior and his smile small growing on his face as he found his answer.
The Priest turned to Donna, whose attention pulled slowly away from the platinum ring on her left hand that seemed to have her mesmerised.
"Donna, please repeat after me, I, Donna Elizabeth Paulsen,"
The congregation held their breath at her silence. You could feel the tension, thick and palpable hanging in the air.
His heart all but stopped.
She shook her head quickly. "I can't do this." She muttered, her dark eyes looking frantic for a second, until they rested on her would-be Groom's.
"I'm sorry Carl," She started, voice fading as she felt the need to balk like a stallion rising, like the bile in her stomach, like erratic lighting. He watched her swiftly walk down the middle of the aisle, fast approaching. His mouth opened, words almost forming until a resounding slap collided with his face once more.
All he saw was red and white as he looked on after her, the doors banging shut in her wake.
This could have gone so much better…
'And it's a perfect day to leave this place
It's a perfect day to hide in my own home
It's a perfect day and it's taking its toll
It's a perfect day to waste away
Your perfect part to play
Just another perfect day
But before you know, it's gone ' 'Perfect Day' – The Constellations.
I couldn't help myself.
At jobs they rule but I feel like they both completely fail in their personal lives… Exhibit A.