A/N: Hello, my precious friends :) It is my birthday today and my gift for you is...another chapter. Which is the last of this story *has an emotional breakdown* Oh my God, I will miss this story sooo much! I want to thank all of you who read, reviewed, followed and favorited, you guys are really awesome :D So, before I empty a whole package of tissues...let's move on, shall we?

Roxygirl- *curtsies* Your wish is my command :) Thank you for both reviews...I haven't read the story, but I will, thank you for recommending it :D

Mikoto Bloom- Thanks a lot :) Well, I had told you to tell me what you want me to include in the epilogue and I always keep my promises, hehehe ;)

coldbloodedPRINCESShanna24- Awww, thank you so much, I am so happy you liked it :D

MaxRideandPercyJackson4ever- Here's the update, hope you'll like it

Disclaimer: Nope, I still do not own LOTR

Castiel was sitting on the sill of the large window in her room, watching the perfect day outside. The sun was shining, sending its light and warmth upon the White City, the buildings seeming as if they were made of pure marble. She had come here with Legolas as King Aragorn and Queen Arwen's guests in the celebrations for the birth of their first child, a son, who was to be called Eldarion.

The half-elf smiled at the thought of the beautiful infant and at her own life, which was the definition of perfect. Two years had already passed since she and Legolas left Elmwood and returned in the Woodland Realm, but sometimes she had the impression that it was only yesterday. Many things had happened, including the fact that she had changed. Nothing on her reminded of the weak maiden who had arrived in the Mirkwood forest so suddenly years ago, running away from her past, ashamed and scared. Now she was always smiling and laughing. Of course, from time to time, she had her bad moments or a nightmare was paying her a visit while sleeping, but these occasions were rare and were fading and she was sure that soon they would disappear. She was much stronger now and she had her loved ones by her side, her friends and Legolas, who was more than she had ever wished for. Castiel smiled gently, thinking about the surprise she had for him, a surprise that would surely make him very happy.

When, a month ago, a messenger from Almaarea had arrived in Mirkwood, announcing her that her father had passed away from a severe decease, Castiel felt the same relief she had felt at the news of Lord Daechir's death; with the difference that, in her father's case, she did not pity him at all. She knew she was cruel, but she could not mourn him even if she wanted to. Her father's demise, though, brought complications. He did not have other children, which made Castiel his heir and the new ruler of Almaarea, but she did not want to hear about it. It was over her strength, although she knew it was her duty to care about the small realm's habitants and choose another ruler in her place. After much thinking, she remembered a distant cousin of hers, from her mother's kin, who had left Almaarea after her mother died, unable to endure Lord Alarois's cruelty. He was nothing but a memory for her, but he was still a relative and shared her hatred for her father, so Castiel decided to try and find him. Legolas had sent messengers and she was still awaiting news, but something in her soul kept telling her that everything would go well. Her cousin would surely make a wonderful ruler, much better than her father would ever be, and maybe, with the latter gone, she would remember her first home with love and not with fear one day.

A knock on the door returned her to reality and, after her welcoming "Come in", Legolas entered the room, smiling tenderly towards her. She smiled back at him and felt warmer, as always when she was seeing him. He had endured her outbursts and her silence with a patience that had surprised her and thanks to him she had won her peace again, finding true love with him in the process. When she ran away from Almaarea, she never thought that she would end up here, about to attend a celebration and with her beloved by her side. She stretched her hand towards him and he took it in his as he approached her, next to the window, giving her a loving kiss.

'You look beautiful, my love' he told her softly.

'Thank you' she replied, a light blush painting her cheeks at the sweet compliment. 'Are the others already gathered?'

'They have started, aye. We should go downstairs in a few minutes; Aragorn and Arwen are in an uproar and wish everything to be perfect'

'Well, it is normal, is it not?' Castiel chuckled. 'They are the hosts and the feast is about to honor their child'

'And it seems that it will be a marvelous feast' Legolas commented and, as to confirm his words, distant music reached their ears.

'Oh, and I also have a gift to you' Castiel said and her smile became playful. 'But you will learn about it later, when we are at the festivities'

'You like to keep me waiting' Legolas laughed and ran his fingers through her half-braided hair. 'Very well, my lady, I shall play your game and wait patiently for that mysterious gift'

A few minutes later, the couple went to the ball room, where the musicians were playing and the guests paid their respects to the royal family, some of them already dancing to the music. Eldarion was awake in his mother's arms, his dark eyes looking around with curiosity. When Castiel caressed his small hand carefully, she was rewarded with a coo coming from the infant, making his parents laugh.

'Thank you for coming; we are happy to have you here' Aragorn told them. 'I do hope you will stay for a while; you are most welcome'

'We would gladly accept the invitation, mellon nin, and stay for a few days' Legolas nodded before turning to Castiel, offering her his hand with a slight bow. 'Would you like to dance, melda?'

'I would love to' she answered, taking his hand and making a curtsey.

They danced and never left each other's side for the whole night, both being relaxed and peaceful, Legolas narrating her the story of the War of the Rings from his point of view, especially the time when he, Aragorn and the Dwarf, Gimli, were travelling on their own to save the Hobbits Merry and Pippin. Castiel knew the story, but hearing it from someone who was there, at the heart of the events, felt much realer and she had the impression that she could see the events unfold in front of her own eyes. This was would not be easily forgotten, especially considering that stories and songs were written about it and would not cease spreading around every corner of Middle Earth. But when Legolas finished talking, he looked at her with a sly grin.

'Now, Castiel…Do you not think that it is time for you to reveal that gift you spoke about earlier? I can not wait to learn what it is'

Castiel gave him a shy smile as she agreed, knowing that she should say something, but not knowing how. These news were not only very pleasant, but also very important, and they would change their lives forever. She leaned closer to him, so that their foreheads were almost touching each other, and her eyes met his.

'I am with child' she whispered and held her breath, awaiting his reaction.

Legolas's eyes widened at her words, the Elf unable to believe them, to believe that he was going to be a father. Suddenly, it was as if the room had become very small, the air thicker; he had the impression that they were alone, without anyone else in the world. He cupped her face with both of his hands as the information started to sink in.

'Are…Are you sure?' he stuttered and she chuckled.

'I am, Legolas' she assured him, covering his palms with hers. 'I discovered it only a few days ago, but I wanted to tell you tonight…Right here, where we are amongst friends and celebrating…And this day…This day, three years ago, I ran away from Almaarea and this circle of events started, leading us here…Leading me to you…'

Legolas hugged her tightly, so tightly, that she thought she would suffocate. He hid his head on her shoulder as the first tears of joy filled his blue eyes and he tightened his hold on her even more. His mind travelled to newborn Eldarion and he realized that in a few months he would have his own child in his arms. He kissed her temple, thinking that all his wishes had come true.

'Marry me, Castiel?' he whispered in her ear, his proposal sounding like a combination of a question and a plea and sending warmth in his beloved's heart.

Now it was Castiel's turn to tear up, her smile became wider and she gently pulled away from his hug. Legolas looked at her with fear, as if he thought that she would reject him. But then she kissed him; it was a simple, sweet kiss that did not last longer than mere seconds, but it was enough for him, clearer than any words.

'Is this answer good enough for you?' she asked teasingly and they both laughed gently.

'In everything I hold dear, I promise you, I will never allow any harm to come to you. I will always love you, both of you' Legolas vowed to her. 'I promise'

'I promise you the same'

And they both knew that they would never break this promise, because that was everything they wanted. At this moment Castiel fully realized that no cloud would cover her happiness anymore.

Ten years later

'Nanneth, can you brush my hair, please?'

'Of course'

The little girl left a happy squeak as she sat in front of the mirror and handing her brush to Castiel, who sat behind her and started brushing her daughter's hair, smiling gently. From the outside, Laereth was a younger version of her mother, with her chestnut brown, wavy hair and green-brown eyes. From the inside, though, she seemed to be more like her father, always running around the castle and eager to learn of stories with heroes and battles. Castiel looked at her through the mirror and the memory of Laereth's birth, on a warm evening, returned in the front of her mind. Laereth was truly like a song in their lives, like a powerful love song, filling them with contentment.

'I have something to give you, Laereth' she told her after she was finished with brushing. She undid her mother's leaf pendant, that was always hanging around her neck, and placed it around her daughter's one.

'It is so beautiful!'

'It belonged to my mother and she gave it to me when I was at your age' Castiel explained. 'It is time to be passed on to you, my beloved daughter'

'Oh, thank you so much, mother!' Laereth exclaimed and hugged her. 'I promise, I will never lose it. It will be like a treasure for me'

Castiel wrapped her arms around her daughter, enjoying this moment and silently thanking the Valar for blessing her with this life, with a home, a husband and a child she loved more than anything else. It was a proof that, no matter how dark your life may seem to you, there is always a small stray of light that can defeat the darkness.

'What will you do today?' she wanted to know now.

'Maeron is waiting for me in the stables. He said I can feed and brush his horse, with the condition that I will be gentle and careful. May I go, nanneth?'

'Go, then, and tell Maeron to look after you' Castiel replied.

Laereth kissed her cheek and ran merrily out of the room, leaving her mother behind, still smiling. Maeron had become Laereth's closest friend, just like she considered him a part of her family. Maeron had decided to permanently stay in the Woodland Realm, even after her cousin was found and accepted his role as the new ruler of Almaarea. Castiel's instinct was confirmed, for, according to the messages she received, he was a just and kind ruler, reminding nothing of her father. Five years ago, she even travelled there, for the first time after she ran away. It was weird and awkward at the beginning, but soon she was better, since the terrors of the past were finally washed away.

Laughter was heard right outside the room, a male and a female one. Curious, Castiel stood up and opened the corridor, only to see Legolas tickling their daughter, who was trying to escape, laughing hysterically.

'Let me go! Let me go!'

'Legolas, you will suffocate her' Castiel pretended to scold him, although the laughter that escaped her lips betrayed her.

'Ada, please, I am in a hurry!' Laereth managed to speak between her laughing.

'And why, if I may ask, are you in such a hurry, little princess?'

'I will tend to Maeron's horse. He is waiting for me in the stables and I can not let him down, can I?'

'No, of course you can not' Legolas nodded and he freed her from his arms. Laereth panted, trying to breathe normally again and rubbing the spots where her father tickled her.

'No tickling for a week?' she begged him grinning. 'And, in addition, will you start tutoring me in archery?'

'I wonder who transferred this love for archery to her' Castiel jested, throwing a teasing look towards her husband. 'In a few years she will ask you to accompany you when you go hunting'

'That is what I want!' Laereth clapped in her hands. 'So, will you start tutoring me, ada, will you?'

'Anything for you, my lady' Legolas bowed towards her and Laereth giggled. 'Now, go to Maeron, I am sure his horse is waiting for you to feed it'

Laereth nodded eagerly and left with hopping steps and her parents watching her. After she turned at the corner of the corridor, disappearing from their eyes, Legolas looked tenderly at Castiel.

'You gave her your mother's necklace'

'She has reached the age I was when it was given to me' Castiel explained. 'I felt I should do the same'

'When…When you left your homeland…back then' Legolas hesitated, afraid that his question would sound indiscrete 'did…did you ever think that…'

'That I would end here?' Castiel completed his question. 'To tell you the truth, no. I thought I would spend my life running and hiding to not be captured by my father and I knew that he would be happy if he would see me like that, afraid of him. And I almost proved him right' she added, recalling her decision to leave when Legolas was poisoned.

'Do not think about it' Legolas caressed her cheek. 'What matters is that you proved him wrong…that you came back to me'

'Well, I realized I could not live without you…Because, from the first minute I was feeling safe when I was with you...And it would be the worst mistake of my life if I would give this up because of my father'

And Castiel meant this with all her heart; for her experiences had taught her that every risk is worth it if you have something to risk for; that she needed to be strong and defy whatever could threaten the well-being of her loved ones. She would never surrender to fear again, even if the most dangerous foe would appear, because now she was not alone.

She had this forest, the forest that held its own beauty and magic.

This day, simple and yet so special.

This present and the future that was lying before her, ready to be explored.

This family; her husband and her child, that made her feel the luckiest woman in Middle Earth.

And this love that had been through so many waves.

This love that had survived and would always survive.

Elvish words/phrases used:

Mellon nin- My friend

Melda- My beloved

Nanneth- Mother

Ada- Father

A/N: Well, well, my friends...with this chapter, this story comes to an end *grabd tissue* I really hope you enjoyed it and, please, do not forget to review :) Thanks again for supporting me while I was writing this story, I love you all :D xx