I am stuck on everything...

I'm Stuck on "LarryBoy & Batman" Stuck on "LarryBoy & The Weather Man" I am stuck on "LarryBoy: Life Of Villiany (rather ironic due to the fact that the entire Fanfiction was because I had Writer's Block) and I am stuck on "Anarchy On Planet Human-Life."

So what do I do when I am stuck on something?

I write something easy. So go to Jimmy's Diner and get an ice cream, a milk-shake from Burger Bell and some Pizza from both Chee-zy Rodent and Pizza Lion (tell me if you know what connections I just made) and get ready for endless drabble stories.

It will be similar drabble to what I had in "Mr. Lunt & His Private Jet" except every new Chapter is a different story on crazy humor and well...random Veggie fun!

Larry and Annie walk into a bar-I mean...walk into an ice cream diner. Jimmy, the bartender-I mean...owner, looks up at the two.

"What are you two doing?" Jimmy asked straightening his hat.

"I'm watching Annie while here parents are out of town," said Larry. "They are going to Alaska to help Lisa's sister with a dog sledding race." Larry's eyes moved around. "I would like a chocolate shake."

"Okay," said Jimmy. "What about you Annie?"

"I would like a Strawberry shake," Annie answered.

"Coming up," said Jimmy. He went towards cooler. "Small, Medium, or Large?" He asked.

"Medium," said Larry. Jimmy reached into the cooler and brought out two ready-made shakes for the two. "Thanks." Larry took a nice long sip of the shake. "Say Jimmy," he said. "Did you hear of those Night-Hawks dudes?"

"Night-Hawks?" asked Jimmy.

"Yeah," Larry continued. "They are this gang that goes into buffets and almost consumes all of the food." Larry leaned his head down and took another sip. "It is said that they are all gourds."

"Why Night-Hawks?" asked Annie.

"I dunno," said Larry. "But I think something should be done about them."

"Do you know what they look like?" asked Jimmy.

"Not a clue," Larry answered. "It is said that they have really cool leather jackets and awesome looking sunglasses." Larry and Annie continued drinking their shakes. Behind them, a bell dinged and two people entered the room.

"Hey Jimmy," said a spanish voice. "We are going to a buffet. You wanna join us?" Larry turned around and saw Jerry and Mr. Lunt wearing awesome looking sunglasses and really cool leather jackets and black T-shirts that read "Night-Hawks" and showed the outline a hawk infront of the moon.

"Jimmy, Jerry, Mr. Lunt," Larry started. "You are the Night-Hawks?"

"Yeah," said Jimmy. "Jerry and I always eat to much at buffets. So we started this gang called the "Night-Hawks" and go to Buffets."

"Why is Mr. Lunt with you then?" asked Larry.

"Because," answered Mr. Lunt. "Jimmy and Jerry said they were making an all-gourds buffet club and needed at least three members. I've always wanted to be part of a gang!"

"But why do you need the gang?"

"Because it will get us famous," Jerry answered.

"Ah..." said Larry. "Well...have fun...Night-Hawks..." Larry said. He leaned towards Annie. "Let's get out of here," he whispered Then the two fled the Ice Cream Diner and got away from this crazy "Night-Hawks" business.

So Yep. That is the first one of I-do-not-know many more to come.


The reason their gang is called "Night-Hawks" is because Jimmy's diner is based off of the famous painting called "NightHawks". Also, the reason I call Annie's Mom and Dad Phillip and Lisa is because in Madame Blueberry they completely resemble Phil and Lisa Vischer.

Okay. Larryboyrocksalot - Out!