Sorry about taking forever to update, but here is more drabble from those VeggeTables!

Nezzer, Bob, Larry, Archie, Junior, Laura, Jimmy, Jerry, Petunia and Mr. Lunt were all in the same van, ready for a road trip! They brought everything that they could and even brought over a trailer...not one that had furniture, but one that is used to carry cargo. Bob was going to drive as Archie, Petunia, Junior, and Laura were going to ride in the back.

"Where are you guys going to ride Larry?" Bob asked when Larry refused to go into the car.

"Wally, Jimmy, Jerry, Mr. Lunt and me are going to ride in the back!"

"I know," said Bob. "So get in the back!"

"No," Larry stated. "The BACK, back!"

"In the trailer?" Junior asked. "Let me ride in there!"

"Me too!" Laura exclaimed.

"You two are too young!" Archibald said.

"And you five aren't going to go in there either!" Bob said. Larry shrugged.

"Then were are we going to ride? There are three less seats than we need!" Bob looked back to the van, and sure enough, there were only seven seats open. Bob grunted as Larry just shrugged again as Mr. Lunt piped in:

"Trailer Time!" he screamed out in extreme joy.

"Party Time!" Wally Nezzer said.

"Burrito Time!" Jerry yelled with his burrito fixings in his invisible hands. "We have enough to have six for each of us!"

"Or fifteen for you and Jimmy," Mr. Lunt said sarcastically.

Bob rolled his eyes. "We've got food in here too you know. I don't think it is really necessary for all five of you to be back there. Maybe just Mr. Lunt, Jerry and Jimmy...or Larry, Jerry and Wally." Bob chuckled. He was rather intent on everything going according to plan. Larry, his best friend, was the absolute master of making things even worse than "not according to plan." They all gave Bob a look of desperation.

"This isn't your road trip Bob," Larry said. "We all helped plan it! And I say that us five are going to plan to go in the back and have one awesome time!" Bob's eyes made an odd shape as he finally had it.

"Oooohhhh," he grunted. "Fine! You five can go in the back! I'm going to stay according to plan!" He go into the van and shut the door behind him. Larry went into the back and took out his ten rolls of duct tape.

Mr. Lunt, Wally Nezzer, Jimmy, Jerry entered through the door as well.

"What are you going to do with all of that Duct tape?" Mr. Lunt asked concerned.

"Oh," said Larry. "Nothing except tape down all of our chairs and the big couch, all of our stuff so that it isn't rolling around all over the place."

"Good idea," said Wally. "How are we going to get light though?"

"Oh," said Larry. "I have something for that too!" He took out a battery-powered lamp. "Very bright, but I have enough batteries to last us all three days."

"Trailer Time!"

"Party Time!"

"Burrito Time!" They all went in the back as Bob sat in the front with all of the other Veggies.

"Oh dear..." he said.

I will admit that that was not real Drabble, but rather a...trailer, for a Fanfiction I am going to make: "Road Trip!" I hope you can enjoy it when it comes!