O to the M...FG (DashieXP Kabal Reference). I am SOOOOO frickin sorry about me not updating this and my other DD stories so far. Plus, I'm going to try to get chapter 2 of DD 2 then. I was very busy on deviantART writing my fan Wonka series, and other series, art projects, etc, etc.

So anyway...ON WITH THE FIC, Chapter 15, Part II (2) of OMG!

(Nikki's Diary P.O.V.)

Well, I kinda felt better afterwards, so what I did then was took out my sketch book, pencil, and drew some pictures. Drawing really helps sometimes, and writing in my diary (which I am now lol).

But still...THIS...CAN'T...BE...HAPPENING!

MacKenzie is REALLY driving me over the edge (well, by thought). But then I got a text from Tay...Kyle asked her out! OMG, that's so sweet! I'm so happy for them! And that was fast, too! I mean, Tay was only here for about a week, and she already has a boy liking her.

Just as fast of Brandon liking me. (Blushes)...OMG! SQUEE! Maybe we can go on a double date, I mean, that sounds like a great idea, right?!

(What's with me writing so many question marks and exclamation points? I dunno, I'm just curious and excited!)

Anyway, I texted Taylor about maybe going on a double date. She actually really enjoyed the idea because it's her first time going out with a guy. I've been out with Brandon before, so maybe with me beside her, everything will be fine. Then I texted Brandon about it and he was very cool about it! And did you know what he said?!

"I can't wait until then."


I'm actually clutching my phone to my heart and jumping up and down as if I won some cheesy game show or something like that! IN YOUR FACE, MACKENZIE! No one can steal Brandon from me!

(Did I really just write that?)

I blushed of that statement, plus Brandon and I aren't technically DATING yet, so yea. But anyway, MacKenzie keeps flirting with Brandon, which drives me absolutely NUTS to the core; even Brandon thinks it's annoying.

But MacKenzie will end her "little game" sooner than you think!

So anyway, I went on the WCD website to see what's up with the upcoming events and then I saw that:

"WCD Spring Formal!"

There was a dance coming up! This was PERFECT! Besides the Sweetheart dance (which was totally amazing), I'm BOUND to date Brandon! And Taylor would date Kyle!


I wonder how MacKenzie would react to that! Heck, talking about that made me feel better and more comfortable of being around MacKenzie, but still, I HATE to be around that chick!

She is a tarantula in Juicy Coture and lip balm, right?