Ha! I finished it! *Cheers go up all around* After about two months, I finally finished it! I wasn't intending it to take two months, but life decided to make it hard on me and I got a bit of writers block and then fanfiction stopped working and then I went away to Kansas for a week last week for a CAP encampment (more on that in the A/N at the end). This was also a whole lot longer than I was originally going to do, but it just didn't want to end. I'm also really happy since this is the longest I have ever made a chapter or one-shot. Lol long one-shot is long.

I know, I know. Christmas has passed as well as the New Years. But I still want to put this up number 1: because of how long it took (stupid thing didn't want to end); and number two: It's never to late to celebrate the Christmas or New Years. Not to mention how much time I put into this to try and set it up so it will still go along with the main story without any inconsistency's in later chapters.

!WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! ALSO FLUFF AHEAD! I don't think anyone really cares though since everyone loves the fluffiness...

[{Comm link}] - Name of sender

([Private comm link]) - Name of sender

:;:Creator-creation bond:;:

;-;Sibling bond;-;

/;/Trine bond.\;\

Christmas and New Years With The Odd Dysfunctional Family.

Christmas. A time of giving. A time of peace and hope. A time of joy. A time when children are laughing as they play in the snow and go inside and are met with cups of hot cocoa. A time when everyone is happy.

For me, Christmas is a time to get to see family I haven't seen in forever. Interact with them and then get on their nerves since we're all stuck with each other for a few days. We also love to gloat about our achievements in the past year and try to see who was the better. And since this time I haven't been turned into a sparkling (it's a long story), I get to introduce the Autobots to the joys of the season.

Arriving at the beach house my family owned on the Washington state coast, I was happy to see most of my family already here and my cousins playing outside while the adults were most likely inside talking. Though that didn't mean any of the kids saw the odd convoy driving down the driveway.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker being their usual selves decided on helping everyone know we were here by revving their high performance engines loudly. Heads snapped to look at us so fast, I was afraid there might be some damage done.

I looked over to Sideswipe's holoform with a smirk. "Showoff," I said to him as he pulled to a stop.

Sideswipe grinned and winked at me. "Just for you, sweetspark."

Sideswipe cut his engine and got out. I moved to follow, but he tightened his seat belt around me and held me in place. I rose an eyebrow at his dash, but didn't question it. His door then swung open and there stood his handsome holoform. The seat belt unclicked, allowing me to take Sideswipe's outstretched hand and stand up out of his alt.

"Flower!" A little voice called out. I turned and saw the small form of Beverly running toward me. I knelt down and held my arms out. She ran into me and wrapped her little arms around my neck and allowed me to wrap my arms around her and easily pick her up. "Hi, Uncle Sides!" She giggled as she reached out to pat Sideswipe's Lamborghini alt.

I couldn't help but blush as all the Autobot's engines rumbled with amusement. I didn't correct her though since I gave up a while ago on telling her he and Sunstreaker would just be cousins.

"Hey, Bev," Sideswipe grinned as I let him take her into his arms. "Have you been good? 'Cause apparently if you were bad, then someone named Santa won't bring you any presents."

"I be good! I be good!" She practically screeched. Both Sideswipe and I grinned at her as Sunstreaker walked over with a small smile on his equally handsome holoform. Beverly saw him and screeched as she thrust her arms out to him. "Uncle Sunny!"

As Sunstreaker's holoform took her, everyone else's holoforms came up except for Max, Salina, and Dayton, but they were in their human forms like me. I turned to my family to see most of them still staring wide eyed at the Autobot's alts. Not that I could blame them, they were pretty nice. Though I made sure to only check out the two Lamborghini's since I knew they would be jealous if I checked any other car out. But that was kinda hard since I was a car and plane enthusiast and I couldn't help but admire a nice body when I saw one.

I felt something nudge me and looking down, I saw a large black panther. I reached over and petted it's head. It wasn't like I was afraid or anything. In fact, the panther was my feline of an adopted brother, Ravage. Ratbat sat on Ravage's back in his cute little bat form and clinging to Ravage's fur with his claws.

Ravage sent me a glare as I continued to pet him. I snapped my hand back and smiled apologetically. "Sorry."

He only grunted before looking to my family as my cousins started making their way over. "Are you sure they will accept us?" Ravage asked wearily as he watched my family.

"Of course!" I said as I reached down to pick up Ratbat and hold him to me. Ratbat latched his little claws onto my shoulders and also watched my family wearily. "It'll take a while though since you decided to take the form of a big cat and all. But knowing my family, so long as you don't do anything stupid, they'll warm right up to you. Just take Sides here for example." I grinned as Sideswipe protested.

Ravage only flicked an ear.

"Nice cars, Lily." My cousin, Matt, said as he eyed Sunstreaker's and Sideswipe's alts as well as Mirage's. "Where'd you get them?"

"Hello to you too and they're not mine." I told him.

Sideswipe cleared his throat. "Yes they are," he said as he pretended to cough. I leveled a glare at him, making Sideswipe grin innocently and Sunstreaker smirk.

We heard gagging behind us and turning, we saw it was Dayton gagging while was Salina frowning and Max was glaring. I sighed and shook my head as I moved toward the beach house.

"Kitty!" Beverly suddenly cried as she noticed Ravage.

I turned and watched with amusement as she lurched forward toward my brother forcing Sunstreaker to put her down so she doesn't fall. When everyone finally noticed Ravage, they moved away from him and gave him a wide berth. As soon as Beverly's feet were touching the ground, she ran up to a surprised Ravage and wrapped her little arms around his neck. Ravage looked to me with his ears pinned back and sent his questioning down the bond. I could only grin at his predicament.

"Relax, Rav', consider this a time to get on everyone's good side." I grinned as he let out a sigh and lowered his head to 'hug' Beverly.

I turned and headed back toward the house with most everyone following.

"Yo, Lily! Heads!" A voice shouted at me, making me cringe at the sound of my least favorite cousin mainly because he liked to throw things at me and try to get me to wrestle with him.

Sensors going off, I turned to my cousin, Danny, and easily dodged the football that was about to nail me in the head. I looked at Danny for a second before giving Ratbat to Max. I then turned away and calmly walked to the football. Picking it up, I turned it over in my hands a few times before I set my fingers in the proper places and positioning my body to throw the football. Turning back to Danny, I let a huge grin split my face as I reached back and snapped my arm forward and released the ball. I watched it arc and fall as it flew true and nailed him right where I was aiming.

Every guy and mech who was watching, even some of the girls, winced as the football hit. Danny paled and doubled over as he clutched his groin.

"Note to self," Rumble spoke up, "Never throw anything at Lily."

I watched as Danny lay there on the ground in the snow groaning with no sympathy. I turned and walked into the house and into the living room where the adults were talking.

"Honey! I'm home!" Max called as soon as he entered the room behind me. I grinned as everyone turned to look at him with surprise. I guess I forgot to tell them all about him... Oh well, now they all know.

"Max!" Our grandma Terry cried as she stood up from where she was sitting in a recliner. She rushed over and squeezed Max in a hug. She pulled back and held him at arms length as she studied him. "What happened to you and where have you been?"

"Some people attacked, looking for Lily, mom and dad told me to run and hide so that's what I did. Lily found me some time later and we both have been in protective custody for about a year and a half now." Max lied smoothly.

Grandma Terry could only sigh and pull him back into a hug. "Well I'm just glad you're okay." She pulled away for a second time and turned to me. "As for you missie, why weren't you here for last year?"

I froze and looked to where Sunstreaker and Sideswipe were standing quietly with my sisters. "Uh..." I said stupidly. Luckily Optimus came to my rescue.

"As Max stated," Optimus Prime spoke up as he stepped forward, "She was in protective custody and we couldn't risk her being found so we kept her at a safe house." I turned back to my grandma as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"And who might you be?" She asked carefully.

Sideswipe made his way over to me and slung his arm around my shoulders. "We're her guardians. My name's Sideswipe and Mr. Sun over their is my not so good looking twin, Sunny." He pointed to said holoform with his thumb flicked over his shoulder. He then pointed to Optimus Prime. "And that would be our boss, Prime."

Sunstreaker growled and moved forward and slapped Sideswipe upside the back of his head. Sideswipe turned and glared at his brother in return. He was about to say something when Max decided to intervene before either could do anything.

"Ladies, ladies. Please," He said as he stepped between my guardians, holding his hands up to them. "You're both beautiful." I couldn't help the giggle that escaped me. Both Sideswipe and Sunstreaker looked at Max for a second before they both reached over and slapped him on the back of the head in perfect sync.

"Oi! Why is it when Lily does that, you two never do anything, but when I do it, you both slap me?" Max said with an irritated huff.

"Because she's ou-" Sideswipe began.

"Anyways!" I shouted, interrupting him before he could finish that sentence. I turned back to family and saw they were watching our exchange with amusement. "I'm really happy to see all of you again and I would also like you all to meet my sisters." I turned to Salina and Dayton as they stepped up to my left side since Sideswipe was still standing with his arm over me on my right. "Everyone, this is Salina and Dayton." I motioned to each as I said their names.

Salina smiled and gave a little wave when her name was said while Dayton grinned and waved when I said her name.

Salina had white hair, almost a silver-ish color, bright blue eyes like the other Autobots and she was a few inches taller than me. She was thin but had muscles making her a bit thicker in her arms and calves, showing just how much she worked out. Salina also had an air of a warrior around her as well as a troublemaker by the glint in her eyes.

Dayton had blonde hair, almost to the point of yellow, and she too had bright blue eyes. Dayton was also taller than me, but by only an inch and a half. She was literally a twig with how thin she was despite how much she eats on a regular basis. Even though she was rather loud and rambunctious, Dayton was the quietest when it comes to being a sneak.

I smiled and leaned against Sideswipe's holoform as I watched them interact with my family.

The time flew by as I talked with my family and played outside in the snow with my cousins and some of the Autobots. I couldn't help but tease Ravage as I saw him carry around Beverly on his back. I laughed as I watched Danny flirt with Dayton but only resulting in him being tackled by Salina which of course turned into a wrestling match that he lost badly.

I laughed as me and my sisters tag teamed our caretaker by throwing snowballs at his holoform and alt. We laughed and scattered as Soundwave retaliated by stealthily collecting snow with his appendages and throwing the snow at us when we were least suspecting. Of course we got him back. I warped my sisters high into the atmosphere when no one was looking and from there we transformed into our alts. Salina in her silver with white highlights Northrop Grumman x-47b drone plane and Dayton in her yellow with white highlights Predator drone plane.

From there, I warped us into the mountains where Dayton and I collected snow and gave it to Salina so she could pack it down so it wouldn't come apart. Once we were certain we got enough snow, I warped us back high above the beach house, making sure to hide above the low clouds that threatened us with snow. With quick calculations, Salina dropped the huge chunk of snow. Grabbing onto my sisters and transforming back down to our human forms, I warped us back down to earth.

The three of us grinned as we walked back to where everyone was still playing in the snow.

"There you are," Sideswipe called as he ran up to us, Sunstreaker right behind. "Where'd you guys go?"

My sisters and I looked at each other before looking back at my guardians with matching grins. "Nowhere." We said together.

Just then, there was a loud thump! and a car alarm started going off, though it sounded muffled. We all turned to see who was sounding their alarm. Dayton, Sarina and I burst out laughing as soon as we saw Soundwave's vehicle mode completely covered in snow to the point where you couldn't even tell there was ever was a car there and his very surprised looking holoform stood not to far away. Sideswipe burst out laughing and had to lean on me to keep his balance while Sunstreaker only chuckled and shook his head.

All around us, the Autobots holoforms were either laughing or shaking their heads with smiles on the faces. My brothers of course were laughing their afts off, rolling around in the snow.

Eventually everyone calmed down and I along with my sisters were forced to get all the snow that covered our caretaker off. Since we had to dig him out by hand, by the time we were done, it was dark out and lightly snowing. We rushed inside to were it was warm and we were greeted to cups of Grandma Terry's homemade hot cocoa.

Looking to where Ratchet's holoform was, I silently asked if we could have them. He frowned for a second before nodding his conformation. Grinning, I took a sip of the steaming hot chocolate and let it's warmth fill me. I walked over to where my guardians were sitting and plopped down so I was sitting on both their laps and leaning back against them.

"Alright," Uncle Alan spoke up. "Now that we're all here, we can start our gloating match. Who wants to go first."

Grandpa Jim spoke up first. "I bought a new boat."

"Not bad." My oldest cousin, Dean (sadly, no, he was not Dean Winchester from Supernatural), said. "I got enlisted into the SEALs." Oh boy, I could already see the wheels turning in Max's head as soon as Dean said that. And yes, I am aware my step-father had the same name as my cousin.

The thought of my parents brought a pang of hurt to my spark, but I quickly suppressed it.

From there, everyone tried to beat each other with this years achievements. So far, I had something over all of them that doesn't involve turning into a giant robot. The Autobots and my brothers, Soundwave, and sisters all sat back and watched as my family fought over who was better.

"I'm surprised you haven't said anything yet," Sunstreaker whispered as he traced circles on my back between where my wings were hidden and connected to my back.

I reached over and patted his cheek. "All in due time, my dear Sunshine. Right now it's best to observe and see who is better. Then I will tell them when they think they have won. Or when I think is a good time to say anything."

As the adults talked, Dianna suddenly burst out, "I have my first boyfriend!" We all turned to her and saw her look smug as if what she said beat everyone else.

"Hmmm...," Grandma Terry hummed. "I remember my first boyfriend..."

I grinned at the perfect opening Dianna and Grandma Terry gave me. I opened my mouth to speak when Max beat me to it.

Max stood up and moved to the middle of the room. "I have an announcement!" He paused for dramatic effect before continuing. "Lily has two boyfriends. And they just happen to be twins. And they're also getting married as soon as she turns eighteen." The room was silent as he said this. I was the first to move.

Or well, would have moved if it weren't for Sunstreaker and Sideswipe wrapping their arms around me and held me down. I growled with annoyance and sent Max silent death threats to him across our sibling bond which he ignored as he sat down with a smirk, his red sunglasses which looked like mine brightened a little with his amusement which was coming from him in waves. I leveled my best glare on him which promised a slow agonizing death. He of course ignored it skillfully.

Once I was done glaring at him, I relaxed back into my mech's holoforms and looking around, I saw everyone who didn't already know (which was everyone who wasn't an Autobot, Auntie Marie and Uncle Sam) had looks of surprise and curiosity. Not surprisingly, Dianna had a look of disgust.

"Flower big robot!" Beverly screeched from where she was sitting on the floor, playing with her toys. Every Autobot in the room stiffened. "So Uncle Sunny an' Uncle Sides."

Luckily Max came to the rescue and burst out laughing. "Oooh... Don't you just love her imagination?"

"I's true!" Beverly said as she stood up and made her way over to where I sat. Reaching me, she tried to climb onto the couch to sit on my lap but was having trouble so reaching down, I picked her up and set her down on my lap.

"It's just a game we like to play." I said as she reached over to play with Sideswipe.

"No it's not." Dianna spoke up with her still pathetic version of a glare. I stiffened and prepared to give Beverly to Sideswipe if necessary.

"Dianna: Desist at once." Sounwave told her with a frown.

"Make me tincan!"

"Dianna!" Auntie Marie shouted at her. "Stop right now or you're going to your room."

"I'm not five." Dianna protested.

"Well you sure are acting like it." Dianna crossed her arms over her chest but stayed quite.

"And on that happy note, I'm going outside." I said, wanting to get away from family drama. I handed Beverly over to Sideswipe and stood up and started toward the front door.

"And we shall join you." Sideswipe said as he set Beverly on the couch and stood up with Sunstreaker. They both made their way over to me but was quickly blocked by Grandpa and Dean.

"Hold it." Grandpa said as he held up his hands to stop them. "You two aren't going anywhere near her until we talk." He and Dean then started directing them towards the stairs. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker both sent me confused looks making me and my sisters and Max snicker at them, already having an idea of what they were going to be talking about.

"Good luck~!" I called after them as I made my way out the front door.

On the porch, I happily noted the thick snowflakes that were falling rather heavily, covering everything with a fresh wet powdery blanket. Grinning, I walked out into the falling snow and began catching the flakes with my tongue, glad I could still enjoy this. After a while, I stopped and just stood there in the snow, listening to the muffled sounds of my family having a good time inside and the sounds of the ocean washing against the shore quietly not to far away. I looked up into the falling snow and closed my eyes. I felt each snowflake hit my face, stinging a little before my internal temperatures rose a little to block out the cold.

Opening my eyes, I looked towards the house and just barely saw the lights though the snow. Thinking it safe, I let my wings unfold from their hidden position. I unfolded them all the way and happily stretched them, enjoying the tickling feeling the snow was giving them. I sighed and let them fall so they were lightly brushing the snow as I began to walk to the beach. As my wings brushed the snow, leaving little trails in the snow, I shivered at the odd feeling and readings I was receiving.

Reaching the beach, I could no longer see the house through the snow. I sat down in the snow and watched as the snow silently hit the ocean and melted as the water continued to rush up the shore. I sat there in silence, enjoying the time away from my crazy family. I let out a sigh and watched with amusement as the snowflakes that were falling in front of me were blown away, swirling around a bit before hitting the ground. I blew on the snow a few more times before getting bored with that and curling up with my knees to my chest and my arms around my knees while my chin was resting on my knees. I dragged my wings behind me, creating a half circle around me.

After a while and after getting a caretaker who wanted an update on what I was doing, I told him and sent him my location. Not long after, I heard two sets of footsteps in the snow and sensed two forms coming up on me. I stilled my wings and looked up as my guardians sat down on either side of me, Sideswipe to my right and Sunstreaker to my left, each sitting close enough so ours arms brushed each other.

With an exasperated sigh, Sideswipe leaned against me. "I thought they would never shut up."

I smiled and leaned into him to support his weight so I wouldn't fall over. "That's just because my family cares and they're obnoxiously overprotective." I told him as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"They has a weird way of showing it." Sideswipe grumbled as he rested his head on top of mine.

Sunstreaker grunted in agreement. As he did, I couldn't help but notice the small shiver that ran through him. Of course Sunstreaker being Sunstreaker, he refused to say anything. So me being me, I sat up and hugged the surprised holoform close even though I knew it was his real frame that was cold rather than the holoform, this still made me feel better though.

"You know you can stay in the garage if you're cold." I said quietly as I absently ran my fingers through Sunstreaker's holoform's hair. "It's much warmer in there than out here in the snow." He only grunted as another small shiver shook him.

"Why can't you hold me like that?" Sideswipe pouted.

"Because your armor blocks out the cold." I told him. Sideswipe answered by scooting impossibly close and pretending to shiver. I looked sideways at him. "Your fake shivering is pathetic."

Sideswipe frowned and cuddled in close to my side and wrapped his holoform's arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I let out a sigh and rested my head on Sideswipe's.

"You're impossible." I mumbled. Another shiver passed through Sunstreaker again making me tighten my arm around him.

"Have you just now figured this out?" Sunstreaker mumbled absently.

"No, I've known for quite a while now."

Sunstreaker's holoform shook again, this time in silent laughter, making me smile. "Alright, I'm taking you up on that offer with the garage." He said after he shivered again, a bit harder than last time.

"Okay," I hummed, amused.

Soon Sunstreaker was no longer shivering and was leaning against me, relaxed. I couldn't help but put my engine in a happy purr as Sideswipe decided to pet my wings.

We stayed like that for hours, the snow still falling, but not as heavy. Each hour, Soundwave contacted me through the creator-creation bond, asking for an update which I gave him. Smiling, I let out a sigh as I hugged Sunstreaker closer and snuggled into Sideswipe, enjoying the moment and letting the worries of the war disappear as well.

The next morning, I had an excited Beverly jumping on me, telling me to get up. Checking my internal clock, I groaned.

"Go back ta sleep, Bev'." I said, groaning. I pulled my blanket over my head so I could try to ignore her.

"Bu' Santa come!" She climbed off my bed and started tugging at my blankets.

"It's five in ta mornin', Beverly." I whined. It was to fragging early.

"Bu' I wanna see pwesents!"

"We can look at 'em later." Silence ensued so I took that as a good thing and started drifting off to sleep again. Of course I was once again jolted awake with a Beverly jumping on me. Literally. "A'right, a'right! We can go look at ta presents. But no openin' any!" I quietly shouted after her as she crawled off my bed and ran out of the room I shared with her and my sisters.

Speaking of my dear sisters, I sent them both glares from where they were sleeping quietly (both looking like colorless bumps in their beds since I had my sonar on) as I climbed out of the bed. With a sigh, I followed the exited form of Beverly out of the room and down the stairs. But apparently I was going to slow because she ran up to me and grabbed my hand before she started pulling me along. I let out a grunt but didn't object since I knew it would have no effect on her.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Beverly let go of my hand and bounded over to our large Christmas tree which was surrounded by presents of all sizes and shapes.

"Don' open any." I mumbled to her. I got a 'kay' in response.

I shuffled my way over to the couch and fell face first into it and let myself drift back asleep. Though that didn't last long since a few minutes later, I felt someone sitting on the edge of the couch, indenting it.

"Merry Christmas, sleepy head." I heard Sideswipe say with a grin on his voice.

"Shu' up." I mumbled as I raised my heavy arm to push him away from where he spoke in front of me. "There's nothin' 'merry' 'bowt mornin's."

Sideswipe laughed. "Have I ever told you your morning accent is adorable?"

"Puppy's 'dorable. Ah cute." I grunted. "Now go 'way."

"Not till you get up."

"Frag you."

Sideswipe faked a gasp. "Sunny! We've corrupted our innocent Little Flower!"

"Don't call me that!" Was Sunstreaker's reply as well as what sounded like a slap to the back of a head. I couldn't help the small smirk that formed.

"Ah was corrupt before you two came 'long."

"What?" Sideswipe whined. "Then who corrupted our Little Flower?"

"That would most likely be me." I heard Max snicker off to the side. I poked him harshly through the bond. He sent his own amusement.

"Somebot hit 'im for meh." I mumbled.

I heard Max yelped in surprise right before what sounded like two bodies hitting the floor.

"Ah said 'hit' not 'tackle'!" Salina sent her apology over the trine bond.

I huffed with annoyance and opened my eyes only to realize I didn't have my sunglasses-like visor on so I was stuck looking at the world of sonar. I frowned as I found myself on my side, not remembering when I turned over. Checking my internal clock again, I found it was ten in the morning now.

Yawning, I slowly sat up and tiredly accepted the side hug from Sunstreaker from where he sat on the couch next to me. He handed me a cup with something steaming and warm in it and it smelled like hot cocoa so I assumed it was hot cocoa. Taking a sip from the cup, I sighed at the taste of the delicious chocolate and marshmallows taste as the heat spread through my body. I said my thanks as I leaned against Sunstreaker and sipped the hot cocoa.

"Where's your visor?" Sideswipe asked from where he was kneeling in front of me.

"Upstairs next ta my bed." I told him, my voice starting to lose the morning accent I started developing out of no where.

"Alright, I'll be right back." With that, Sideswipe got up and disappeared upstairs.

"Holy shit, Lily, what happened to your eyes?" Looking a little to my right, I saw Dean standing a little ways away.

"Nothing, they're just contacts." I watched him as he frowned suspiciously but didn't say anything else, instead he opted to walk away as soon as Sideswipe reached the bottom of the stairs and made his way to me. Sideswipe offered me my visor and I greatly took them and put them on while Sideswipe sat next to me on my left side. As soon as they were on, everything flickered with a bit of static, but the flickering stopped a second later and the static cleared with it.

Looking around the room, I saw pretty much everyone except for my grandpa, but I already knew why he wasn't here.

"Okay, now that everyone is here and awake," Grandma started, giving me a pointed look at the last part. I put on my best innocent face. "We can get started."

"Bu' what 'bowt Santa?" Beverly cried, looking a bit sad.

"Oh right Santa, I forgot about him." Grandma said as if she just remembered.

Just then the front door crashed open, letting in the cold air as well as my grandpa dressed up as Santa.

"Ho, ho, ho!" He shouted with the door still wide open. "Who's ready to open some presents?"

"Santa!" Beverly jumped up and ran to grandpa and hugged his leg. Grandpa picked her up with a huge grin, closing the door behind him.

"Well hello there, young lady, have you been a good girl this year?" He asked as he bounced Beverly on his hip. I couldn't help the snicker that broke through.

([No. I've been a naughty girl.]) - Little Flower I said to Sunstreaker and Sideswipe through our private comms. I'm fairly certain if they were drinking something, they would have done a spit-take if their choking laughter was anything to go off of. The two holoforms received odd looks from everyone and a glare from Soundwave, probably meaning he heard.

([Oh Primus, what have we done to you?]) - Sideswipe

"Dude!" Rumble shouted suddenly before I could answer, shoving Frenzy's shoulder. "I told you Santa was real!" I could have face-palmed right then and there. Oh wait, I just did.

Palm landing squarely on my face, I shook my head and mumbled, "Epic facepalm of epic proportion." I received a laugh from Sideswipe and a chuckle from Sunstreaker. Not wanting to burst my idiot of an adopted brother's bubble, I lowered my hand and opted for not saying anything.

After that, time flew as presents were passed out by 'Santa' and opened. The Autobots and my sisters and Max didn't get anything, but I'm not really surprised there. Luckily none of them were irritated about it. Of course I also told them, I had all their presents back at base.

Later, after everyone was done opening presents and playing with their new toys, we all went outside to play our traditional game of snowball fight. We only actually play it when it snowed a lot more than usual for Washington. Of course, by the looks of it, it looked like someone collected snow and dumped it around the house. I looked toward Salina and Dayton with suspicion, already having a feeling they were responsible for this. All they gave me were sheepish grins. I could only sigh and walk out into the almost knee high snow.

/;/Next time you two decide to go collect snow, make sure not to collect as much.\;\ I told them over our trine bond.

/;/Sorry.\;\ They both sent.

"Listen up!" Dean shouted to get everyone's attention once we were all outside. "Usually we pick two people to pick the teams, but since this year we have some guests, I figured we would do our family against the guests since we're pretty even in numbers. Lily, Max, Dayton and Salina, since you guys are part of the family, you guys will be with us."

"But we're also part of their family." I interrupted, pointing to the scattered holoforms of the Autobots.

"Okay, then who's team would you like to be on?"

"Pft!" Dayton scoffed. "The winning team of course! We're sticking with the Autobots."

"Dayton." I spoke calmly.


"Shut up."

Dayton pouted. "Yes, ma'am." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Autobots?" Dean asked curiously with a hint of suspicion. I waved his question off.

"Later, right now I want to throw some snow."

Dean nodded then pointed to the right. "Alright, guests over there." He then pointed to the left. "Family over there." He lowered his arm. "Each team will get an hour to build any necessary cover and snowballs." With that said, he made his way over to where he said the family would be set up.

The Autobots moved to our designated area as well and huddled.

"Lily, Max, you both have done this sort of thing before." Optimus spoke up. "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Well everyone usually just makes a snow wall to hide behind." I told everyone as I thought back a couple years. "Sometimes if the car was big enough we would use it to help with the wall if snow was lacking."

"What about strategy?" Prowl asked.

Max snorted. "What strategy? We just threw snowballs at each other and just hoped to hit someone."

Prowl looked to my family and then got that look he usually got when he was planning. A few seconds later, we were discussing our plans. When we were done figuring out the strategy Prowl came up with, I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. We were so going to win.

We used our hour wisely. We used Jazz's, Prowl's, and Sideswipe's alts to push the snow out of the way and into a wall while we used Optimus' and Ironhide's alt as part of the wall. We made sure the bed of Ironhide's alt was open and facing us so we could jump up and throw the snowballs. Behind the wall, we built little walls in the shape of waves so we could hide there too. Once our wall and little shelters were built, we used Soundwave's, Jazz's, Sideswipe's, Prowl's, Arcee's, Elita-one's, and Chromia's alts and put them in the center of the field so we could run out and hide behind them. We would have used Sunstreaker's as well, but we all knew better to even consider it because of his paint.

Ratchet unfortunately, was a spoil sport and opted out of the game and decided on standing by in case anyone got injured and he wouldn't let us use his alt.

Once everything was how Prowl wanted, we all got into position and waited for the game to start. Me and my sisters took our position by having me warp us up to the roof on the farthest side so no one would notice us there. We collected the snow into snowballs and shoved some of them into our subspace for later use.

[{I bet twenty bucks we win.}] - Lily

A minute later, Jazz was calling out, gaining the attention of my family. "'Ey! We bet twenty bucks we win!"

"I'll take your bet and raise you to forty!" Dean laughed. "Five minutes left!"

[{This will be the easiest forty dollars I've ever won before.}] - Salina

Salina took out her spartan shield which I had painted white so it would blend better with the snow rather than it's original silver would have.

[{Everybot in position?}] - Optimus Prime

A round of 'yes sir's came over the comms. Soon Dean was counting down from ten seconds.

[{Get ready.}] - Optimus Prime

As soon as Dean reached one, he shouted, "Fire!" Every one of on the human side of my family threw the snowball they were holding, completely missing everyone.

[{As Major Lennox and Sergeant Epps would say. Let's bring the rain.}] - Optimus Prime

Dayton, Salina and I looked at each other with huge grins. "Would you like to do the honors?" I asked as I nodded to Salina.

"This! Is! Spartaaa!" She shouted her usual war cry as we stood up and started peppering my family with snowballs. They all cried out in surprise and dove for their non-existent cover.

Dean was the first to recover and quickly threw some snowballs up at us. The three of us hid behind Salina's shield as pretty much everyone started focusing on us. While Salina held up our cover, Dayton and I continued to make snowballs and throw them, not really aiming since we were nothing more than a distraction at the moment.

[{Max an' ah are in position.}] - Jazz

[{Sunstreaker, Sideswipe. They need a distraction.}] - Optimus Prime

[{We're on it!}] - Sideswipe

Dayton and I ceased fire and watched with Salina what was happening below. We watched as Sideswipe and Sunstreaker hop the compacted waist high snow wall and run to cover and hide behind the alts out there. All the while, all of the other holoforms provided cover fire. Each time the twins moved to a new cover, everyone except the few who was still trying to hit me and my sisters. Once Sunstreaker and Sideswipe reached Prowl's and Jazz's alts, they stayed there since they were the two alts closest to the 'enemy'.

[{This has got to be the best game of snowball ever.}] - Lily I commented as I watched my two mechs.

They stayed there for a minute before jumping up and throwing the snowballs they collected there. Though it had to be hard, the two holoforms made it look easy as the tucked and rolled across the snow, dodging the snow that was thrown at them with ease and retaliating by throwing their own snowballs back.

I couldn't help but laugh as they both nailed Danny at the same time in the face.

Quickly, there was no more snowballs trying to hit us, instead trying to hit the two frontliners, so deciding quickly, I stood up and helped them by throwing more snow myself, this time actually aiming. Salina and Dayton quickly joined me. Each time someone was hit in either the chest or head, they dropped to the ground right where they were and pretended to be dead. If the got hit in the arm or leg, that limb became useless.

Then they started getting attacked from behind by Jazz and Max and none of them were expecting that.

Getting an idea, I quickly ran it over with Prowl. Getting his okay on it, I ran across the roof and jumped into the snow below, my trine doing the same since I told them to. Getting up quickly, I grabbed the snowballs from my subspace and started pelting the enemy. My trine, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe and I jumped over the wall that feebly protected my family and we continued to throw the snowballs until only Dean was left.

Dean was laying on the ground with a useless arm and leg with me, Salina, Dayton, Optimus, Ironhide, Prowl, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker all standing around him.

"Would you like to surrender?" Optimus asked.

"Never!" Dean shouted as he threw the snowball he was holding which managed to hit Sideswipe in the chest.

Sideswipe being Sideswipe, he acted as if he had actually been hit. He stumbled back a few steps before falling back into the snow, pretending to be dead, sticking out his tongue for good measure.

We all stared at him for a few seconds before looking at Dean who looked rather smug.

/;/I think he did that on purpose.\;\ Dayton observed oh so brilliantly.

/;/Gee, you think?\;\ Salina snorted into the trine bond.

/;/Sometimes I wonder if you really are a blond or if it's just your hair color.\;\ I commented.

/;/At least I don't purposely put in blond highlights.\;\Dayton retorted.

"I have never done that! They are all natural!" I shouted at Dayton out loud, earning confused looks from everyone except Salina. I ignored them all as I pulled my last snowball out of my subspace and threw it at Dayton's face.

Dayton yelped at the unexpected snowball to the face. She quickly recovered and glared at me before bending down to scoop some snow up, forming it and jumping at me, forcing me to step back if I didn't want to fall into the snow. She followed me and quickly spun around me and shoved the snow down my shirt, getting my unsuspecting and warm wings with the frozen water. I let out a yelp and tried to get the snow out of my shirt.

"Cold, cold, cold! Ah! Wings! Cold! Not cool! Not cool! Wings no like!" I cried out. I heard laughter, but I ignored it as I jumped around trying to get rid of the snow. Finally the snow was either melted or fell out of my shirt, I turned to glare at Dayton but found she was missing. "Oh she is so dead."

"What was that all about?" Sunstreaker asked, amused.

"Nothing." I mumbled.

After the best snowball fight in the history of snowball fights, we all went inside to where we all had my grandma's hot cocoa, even the Autobots and they didn't need to drink it. We each got our money since we one the little bet of which team would win. The rest of the night seemed to fly by.

We sat around and listened to my great-grandpa tell his war stories which I always found fascinating. I was forced to play the stupidest game of charades ever. We had our usual Christmas dinner with the usual arguments of who's cooking is better. During dinner, I found out I had the best gloat since not only was I dating two hot guy and was going to marry them, but the two hot guys owned two hot cars that were really expensive, technically making them my cars. We then sat around watching Christmas movies for the rest of the night, everyone playing with their new things they got earlier. Except for me. I was happily squished between my mech's holoforms with their arms wrapped around me as I sat there curled around my new stuffed wolf I got earlier.

Throughout the night, I couldn't help but notice Max talking to Dean about the SEALs and what it would take to become one. I couldn't help but frown at the thought of my youngest sibling wanting to do something so dangerous.

As nine o'clock rolled around, it was time for anyone younger than ten to go to bed. Once my three youngest cousins were in bed, we let the fun begin.

Moving all the furniture out of the way, we cleared the middle of the living room of anything that could cause harm. The Autobots stood around off to the sides confused as to what we were doing and preparing for.

"You're going to want to stand by doc bot, things are about to get a little rough." Max told Ratchet. Ratchet frowned but didn't say anything, only nodded.

"Alright," Grandpa spoke up once everything was out of the way. "You all know the drill youngest first." He then nodded toward where the Autobots either stood or sat on the moved furniture. "If any of you want to join in, you are more than welcome."

"Uh- What exactly are ya all doin'?" Jazz asked, confusion written on his face.

I grinned at them all and turned toward my cousin. "Danny! You and I are first." I then moved toward the middle of the floor.

"Awesome!" Danny jumped up from where he was sitting and moved to the middle of the floor to stand across from me. "I bet I win."

"Oh?" I rose an eyebrow at his assuming. "And what presume will you be betting?"

He paused as he thought about that. He suddenly grinned. "If I win, you have to make out with that guy." He proceed to point to Prowl. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker both growled while I started to gag.

Once I was done gagging, I looked to Prowl. "No offense, Prowler."

"None taken." Prowl said while glaring at Danny. Actually, all the Autobots were glaring at Danny.

I turned back to Danny. "And if I win... You have to go make ten snow angels."

"Well that's not so bad..." He started when I interrupted.

"Naked." I added.

Danny got a horrified look on his face. I grinned as I felt amusement coming from all sides of my bonds. A round of 'Ooooh's rose up around the room as well as some snickering.

"Well? Do you take it?" I questioned. The room fell quite as Danny thought. He suddenly dropped into defensive crouch.

"Fine. But I will win because there is no way I'm going outside with no cloths on."

I followed his lead and also dropped into a crouch, though I was on all four and close to the floor. I let my engine growl quietly as Danny charged me. I shot up as he was about to jump onto me and drove my shoulder into his stomach, bringing him up and flipping him over my shoulder. I turned and watched Danny as he slowly caught his breath and stood up. He sent me a glare before charging at me again, trying to get me with a football tackle. I dove to the side and let Danny trip over his own feet.

Danny got up with a growl of annoyance and turning to me, he started trying to punch me. I calmly and easily dodged each blow, putting into practice what Ironhide and Chromia have been teaching me.

"Hold still!" Danny shouted with annoyance.

I grinned as I noted how he was getting sloppy with each punch, though they were sloppy from the beginning. Taking advantage of this, as soon as he tried to punch me again and missed. Again. I grabbed his wrist with my right hand and pulled toward me while I used my left hand to push on his shoulder, shoving him to the ground. Danny let out a grunt as I put his arm in a chicken wing hold while I had my knee pressed in the center of his back.

"Either tap out or lights out and you can make those snow angels in the morning where everyone can see or you can tap out now and make the angels while it's still dark out." All I got in response was another grunt. "Fine then."

I then proceed to take my free hand and press down on the artery in Danny's neck, cutting off the blood flow to his brain. After a minute, Danny started tapping the ground. I removed my finger and let go of his arm and stood up. I grinned as I looked around to all the Autobots in the room.

"And that, femmes and mechs, is what we do on Christmas." I told them all as I moved to sit back down with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.

"You cheated." Danny mumbled as he sat up, rubbing his shoulder.

I rose an eyebrow at his accusation. "I did no such thing."

"Yes you did!" He shouted. "You have never been able to fight like that before!"

The other eyebrow quickly followed the first. "Might I just say, the ones who have been training me are sitting right over there." I pointed across the room to a smug looking Ironhide and grinning Chromia. "And there." I pointed toward Jazz next, who was smirking. "And here." I patted Sunstreaker's and Sideswipe's shoulders, the former still glaring and the latter was smirking as well. "So yes, I do know how to fight and no, I did not cheat. Now I believe there is something you have to go do that involves the snow."

I only got a glare in response. Danny then stood up and made his way to the stairs. Would have made it if it weren't for Sunstreaker and Sideswipe jumping up from where they sat on either side of me and all but ran to Danny's side. They both took an arm of my protesting cousin and dragged him outside, some of the guys following them out back.

"Great job." Ironhide grinned at me. "Granted I would have taken him out in the beginning, you still did good."

"I would have finished sooner, but I wanted to prolong it and make him mad. Besides, were is the fun and finishing it when it just started?"

"Why didn't you fight before now?" Chromia asked curiously.

I shrugged. "Like Danny said, I couldn't fight before. Also I had actual glasses I had to worry about." Outside we could hear Danny start to swear up a storm about how cold it is amongst other things.

After about ten minutes, everyone came back in laughing except for Danny. Danny was shivering so hard, his teeth were practically chattering.

"How was it?" I asked with a grin.

"I- I- I- I f-f-f-fuck-ck-ckin hat-t-t-te you." Danny managed to get out as he tried to wrap his cloths around him tighter.

"Hey!" Max shouted. "Watch your french! There are ladies present."

"Oh you're the fine one to talk." I told him.

Max shrugged. "You're not a lady." I deadpanned and sent a silent ping to my sisters over our trine bond. Since Salina was closest, she walked behind him and acted as if she was going to go sit down and slapped the back of his head while passing behind him. Max let out a grunt and whirled around and slapped Salina back. Salina growled and turned on Max, swinging her fist. Max ducked under the punch.

After that, I didn't really pay attention to them, instead I turned to look at Sideswipe and Sunstreaker to see Sideswipe with a triumphant grin and Sunstreaker smirking. Walking over, Sunstreaker sat on the couch's arm rest while Sideswipe picked me up before sitting down on the couch next to his twin and setting me in his lap. Bringing my legs up and to the side, I shifted and got comfortable.

"I'm assuming you got blackmail?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Sideswipe laughed. "Of course! We have a reputation to stand up to." Sideswipe wrapped his arms around my stomach and held me close while he buried his face in my neck, filling my stomach with butterflies.

([Would you have done it?]) - Sunstreaker

I looked to Sunstreaker and frowned, confused.

([Done what?]) - Little Flower

Sunstreaker didn't turn to me or say anything, only glimpsing at Soundwave before looking back to where Max and Salina were fighting, who were both evenly matched. He then turned to center a glare at Danny where he was now sitting in front of the fire, curled up with a large blanket around him and steaming hot cocoa. Danny, probably getting a sense of being watched, turned around to look at Sunstreaker and cringed, scooting away a little.

I let out a sigh and looked to where the fight between brother and sister was still going on, everyone around us except for a few Autobots were cheering.

([I wouldn't have done anything, Sunny, I would have just walked away. Even if it would tell others I can't be trusted with that sort of thing, I would never do that 'cause then I would be hurting you guys and I don't like it when you hurt.]) - Little Flower

I felt Sideswipe's arms tighten around me and him nuzzle my neck, creating more butterflies. I allowed a small smile and laced my fingers with his, my palms to the back of his hands. Sideswipe tightened his fingers around mine. I smirked as a thought hit me.

([Besides, I don't think Prowl wants to die.]) - Little Flower

I felt Sideswipe grin against my neck while Sunstreaker snorted and turned back to watching Max start to lose.

Max jumped away as Salina threw a punch at him and tripped over one of the family's cats that was stupid enough to wander near the fight. Max's arms flailed as he tried to keep his balance as he stumbled back. Salina took advantage of this and managed to get behind Max and put him in a headlock, cutting off air to his vents and energon to his processor, not that different from a human headlock really.

I frowned as Max cringed and clawed at Salina's arm. I sent Salina a silent ping over the trine bond telling her to loosen a little. Salina growled over the bond and loosened up just enough so air could get into Max's vents and cool his slowly heating systems but not enough so the energon could flow properly. I let out a quite sigh, but opted for not saying anything.

Max's let out a growl and tried to get out of the headlock, but you could see his efforts were getting weaker and weaker until he could barely move and his side of the sibling bond was going distant as he lost conscious. Salina held tight until Max hung limp. She let go and dragged Max's unconscious form to one of the recliners and laid him down and let Ratchet check them both over.

Max probably would have won if he turned on his programming, but I told him not to in fear he might hurt someone unintentionally since he tends to lose all emotion when it's on. Of course without it, he can't fight as well. Even though I hate to admit it, better than me, but not as well.

As Ratchet check my brother and sister over, the next match started. My family did that for the rest of the night and into the first few hours of the morning. Some of the Autobots joined in, mainly Ironhide, Chromia, and Jazz, but of course they went easy on everyone they fought. I went to bed at about midnight and left my family downstairs to their wrestling matches.

A little bit after I curled up under my warm blankets and settled down to sleep, Sideswipe quietly entered the room. He made his way over to me and shifting the blankets so he could slide under with me. I grumbled as the colder air hit my back but stopped as soon as I felt Sideswipe's holoform press against my back and wrap his arms around me and cuddle me close to him. I didn't complain and started drifting off.

"You're gonna get in trouble." I mumbled sleepily as the thought of someone finding us passed through my mind.

"I don't care." Sideswipe said as he tightened his hold on me. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Waking up a few days later, I found myself in the usual field of sonar, curled up against Sunstreaker's side and partially on his chest while Sideswipe was curled around me, covering me up and making a great blanket. I smiled and not wanting to wake either holoform, I slowly crawled my way out from under Sideswipe and over Sunstreaker. I would have made it if Sunstreaker hadn't chosen that moment to swing an arm around my waist and pull me down onto him making me let out a squeak of surprise.

Looking up at the holoform, I saw a Sunstreaker's eyes were still closed while he had a smirk on. He opened his eyes and looked down at me, smirk turning into a small smile. "Morning." He murmered, voice rumbling in his chest.

I blinked before smiling back. "Mornin'."

"Where were you going?" He asked as he started tracing patterns on my back.

"Down stairs. Ah didn' want ya ta get in trouble if ya were caught."

Sideswipe chose that moment to mumble something in his sleep about elves and knives as he cuddled Sunstreaker's unoccupied arm. Suntreaker and I both looked at Sideswipe with amusement. I turned to look back at Sunstreaker, who was already looking at me, this time with an unfamiliar emotion in his eyes.

I blushed at the intensity of his gaze and ducked my head, burying my face in Sunstreaker's chest. After a minute I peeked up at him. "Ah -uh- I betta' go before ma family finds us."

Sunstrekaer frowned as his arm fractionally tightened around me. After a few seconds, he let out a sigh and let me go. I smiled and hugged Sunstreaker as best as I could with Sideswipe being were he is before sliding off and stretching as I stood up. I reached over to the bed table and grabbed my visor and put them on. My vision did the usual flicker with static before the static cleared and color filled my vision. Looking over to my bed, I watched with amusement as Sunstreaker struggled to get his arm back from Sideswipe.

He did so after a few minutes and stood up and wrapped me up in a hug. I didn't hesitate to put my own arms around him and rest my head on the Sunstreaker's warm chest, listening to his holoform's heart beat. I couldn't help but admire at how lifelike the holoform's looked and felt.

I shifted my head so I was now looking up at Sunstreaker. "Ya know, Sideswipe's usually the one who gives me all the hugs first thing in the mornin'." I noted, I wasn't complaining though.

Sunstreaker rose an eyebrow. "And what's wrong with that?"

I hummed. "Nothing, just different."

/;/Grandma Terry's coming to wake you up.\;\ Dayton sent to me.

I sent my thanks and reluctantly pulled away from Sunstreaker. "Dayton says my Grandma's coming up."

Sunstreaker let out a sigh. "Better not let her find us up here then." He gently pushed me toward the door with a small smile.

I smiled back and walked out of the my temporary bedroom. I rounded a corner in the hall that led to the stairs and nearly collided with Grandma if I hadn't stopped in time.

"Oh. Mornin', Grandma."

"Good morning, Lily. I was just about to come see if you were awake."

"No need, I'm already awake." I moved past her and started down the stairs but Grandma stopped me.

"Everyone is outside getting ready and setting up for the best snow castle competition that is going to be later." Grandma began walking toward her room.

I rose an eyebrow at that. Snow castle competition? Never done that before. Of course Salina and Dayton were kind enough to help with the accumulated snow that was around the house so this doesn't really surprise me since we still had a pretty decent amount of snow left.

Moving back up to my room, I found Sunstreaker's holoform gone, most likely downstairs or outside, while Sideswipe was still sleeping the world away. I shook my head at his antics and moved to get a change of clothes then headed into the bathroom to change. Once I was done changing and brushing my hair, I went back to my room to see Sideswipe still sleeping. Staring at him for a moment, I got an idea.

Grinning evilly, I jumped onto the red mech's holoform. Sideswipe let out a squawk of surprise and flailed a bit before settling. I giggled as he looked at me with a bit of confusion.

I reached up and poked his cheek. "Wakey, wakey, Swipey~." Sideswipe groaned.

"I'm awake. Primus, did you really have to jump on me like that?

"No, but it was funny." I giggled.

"You're not nice." Sideswipe pouted. He wrapped his arms around me and sat up so I was now sitting in his lap. Sideswipe started absently playing with my hair.

I sighed after about ten minutes and got up, or at least tried to, Sideswipe was being stubborn and didn't want to let me go. Since the holoforms were made to resemble a human in every way, I used this to my advantage and grabbed right below the holoform's ribs and squeezed just enough so it irritated the nerves there. Sideswipe yelped and flinched away. I quickly stood up before he could recover. I grinned at his mock glare, which looked more like a pout, as he rubbed his side where I pinched.

"C'mon, everyone is outside." I reached over and pulled the grumbling holoform onto his feet and pulled him out of the room and down the hall. "Apparently since there is so much snow, we're doing something new."

"Like what?"

"Grandma said something about building snow castles." I led Sideswipe outside and over to where everyone was grouped.

"Ah, there you two are," Uncle Alan called when he saw Sideswipe and I making our way to the group. "I was beginning to wonder if you were going to join us or not." He turned back to everyone else. "As I was saying, everyone will be in groups of four and everyone will have all day to make the castles. You can make your castle as big as you want or make it look however you want, but it has to resemble a castle. We'll judge the adults and teenagers separately from the kids. Everyone got it?" Everyone nodded. "Than that's all for now, pick who is going to be on your team and good luck building." Everyone moved off to pick their teams.

I grinned, already knowing who I wanted. I sent a ping to my caretaker and moved to where Sunstreaker was standing off to the side, pulling Sideswipe along since we were stilling holding hands. Soundwave was soon standing by our sides as we made our way to where we would have plentiful snow.

"Where there ever any castles on Cybertron?" I asked curiously as we started moving snow.

"Affirmative," Soundwave answered. "During Golden Age."

"Cool. We should make ours a mix between a Cybertronian castle and an Earth castle... What does a Cybertronian castle look like?" I realized I only knew what castles here on earth looked like but not castles from Cybertron.

"Don't know," Sideswipe shrugged. "They were before mine and Sunny's time." I looked to Soundwave since he was the oldest out of the four of us.

"Golden Age: Before Soundwave's time." I pouted and slumped before perking back up as a thought occurred.

"What about any history files? Surely there has to be something?"

"Recommendation: Ask Optimus Prime. Before the war: Optimus Prime worked in archives. Optimus Prime: Might know." Soundwave intoned.

I grinned. "Okay! I'll go ask him." I ran off to Optimus' alt mode.

Reaching the flamed semi, I laid my hand on Optimus' warm passenger door. "Big bot?" Optimus hummed. "Do you have any pictures of a castle from Cybertron's Golden Age? Soundwave said I should ask you since you used to work in something called the 'archives'." I frowned. "Is the archives like a library?"

Optimus chuckled. "Yes, the archives are like library." He popped open his passenger door. I moved my hand and reached up to open the door all the way. I stepped up and got as much snow off of my shoes and pants as I could before bringing entering the warm semi cab. As soon as my feet were safe in his cab, Optimus closed his door. "Soundwave is correct, I was an archivist in Iacon's Hall of Records before the war started and before I became a Prime."

"So you weren't always a Prime?" I asked, both confused and curious as I looked at his dash.

"No, before the war, I was know as Orion Pax. I didn't become a Prime until the war started and the Council chose me."

"And here I thought you were always a Prime."

Optimus' rumbling chuckled sounded throughout the cab. "Now, what was it you wanted to know?"

"Oh right! Do you have any pictures of castles during the Golden Age?"

Optmus hummed thoughtfully. "I might, let me check." We fell silent.

I looked out the windshield and watched as everyone worked on building their castles. So far you couldn't really tell they were castles, just piles of snow or walls of snow. I looked over to where my sisters were working with our cousins Sarah and Rosie and grinned as Rumble and Frenzy started throwing snowballs at them. They of course retaliated by throwing their own snowballs back at the two idiots.

"Ah," Optimus spoke up, breaking the silence. "Here we are." I turned back to Optimus' dash just as a hologram appeared there. My eyes widened at what I saw.

It was a hologram of the most beautiful castle I have ever seen. It kind of looked like the castle itself just grew out of the ground, but that seemed impossible since Cybertron was metal. The spires flared out and were tall and pointed. The gates were huge and looked as if they could allow entrance to a huge Cybertronian if the figures standing guard outside barely a fourth of the gate's height were anything to go by. The main part of the castle was huge and what looked kinda like a huge courtyard was just inside the gates. The castle was shiny and sparkly in the sunlight and looked as if it was made of crystal though you couldn't see through it.

In the background, you could see what looked like two moons, one twice the size of the other. The bigger of the two moons looked as if it was either setting or rising and looked as if it was farther away than the smaller one which was higher up. The sky was a light purple and you could see the stars even though it looked like it was the middle of the day.

Optimus switched the hologram to show more pictures. Even though some of the pictures were broken and sometimes fragmented to the point you could barely see what it was suppose to be, I loved every picture I saw and I thought all of the castles were beautiful. Every castle was different; there were big castles, little castles, castles that looked more like city's. Every castle also had different colors; some bright and cheery while others looked a little on the gloomy side. Either way, I loved them all.

I gaped with amazement. I had seen pictures of Cybertron before, but they were always during the war. Sometimes someone would find a picture before the war and show me, but none of them ever looked like this. Everything just looked so pretty and it looked like everyone was getting along.

"Is that what you needed?" Optimus spoke up as he continued to show more holograms to me.

I nodded and was sad when the images stopped after a minute since there was only a handful of them. I reached over to touch the door handle to let him know I wanted out. Optimus popped open his door, letting the cold air in and allowing me to slide out into the snow on the ground. "Thanks, Big Bot!" I called as I ran through the snow to where my guardians and caretaker where waiting, an image of a castle we could make already forming in my head.

Reaching my destination, I sent the image of what I was seeing to Soundwave and he probably sent the picture to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker if their distant looks were anything to go by. They were quickly back to reality and Sunstreaker took charge, telling us where to go and what to do.

Later that day, after it was starting to get dark and another snowball fight between Rumble and Frenzy against Sideswipe and I (we won of course), and a few breaks in between, Sunstreaker and I were putting on the final touches in detailing which neither Sideswipe nor Soundwave were able to do.

Finishing stepping back, I took in the sight and grinned at what we were able to accomplish in one day.

The walls surrounding the castle were made to look a human castle wall made out of compacted snow with guard towers at the entrance where two people can walk in shoulder to shoulder with a little room to spare. Once inside the wall, there sat the main castle. Thanks to Sunstreaker, the walls were made of near see through ice. In the front of the castle was two spires that looked like they belonged to a human castle. The walls and the two spires were the only thing that resembled a human castle, the rest looked as if it rose out of the ground and the two spires in the back corners extended out a little before shooting up about five feet and ending in sharp points. The door of the castle, which was the same as the gate except it only let in one person at a time, two if you squeezed, led inside of the snow castle which was left open along with an open roof so we could watch the stars and any fireworks. The inside was big enough for about five people to lay down comfortably. Between the wall and the castle, there was about five feet of room to walk around

As Sunstreaker finished all the minute details, I looked up at the sky and watched as the stars started coming out as the light faded. The smell of barbeque drifted past me, making me look to the house where Uncle John was making dinner. I couldn't help a smile as I looked around and watched as my family, both human and Cybertronian, mingled with each other either, either arguing or laughing with each other. Even though my human side of the family had no idea they were hanging out with a bunch of aliens, they took to them well and excepted them as family as well even if they were a bit hesitant at first.

I frowned as a thought passed through my processor, but I quickly pushed it to the side. I quickly wiped the frown away and walked into the snow castle and plopped down onto the grass which still had that brushing of snow you couldn't remove all the way. I laid out spread eagle on the grass and listened to my family in the distance as I continued to star gaze quietly.

"Hey, Little Flower. Whatch'ya doin'?" I lifted my head and smiled when I saw Sideswipe in the castle's doorway.

"Nothin'," Was my reply. "Just looking at the stars." I let my head fall back onto the grass as Sideswipe made his way to me and laid down next to me. After a few minutes, I broke the silence. "Sideswipe?" Said holofom hummed. "Why can't my family know about us? I mean the entire world knows that there's aliens living here, so why can't they know?"

"You know why. Now that the humans do know about us, the Decepticons are going to try even harder to find someone close to us to use, not to mention humans are still weary of us." Sideswipe let out a sigh and sat up and brought me into a hug. "With all that has happened to you, the big guy and everyone else just doesn't want to see you get hurt, that's all."

I accepted the hug and curled into Sideswipe. "Humans aren't exactly the best when it comes to change, it just might take a few years for them to fully except us." I couldn't help but feel a bit degrading as I said that. I let a sigh of my own. "I just hope it doesn't take to long and us revealing ourselves doesn't backfire like it always does in the movies. I 'specially don't want anything like District 9 to happen to us." I said with a frown.

Sideswipe snorted. "Last time I checked, we're not a bunch of giant shrimp. Besides, it would be really hard for humans to keep us contained in one place. I mean you and your sisters could just fly away and I have my jet pack, not to mention you could just warp in and out whenever you want. Wheeljack could just make something and blow whatever is containing us apart. Ironhide and Chromia would just use their cannons. Optimus and Prowl would negotiate our way out while Jazz would try smooth talking someone. Your brothers wou..." I slapped a hand over Sideswipe's mouth to stop him from speaking anymore.

I giggled. "I get the idea, Sides. And thinking of giant robots looking like shrimp is rather amusing." A picture of said giant robot shrimp popped in my head, making me giggle. I widened my eyes. "I wonder if they taste like shrimp too..." I felt Sideswipe grin underneath my hand. I moved my hand away before he decided to lick it.

"I don't know, why don't we go find some giant robo' shrimp and cook them up." Sideswipe grinned. I giggled at the thought.

"They'll probably taste like chicken too." We both laughed. "Where's Sunny?" I asked once we were done laughing.

"Up at the house playing with Beverly."

"You know, for someone who doesn't like to socialize, he sure likes to play with Beverly a lot."

Sideswipe fell back to into the grass and pulled me along with him, getting a surprised squeak from me. "That's because Beverly is so lovable and she doesn't care what we look like or who we are. Besides, Sunny doesn't really want to be dismantled by your aunt."

I made a face at that. "Yeah, my aunt can be kind of scary at times."

Sideswipe snorted. "Kind of? She can scare Prowl if she really tried. I think she actually did once when he ignored Will."

"Well what do you expect, Will wants to become a police when he grows up. So imagine how he felt when he met a police that was actually a giant alien robot. That's like two different dreams coming true at the same time for him."


After that, we laid there in a comfortable silence looking up at the stars as they twinkled. Eventually Sunstreaker joined us and watched the stars. None of us said anything, not wanting to break the silence. Although as midnight rolled around, it was time to head down to the beach where we would launch off fireworks.

Trudging through the snow and finding spot to sit a ways away from everyone else, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, and I sat down with my guardians on either side of me and leaning against me. I snuggled into both of them and watched as the first firework was lit and launched, bursting in multicolors and different patterns. Me and Sideswipe 'ooh'ed and 'aww'ed while Sunstreaker was just watching quietly.

"Hey, Little Flower?" Sideswipe spoke up as a large firework went off, lighting up the ocean and the beach. I turned toward Sideswipe as he spoke and immediately stiffened and widened my eyes with surprise as I felt something press against my lips. My mind went blank and butterflies formed in my stomach and I could have sworn my spark just stopped as I realized Sideswipe had just kissed me as he pulled back. "Merry Christmas, Little Flower." Sideswipe grinned.

I suddenly found myself facing Sunstreaker as he too leaned forward to kiss me. After a second, he pulled back with a smile. "And Happy New Years."

... Did they just... I think they... Realization dawned on me. Holy... Slag... That was my first kiss!

I guess while I still in shock, they took my silence the wrong way. Sunstreaker frowned while Sideswipe spoke up with worry. "Lily?"

Quick, Lily! Say something intelligent!

Of course since I was still in shock, all I could let out at the moment was an oh so intelligent squeak.

Oh real smooth.

Both Sunstreaker and Sideswipe looked at each other before looking at me with identical grins.

"I think we finally broke her," Sideswipe laughed, he then looked concerned. "Should we call Ratchet?"

That knocked me out of my shock. I grinned as I launched myself at the two surprised holoforms and hugged them both tight around the neck, giggling uncontrollably. I felt two pairs of arms wrap around me and hold me just as tight.

Of course the moment had to be ruined as there was a shout of surprise from Frenzy. Looking over, I laughed as Rumble chased his twin around, shooting a Roman Candle at Frenzy, luckily they were a ways from anyone who could actually get hurt. As soon as the firework was empty, Frenzy took advantage of that and jumped Rumble and started punching him.

As this was going on, Grandpa was yelling at the two to knock it off along with a couple Uncles and Aunts while everyone was laughing and cheering Frenzy on.

I grinned at the sight and laid my head on Sunstreaker's shoulder. "I love my odd dysfunctional family."

And it is done! Yeash. that took forever... I also rushed the ending if anyone didn't notice. :/

So there a few characters here that are going to be introduced into the main story, two of them are easy to figure out. I really hope everyone likes this cause it took forever and I had to do a lot of rewriting so there wouldn't be any inconsistencies with the main story. Hopefully there won't be.

And here is what encampment was like: Well, to put it simply, it was a week of frozen Hell. No joke. I could manage the screaming and yelling since my step-dad yells at me a lot louder. My only problem was having to hold my arm up at ninety-degrees for long periods of times and have to memorize a piece of paper and all the marching around. I could barely walk by the end of the week because of how much my feet hurt. :P Luckily there was no mile run since there was ice everywhere. I also gave myself a headache because I was the loudest in my flight and I and a few others had to shout pretty loud to pick up the slack on everyone else who wasn't shouting.

On the plus side, I got to shoot a .22 caliber rifle and get my pro marksman badge. I went to a dine in and nearly got called up to the grog bowl because everyone thought my rocketry badge was in the wrong place, but it's actually in the right place according to 39-1 in the CAP manual. So whoever called me up would actually be the one to get grogged since I was in the right. I also had a pretty awesome rhyme to back me up and prove I was right.

I have not broken the rule,So keep your cool.
In thirty-nine dash one,
I have won.

I thought I was rather clever with that.

Yeah, those were the highlights of the week. Next time I'm definitely going back as staff, I couldn't handle being a basic again.

With that said, I hope you all liked the long one-shot and stick around for the next... Whenever that will be... Anyways, I'm off to go and try to get rid of the writers block I currently have on chapter 28 and have had for the past month. :/
